Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1955)
7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE I Till RSDAV. NOVEMBER 10, 1955 Real Estate Por Rent REAL ESTATE CLASSIFIED RATES JOS. DEVERS REAL ESTATE W. R. Hutsheson, Salesman Church bazaars, suppers, bake sales, Gates, Oregon. etc. will be run under "Special An- Phone 4515 inuncements” classification with a or RENT —Six-room FOR SALE mnimuni charge of 50 cents per in- house in Mill Cty. Large ! living •ertion. room. Fireplace. Good location. Count five words to the line in I Write P. O. Box 627, Mill City for srdenng your ad. Phone 2651, Mill information. 47 City or mail your advertisement to The Mil) City Enterprise, Mill City. I REAL ESTATE Oregon. '•n cents per line each insertion.; Glen Shelton, Broker No advertisement accepted for less West aide Will City Ph. 228’ ban 50 cents per week. Business Services SEE US when in need of T. V. An tennas and supplies. We handle a complete line of Philco television sets. 3179 and up. Stiffler Radio and Appliance Co. Phone 3207 Mill City. ltf Furniture UNFINISHED FURNITURE and Used Furniture Bargains. We give Penny Saver Stamps. Phone 6804, 1 367rd St., Stayton. 33tf FOR RENT Two bedroom modern home on Douglas street.- Arey Podrabskv, Phone 5972, City. HEAVY II U LING FOR RENT Furnished apartment in business district.—Nita Horner Mill City. Phone 6142. 40tf Common Carrier — Heavy Machinery and Equipment EXCAVATION anti CONSTRUCTION »-TON MOBILE CRANE CONTRACTING AND RENTAL FOR RENT OR SALE—Furnished house and one unfurnished house. C. M. Cline. 304 N. E. Alder. 44tf FOR RENT—Furnished two-bedroom house, inquire at Gates Laundry. 45q Read the Ads in The Enterprise FOR RENT Furnished one and two Miscellaneous bedroom apartments, 350 and up per month. See Chuck’s Fine NOTICE—Will the person or persons Foods, Phone 5822PO. East who picked up a yellow Persian Gates on Highway 22. kitten, answering to the name of Fluffy, please return it to Mom FOR RENT—Hospital beds and mat tresses, beds ___ and mat 45 ___ rollaway __ _________ & Pop’s Cafe. tresses. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. FOR SALE—Wriger type washing We give Penny Saver Stimps. 367 3rd St. Stayton. Phone 6804. 33tf machine and portable utility tubs. —Mrs. Richard Parker, Gates. 45 FOR RENT—One bedroom party furnished house between Mill City FIREWOOD FOR SALE Wood from and Gates. Chuck’s Fine Footie, , M & M plant at Lyons. Core wood East of Gates. Phone Mill City or log ends. Two or more cords, 5822. 43tf 312.00 per cord.—Write Alden Cook, Post Office Box 163, Lyons FOR RENT—Two bedroom house on Oregon. 41tf N. W. Alder street. Inquire at 796 N. W. Alder, Mill City. Dr. Leslie J. Carson OPTOMETRIST in a hurry for your car or truck. SILVER SADDLE SERVICE STATION & TRAILER COURT Phone 903, Mill City. GATES TIRES and BATTERIES AUTO SUPPLIES [GIVEOÜPK/DS A ASK FOR t hi west of Mehama. Oregon Monday through Saturday 9 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. Except Wednesday morning We are now open full time at 530 Third Street, Stayton Telephone 6944 MEHAMA GARDENS will be open until Thanksgiving. Broccoli, Dan ish and Sweet Meat Squash, Brus- sell Sprouts, Gem Spuds, Carrots, Turnips and Cabbage. Store and freeze now for winter. One half mile west of Mehama on old High- way. Phone UL 9-2484 Viv's Steak House Top prices paid. Six inch to 50 inch diameters in sight foot, or multi ples of eight feet. we alto buy stampage. H. L. Ashby MILL CITÌ DISPOSAL SERVICE Shell Oil Distributor Phone 684 or 5934 Garbage, ashes, trimmings, eu weeldv pickups 31.50 ner month Also light hauling Leonard Herman Phone 1*5> LOGS WANTED Phone 5807 I LL BE GLAD TO LUMBER CO. Mill City , BURKLAND Turner, Oregon I Phone Turner 1125: Evenings phone 1 Turner 2502 or Salem 27826. 25tf I____ . _____ _________ FRESH VEGETABLES—Gem spuds now ready for storing. No. l’s 32.50 per sack; comb, l’s and 2’s, 32.00 per sack; No. 2’s 50 pounds, 75c; turnips, carrots, pickling cukes.—-Mehama Gardens. New hours, 3 to 8 p. m. Monday «nd Friday. All day Saturday and Sun day. Phone Lyons ULrick 9-2484 evenings. Open 6 a. m. to 11 p. m. Closed Mondays WANTED! FOR SALE Frigidaire automatic washer, 3100. Bendix electric clothes dryer, $100 | Remember, 90 percent of the food i cooked in America is cooked on gas. Safe—Clean—Economical I If there is a bargain left in these days of high living, it Is a gallon of L.P. gas (for 21c).—GAS HEAT of [ LYONS, Lyons, Oregon. 45tf MEN TO TRAIN 3 51tf Watch for Bargains Then give us the go- ahead sign and we’ll see that you have a continual supply of SHELL HEATING Ol all winter long. You can't buy a better fuel oil. Call right now. Top prices for Second Growth STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. Day 2-2461 Nite 2-4417 Fill up Today Sawmill LOGS WANTED I Phone Salem FOR REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS Age 21 to 60. Must be resident of this county two or more years. Competant appraisers receive $325 to $400 per month. Farm experience valuable. Write Box 348, Mill City Enterprise. ri.;. WANT TO BUY TIMBER Small or large trace* Either cash or stumpage basis STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. H mile weet of Mehama. Oregon 3tf Add That Extra Bedroom Now OFFICE FURNITURE and equip ment. typewriters, adding machine»., calculators, cash registers, duplicat ors, safes, filing equipment. We sell, rent, swap and repair. Bargains in used machines. Roen Typewriter Exchange, 456 Court St., Salem, tf Help Wanted WANTED—Part-time office assist ant with bookkeeping experience. For particulars call The City Enterprise office. THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Entered a.« second class matter No vember 10, 1944 at the post office at Mill CUy, Oregon, trader the Act of March 3. 1879. NATIONAL When they w»nt *n angel food cake for the church bazaar, Mra. Turner ia apt to be aaked to bake it. She almoat alwaya responds to such requests with a simple, ’ I’ll be glad to." If you ask people about Mra Turner, they will tell you that the it one of the happiest women in town. Yet not to long ago she wat feeling pretty sorry for hartelf. Life teemed tuch a humdrum affair. A* an accomplished musician, the had had dreamt of the concert ttage, but marriage and children had changed all that. Somehow it didn't seem fair! Then one Sunday, a friend persuaded her to go to church. The sermon happened to be about the ingredient* that make a full and happy life. The things the minister said atruck home, and the next Sunday she found herself back in church again. Then one Sunday Mr. Turner went along, and next, the youngsters. Now Mr* Turner is Still “just a housewife,” but is she dissatisfied with her role? Look st her face, and tee for yourself! It took the Church to show her that she already possessed all the tools needed for fulfillment and happinese, if she would but use them. Now, the does. EDIT THE CHURCH FOR ALL . . . ALL FOR THE CHURCH The Church is the greatest fac tor on earth tor the building of character and good citizenship It is a storehouse of spiritual values Without a strong Church neither democracy nor civilization can • urvive There are four sound reasons why every person should attend services regularly and sup port the Church They are (|) Tor h>s own sok> (2) For h,t children > take (J) For the >oke of his community and nation (4; For the lake of the Church Hsalt which need* his moral and mo tonal support Plan Io go to church regularly and read your Bible daily. Day Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Rook Chapter Veraci Deuteronomy 1 Chronicles Preverbs Provarba Romans 2 Corinthians Galatians f y. Pay Nothing Down Thia Serie« of Ada la Sporwured by the Following Firma in Interrai ot I as little as 720.76 monthly! If your family has outgrown your 2-bedroom home NOW”S THE TIME TO ADD A ROOM. You pay nothing down as little as $20.76 per month. We supply the plans and materials. You can do the job yourself, or we’ll be glad to recommend a competent craftsman. Here's your oppor tunity to give your growing family the room and privacy everyone needs, and all for as little as $20.76 per month. Come in tomorrow, and let us get you started toward MORE COMFORTABLE LIVING. KELLY LUMBER SALES Open Saturdays Authorized Shop Smith Dealer East Mill City Limits, Highway 22 Phone 6803 MILL CITY PHARMACY Per Tear Marlon-Lhtn Countiea 32->0 Outside Marion-Linn Countiea 33.M Prescription Service Telephone« 2651 or *05 DON W. MOFFATT Editor-Publisher Make Your Home At MILL CITY LODGE Day or Weekly Ratea Phone 1957 289 N.E. Aider MILL (TTY, OREGON KELLOM’S GROCERY “Your Personla Service Store. Mill City, Oregon MUIR’S BAKERY Mill City, Oregon WHEN IN MILL CITY All < horche» PARKER-HUTCHESON FURNITURE Uberai Trade-In Allowances 4561 Gates, Oregon HILLTOP MARKET Kllewer Quality Meats Mill Qty, Oregon WRIGHT’S TRUCK LINI Ship The Wright Wrty Stayton. Oregon GATES GENERAL STO E Galen Oregon STEWARTf g ocg Grocerw- n<l M«- h I-