-Mill Ends NOTICE The ladies of St. Catherine's Altar Society Will Hold Their Annual FOOD 8 NEEDLEWORK SALE Monday, November 7th IN THE BUILDING NEXT TO THE MILL CITY JEWELRY Mill City Variety And Gift Shop We have a nice Selection of Gifts for BIRTHDAYS SHOWERS Don't Forget Christmas is Coming Soon SHOP HERE FIRST Mr. and .Mr». Sam Emil Auj of Canby guests Sunday at the home. The gathering of .Mr. Aus’ birthday Suggestion Given for Fall and Winter Care of Home Lawn AmurxLon and were dinner Don’t put that lawn mower away George Veteto too son. A lawn needs mowing just was in honor as long as it continues to grow in anniversary. the fall and winter, says Oregon State college agronomist H. i„ Schu- The Cheak’cha May Campfire del. group met at the home of Mrs. Burt- I Schudel cautions against continu­ on Boroughs Monday for their Hal­ ous close clipping but explains that lowe’en party. At the meeting they it’s important to keep grass from talked about the scrap books for growing in large rank masses. Ideal­ children in hospitals. Refreshments ly, a lawn should be kept so that no were served by Mrs. Boroughs. Those more than an inch of top growth is present were Linda and Mary Ann ever cut off at any one time. Bassett, Bonnie Boroughs, Suzanne The lawn specialist also cautions Carlson, Lois Hershberger, Sharon against letting leaves e been set may indicate a disease problem and for December I in the home of Miss his advice is to send sod samples for free diagnosis to the Plant Clinic, Dai t. Oregon State College, Corvallis. Of special concern in the Willam­ ette Valley this year Is Increasing Card of Thanks evidence of pink patch fungus di- red fescue We wish to thank our friends for ! •ease, particularly in their words of sympathy and acts lawns. Cool, wet weather favors in­ of kindness, and floral offerings at crease of the disease. Symptons are the the time of the death of Mrs. Addie irregular, circular patches in Hayes.—Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Clark, lawn that turn brownish-white and Mr. and Mrs. Erank Barney and dead looking. Coral pink fruiting Milan Weston. 44p bodies of the fungus may also ap- 8—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1955 Jerry Coffman Re-Elected Farmers Union President MEHAMA—Quite a number of guests were present for the meeting of the Mehama Local of the Farmers Union at the Women’s club house Friday evening, October 28. During the business meeting election of of­ ficers was held. It was unanimously voted to retain the same officers for another year. The officer* are, G. W. Coffman, president; Luther Stout, vice president, and Mrs. Dewey Me- | Call, secretaiy-treasurer. The pro­ gram of pictuies that was planned for the evening was postponed so visiting was enjoyed while waiting for .he pot luck refreshments to be served. pear on grass blades. Control recommendations include application of any standard mercury turf fungicide used according to manufacturer’s directions. Also ef­ fective is a mecuric mixture of two pints of calomel with one part cor­ rosive sublimate at the rate of three to four ounces per thousand square feet of lawn. The mix can tie sprayed on in enough water to cover the area or be broadcast in dry form with sand as the carrier. Schudel has one important cau­ tion. Mercury compounds are deadly poison and should be handled with extreme caution. After applied to the lawn in diluted form, they present no hazard. The materials are also highly corrosive to all metals. LICENSED Garbage Disposal $1.50 Per Month and Up Also Servicing Gates. Lyons Idanaha and Detroit MILL CITY, OREGON DISPOSAL SERVICE LEONARD HERMAN iUOM Thurs., Fri., Sat. November 3-4-5 HUMPHREY BOGART. GENE TIERNEY, in I Î LEFT HAND OF GOD In ClnemaScope PLUS GARY MERRILL in BLACK DAKOTAS All Color Sunday, Monday November 6-7 | Subscribe to The Mill City Enterprise HUMPHREY BOGART. JOAN BENNETT, ALDO RAY, in WE'RE NO ANGELS Very Funny Comedy In VistaVision Color Tuesday Only November 8 FAMILY NIGHT FRANK SINATRA. GENE KELLY, JOSE ITl RBI.in THUNDERBIRD POWER, ANCHORS AWEIGH Nautical Musical in Color THUNDERBIRD STYLING r In the loiv-price field Á and LIFEGUARD DESIGN WHOLE FAMILY FOR 99c Doors Open at 7 P. M. Complete show can he »een any time up to 8:30 You can’t buy safer! Ami livres why. Ford alone brings you Lifeguard Design, a whole new tainily of safety features to give you extra protection in case of accident. 1 hen* s a new Lifeguard deep-center steering wheel to help cushion the driver from th«* steering post * new Lifeguard double-grip door latches to reduce the danger of doors springing open under impact. * new double swivel Lifeguard unit >r that "gives,” for greater safetv. ★ umv optional Lifeguard padding material to cushion control panel and sun visors and lessen s I kh k of impact * optional floor-anchored seat belts to help hold passengers securely in their seats. »edUr Ji CÄ Ji. STRONGBARN Means BETTER Barns Cheaper and Easier Yes Strongbarn Granite City Steel’s Corrugated. Gal­ vanized Steel Roofing and Siding, means a better barn. Here's why Strongbarn is stronger — nearly twice as strong as anyconventional material. • Strongbarn is tighter—■ up to 21 lbs per square lighter W Strongbarn fits tight — stays flat and even, makes snug joints resists wind. You can’t buy better ! Lite Vr Ford inherited its brants from the Thtindcrlmd Its Iona It's the fine car at half the fine-car price! and Ims a fine car in even graceful line. And sou ian hase the rhimderhiriTs "lightning.” too. at no extra < <>vf for the new abilits and hill climbing "Go.” (Lome in for your Test D sore to fimi m.iiiv more reasons whs sou can’t bus k-tt sslien sou Ims Ford New luxury interiors . . . fini < . . . a qualify "feel" throng! mit all add up to m.d lite fine cat at ludi the fin s ar Phone 624 Strongbarn is cheaper — you save money on fram ing and labor Come in and see this modem roofing and siding. We’U be glad io show you how ¡o build with strong light. Strongbarn. 1 hrmderbird Y H engine is th«’ standard eight in all F.url.me mil V agirti models! Here's power that gives soil split second ' MILL CITY, OREGON Strongbarn is easy to ap­ ply — strong, light sheets go up quickly and easily Santiam Farmers Co-op STAYTON. OREGON Phone 2524 Greet TV, Ford Theatre, Station KPTV, Channel 6, Thursday 9:30 Seeds F ertilizer Feeds Grinding and Mixing Machinery Hardware Custom Cleaning Seed Marketing Petroleum Products Household Appliances • Phone 5024 Stayton. Oregon