The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, December 01, 1955, Image 1

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24 Turn Out
For Grade
School Team
1, IMS
$2.50 A YEAR, 10c A COPT
Boosters Club To
Meet Tonite, Dec. 1
High School
Jamboree At
Mill City Friday
- Help Fight TB —-q
Verne Shaw, newly elected presi­
dent of the Mill City Boosters has
sent out cards announcing a meet­
ing of the club to be held at Friend-
i ship hall tonight, Thursday, De-
, cember 1, at 8 o’clock.
There will be reports of commit-
The Mill City grade school began
Residents of this area are remined
Ten teams and their respective
basketball practice last week and I L.Buy Christmas Seals. J i tees at this time, including a report ’ •hat the Red Cross Bloodmobile will
bodies will compete for
about 24 turned out for practice.
honors this year. Cheer sections of
ports on the Christmas decorating I be m Mill City Monday, December
each school will display their skill
League play will start December 9
[5. The hours will be from 2:30 to 5
as organized rooting sections to three
station is
The unit will be located at
with Mill City playing host of Scio.
Bob Draper
Draper ’ ’ s s Flying
Flying A
A station
is [ , P;
judges. A first and second place tro­
The jamboree will be held here De­
the first business establishment on |th* h,Kh ^hool building.
phy will be awarded
to the two
cember 1.
' the highway to do any decorating i Everyone who is past his 18th
COURAGE ISN’T measured
schools having the best cheer sec­
Not one member of last year’s
for the holidays. Over on Broadway, birthday and who has not reached his
by size, little six-year-old Mark
championship team will be around
Doc Kimmel’s pharmacy was the 60th is eligble to be blood donor.
Spectators will have an opportun­
Deneen of Buffalo, N. Y.. will
to help out this season. The burden
I first to decorate windows, Close on I Unmarried minors must have a
ity to judge the ability of each
tell you. Mark is comforted here
will fall on last year’s seventh grade
liis heels was Ada’s Needle Shop and ; signed release giving parental or
school’s basketball team and pick
by his mother in his 28th trip to
team composed of forward, James
guardian consent.
The minimum
| Don Jenkin’s Hardware.
their favorites for the coming sea-
Meinert, center, Dorman Gregory,
weight is 110 pounds. There is a
Those who stayed away
son in the Marion County
transfusion for treatment of
and guards, Jack Bain and James
I last meeting because of fear of be- waiting period of 12 months follow­
dreaded hemophilia. Thousands
Baughman. Coach Jim Hale hopes
, ing elected to an office, need hold ing chilbirth. A qualifying medical
It is too early to make predictions
of hemophiliac« like Mark are
an effective quintet can be mustered
, back any longer on this score as a cneck-up is given to all prospective
but last year’s County Champion,
Flood waters which had been , full slate of officers has been seated. donors.
only a few of the Americana who
from among these four boys and Pat
Scio, must be considred a definite
Thomas, Don Howe, Jerry Upward, stored in Detroit reservoir during
need blood or blood derivatives
The actual blood donation takes
threat. Other strong contenders
Jim Fish, Larry Moberg, Eddie the recent heavy rains were being
every day of the year. You can
about five minutes, after which the
should be Jefferson, Mill City,
Reagles, Art Stevenson, Howard discharged Tuesday at the rate of Mehama Area Hunters
help by giving your blood at the
Amity and St. Boniface.
Towell, Jim Bevier, Charles Epper­ 12,000 cubic feet per second, accord­ Return from Hunting
fore leaving.
The order of the games for th«
son, and Ronnie Sullivan. These boys ing to Walter A. Mackie, project en­
Blood mobile, which will be in
By Jean Roberts
served all donors. Individuals may
are as follows:
have looked pretty good in practice
Mill City, Monday, December
I MEHAMA—Hunters are stragg- donate every 60 days with a maxi­
i Mill City
so far and it is expected that teams capacity at this time and the bal­ I ling home from Eastern Oregon, mum of five per year.
5. from 2:30 to 5 p. m. at the
j Gates
ance of the water is being discharged
will be formed this week.
high school building.
I some with elk and some with noth-
No fatty foods or dairy products
vsSt. Paul
through the two upper regulating
I ing by empty food boxes and soiled should be consumed for a period of
vs Amity
I clothes.
four hours prior to giving blood.
[ St. Boniface
Detroit Dam is again proving its
Each party insists that “we were
There is no charge to those who
1 The football Championship award
worth in flood control, as it stored
just as comfortable as at home” receive blood or blood dirivatives
up a gain of 27 feet during this last
I and the results of the judging of
1 when they arrive with long whisk­ from the Red Cross. The only charge
the cheer sections will be immed­
downpour of rain. If this water had
ers, colds, and stiff muscles.
iately after the last game.
been allowed to run its normal | Returning this week were Mr. and is for the administrative cost of
giving the blood.
The freshman class placed the course, much flooding would have
It is hoped that every sport’s en­
Mrs. Ed Castle, Craig Cooper, Pearl
In this region, the Red Cross will
largest number of students on the resulted in the valley.
thusiast in Mill City will turn out
J Allaway, Ivan Darby and
Bob spend approximately $246,000 to col-
honor roll for the second six weeks
so that we can continue to have this
The reservoir was about 65 feet
at Mill City high school. On the above normal for this time of year 1 Shields. They had all been in Eastern lect, process and distribute 48,000
affair in Mill City.
pihts of blood annually.
honor list from this class were Tom Mr. Maclde said, and they were try­ 1 Oi egon for the entire season.
Pearl Allaway was glad to be
On this trip up the canyon the
Fencl, Vernon Johnson,
Ronnie ing to get it down to normal by De­
Kuhlman, Sandra Merry,
Linda cember 1, to take care of any pos­ home, but her joy was short lived as blood mobile will stop at the Lyons 1
i the caretakers dog met her at her M and M plant where 50 pints have I Postmaster Charles C. Kelly an­
Morgan and Jim White.
sible future heavy downpours.
| door and refused to let her in. She been pledged by employees of that nounced today that there has been
Sophomore»'—Lahny Podrabsky,
a steady increase in the flow of
I was forced to climb through a win­ firm.
Lawauna Morgan, Douglas Hirte,
Christmas cards and
and Carol Cooke.
through the Post Office the past
j Craig Cooper tells of seeing huge
Juniors—Rosalie Bassett with all
few days. He said he was glad to see
i buck deer with immense racks of Harry Evans Jr.
l’s, and Bunny Caudle.
that many people are getting their
Seniors—Camille Goble,
The first Sunday in December ia
Training in Deigo
Christmas gifts for distant points
I a jeep, when it halted near him.
Kuhlman, Jan Ro» and Ellen Shelton.
“Woman’s Day” in
Harry D. Evans Jr., son of Mr. into the mail this week pointing out traditionally
Southern Pacific Company is plac- i Weather was cold during much of
Christian churches throughout the
| ing a record order for 10,000 more ■ elk season droppping to 26 below and Mrs. Harry D. Evans, of route that packages addressed to folks land. In observance of the day at the
1, — box 223, Lyons,
is ----------------------
to v living in other states should all be
V|1C Desolation area.
j-------- »
zero 111
in the
I freight cars, estimated to coat $90 4.CZW
who downed an elk I cúmplete recruit training in- mid I- [.mailed before December 5, and those ; local Christian church, th* women
million, D. «. Russell, president, an­ __ _ One hunter
_ I i by • its
x size
* a.a that V. he T A December
.. —.I. _ M
_ at
e iL
„ Marine
•• rxa «[for neerby points before Deeember will conduct the evening service. The
was so awed
nounced yesterday.
i two circles of the Christian Woman's
wore a path around it exclaiming Recruit Depot, San Deigo, Calif.
He emphasized the new order, the
Fellowship will unite in sponsoring
All of Oregon’s 36 counties, 39 of I largest ever placed by SP, brings “My but it’* big.”
Several Mehama hunters are bid­ struction in all basic military sub­ cooperate on his 1955 “Mail Early | the service, under the leadership of
the 48 states, and 42 foreign coun­ I the total number of freight cars ac-
ing their time until a special sea­ jects and the firing of all basic in­ for Christmas’* campaign. Postmast­ i Mrs. Albin Cooper, program chair­
ties, Alaska and Hawaii are rep­ 1 quired or on order by the railroad in
er Kelly says that by following these man. The special feature of the
son in December. Their camping fantry weapons.
resented at Oregon State
college ! 1955 alone to 14,725, at an estimated
Upon completing training the new three simple rules, you’re certain to evening will be the showing of •
equipment is all ready to go.
this year.
I cost of $124 million.
Marines are assigned to Camp Pen­ have your gifts delivered before sound movie, “In the Face of Jeo­
A breakdown of the 6160 students I “This action is based on our confi-
pardy.” which was filmed in Africa.
dleton, California, for further in- Christmas day:
shows 4972 from Oregon, 915 from I dence in the continued spectacular Modeling Clay Can
An offering will be received for
fantry training, or to one of the
1. Wrap them securely.
other states, 125 from foreign coun­ growth of the Golden Empire we
! the Women's work.
tries, 44 from Alaska and 104 from serve," Russell declared. “It is part Be Made At Home
3. Mail them early.
of our continuing plan to match in­ ( Sometimes children ask, “Mommy,
Advance care in preparing gift
Benton county tops the list of dustry and agriculture stride for what can I do now?” Perhaps that
packages for the mails and making
Oregon counties with 1021 students. stride.”
1 is a good time to answer, “Let’s
sure that all addresses are legible
Multnomah is next with 877. The
make some clay, we’ll do it to­
and complete will prevent disap­
next eight are Marion, 397; Linn,
gether.” The clay can easily be made
pointment to sender and receiver
278; Clackamas, 200; ’Washington, I of Directors meeting in New York, | at home. Two cups of flour, 1 cup of
LYONS—Norma Pennington was
181; Douglas, 149; Coos. 128; and | the new order breaks even the pre­ [ salt, 6 teaspoons of alum and just
As an extra precaution against
vious SP record of 9,700 new freight
Noble Grand for the coming
Jackson, 123.
i loss. Postmaster Kelly advised plac­
year, at the regular meeting of Faith
More than half of the out of state I cars included in the 1948 program. It Mix as for dough and knead to con-
students, 524, are from California. I also raises the number of freight i sistency of clay. Vegetable color-
recipient’s address inside the carton Rebekah lodge held
Washington students number
172 cars acquired or on order by the rail­ i ing may be added for variety. Wrap
or package before it is wrapped.
Pennington, vice grand, Alma Olm­
and Idaho, 35. Illinois is next with road since Warld War II to more than the clay in a damp cloth to keep it |
57,000 of which more than 35,000 are
stead, secretary and Beulah I^ewis
DETP' IT—Torrential rains last Program Slated at
, treasurer.
In the foreign nation
listings, box cars, the most popular type of
week v -r< blamed for a slide in the
Plans were made for the Christmas
Canada is first with 17 students; freight cars.
sy but the child can learn to use it
Grade School Friday
I party, which will be held at the next
The new order includes 6,600 box correctly. A piece of oil cloth or wind creek area on the Breitenbush
India, second with 13; and Thailand,
road Saturday. Several cars were
An interesting program is sched- meeting, Wednesday, December
cars. Of these, 4,900 will be 50 feet I heavy paste board make a
third, 12.
long with double doors. With one door working surface. Providing a damp trapped on the other side of the tiled to be held in the Mill City ele­ with the usual gift exchange
flush the box car can be used either doth will encourage him to wipe his slide. The foreat service cleared mentary school Kym Friday evening , names of silent sisters will be
U. S. Army Offers
j vealed and names drawn for another
as a single 8-foot-door car, or a hands. Teach him to spread news­ enough of the slide away Saturday at 8 o’clock.
The two fourth grades, under the I year. No social hour or refreshment«
Alaskan Assignment
i double 16-foot door car. The order paper on the floor to catch any bits to allow the cars to go through. Mop
up operations continued through the direction of Mrs. Earl Loucks and were served due to the Thanksgiving
The United States Army recrui­
of clay he may drop.
first of the week.
ting service has announced that for are especially designed for “piggy­
Getting things ready and putting i The rain melted much of the snow Mrs. James Wright, will present the holiday.
playlet, “The Book Fair Book Re­
a short period 3 year enlistments back" service. Also included are 1,- them away afterward should be a
| in the higher elevations. Streams view,” featuring many characters
will be accepted for the 2nd Division 550 gondola cars and 1,000 open hop­ part of the play.
Teach him to
presently located at Fort Lewis, Wash­ per cars and 500 covered hopper cars. make a large ball of his clay when he [of water cascaded from the moun- from Bookland. All children from the
Russell said deliveries of the cars is through and wrap it in a moist I tain tops along the North Santiam two rooms will take part.
ington. In the near future this unit
Preceding the play, several num­
will move to Alaska. This is an ex- are expected to start next year. He cloth. He can learn, too, that pick­ highway.
The highway department was kept bers will be played by the inter-
. ellent opportunity for those interes­ indicated the Southern Pacific will ing up the newspaper and putting
ted in a direct assignment to that build moist of the cars in its own it in the wastepaper basket is part busy clearing rocks from the road 1 mediate or second, school band, un- .
and unplugging stopped up culverts. der the direction of Earl Loucks.
A special “Home for Christmas’*
area and for young men who desire shops at Sacramento, California, and of the fun.
Water in Detroit reservoir was re­
file will be maintained at Ore­
to enlist as a group with the assur­
Playing with clay should not be
gon State college again this year
ance that they will remain together. , In addition to the railroad’* sweep- done in a room with a rug on the ported to have raised 22 feet. the
Some logging was resumed in
. to help students arrange rides home
Definite details concerning this op­ I ing program of car construction, Rus- floor
furniture, area Monday after being down two
! for the holidays and to cut travel
eration may be obtained from Master ' sell pointed out, the Southern Paci­ Children cannot be expected to be
Sergeant Malburn D. Mudd, U. S. fic is keeping up a record high level too careful about touching things
Under the ride file, students plan­
Army Recruiting Station, 147 North of car maintenance.
when they are engrossed in
to drive their cars home reg-
I He noted that only 2.0 percent of its ling.
Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon.
Lions club members following their inter in one file and students needing
Mrs. Vernon Todd To
I freight car fleet throughout ita syz-
dinner meeting Monday night, dis- rides in another. The two lists are
Head Friendship Circle
Grade School Jamboree I tern was out of service October 1 Drivers License Examiner
pensed with any planned program then combined, rides arranged and
' awaiting repairs. The national av­
A short business meeting of the and adjourned to the scout cabin car expenses shared.
To Be Held December I
erage of so-called “bad order” cars To Be Here December 8
Friendship Circle of the Presbyter­ and put in a good shift at laying
With all Oregon’s counties and 39
The Marion County Grade School was 5.1 percent.
states represent^ at OSC this year
A Drivers License examiner will ian church was held Tuesday even­ flooring.
League will hold ita annual basket-
Russell commented that “keeping be on duty in Mill City Thursday, ing.
About half of the floor was com­ the ride file is expected to do a good
b*U jamboree at the Mill City high our freight fleet rolling while con­ December X at the Fire hall between
Presiding was Mrs. Richard Beck­ pleted at this meeting. There will business. Christmas vacation runs
-chool gym starting at 7 p. m. Each stantly adding to it is a double ef­ the hours of 9 a. m. and 4 p. m.
er, the chairman of the group. Re­ be no dinner meeting Monday, De­ from December 21 to January 3.
,->me will consist of two five-minute fective way to not only maintain but
Persons wishing original licenses port of the nominating committee cember 5, but all Lions are asked
carters with five games in all-
enhance our unsurpassed record oi or permits to drive are asked to file was read by Mrs. Charles Kelly, with to come to the scout cabin, and see
There will be a small admission service.”
applications well ahead of the the following being accepted: Chair­ if the flooring job cannot bo com- [ Still Time to Sign up for
harge. Recognition will be given
scheduled closing hour in order to man, Mrs. Vernon Todd; secretary­ pleted.
Adult Recreation Program
for the outstanding rooting section.
assure time for completion of the treasurer, Mrs. Robert Roach; pro­
Schedule of Games
Hey there men, it’s still not too
gram chairman, Mrs. Arlo Tusra;
Idanha Lady Files Suit
required license test.
Game 1—Mill City vs. St. Marys,
fellowship chairman, Mrs. Charles Santiam Home Extension
1st« to enjoy an evening of good
For Assault Damages
flame 2—Scio va. St. Marys.
recreation. Thoee who are irdereeted
Kelly; and world service chairman,
According to Mrs. Even Evenson Lyons Water District
Unit To Meet December 6 |should report to the high school gym
Game 3—Scio vs. Stayton.
Mrs. Glen Hearing.
Game 4—Mari-Linn va. Stayton. 1 a damage suit was filed in Marion To Hold Bond Election
It was announced that the group
The Santiam Home Extension unit ■ Wednesday November 30 at 7:30 p.
Game 5.—Mari-Linn vs. Mill City. [County Circut court, November 21,
will join with the Women’s Associa­ will hold a meeting Monday even­ I m. and every Wedneaday evening
by her, against George Schram for
The Lyona water district is going to tion in a joint afternoon meeting on ing, December 5 at 7 p. m. in the 1 through February 29.
Mrs. Joe lalack entertained Monday I aseualt which occurred September hold an election on December 5, be­ Wednesday, December 14. Rev. and recreation room of the Gates high
Various activities such as bad­
evening in honor of their son Monte's I 15, 1954, resulting in serious injuries tween the hours ot 8 a. m. and 8 p. Mrs. Roach will be in charge of the school.
minton. volley ball, basketball, hand
• xth birthday anniversary. Present 1 to her chest and back, and resulting m at the Rebekah hall for the ques­ program at that time, the affair to
The project leaders, Mrs. Dan 1 ball, etc., will be organized for the
were Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Hutchinson ' in permanent disability.
tion of contracting the bond of in­ be held at Fellowship hall. The first i Morrison and M re. Stanley Vail will enjoyment of the group. This is a
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
The alleged assualt occurred while debtedness of $120,000.00 for th« pur­ regular evening meeting of the I demonstrate gift wrapping. An invi­ [chance to work off a little of that
Howe and Donald, and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Eventon was visiting Mrs. pose of construction of a water sys­ group, under the new officers, will tation is extended to all those in­ excess weight and te have some fun
1 Schram.
Jack Scott
tem for the Lyona Water District.
• be held in January.
terested a« it is a public meeting at the same time.
12,000 Cubic
Feet Per Second
Through Dam
Freshmen List Most
On Honor Roll
Christmas Mail
Starts Increase
In Post Office
SP To Spend S90 Million
On Record Car Order
All Oregon Counties
Represented at OSC
Women To Conduct
Evening Services at
j First Christian Church
Norma Pennington to
Head Lyons Rebekahs
Heavy Rains
Cause Slide on
OSC Students Plan
•• Holiday Ride File
Lions Club Members
Work on Scout Cabin