Features «f«* Week AT LYONS FOOD MARKET We have gone on a strictly cash basis and can now give you competitive lower every day prices. We are offering a 2°/a cash dis' count with the purchase of a credit book Buy a $50 Credit Book for $49. Washing Powder Economy Size Package 69c IGA Dawn Toilet |C Margarine - lb 29c No. 1 Can Salmon 8Î Campbell’s Worthwhile Reading... So-o-o Blue Bonnet Bumble Bee LYONS r 4 Roll Package Tissue 33 6—THE MILL CITY F.NTERPRI9B Leonard Thoma home in Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Brassfield I THURSDAY. DECEMBER 1, 1»65 and Bob have gone to Fresno, Calif.. | where they will spend the next month I By Eva Bressler Mrs. Edward Cruson was hostess or six weeks with relatives. Dinner guests at the home of Mr. for a coffee held at her home Monday morning honoring Mrs. Lowell Stif and Mrs. Albert Stevens and her j fler, who recently moved to Lyons. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Kelly, i Along with the coffee she was sur who are visiting here from Sheridan, ; prised with a pink and blue shower. Wyo., were Mr. and Mrs. Jack , ... for your whole family Honoring Mrs. Stiffler were Mmes. Scott of Mill City, Mr. and Mrs. 1 In the world-famous page« Bob Mathers of Salem, John Swan, A. W. Toman, Steven and Bradley of of The Christian Science George Veteto, Mill City, Al Aron Salem and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Monitor. Enjoy Erwin D. Lyons. son, Russell Thiel, Charles Cruson, Stevens of Canham's newest stories, Leo Cruson, Leonard Cruson, Alex Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Titus and penetrating notional and in Bodeker, and Joe Johnson of Lyons son, from Seattle, spent the holi- ternational news coverage, I and Mrs. Ed Goshie of Mehama. day weekend at the home of her par- how-to-do features, home Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Olmstead, ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Huffman making ideas Every issue Donald, Walter and Jimmie were and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. brings you helpful eosy-to- Thanksgiving dinner guests at the George Hubbard. read articles Byron Edmonson home at Oak Hollingshead i Mr. and Mrs. Jim You can get this interna Grove. went to Salem where they attended | tional daily newspaper from Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sexton, Fred a family dinner at the home of their and DeeAnn spent the Thanksgiving daughter, Mrs. Jim Erickson and I Boston by mail, without week end with relatives and friends family. extra charge. Use the cou at Longview, Wash. pon below to start your The Lyons Water District will hold , Guests at the home of Mr. and subscription a meeting Monday, December 5 for Mrs. George Beery were Mr. and the purpose of electing one new di- , Mrs. Raymond Berry of Tillamook, The Christian Science Monitor Mr. and Mrs. Willard Berry, Timmy 1 rector and voting on the bonds. Ev-1 One. Norway Street ery interested person is urged to at- { Boston 15, Mass., U S A. •ind Allen of Sweet Home, Mrs. Susie ; Please send the Monitor to me Haynes and Ben Bodeker of Mill tend. Mrs. John McClurg is reported to ; tor period checked City, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Berry, 1 year $16 n 6 months $8 □ Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carr, Gloria, be some improved following a heart 3 months $4 □ attack she suffered at her home Mon Kathryn and Nadine of Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. Sig Grugget of La day morning. ( nome ) Bud Walker is confined to the Sa Grande were guests at the home of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul lem Memorial hospital following surgery or. his leg. Mrs. Walker, ! Pennington and family. (address) Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Powell had Guy and Kandy are at the home of as their guests, his parents, Mr. and her mother in Silveiton. Connie is Mrs. Frank Powell of Silverton, and staying at the home of her grand I her sister, Mrs. Fern Bates of Sa- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Walk er in Lyons. lem. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Huber, Den nis, Donna and Darrell and his moth er, Mrs. Alice Huber, were dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Donald Huber’s grandparents in Silverton. Mr. and Mrs. Oral Williams of Ocean Lake, were Saturday night guests at the home of Mrs. Leota , Worden and Marjorie. Billie Prichard, student at the University of Washington, returned to Pullman, Wash., Monday, after spending the Thanksgiving holidays j with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Prichard near Jordan. Mrs. Pearl Averill and her daugh ter, Mrs. Ramie Martell were host esses for a family dinner at the Av erill home. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Burnelle W’hite, Jen nifer and Tony, Mr. and Mrs. George Schneider and Carolyn, Mr. and Mrs. George Owen and Gari-Lee all of Newport, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Mitsch, Susan and Meridith of Leb anon, Mr. and Mrs. Ramie Martell, Timmy and Tommy and Mrs. Pearl Averiil of Lyons and Mr«. S. Z. Thayer from Haggerman, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Walker and granddaughter, Connie Walker, were dinner guests at the home of their I daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cham- | berlain and family at Lebanon. Miss Lucille Lewis of Corvallis is I spending the Thanksgiving holiday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lewis. Additional dinner I guests at the Lewis home were Mr. ¡and Mrs. Kenneth Lewis and daugh ters of Mehama. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Manning ' Richie and Ijirry were dinner guests | at the home of her parents. Mr. and I Mrs. Sim Etzel in Stayton. Guests at the Edward Cruson home were Mr. and Mrs. R. I.. Smith I of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard ■ I Cruson, Michael and Nikki and Mrs | Pearl Hudson. I Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen, Mrs. Le- lota Worden and Marjorie were the greatest thrill sinc I dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Leirman and fam your first electric train lily at Stayton. w O , Y a Uonci.;n.l|JeHmIHeRILL-Of X°-r e,ec,ric troi" Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Naue. with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Naue went to Sweet Home, where they were din- ner guests at the home of Mr. and '*1* S i9v9r'» n9 you ve ever wanted tor yo *.on?d for "Orhhop I Mrs. Donald Naue and sons. (5 to?kn<? T SHOPSMITH! A complete Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mohler. Shirlev II m one comnnrt ' ,.«:i '-'■'"'P'® p (t> oois in I) u_ 1® power worl. “n;* r9C,U,>es and Jerry were guests at the home of space than o b eyed cycle. Here s how you con use I Mr. and Mrs. Jack Christensen, SHOPSMITH I Duane and Sue Ann. Thanksgiving day dinner guests . at the home of Mr. and Mr«. Charles Cruson and Bonnie were Mr. and | Mrs. Leo Barks and Sharron from McMinnville: Mr. and Mrs. Donald For sa» -j i McWhirk. Marla. Erroll. Hugh and « | Ronda of Gates; and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Cruson. Buddie and Merry Jo. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Roye and | daughter. Kathleen, of Portland, s»- r- I were Wednesday night guests at the Sor h“, drill ng | home of hi« parents. Mr. and Mrs. ' E. L. Roye. Thursday they all went a small down P ayment WILL HOLO you « SHOFSMITH | to Culp Creek where they were din- FOR CHRISTMAS DELIVERY WITH WEEKLY PAYMENTS | ner guests of relatives. Mrs. Cora Corbett of Salem was a AS LOW AS $3.00 PER WEEK ¡Thanksgiving day dinner guest at the | home of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. I Clyde Bressler. She spent the rest of the week in Lyons. She also I visited at the Earl Allen and Leota i Woolen homes. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bodeker had as their dinner guests their daugh- I ters and families. Mr and Mrs. Earl Hampton, Douglas, Margo Lee and i David, Mr. and Mrs. Norman John- 1 son. Chris and Curt, and Mrs. Bod eker'« father, Elmer Hiatt of Lyons. Mr. and Mr». Ed Geilser, Sharron | Joe and Pamilia from Marion and I Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ramson of Lyons were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Lyons. ! 46 oz. Can Tomato Juice 25c F SHOPSMITH a PEACHES IGA Ripe’n Ragged Q T za *- No. 2Ì Can ö 1O1 ( PHONE ULRICK 9-2494 z Lyons Food Market LYONS, OREGON SHOPSMITH Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Scott went to Salem where they were and I guests at the home of his parents, __ _____ were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott ¡dinner guests at the home of their Mr. and and Mrs. Percy Hiatt son-in-law daughter. Mr. and . Harry Elmer in Albany. I Mrs. her mother. Mrs. Cora Jenner, They I also visited in the afternoon at the KEILY LUMBER SALES Open Saturday* Authorized Shopsmith Dealer East Mill City Limits, Hiway 22 Phone 6803