Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1955)
4— THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1955 What about I Social Events Good Turnout at | Detroit PTA Meetings t DETROIT—Despite weather condi tions about 40 members were pres- j Bob V mmm and daughter, Carol, ¡ent at the regular PTA meeting held were jn Salem Monday on business. Thursday night at the Detroit-Idan- While in the city they took in the I ha school. Chamber of Commerce luncheon and ' of the auditorium, in spite of the Plans were discussed on complet- heard Senator Wayne Morse speak. down-pour of rain that evening. Others assisting in the presenta ing the kitchen in the school gym, WE PAY Mrs. D. B. Hill underwent minor tion were: business manager, Rob a project which was started last year. Plumbing and installation of ’ surgery at Salem General hospital j erta Loucks; advertising, Evelyn FOR THIS [ Johnston; prompter, Norma Downer; sinks are two of the major jobs yet last Thursday, and was returned to ! The Senior class play, “Time Out: j usherettes, Ellen Shelton, Karen An- to be done. Al Sorseth, Howard . her home Saturday. She has made . . . When parties involved for Ginger,” was adjudged a huge dreassen, Evelyn Johnston, and Jack- Dean, and Harry Willis were ap j several trips to the hospital recent- . have had the forethought success by the enthusiastic crowd I ie Bickett; and program, Norma pointed as committeemen on the j ly for observation. to let us protect them with which attended the performance in Downer. project for the ensuing school year. the proper insurance. the high school auditorium Friday Acknowledgments of thanks for i Friday night's program sponsored Graveside services for Rev. George evening. Directed by t Ethyl Boak, - '........... * helping out were made to Mrs. How- ■ by the PTA in connection with the Roach, retired Presbyterian min- Home owners, motorists, a new addition to the .... faculty this .. ard Farmen and Mrs. Arey Podrab- grade school classes drew an esti H. iser will be held Wednesday after businessmen — all take a year, the two hour of “play-acting” sky for furniture used, and to Mrs. mated crowd of 120 despite torren- noon in Portland. Attending will be supreme risk when they kept the capacity audience in stitch Martin Hansen for loaning her cof- I tial rains and slushy snow on the Rev. and Mrs. Robert Roach, of live from day to day in the es most of the time. l"5' , , .v fee service. A gift was presented to I ground. Mrs. Glen Davidson reported Mill City. The deceased is grandfath hope that nothing will hap Outstanding in t— ___ _ i er of the local man. Ethyl Boak, the director, from the the affair highly successful. ther, Howard Carol, was . Chuck pen. Let us take the risk, .. 1 cast by Maurie Bassett. Entertainment consisted of games, Kuhlman, who seemed to actually live boxing, wrestling, and a mock wed Arriving late Sunday for a visit Can us today for details | the part. Playing the mother, Agnes ' ding. Proceeds were added to the j at the J. F. Potter and D. B. Hill j Carol, to perfection was Jan Ross, I homes was their sister, Mrs. C. B. PTA fund. D. B. HILL who never faltered a moment in the I The pie social sponsored by the j Trask of Fresno, Calif. Mrs. Trask j difficult role for a young girl. The I INSURANCE ¡Junior class netted $55, which will be : was met in Salem by Mr. and Mrs. three daughters, Barbara Podrab- | Clyde Hill, who brought her to Mill sky, in the title role of “Ginger,” I added to their Prom fund. COMPANY Mrs. entertained with Mrs. Glen Burch, publicity com- I 1 City. rwie «....... . | ---------- Vernon - . . Todd _ . _ __ _______ Rose Firming Fleming a» as uvan Joan, ( <»•>» and Camille mitteewoman for the PTA reports | --------------------------- \ Goble as Jeannie, were very realistic a lovely stork shower Monday even- Telephone 1708 . and played their parts with enthusi- ing honoring Mrs. . Howard II;— Means. M;;;;;. that 179 members were enrolled in . Spending Sunday here at the home MILL CITY, Fourteen asm. ” ‘ attended “—J*J * the v- event. ----- * a recent membership drive contest. 1 of her mother, Mrs. Alonzo Daly was OREGON ¡Miss Alona Fay Daly, presently of As Lizzie, the maid, Jo Bell had J The early part of the evening was Last year’s enrollment was 116. taken up with appropriate contests Captain of the winning side was | Salem, and her fiance, Dick Hase- i a very strong part and carried it off | well. The two young suitors for the for which prizes were awarded to I Opal Leming with 92 members. Mrs. | man of Waldport. The young people eligible daughters were extremely Mrs. Lee Bassett, Mrs. Al Nesbitt, Harry Willis was the other captain are in the midst of wedding plans ................. Eve, which will be the well enacted by Don EllingBon and and Mrs. Lowell Fleetwood. The gifts with 87 members credited to her * for - Christmas ” Maurie Bassett, each a distinct type were rpesented to the guest of side. The losers will entertain the 26th wedding anniversary of his par honor in a cleverly decorated “bas winners in the near future. ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Haseman. in his own way. The PTA will hold their annual Dick Crook as the high school sinette.” Refreshments were served by the potuck luncheon December 15 at the principal and Eddie Gregory as the bank president were forceful in their I hostess at several tables, with the Detroit school. dining table centered by a colorful parts, which they knew very well. New stage settings of plywood, paper stork and tall, pink tapers. Ruth Hess Elected Noble Attending the affair, besides We have just received a large shipment of yard goods attractively painted, and even in cluding an open stairway and railing, those named above were Mrs. Wil Grand of Rebekah Lodge just in time for Christmas Shoppers. Election of officers was the chief had been designed and set up by liam Stover, Mrs. Gayle Lowery, Mrs. Lester Hathaway, Mrs. A. F. Ca- GOOD SELECTION OF COLORS business of the evening at the regular Bill Hoeye, shop instructor; Howard PER YARD.................. .. .... ..... ......... ............. Means, the principal, and the senior therwood, Mrs. Charles Kelly, Mrs. meeting of the Santiam Rebekahs class shop students. Accoustics were Ed Yarnell of Salem, Mrs. Roy Ep at the lodge Wednesday night. Those , greatly helped, as every word could person, Mrs. Glen Hearing, Mrs. elected to fill the offices were: Noble Grand, Ruth Hess; Vice-Grand I be distinctly heard from the back James Swan, and the hostess. Mabie Yankus; Secretary, Ida Fleet Next Door to Post Office We give S&H Green Stamps wood; and Treasurer, Esther Cline. Installation of officers will be held early in Janizary, including both the edective and appointive officers. With Noble Grand Marie Stewart piesiding, plans were made Wed nesday evening for the annual Christ mas party to be held at a December It was announced that meeting, members should bring gifts to the The cold snap which had been predicted finally the next meeting, to be wrapped and hit the canyon. Did you have your car in read delivered to the Fairview Home in Salem. iness for the weather. If you are still among Appointed on the commitee were those who did not have your car winterized, bring Carmen Barnhardt, Ida Fleetwood, Wilma Stewart and Eva Duffy. it to us for that dependable service. CLUB, LODGE AND LOCAL ACTIVITIES Mary Kelly, Woman’s Editor Phone 625 1 Senior Class Play Wins Audience Praise Next Christmas? Plan now for an even merrier Christmas in 1946 ... join U.S. National's Christmas Savings Club. Save just 50c a week .. . $1.00 . . . $2.00—whatever amount you wish. Then the entire amount film intertn will be yours for prepaid Christ mas shopping next year. G»t ywr fra« <«py af CHRISTMAS RECIPES ,. colarfvl faldor glv«n 1« oath p«rs«n |«lnln« avr 1956 Christmas Club. (a »vrv fa ask far yavrs. MILL CITY BRANCH i Stork Shower Given For • * Mrs. Howard Means v New Dress Material JENNIE’S IT FINALLY HIT.... 289 Oregon Drivers Lose Right to Drive _______ „__ _ drivers Licenses of 289 Oregon <¡ were suspended during October either on court recommendation or through discretionary action of the Secretary of State. Figures released recently showed that a bad driving record—too many accident or traffic violation convic tions—accounted for 95 of the 289 suspensions. Five other drivers were ‘‘grounded" because of involvement in fatal mishaps. The October accounting disclosed that the state’s courts convicted 11,061 persons of violating traffic laws. Diiving while intoxicated con victions, a charge which calls for mandatory loss of license under Oregon law, resulted in 305 sus pensions. Total convictions and number of suspensions for various charges var ied little from the previous month. Let s Go To Jenkins Hardware Your Family Gift Center For Boys and Girls Bikes Trikes Toys Air Rifles Basketballs Roller Skates Hand Tools Binoculors Scopes Barometers (¡un Cases For Mother Electric Blankets Clothes Hampers Food Mixers Waffle Bakers Toasters Coffee Makers Revere Ware Chinaware Flintware For Dad Browning Auto. Shotguns Spin Fishing Reel Coleman Camp Equipment Pocket Knives Power Pools Jenkins Hardware Mill City Phone 2206 We Give S and II Green Stamp* « Leo’s Richfield Service HIGHWAY 22, MILL CITY Leo and Elaine Russell Quality Meats and Groceries OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK / FROZEN FOODS FOOD LOCKERS MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Subscribe to The Mill City Enterprise Today... S2.50 per Year on our list of the Things J •fir which We are Thankful GROOMING GETS THE GROOM Oops! Pardon the pun. But we really mean it. Our scientific cleaning methods are an important key to your success. PHONE 3418 -1 Santiam Farmers Co-op *ùv***r1a t NUMETHOD 48 HOUR SERVICE Mill City, Oregon Fertilizer Custom Cleaning Feeds Grinding and Mixing Petroleum Products Machinery Hardware Household Appliances ■«Am SEED MARKETING TELEPHONE M24 STAYTON, OREGON 1