The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, November 10, 1955, Page 6, Image 6

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6—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE | of the president, Evelyn Sexton. A them.
| general discussion was held and var-
Mrs. E. L. Roye went to Cottage
Features "|tk Week
By Eva Bressler
Ruth Lyons was hostess for the
afternoon card club with her party
held at the Catholic community hall
Wednesday afternoon. A 1:30 dessert
luncheon was served followed by
several tables of 500. High score was
held by Eulalia Lyons, second high
by Leoa Johnson, and low by Carrie
Naue. Others attending were Bertha
Allen, Mabel Downing, Leota Word­
en, Margaret Kunkle, Garnett Bas­
sett, Millie Aronson, Bemeice Bridg­
es, Wilma Free, Alma Olmstead,
Thelma Nydegger. Donna Assmus-
sen, Blanche Syverson, Theresa Ran­
som and the hostess, Ruth Lyons.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott and
Mr. and Mrs. David Scott of Salem
were Sunday guests at the home of I
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Scott at the
Methodist parsonage.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dye spent sev- 1
eral days in Portland, returning
home Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Toman and
sons, Steven and Bradley of Salem,
were Sunday guests at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson |
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thoma of [
Lebanon visited Sunday evening at
the home of her brother and sister-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hiatt.
Their mother, Mrs. Martha Hiatt,
who has spent some time at the Hiatt
home, returned to Lebanon with the I
Thoma’s for an indefinite time.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Christenson, |
Duane and SueAnn have moved to the
Martha Hiatt house between Lyons
and Mehama. They plan to sell their
small house in town.
John Kinzer, who suffered a stroke
at his home Wednesday evening was
taken Friday evening to a nursing
home in Lebanon. He will be 80 years
old in April.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reeves of
Portland were Friday afternoon and
evening guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Percy Hiatt, and Mrs. Cora
Vernon Diggerness from Anchor­
age, Alaska, spent Thursday night
at the home of his wife’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George Huffman, and
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Hubbard. His parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Diggerness of Williston, N.
D. were Friday dinner guests at the
Huffman home. He returned with
them to catch a plane back to Anch­
orage, Friday evening.
Mrs. Evelyn Julian was hostess for
the meeting of the Women’s Society
of Christian Service, held in the
church parlors Tuesday afternoon.
Ethel Huffman presided over /the
business meeting due to the absence
We have gone on a strictly cash basis and
can now give you competitive lower every­
day prices. We are offering a 2% cash dis­
count with the purchase of a credit book.
Buy a $50 Credit Book for $49.
IVe will be closed all day Wednesday, November 11th
Tomato Juice 4 Cans $1.00
Pillsbury Angel Pood
Cake Mix 49
Margarine “<2 29c
3. 1.00
Beans 2 39
I ious plans made. Saturday, Novetnb-
1 er 19, is the date set for the Tamale
sale, which will be held at the church.
I Also a coffee will be held at the
j home of Martha Cruson Thursday
morning’, November 10, a benefit for
the Methodist home. At the close of
the meeting, refreshments
served and those attending were Eth­
el Huffman, Jacquie Smith, Alice
Huber, Inez Ring, Doris Roy. Elean­
or Smith, Naomi IntVeld, Eva Bress­
ler, Alta Bodeker, Martha Cruson,
Reta Cruson, Orpha Roye, and Eve-
' lyn Julian.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stevens re­
turned home from a vacation trip
to Sheridan, Wyo., where they visited
relatives. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ivan Kelly, returned home with
Grove Thursday where she will visit
relatives for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Julian from
Auburn, Wash., were recent visitors
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Julian. While here they visited the
Albert Julians at Scio and at the
Joe Johnson home in Albany.
Mrs. Edward Cruson is spending
this week in Portland with relatives
Subscribe to The
Mill City Enterprise
Don't take a change on a leaky exhause system.
It may take your life. We have most
Bring your car to us fora free headlight checkup.
If they are out of line, we can line them up in a
¡iffy for only $1.50.
Phone 542
Highway 22
Cascade MEATS 9nc
2’/2 can
Ripe ’N Ragged
Santiam Cut Green
It All Comes
From the Soil
Il FILLS a person with awe to walk down New1 York’s Wall Street,
or to ride the elevator in the Empire State Building. The size of
things and the surrounding feeling of wealth is overwhelming. But
just think! The soil is our only source of replaceable wealth.
z\nd who coaxes that wealth from the soil . . . prepares the land
. . . selects and plants the seeds . . . cultivates the growing crops . . .
and reaps the abundant harvests of food and fiber?
The farmer, of course!
Clothing worn by people who work in the city's buildings . . .
big and little ... is produced by farmers. So is the food these people
eat The farmer furnishes many of them their jobs, too ... for they
earn their living by processing or handling products of the soil.
In daily contacts with the soil—our major source of primary
wealth —the farmer asks only his fair share of the total income. He's
a neighborly sort of a fellow who enjoys working with other farmers.
Because he must spend so much of his time coaxing wealth from
the soil, he doesn't have time to properly market his products or
to obtain his essential production supplies. But by joining with his
neighbors, he has developed democratic associations to do these
jobs for him. Through his associations, the farmer gets more and
better food and clothing to the city worker at lower cost. These
associations are farmer cooperatives.
Farmer cooperatives are a vital part of the farmer's over-all pro­
duction operations. They help him to do a better job for himself
. ..forhis neighbors... and for those who consume his products.
We are now closed oil Sundays. Hours Mon.
through Saturday 8a. in. to 7 p. in.
| Food
Santiam F armers Co-op
Custom Cleaning
Petroleum Products
Grinding and Mixing
Household Appliances
Telephone 5024