»—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8. 1955 Ralph Scott, Royce Longfellow and kJ I rv • -r Keith Hughes. Menama DrOWflie I TOOD The December meeting of the Hot — e • Lunch club was held in the school . f*f|tprt2IHC MrifnOFC basement Thursday evening. Mrs. j >-l II VI I Qll 10 lTIUIIIC1 3 Myers gave a report on the highway MEHAMA—Brownie Scout Troop crossing. She said they would not be N 136 invited their mothers and able to have a safety patrol. The friends to a birthday party at the school program will be held at the chuieh Wednesday afternoon, No church the evening of December 22. vember 30. The party which had The mothers are to meet in the been planned for earlier in the month church basement Wednesday morn was postponed due to bad weather. ing, December 21 to fill the boxes Four Brownies who received their with treats for the children. Hostes pins were Paula Kirkland, Harriet ses for the evening were Mrs. D. L. Golliet, Suzanne Phelps and Linda Teeters, Mrs. Junior Owens and Mrs. Coffman. Girls receiving one-year Orval Landers. The January meet pendants to fasten on their pins ing will be Thursday evening, Janu- were Myra Mulford, Linda Landers, aiy 4 and all mothers are urged to Bettie Coles, Joan Owen, Leanns attend. I arpentei and Penne Norton. Among those from here going to Cup eakes with candles on them | Portland to attend the Shrine Cere weie served to celebrate the Brown monial Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. ie’s birthday and Mrs Boyd Norton Steve Myers, Mr. and Mrs. D. G. furnished of icv ice cream ..co, vx (icam ---------- a „ special treat Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Taylor in honor of her daughter, Penne’s and Mr. and Mis. Ken Golliet. 8th birthday anniversary which was Mrs. Saba VanDyke of Rothbury, November 29. I Mich., who was a house guest of Mrs. Mabella Landers for several weeks left for Bend the first of last week where she will visit relatives for a short time. Mrs. VanDyke also ex pects to visit relatives in California before returning home. Recent guests for several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Blum were their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Blum from Happy ♦¡amp, Calif. Announcements were received here last week telling of the birth of a second daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hughes of Coos Bay. The new arrival has ben named Sheryl Ann. Mis. E. J. Hughe? is the paternal grandmother. Another birth that was not re- ported before was that of a daugh- ter, to the Eugene Clason’s of For tuna, Calif. October 28. This is the Clason’s third daughter. Ray Clason is the grandfather. MEHAMA By Mrs. John Teet-ra SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of all kinds. Trusses Abdominal Supports Elastic Hosiery Expert Fitters Private Fitting Rooms. “Ask Your Doctor” Capital Drug Store . I | 504 State St. Corner of Liberty S and H Green Stamps i The Ladies Aid met at the church Thursday afternoon for a short busi ness meeting. Final plans were made and approved for the church fellow ship dinner Thursday, December 8. A report was given by the treasurer and it was voted to turn over »300 to the church building fund to be used for finishing the walls in the fellowship hall and kitchen. It was decided to have a Christmas party at the church Friday, December 16. There will be a pot luck luncheon at noon with a gift exchange fol lowing and a birthday celebration for all members having birthdays during the last three months of the year. Mrs. G. V. Christensen was hostess Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 30 be- tween the hours of 2:30 and 4:00 to a group of boys honoring her son Stuart on his "th birthday anniver- saiy. The hostess served 1 birthday cake and lemonade to the ! honor guest Stuart Christensen, Bobby Roten, Harold and Douglas Brown, Owens, Gary Spencer, Gregory AUTOMOTIVE NEEDS Chains, Snow Tires, Anti-Freeze, Batteries FOR YOUR WINTER DRIVING ELECTRIC AND ACYTELENE Complete Automotive Repair Mill City Texaco Service DETROIT—Detroit’s 14-6 victory over St. Paul was the second largest mat gin in the Marion County B League annual jamboree basketball game played Friday at Mill City. Russell Rice and Don Watkins, both ' with six points shot the Detroit club into the victory. Following is the Detroit basketball | schedule of home games. Amity, De cember 13; Gates, December 16; ' Chemawa January 3; St. Boniface, January 6; Mill City, January 13; 0. S. D., January 24; Scio February 3; St. Paul February 14; Jefferson Feb ruary 21. Games away from home—OSD De cember 9; Scio December 20; St. Paul January- 10; Jefferson January 17; ! Amity January 27; Gates January 31; Chemawa February 7; St. Boni- face February 10; Mill City February 17, t ~ J are so convenient and easq to send RALEIGH HAROLD Florist and Nursery 319 W. Wash. Street Phone 6684, Stayton. Open 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. Including Sundays • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « r*. 7" MILL CITY Everett Newton To dispose of that surplus Try a For Sale ad in The Mill City Enterprise There is No Substitute For Local NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL YOUR Phone 3202 Detroit Basketball Schedule Complete Check the ads for bargains <•/ soc«£ [• 9,0 WITH PRAYER. . . -h I £ a — J kl & i Ji L.v ■ cans Cloverleaf Grated Tuna 5 / $1 ■ 5 can Campbell’s » SEND YOUR CHILD A PERSONAL LETTER £ FROM SANTA HIMSELF. Pillsbury’s Angel Food Cake Mix, Pkg. Sunshine Krispy < Crackers 2 lbs 49c ■A J You may select one of more than six beautifully print ed, full color letters. Each letter comes complete with a colored envelope showing a picture of Santa Claus. Mall your Santa Claus letter in our special mail box, we will have them sent from the famous Santa Claus Post Office, in Santa Claus, Indiana. A letter with the magic Santa Claus postmark thrills the children and remains a cherished souvenir. Any child would be delighted to receive a personal letter from Santa Claus. Make this a gayer and bright er Christms for all the children on your Christmas list. 10c Tomato Soup Ì 35c BISQUICK Nally’s Lumberjack 24 oz. ASK US FOR INFORMATION SYRUP bottle 33c Ï A..— -. u- The sure and nimble touch of the hands of a great pianist is the result of hours of daily practice over a period of years. The great and thrilling music which he creates is the product of daily de- votion to his art. Every fine accomplishment in life requires the same daily devo tion. If your house is neat as a pin, if you have a lovely garden, if your office is well-run and efficient, you know that it takes hours of daily care and devotion. So with prayer. Prayer is one of the highest gifts a man has. But if it is to become more than a spasmodic and superstitious cry for help, it too requires daily care and devotion. It takes practice! The Church stands ready to help you and your children know the great joy which comes to a man through daily prayer. And the best part of it is, the more you practice prayer, the greater the joy and hap piness you will derive from it. Instant Milk 1 _ Th« Church charaet.7^ T* bu',d'n<J ol «x; t c ien h i' Without a ,„on° X"Uu' V°lu's democracy ChlJ,eh n«ith«r X’ * ," * ' ’ »urvi»« There can teaeone why every M °Ur *ound «"•nd services r^Ju^i*°l1*hould P°” ">• Church Th., *UP For h„ own ,ak/h*’' «'• HI ^/eX^,;^o,’1hr.o'.ahk': - *Chnuarc?n Ji’ °J Church ------ - hi» '•/‘«I .«¿¿o’r,- moral and Sh“.rch '■•’u|arlr Pl®> to ,o (o ond rend you, Bible daily. '»•«Ine.d h Mark Ch.pt.r V«,., s 1-» SJ 141 i-ie I »0-17 • 1-S 14 7 n-ee Cap y He kt 1MB. K»»ter A4* Saw ir», Slrwbtirv V« ----- W...- 4 This series of ads is sponsored by the following. Firms in interest of all churches I MILL CITY PHARMACY Prescription Service KELLOM'S GROCERY "Your Personla Service Store.” Mill City, Oregon MUIR’S BAKERY Mill City, Oregon PARKER-HUTCHESON FURNITURE Liberal Trade-In Allowance« Phone 4561 Gates. Oregon Sugar V Vi GATES GENERAL STORE Kliewer Quality Meats Mil City, Oregon lb-p^ 49c YAMS, 2 pounds : TANGERINES, lb V ___________ 19c BEEF AND PORK -| We have so much liver we don't know whaf +o do wifh ¡t. I f** )b ±<7 » I Lean and Meaty Pure Lard, 4 lbs. 59c I ■ Pork Chops, lb. I 2 lbs. 30c I I V 49c T-Bone and Sirloin Nebergall's Economy Sliced Bacn, lb. Prices Effective Gates, Oregon December HILLTOP MARKET ■ TOMATOES, Tube y • I i v g 89c Lbs. Pancake Flour sPerr*s 4 WRIGHT'S TRUCK LINES Ship The Wright Way Stayton, Oregon 10 Spreckels CELERY HEARTS, pkg Book 9** .....ZfHt 63c THE church AU . . . AL1 for THE CHURCH I i I 8 quart size A 35c STEAKS • lb .79c Guaranteed Tender Ken Golliet Your Friendly IGA Store STEWART'S GROCERY Groceries and Meats 8, 9 and 10 MEHAMA, OREGON