Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1955)
Dr. Leslie J. Carson 7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE | THURSDAY. 1»E< EMBER 1. tSM 1 r IN OUR CLASSIFIED RATES Church bazaars, suppers, bake sales. stc. will be run under •’Special An-1 Monday through Saturday O louncements” classification with I minimum charge of 50 cents per 9 a, m. to 5:30 p. m. •ertion. COMMUNITY CHURCH I DANHA COMMUNITY CHURCH Except Wednesday Count five words to the line in ' IDANHA R. F. Taft, Minister Morning service 11 a.m. We are now open full time at irdermg your ad. Phone 2651, Mill Full Gospel Preaching Evening service 7:00 p.m. 530 Third Street, Stayton ?ity or mail your advertisement to Sunday school 10 a m The Mill City Enterprise. Mill City, I Wednosday prayer meeting at < 30 Morning worship !1 a.m. Telephone 6944 p. m. "h-egon. Evangelistic servios 7:30 p.m Sunday school 10 a.m. *en cents per line each insertion. Preaching services Wednesday • nd Wilbur Schmidt. Pastor No advertisement accepted for less Friday, 7:45. p. m. • M • han 50 cents per week. Young People's Service 6:30 Sun SANT1AM CHAPEL AT LYONS day evenings. Rev. Wm. Scott, Pastor • • • Sunday school at 9:45. ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Morning services at 11:00. Mill City Phone 5807 Business Services Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Christ ’s Ambassadors, Jackie Walk- Walk Morning worship 11 a.m. er, president, 6:30 p. m. • • PAINTING—Let me do your paint Wednesday evening, Bible Study. Evening services, 7:30 p. m. ing and decorating. Interior or ex Wednesday prayer meeting 7:30 p.m. Sunday evening services 7:45. terior. First class workmanship.—C. • • a • Rev. Alfred Vickers, Pastor Open 6 a. m. to 11 p. m. A. Cummins, P. O. Box 98, Mehama, GATES COMMUNITY CHURCH Oregon. 51 p OF CHRIST ST. CATHERINE CATHOLIC Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. CHURCH. MILL CITY SEE US when in need of T. V. An- , Morning worship 11 a.m. Mass at 9:15 a m. every Stind-v I tennas and supplies. We handle a Sunday School for children up to Confessions heard before Mass. complete line of Philco television 20 years of age at 11:00 a. m. Fr. Robert O’Hara, Pastor ■eta. $179 and up. Stiffler Radio • • • • • • and Appliance Co. Phone 3207 Mill OUR LADY OF LOURDES PARISH 'FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH City. ltf Jordan. Oregon Sunday school 9:45 a m. Real Estate Mass: 1st. 1st, 2nd, and 5th Sunday at Morning worship 10:55 a rc. FOR QUALITY JOB PRINTING See REAL ESTATE Evening Services 7:00 p. m. The Mill City Enterprise. Top 8:30 a.m. Mass: 3d and 4th Sunday 10:30 a.m. Mr. Hugh Jull. Pastor FOR SALE—Five acres river front Quality printing, priced right. Fast « • • Rev. Bernard Neuman. SDS, Pastor age. or will take good house trailer service too. Phone 2651. Nights • • • in trade. DBTROIT CHURCH OF CHRIST call 905. FREE METHODIST CHURCH G. E. Williams, Minister Phone 221 I have buyers for small acreages, 3 North Mill City Bible School 10:00 a. m. to 10 acres, which can be bought Kev. Gene E. Davidson, Pastor Worship hour, 11:00 a. m. for $1,000 or less down. Furniture Sunday school at 9'45 9’45 a.m. Evening Service, 7:30 p. Glen Shelton, Broker Morning worship 11 a.m. composed of singing, sound film, pic UNFINISHED FURNITURE and West side Mill City Phone 2207 Evening service 7:30 p.m. tures, and Bible teaching. Used Furniture Bargains. We give A friendly welcome to all. Penny Saver Stamps. Phone 6804, Young Peoples Services every Sun- FOR SALE OR RENT—Two-Bed 367rd St., Stayton. 33tf day at 6:30. room house in Riverview addition Wednesday prayer meeting 7:30 pin. to Mill City. D. G. Fehlen, P. O. • a • e • Box 617, Mill City 48p Miscellaneous LYONS METHODIST CHURCH Richard T. Scott, Pastor REAL ESTATE DEAR FRIENDS—Please return our Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. JOS. DEVERS REAL ESTATE trays, both large and small.—Muir’g Worship service, 11 a. m. i W. R. Hutcheson, Salesman Bakery-, Mill City. 48 Womens Society of Christian Ser- Ser Phone 4515 Gates, Oregon. WANTED—Boys and Girls bicycles. I vice meet 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each HERE’S A REAL OPPORTUNITY Call ULrick 9-2211. Wendell Weav month with Mrs. Samuel Roberta, j A chance to buy two houses on a er, Lyons. 48 * president. • • • nice sized tract of CTty property. Rent one out and it will take care FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ■ LOGS WANTED of your monthly payments. Mil) City Top prices paid. Six inch to 50 inch A 3 bedroom modern house, also a Rev. Robert Roach, Pastor diameters in eight foot, or multi- ' Sunday School 9:45 a.m. a one bedroom modern house, with pies of eight feet. we also buy Morning worship 11:00 a.m. a large double garage. Each hav- • stampage. Music by choir. mg items of furnishing. Total BURKLAND LUMBER CO. Midweek services Wed. 7:30 p.m price $7,000. Want $500 down, $50 . Turner, Oregon • • • per month to inelude interest, 10 i a Phone . uvuc Turner i uinvi 1’125: uvvun EveningB phone I COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN payments per year to allow two Turner 2502 or Salem 27826. ___ ___________________ 25tf J < Hl R( II months skip period for lack of Mehama work. IFOR CHRISTMAS—Rhinestone jew Rev. James Hardy, Pastor Also have a good two bedroom house | elry made to order. Wide selection I of settings and stones. Order now j Morning worship 9:45 a.m. on three large lots. A good buy at for Christmas.—Mrs. Harold Steel- | Sunday School 10:45 a.m. $3,750. Want $750 down. These ey, Detroit, Oregon. 49p j Midweek services, Thursday 7:30. properties all in town.—FRED. A. LINDEMANN, Public Accounting, ST. PATRICK’S PARISH FOR SALE Real Estate, Insurance. Lyons, Lyons, Oregon Oregon. 49 Frigidaire automatic washer, $100. I Bendix electric clothes dryer, $100 . Mass: 1st, 2nd, and 5th Sunday at , Remember, 90 percent of the food , 10:30 a.m. Mass: 3rd acid 4th Sunday 8:30 a m. When in Need of Printing * cooked Safe oi" — a Clean ™™* —Economical « tooked ° n k “ s - I Rev. Bernard Neuman, SDS. Pastor Buy it in Mill City * from lilnv« V there is a bargain left in these' luimr it i is o n a era 1 days nf of hlarh high living, gallon of I For Rent L.P. gas (for 21c).—GAS HEAT of I THE ENTERPRISE LYONS, Lyons, Oregon. 45tf ¡ FOR RENT—Furnished 2 bedroom OPTOMETRIST Salem Sand and Gravel Company HEAVY HAI LING Common Carrier — Heavy Machinery and Equipment EXCAVATION and CONSTRI CTION J5-TON MOBILE CRANE CONTRACTING AND RENTAL Phone Salem Day 2-2461 Nite 2-4417 Read the Ads in The Enterprise------ Watch for Bargains Viv's Steak House Fill up Today Then give us the go- ahead sign and we'll see that you have a continual supply of SHELL HEATING OIL all winter long. You can't buy a better fuel oil. Call right now. Closed Mondays WANT TO BUY TIMBER I Small or large tracts Either cash or stumpage basis I house in Gates. $35 per month. Mrs. Philip Cann, Phone 7328, Gates, Oregon. 48 p STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. FOR RENT—Furnished one and two bedroom apartments, $50 and up I per month. See Chuck’s Fine PIANO BARGAIN—Will discount Foods, Phone 5822PO. East of | I beautiful Spinet piano for quick Gates on Highway 22. 38tf , sale in this locality. Easy terms dr cash. For information write FOR RENT OR SALE—Furnished house and one unfurnished house. Piano Credit Department, P. O. C. M. Cline, 304 N. E. Alder. 44tf Box 226, Salem, Oregon 50c I OFFICE FURNITURE and equip FOR RENT—Hospital beds and mat- , tresses, rollaway beds and mat ment. typewriter», adding machines, tresses. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. calculators, cash registers, duplicat We give Penny Saver Stamps. 367 ors, safes, firing equipment. We sell, Whot, So Woncfe^vl Abov hl H. 3rd St. Stayton. Phone 6804. 33tf rent, «wap and repair. Bargains in St.ll Mooch«, My Tobocco." used machines. Roen Typewriter Exchange, 456 Court St., Salem, tf SUBSCRIBE TO THE ENTERPRISE You’lle be missing a wonderful mile west of Mehama. Oregon 3tf opportunity if you don’t trade at Our Station Sawmill LOGS WANTED SILVER SADDLE STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. SERVICE STATION & TRAILER COURT Phone 903, Mill City. GATES TIRES and BATTERIES AUTO SUPPLIES CAPITOL FUEL WOOD FOR SALE 16 inch block, heavy edgings, some slab. From Idanha mill. $10.00 per cord in 3-cord loads. Write Alden Cook, Lyons, Oregon, Box 162. Call collect Stayton 23F71, or Salem 37721. 52p ASK FOR Top prices for Second Growth west of Mehama. Oregon I PIANO SALE—Save at Tallman's r Biggest Xmas Piano Sale. Prices slashed on largest stock in N. W. Brand new Spinets $38». Uprights $69 up. Grands $479 up. Free de livery. EZ term«. $10 holds piano for Xmas delivery. Open Mon. and Friday eve. TALLMAN PIANO STORES, 395 S. 12th. St. near S. P. depot, Salem THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE SALEM, OREGON Has Everything For Your OFFICE NEEDS FURNITURE and BOOKKEEPING SUPPLIES. 141 N. Commercial Street 51tf Phone 3-4534 I WHEN IN MILL CITY Make Your Home At MILL CITY LODGE Day or Weekly Rates Phone 1957 289 N.E. Alder MILL CITY, OREGON Book Chapter Verses Psalms >6 1«11 4« Pselma Id! 1-15 John 4 37-44 John 7 lehn 13-n IT is Revelation 21 14f 114 Pealme H. L. Ashby Shell Oil Distributor Phone 684 or 5934 4