THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF NATURE’S EMPIRE VOLI ME XI Mil I CITY. OREGON XEMBER 16 Till RSDAY. N<1\ I MBER IT, 195.'» $2.50 A YEAR. 10c Boosters Club to Meet At Friendship Hall Tonight Vandalism May i Close Pof toff ice i Lobby at 5P.M. ‘OPT Firemen to Hold Annual Benefit Saturday Night Cards have been sent out to the business people of Mill City by Sec­ retary Verne Shaw, giving notice that there will be a meeting of the Boosters Club at Friendship hall to- Everything in the canyon area night, Thursday, at 8 p. m. stopped or slowed down with the cold New business to be taken care of snap and snow. Friday the. snow came down m sufficient quantities at this meeting, according to the to stick, then real cold weather hit card includes the election of a The lobby of the Mill City Post A good orchestra has been se­ the aTea. The snow blanket has been president and vice president; Christ­ Office may have to be closed at 5 mas decorations for the city, and I cured to furnish music for the dance here since, and Wednesday more o'clock every night in the future if which is always held in conjunction snow was falling at the time of go­ door to door mail delivery. something isn’t done to curb the with the Firemen’s annual benefit ing to press, however the tempera­ vandalism, which has been rampant to be held here Saturday night. ture was moderating. there for the past few weeks. Ticket .«ales have been good, and Wednesday morning, George Stew- firemen are anticipating their usual The final blow came this week, I are was busy helping motorists up good sized crowd for the event. when upon coming to the office in the hill coming out of Mill City, There will be bingo, and other the morning, Postmaster Charles I One accident was reporter!. The mail forms of amusement, and hams, Kelly found someone had built a bus turned crqssway of the road I tulkeys and other prizes will be fire in the corner of the lobby. The Here is the Mill City Student Council in session as they and Merritt Hamblin was unable to given out during the evening. fire was hot enough to scorch the appeared at the open house at the high school auditor­ ■stop and slid into the bus doing con- This is the Firemen’s big social paint on the wall. It is believed to ium recently. This gave parents present an ieda of how siderabie damage to his auto­ I event of the year, and one which has be the work of youngsters, and the a council meeting is conducted. Conducting the meet­ mobile. Art Hedge, driving the 1 the backing of all groups. Residents police are hot on their tails. The ing as president is Chuck Kuhlman. [city truck and Chief of Police Mead- I from up and down the canyon are fire was the worst form of vandal­ j er on the end of the shovel soon had With the Christmas rush about to 1 always on hand to join in the fun. ism, as the entire block was endang­ I the slick hills covered with sand. descend on the post offices the post­ Money derived from the Iwneflt ered by this “dumb” stunt. Most everyone in town had some masters of the area wish to remind is used to improve the fire fighting Signs have been slashed with i trouble, either with frozen pipes or rthe patrons that the safety, speed facilities of the department. Knives also, and other damage done. frozen oil lines to their heating and certaint}' of the mail delivery I This type of vandalism is serious, I plants. There ha* been no power out­ will be improved if users will follow ,nd fooling around with government age, and telephone service has not ten basic postal points outlined be- property is a federal offense. been hindered by the cold snap or low: The patrons of the office will be snow. up in arms if and when it is neces­ 1. Address mail fully and clearly, ' There was more snow at Salem sary to close at lobby at 5 o’clock, write legibly or print plainly, where than here, according to reports. but that is just what is going to I applicable, use zone numbers, avoid State Senator Mark Hatfield, happen if the vandalism does not I using abbreviations which might con- stated in Salem today that he would ! fuse mail distribution. cease. be a candidate for the Republication I 2. Always use a return address in nomination for Secretary of State. The incumbent, Secretary of State I the upper left hand corner of both 1 letters and packages, when you do so Earl Newbry, is constitutionally in­ | Members of the Mill City Lions i you prevent undelivered mail going to eligible to succeed himself. Hatfield, who has been a member ' club entertained their wives with a'the “dead letter" office, [of the state legislature since 1951, at 7¡ 3. Do not enclose coins or hard banquet at Fellowship hall evenim with 33 be- I objects of any kind in letters, without I is dean of students at Willamette [ I o’clock Monday evening I MEHAMA—The Mehama local of ing seated at the tables. The dinner | marking the envelope for t hand I university. • the Farmers Union met at the Wom­ In making his announcement, Hat­ High was prepared and served by the stamping, 1 ” ~v speed 1 cancelling The five who were initiated into the Honor Society an's club house Friday, November field said that if elected: “It will be Presbvterian women, headed by Mrs, machines cannot process such letters, at the open house at Mill City recently are shown above. 11. A pot luck dinner was served my privilege to insure integrity and Floyd Fleetwood. often jam and damage letters. at 7 o’clock with place settings for From left to right they are Lahny Podrabsky, Anne perosnal faithfulness to duty in the A short business meeting was con ­ 4. Do not mail cash, for safety use administration of the Department of 22. The business meeting followed Hirte, Bunny Caudle, Ida Mae Barr and Jan Ross. ducted by Lion Club President How ­ use Postal Money Orders or checks. I State,” and “to make of the depart- the dinner. It was voted to contact ard Means, with Secretary Otto Koe- ’•he State Highway department and 5. 1 Make _______ .. . . y*lU ment an administrative nifency that certain carcels.are neke reading the minutes. ask for two vapor lights at the two packed and securely wrapped. Enclose 1 . will earn the confidence of the The committee for the affair in­ a card with your return address and junctions into Mehama. > included Charles Kelly, Vernon Todd, recipients address. This precaution i public for the character and friend­ President Jerry Coffman appoint­ and Don W. Moffatt. A vocal permits delivery of your package if liness of its service.” ed the following committee chair­ ————————— r 1 trio, including Edna Ross, Lloyd [ wrapper is damaged. men: agriculture, Luther Stout; Home Economics, Francis McCarley; Leg­ I The Mari-Linn Parent-Teachers Poole, and Rosamond ReMine, ac­ 6. Double check to make RUT* islative, Sam Wizer, and Publicity I club held their meeting November 8, companied at the piano by Doris your mail has the correct amount of and News scrapbook, Clara Wizer. A with “open house” as the main fea- Sheythe, sang “With a Song in My postage. “Postage due” may delay new scrapbook will be started this Volumes and values of timber cut |ture. Principal and teachers dia- Heart,” and “I Wish I Wux.” The letters. year. and sold in the Pacific Northwest , played the work of the students thus remainder of the evening was spent 7. To speed letters through can- I with a spelling contest between the A nursing conference with immun­ Eugene Ware showed colored region during the first quarter of the far this year. oelling machines, be «tire stamps I men and the women, with the words other Mrs. John Prideaux, president pre ­ ization will be held November 22 at slides of the Sky Line Trail and are in the upper right hand corner. scenes of interest. Guests of the fiscal year ended September 30 sided over tie short business meet­ I given out by Vernon Todd. The 8. Insure parcels, register letters Mill City high school from 1 to 3 p.m. evening were: Mr. and Mrs. Bob showed sharp increases over the ing. Mrs. Harley Scott reported on j women won, with Mrs. Lee Bassett of real value. Use Certified mail for Any child in the Gates schoool wish­ McCall, Mrs. Mabella Landers and amounts reported for the correspond­ the success of the Halloween Carni­ | being the last one spelled down. letters of no intrinsic value where ing immunization will need to I'osw to the Center at Mill City or to their Mrs. Saba Van Dyke, who is a house ing three months last year, accord- val and introduced the chairman of of delivery is required. Heads March of Dimes proof commitees as follows: Glen Julian, I guest of Mrs. Landers’ from Roth­ 9. Mail early and often. Earlier family physician. Hei bert i Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thayer, Mrs. mg to Regional Forester J. Immunization* are being discon­ bury. Mich. The next meeting will mailings mean earlier deliveries, be­ Hazel Wirth, Mrs. Roy Asmussen, tinued in schools and are only being be Thursday, November 15. This Stone. cause your letters or other mail Volume of timber reported cut was Mrs. Donna Smith, Mrs. Alvin Palm­ done at the centers, such as Mill will be the Christmas party and all catch earlier trains, planes or other 939 million board feet, an increase of City, Detroit and Stayton for thia er, and Mrs. Joe Johnson. members are asked to come and I transporters; of mail. part of the county. bring a friend. Horace McCarley’s 263 million board feet over last Thanks for the various donations 10. Make sure your corespondents name was drawn to be in charge of year's first quarter cut. Volume of were given to Ken Golliet, Mill City have your correct addres. Be sure timber sold was 1,050 milion board Theatre, Stayton Theatre, Gene’s the entertainment at this meeting. your carrespondents are notified of Three Link Club Plans feet, an increase of 281 milion board Meat Market, Thiel's Grocery and any change in address. feet over last fiscal year’s first Stiffler's Radio and TV. Winning Dinner for December I 3 quarter sales. prizes were Mike Schwindt, Mrs. Ed Temperature Drops to I In value of timber cut and sold Goschie and Omar Goodrich. Prizes A no-host Christmas dinner party Zero Tuesday at Detroit the increases were much greater, were presented to the children for will be held Tuesday, December 13, DETROIT—Old man winter and Value of timber cut was $15,450,659. best costumes. at 7:30 by the Three Link club. Din­ » his little helper, "Jack Frost” roared I For timber sold it was $26,383,265. ner will be followed by a gift ex­ Mr. Burgess reported the Fireman- up the canyon Friday dumping about These amounts were up $6,474,448 PTC dance a success, half of which change and revelation of pals of the m inches of snow in the area. Gale­ and $14,430,068, respectively, “ln- proceeds will be applied on band uni­ past year. Hostesses will be Banche LYONS—Mrs. Sam Bridge* was Syverson, Eva Duffy, Ruby Brisbin, like winds accompanied the snow, tense competition for much of the forms. Mrs. Earl Thayer was ap­ Altar hostess for the meeting of the making for a real old fashioned timber sold during the quarter is pointed chairman of and Rachel Olmstead. Christmas Society of the St. Patrick Catholic reflected in this very large increase treats. There will be no PTC meeting | blizzard. A contribution of $5 was given to church held at her home Thursday the United Fund and a $5 gift to Au­ The highways were fouled up and in value of timber sold,” Mr. Stone in December. evening. A general discussion was streets of Detroit and Idanha were said. gusta Fleetwood and Billy Eidler, of The Advanced band played several held and various plans made. The the K»OF home in Portland for Total number of timber sales made selections and Mr. Wright showed a covered with ice. No accidents were next meeting will be held at the Christmas. The business meeting was reported. Some water pipes in the during the quarter was 1,070, of movie on "schools.” Refreshments hall Sunday, December 18, starting i ' in charge of Eva Duffy. which 587 were in Oregon. In addi- were served by Mrs. Ed Goschie, I area were frozen. N. Thomas Stoddard, Portland The thermometers have been kick­ 1 tion, 80 sales of other minor forest Mrs. Frank Sherwood, Mrs. Alvin business executive, has been named at 5 p. m. At that time the new of- , ficers of the year will be installed, ed down to some pretty low levels.) products were made in the region. Palmer, Mrs. M. M. Miley, Mrs. to head the 1956 March of Dimes in Following are temperature read-1 Leading species weie Douglas fir Ivan Smith, Mrs. Effie Anderson, Oregon, Basil O’Connor, president of They are Katie Wagner, president; Alice Bouche, vice president; Ber- mgs as recorded by Mabel Parker, j and ponderosa pine, both in volumes I Mrs. Lottie Grosso and Mrs. Leota the National Foundation for Infan­ neice Bridges, secretary and Pauline official recorder in the area. Satur­ cut and sold and in total returns. Of Worden. tile Paralysis, announced in New Tibbets, treasurer. There will be a day 26, Sunday 18, Monday 15 and the timber cut average stumpage York today. potluck supper at 6, to which the value for westside Douglas fir was Tuesday 0. Stoddard replaces John J. Gurian, families are invited, and at 7 there Western Electrical Construction All logging operations are tempor­ $21.75 and the average for ponder­ also of Portland, who resigned the will be a Christinas party for the ,Co., Portland, with an offer of $5,565 arily closed in the area due to ice osa pine was $23.81. Of the tirnbet state dimes post after accepted a children and a gift exchange for Tuesday, was the only bidder when sold, the average value of westside I and snow. position with his firm in New York everyone. bids were opened by the Portland Douglas fir jumped to $38.16 and City. At the close of the meeting, re-1 District, Corps of Engineers for ponderosa pine increased to $24.55. “We are most pleased to announce freshment* were served to Mmes. I modification of 15 jCV switchgear Sieg, ; and bus at Detroit Dam powerhonse LY'ONS—Loren Chamberlain a Mr. Stoddatd has agreed to step into Lavern Behrens. Andrew I spry old gentleman and a happy this position of leadership,” O’Conn­ Charles Bouche, Lu Doerfler, Mike on the North Santiam River. The work also include« m odi fica - j sort of a fellow, and a friend to or said. “We know the January cam­ Schwindt, Robert Schiewek, Phillip f everyone, observed his 75th birth- paign will continue to have the strong | Pietrok, Truman Tibbets, George I tion <>f switchboard relay* and wir- Adlai E. Stevenson Tuesday an- , day anniversary Thursday, Novemb- support it had under Mr. Gurian's VanAgtmael, Ray Adams, I-eo Wag­ I ing at Big Cliff reregulating dam ounced that he will be a candidate er 11. He was presented with several guidence”. ner, Jim Phelps, Mrs. Maud Zim­ I powerhouse. Government estimate for the 1956 Democratic presidential O’Connor pointed out that some merman, Mrs. Anne If blooming shrubs. He takes great This is part of the $2,445,332 the terms as councilmen. Both were ies ended a week-long rush period in Japan. food* for the Masonic and Eastern ' delight in furnishing many of the tailroad is now paying for grows tax­ present at the meeting. Other coun­ for the freshman and transfer stud­ cilmen present were Bob Hill, Ed ents with rush parties being given Held at the base of Mount Fuji, Star home at Forest Grove was re- ! flower* for the Sunday decoration* es on its property in Oregon. the exercise tested the combat ef- ceived so late, it was decided to make at the Lyon* Methodi-t church, of An additional $132,392 is to be paid Cooke, Russell King and Arlo Tuers. nightly by tlw sororities and fratern­ The council also discussed installa­ al orders. 'ectivenesa of Bowers' unit under a cash donation instead. Small which he is a member. by Southern Pacific for it* share of New pledges will take part in Christmas gifts for the Home are to - mutated battle conditions. As well as a good gardner, Mr. | taxes on the following jointly owned tion of drain fields in Lark addition A member of Heavy Mortar Co., be brought in December. ' Chamberlain i* a good housekeeper, companies: Oregon, California A I to correct a serious drainage prob­ their organisations activities for the •n the division’s 8th Regiment. Bow­ Refreshments committee for Mon­ I doing all the housework, a* Mr*. Eastern Railway, Northern Pacific lem. Bob Veness, sanitation commis­ remainder of the semester. In Febru­ Company and Pacific sioner will have charge of the pro­ ary they may be initiated into full ers entered the Army in Augu«t 1953 day night included Opal McRoberts, 1 Chamberlain is confined to a wheel Terminal membership in their organisation. ject. Fruit Express Company. and arrived overseas in August 1954. Dorothy Draper, and Edith Mason. I chair. Mail Packages Early Is Advice Of Postmasters Mark Hatfield to Run For Secretary of State Lions Club Entertain Wives at Dinner Mehama Farmers Union To Hold Christmas Party Mari-Linn PTC Has Display of SchoolWork Nursing Conference Here November 22 Increase This Quarter Altar Society Plans Christmas Party Portland Firm Low on Work at Detroit Dam Seek Democratic Nod Seek Remocratic Nod Two Initiated Into Star Monday Night Loren Chamberlain Has Birthday Party