4—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1935 Social Events We're Sorry... But We Must Raise Prices Effective November 22, Nu-Method Cleaners will increase their prices about 10 to 12 per cent on some items. This is caused by increased cost of materials. This is our first increase since 1951. Our prices are still as low as, and in most instan­ ces, lower than surrounding towns. Nu Method Cleaners We Pickup and Deliver We give S and H Green Stamps MILL CITY, OREGON Phone 3418 Shop Early Shop at Home Wrap your packages this year with the new novel FOIL WRAPPING Complete kit for only 98c See samples on display at our store when you make your other Christmas Selections. BE DIFFERENT DECORATE YOUR CHRISTMAS TREE WITH THIS NEW MATERIAL Only 31 Shopping Days Until Christmas Mill City Variety And Gift Shop Paul and Florence Ressler CLUB, LODGE AND LOCAL ACTIVITIES Mary Kelly, Woman’s Editor Phone 625 Rainbow Girls Have Annual Dad's Night Loucks-Clark Rites Held at Salem The wedding of Miss Colleen Loucks and Francis Clark took place Tuesday evening at the Im­ manuel Baptist Church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- , ert H. Loucks and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. V’erne H. Clark of Mill City. The Rev. Ralph H. S. Wolverton performed the 7:30 o’clock Tites be- I fore a setting of chrysanthemums. Thurman K rater was the vocalist and Miss Janet Loucks the pianist. For her wedding the bride wore an ankle length gown of net over white orlon and her fingertip veil was held in place by a crown of lilies-of- the-valley. She carried a white Bible marked with an orchid. Miss Joyce Downer, the honor ----- maid, , wore white net over coral pink and carried a nosegay of pink chrysanthemums and carnations. Benton Loucks stood with Mr. I Clark as best man. The ushers were ' John Lengacher of Lyons and Rob- 'eit Imel. Mrs. Loucks chose a teal blue wool afternoon dress and an orchid cor­ sage for her daughter's wedding. Mrs. Clark wore a forest green af­ ternoon gown and an orchid corsage. A reception was held in the church parlors. Mrs. Leonard Wittenberg cut the cake and Mrs. Arthur Y’oung presided at the punch bowl. Miss Pauline Loucks, sister of the bride, was in charge of the guest book. The newlyweds left for a short trip , to the coast. For going away the bride wore a wine-colored ensemble. The couple will make their home in Salem, where Mr. Clark is with the Oregon State Highway commission. Fleetwood and children were visitors in Gresh­ am at the home of Mrs. Fleetwood’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Shat­ tuck. They went over Friday and ■ came back Saturday. Mrs. Henry Baltimore, »ho had been spending several days as the guest of Mrs. W. J. Robinson, re­ turned to her home near Redmond with the Wallace Hendersons Tues, day. The group had planned to Te- turn Sunday, but stayed over be- cause of the weather. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barney and , daughter, Leila, and Mr. and Mrs. Harvy Griffin, Bill and Margie, of Albany, were in Vaneta Sunday af­ ternoon visiting Mrs. Griffin’s bro­ ther and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leon­ ard Alford and sons. The Alfords are former Mill City residents. Vernon Todd and Charles Kelly -pent the weekend elk-hunting at Marilin A-sembly, No. 60, Order of Rainbow for Girls, held its annual Enterprise. They visited Mr. and “Dad’s Night” at the lodge hall Wed­ I Mrs. Frank Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Miller, all of Sheridan, at the nesday evening, featuied by a ham jOrvan (home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill McCoy. dinner, corsages for the girls, and boutonnieres for the “fathers.” Unexpected guests for overnight A daughter was born to Mr. and Secret Dad's, who had been drawn at the Charles Kellys Tuesday were i Mrs. Joe I.alack (Jeannine Howe) on by the girls earlier in the year, were Monday, November 14, The baby has j their daughter, Miss Leia Kelly, Miss revealed at this time. At the impressive meeting, later an older brother, Monte. Mrs. La- Jean Clark of Hermiston, and two in the evening, initiation ceremonies lack’s patents are Mr. and M rs. other Oregon State College students, all of whom drove up from Corvallis. were conducted by the worthy advis­ Clarence Howe of Mill City. They left early Wednesday morning, or, Franres Ward, for Janet Strong, hoping to beat the snowstorm back Mr. and Mrs. James Grant (Paula Frances Nesbitt, and Carol Veness. Escorted to the Ea.-t were Sherry Jane VanBuskirk) became parents | to the campus. Hansen, and Jeanette Huffman, past of another boy at Salem General Mr. and Mrs. James L. Grant are I hospital Thursday, November 10. worthy advisors. the parents of a-7 pound 4 ounce boy son. Maternal Also escorted were Jackie Bickett, This is their third grand representative for the State of grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. born November 10. The little lad has been named Jerel Ray. He is wel­ Montana; Mrs. William Shuey, past Floyd Cox. comed by two brothers, Tony and mother advisor of both Marilyn As- ‘.Z'.i City, Cl..,, — ..I Acacia __ _ As- Despite the foul weather a good Dale. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs sembly «»' of . Mill and sembly Stayton; Floyd Johnson, '" of - — - ™ ,------ i attendance was recorded at the Arm- E. E. Grant of White Salmon, Wash., worthy patron of Marilyn Chapter, j istice dance, sponsored by the FOE and Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd A. Cox. No. 145, Order of the Eastern Star; | Auxiliary Friday night at the Spar | Greatgrandfather is Eldie C. Turr- and Wilson Stevens, worshipful 1 | Cafe in Idanha. Red Rynearson of idge of Mill City. master of the Mill City Lodge, No. ’ Gates was awarded the 14 pound ' ham at the drawing. 180, A. F. &A. M. SUBSCRIBE TO THE ENTERPRISE The Round Robin pinochle club was entertained by Mrs. Don Carlson I Monday evening. Tearly Muir was | (high. Sunny Chance won pinochle land Mabel Yankus was low. The club' | will be entertained Monday, Novem- GATES—Miss Patty Stewart, I ber 28 at the home of Mrs. Loral whose wedding will be an event of I Mason. November 25, was complimented by a shower, Saturday evening, held in Mr. and Mrs. William Griffith of the recreation rooms of the high Sprague River, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Griffith (Leola Hathaway) of school. Following an informal evening and Klamath Falls spetn the Veterans’ INSULATE YOUR ATTIC NOW the opening of the gifts the hostes­ I Day holiday with Mrs. Lester Hath- DOIT AS LOW 760* ses, Mrs. Gwen Schaer, Mrs. Cecil awya at her home here, as well as YOURSELF as 0/ Haun, Mrs. A. T. Barnhardt and Mrs. visiitng with the Clyde Hathaway WITH Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bassett enter­ Wilbur Crites served refreshments family. The William Griffiths, who to the honored guest, Miss Stewart, are the parents of Don Griffith, went tained Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Amick and children of Salem at dinner her mother, Mrs. Elmer Stewart and on to Portland to visit relatives, | Sunday. Other guests in the evening to the prospective groom’s mother, returning later, and the group drove the famous I were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bassett and Mrs. Paul Payton of Salem and to back south together. VERMICULITE INSULATION Mmes. Jesse Haywood, Walter > I Mr. and Mrs. V'erne Shaw and Craig. • Cast to taaulato areraro homo Thomas, Merle Devine, Clarence On November 14, the “Chesk cha’ f Zonollto to a regiatored tmdemart of Zonollta Company Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cline re­ Ball, Carl Longnecker, William Pen- may­ ” Campfire group met at the turned Monday for several days at nick, Ray Andreassen, Charles Tuck- ! home of Mrs. Burton Boroughs. Re­ their cottage at Waldport, where er, Martha Bowes, Oscar Osterhout, freshments were served by Lois , they- have been building a fireplace. Walter Brisbin, Oswald Hirte, Bob Hershberger. Others present were I Phone 6803 The inclement weather caused them Kelle, Lester Mason, Clarerce Rush, Linda and Mary Ann Bassett, Bon­ Open Saturdays Carlson, Authorized Shopsmith Dealer to return home just short of com­ Marie Day, Margaret Clise, Kenneth nie Boroughs, Suzanne James Sharon Hostetler, Diane Merrill, Car- 1 pleting their project. They reported Bain, Arthur Blackburn, East Mill City Limits Briles, Clyde Oliver, Elmer Klutke, rol Stodola. Shirley Veness, Rozillah snow at Waldport Monday. HIGHWAY 22, MILL CITY Robert Wilson, Lang Stafford, Stan­ Yankus and Mrs. Al Y’ankus. ley Vail, Barney Ryal, I Tilman Raines, Velma Carey, Mary , Champ, Robert Levon, Floyd Volke], 1 1 Frankie Johnson, Dan Morrison. i Glen Hearing, Clare Henness, Mary | Howell, Burrell Cole, Minnie Ever- j , ton, Glen Henness, Oliver Watson, Leo Russell, Harry Harmon, Rich- , The cold snap which had been predicted finally I ard Parker, W. R. Hutcheson, Albert ( Millsap. hit the canyon. Did you have your car in read­ The Misses Jaunita Thomas, Dona- iness for the weather. If you are still among lee Oliver, Lorena Devine, Connie I Stewart, Phyllis Neal, Lois Evans, | those who did not have your car winterized, bring Carol Ball, Ann Hirte. Karen and it to us for that dependable service. Carol Andreassen, and May Hay- wood. Bill Ixmgnecker and Bob I Van Eaton sent gifts. Patty Stewart Is Honored at Shower ZONOLITE' IT FINALLY HIT... Leo’s Richfield Service I jet’s (io To Jenk i ns Hardware You will be happy with our selectoin of toys and other gifts items this year No parking problem here TRY AT HOME FIRST Your Family Gift Center TOYS FOR BOY’S AND (¡1RES Appliances Housewares For Mother Sporting Goods For Dad Order Your Schwinn Bicycle Now Jenkins Hardware Phone 2206 We Give S and II Green Stamp* Mill City Exchange Students at I Parent-Teacher Meet High-Light of the regular Mill , City PTA meeting in the auditorium 1 of the high school Wednesday eve- , ning was the appearance of two for- | eign exchange students from Salem, • who were brought to Mill City by ' Mr. and Mrs. Percy Thom, members ]of the Downtown Salem Lions Club and Auxiliary, Arranged through the American from Heidelberg, Germany Agathon-1 nos, was originally from Athens, Greece, and the girl, Signd Bruhl, is from Heidelberg, Germany, .¿athon os is making his lyome for tne year with Mr. and Mrs. Raynolds Allen of Salem, while Miss Bruhl is a guest in the home of Senator and Mrs. Lee Ohmart and family, also of Salem. The young people were high school students in their respective coun­ tries, and had studied several years of the English language while in classes there. They will return to their studies following the school year in the United States. In Europe, most students attend school the year around, having lengthy “holidays”at regular intervals. Following the very interesting talks, several members of the inter­ ested audience asked a question which were very willingly answered by the speakers. At the close of the evening, re­ freshments were served in the recre­ ation room of the high school by some of the mothers. w hen you need PRINTING Telephone 2651 MILL CITY’ ENTERPRISE HIGHWAY 22, MILL CITY Leo and Elaine Russell Quality Meats and Groceries OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK FROZEN FOODS FOOD LOCKERS MILL CITY MEAT MARKET