The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, December 08, 1955, Page 2, Image 2

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    Controlled Deer
Hunts To Begin
77?r OÜ/?
Controlled deer seasons in several
areas of eastern Oregon will get un­
der way in December, the Oregon
State Game Commission reminded
permit holders today.
Hunters who drew $5.00 permits
for the Alfalfa and Newbridge con-
t idled areas will be allowed to take
one anterless deer from December
3 through December 31.
From December 10 through Dec­
ember 14 permit holders will be al­
lowed one anterless deer In the
Northside John Day, Lookout Moun­
tain, and Pleasant Ridge areas.
All permits for the above named
hunts have been issued with the
exception of Lookout Mountain area
where a few of the $5.00 tags are
still available.
The remaining tags
will be issued from the game com­
mission's Portland office on a first
come, first serve basis.
The only hunts remaining for per­
sons with unused deer tags are the
Folk county and Cherry Grove areas
in the Willamette valley. These two
extended seasons will run for two
more weekends during December 10,
11, and 17 and 18. Hunters with un­
used deer tags will be allowed to take
one deer of either sex.
All controlled and extended seas­
ons were set up to harvest animals
that were doing extensive damage to
agricultural crops or to havest sur­
plus animals on overbrowsed deer
Hunter» are urged to refer to the
game synopsis for the boundry lines
of the extended deer season areas.
Christmas Lay Away Plan
Do your Christmas Shopping for the home here.
We have a fine assortment of home furnishings and
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Cosco Collapsible Server
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These make an
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Phone 6804
We give and redeem Penny Saver Stamps.
Fashionable black : legs — enamel
on sturdy welded t tubular
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and gay trays in a choice of beau­
tiful patterns. So sm<rt for
snacks! Lap high to fit over your
When in Need of Printing
Buy it in Mill City from
TV dining
■ f
Altar Society Sunday evening wai
| well attended.
i The Lyons Extension unit held
(their meeting at the Rebekah hall
By Eva Bressler
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brown ar.d Thursday at 10:30. "Foundation
1“'”'""’“ ” " was the topic of the day
children spent the Thanksgiving holi-/ Garments
days at the home of his parents, Mr. I with Dorothy Brown, county agent,
and Mis. V. E. Brown in Portland, giving the lesson. Mrs. Richard
who were celebrating their golden Scott, Mrs. Ivan Smith and Mrs. Al­
wedding anniversary. All of their vin Palmer were the luncheon com­
nine children and their families were mittee. The door prize was won by
present, which included two sisters | Mrs. William Carter. The next
j 26.
from Canada which Mr. Brown had | meeting will
be held January
not seen for 23 years. Open house House plants and their care, will be
was held Saturday and some 150 at­ the project, with Mrs. Glen Julian
tended. A beautiful cake was served and Mrs. Orville Downing the pro­
and many gifts were received. Mrs. ject leaders.
Mrs. Boyd Norton, Mrs. Merle
Elizabeth Corbitt, mother of Mrs.
Brown, who has been in California, Philippi and Mrs. Tex Kimsey were
hostesses for a shower honoring Mrs.
returned to Lyons with them.
Charlie McGiath, held at the Jim
Mrs. Roy Brown entertained a Crowell home.
group of girls honoring their daugh- , Friends in Lyons received word
ter, Gloria, on her 7th birthday an- that Mr. and Mrs. Felix Lucier of
niveisary November 28. Games and Lyons and their daughter, Mrs. Clar­
refreshments furnished the enter­ ence Meeder of Mill City are in a
tainment, and those attending were hospital at Goldendale, Wash., with
Gloria the honored guest, Cheryl serious injuries received in a car ac­
Weaver, Myla Moore, Vickie and cident.
Helen Grosso, Sharon Spellmeyer,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kinsman of
Ginger Carter, Frances Barker and Stayton visited Sunday at the George
Mrs. Brown.
Huffman and George Hubbard homes
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ransom in Lyons.
moved the last of the week to New­
Mrs. Nick Gustafson is convalesc­
port where Mr. Ransom will be em­ ing at Salem General hospital fol­
ployed. The Ransoms sold their home lowing surgery on her eye Wednes­
in Lyons to Mr. and Mrs. Burl day morning.
Smith, who will move sometime af­
Mrs. Jack Christenson was hostess
ter the first of the year.
for a 1 o’clock luncheon at her home
Mr. and Mrs. George Keeley of j Thursday, honoring Mrs. Wayne
Portland, visited Sunday afternoon ' Ransom who is moving to Newport.
at the home of her mother, Mrs. ! r Following
ouowing tne
the luncneon
luncheon several tables
Alice Huber, also at the home of of 500 furnished the entertainment
her brother, Donald Huber and fam- for the afternoon. Mrs. Hugh John-
ston was presented with a beautiful
Mrs. Hugh Johnston underwent • cake in honor of her birthday an-
minor surgery at Santiam Memorial ] niversary.
The Canyon district scout meet­
hospital Friday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johnston have ing for adult workers was held Wed­
returned home after spending some nesday morning, November 30 at the
time at Myrtle Creek at the home Methodist parsonage in Lyons. Pres­
of their daughter and family, Mr. ent were district chairman Phyllis
Power, Helen Johnston, Irene Lant-
and Mrs. Claire Humphries.
The Bingo party aponsored by the zer, Joanne Scott, Beth Prideaux,
Carolyn Hiatt, of Lyons, Jean Nor­
ton, Marcelle Ware, of Stayton,
Dorothy Christenson, Hattie Gol-
liet of Mehama, and Antonia Thomas
of Mill City.
The annual clothes drive spon­
sored by the St Patrick Catholic
church and Altar society is now und­
er way. Anyone having clothing to
donate is asked to leave them at the
Post Office or at the Catholic hall.
This clothes drive is not for Catholics
alone but will be given to anyone
in need, although it is sponsored by
the Altar society. The deadline is
set for December 10. The clothing
will be packed and sent overseas.
Mr. and Mrs. Ruell Bidwell are
i receiving congratulations upon the
| birth of a daughter, bom November
| 26 at Santiam Memorial hospital.
Sunday dinner guqatri at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reisterer Jr.,
were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Reisterer and her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Verne Boylan of Scapoose antf
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Manning and
sons, Richie and Larry of Lyons
The occasion honored the birthday
anniversaries of Leland Manning and
Jack Reisterer, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Stevens en­
tertained the officers of the Mason­
ic lodge No. 180 of Mill City with
a social meeting at their home Fri­
day evening. Attending were Eugene
Jacobson, Leo Russell, Floyd John­
son, Robert Draper, all of Mill City;
Hugh Johnston,
Albert Stevens.
Wilson Stevens and Mrs. Stevens of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carleton and
daughter, Kathryn, rom Bridgeport
Wash., arrived in Lyons for a two
weeks’ vacation. They are guests at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Orville Downing. They will also
visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
McClurg. Larry and Carolyn, who
have spent a month with their grand­
parents will return home with them
It Costs Less to Live Better
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Cool, clean electric cooking
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Heart of the modern all-electric kitchen is the automatic electric
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Meal preparation is easier, faster, more pleasant... and
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modern, automatic electric ranges now at your appliance
By Harold Kliewer, Jr.
This week started the basketball
season. After winning at the jam­
boree, we won from Gervais Saturday
night. After the game the junior
class sponsored a cake walk anc
dance. Everyone had loads of fun.
Wedneday, November 30, a Student
Council meeting was held. The coun­
cil decided to get band pins this
year instead of letters.
A commit­
tee was appointed to plan the Christ-
was program, scheduled for Decem­
ber 23.
A pep assembly was held Friday
in the gym. The student body woulc
like to ask the spectators to cut d»wr
on booing and jeering at all basket­
ball games. The Pep Club would like
to win a trophy for cheerleading
This is the only chance the girls have
to win awards, so would you please
try to be a little bit better sports
It would be greatly appreciated.
dealer s. Isn't it time you had one in your kitchen?
Modern living at its best is yours for fess with low-cost
electric service from Pacific Power. It's the biggest bargain in
your family budget!
Electricity's cheap in Pacific Powerland
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