The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, November 03, 1955, Image 1

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A YEAIl. l()c A COPY
Mill City to Play Last Game of
Season at Philomath Friday
City Election to
Be Held Nov. 8
Open House at
High School Sei
For Next Mon.
The City of Mill Ciy will hold its
annual election Tuesday, November
8 for the purpose of electing a Mayor
and two Councilnien.
No one filed for the position of
Mayor, but it has been said that J.
C. Kimmel, present Mayor will quali­
fy if elected.
Filing for the position of council-
men are Donald Jenkins and Frank
Hunter, Those whose terms expire
are Bob Hill, street commissioner,
and Arlo Tuers, police commissioner,
Holdover councilmen are Russell
. King. Bob Veness and Ed Cooke.
Polling place of the election will
I be the city hall, and voting hours
are from 2 p. m. until 8 p. m.
Judges of the election are Elma
I Stewart, and Altha Grimes. Clerks
I are Lettie Swan. Ann Holman and
Mel Robinson.
Voters are asked to keep the date
i and time in mind. Be sure to go to
I the polls and vote.
The Timberwolves lost the big one
Friday by a 0-6 count to Amity.
\mity pi over! to be a tough defensive
outfit as well as the League's best
offensive team The Wolves moved
> the ball well in the opening quarter
| until they lost the services of full-
1 bayk, A rues Jackson. Quarterback
Dick Crook kept the Wolves in the
The annual high school open house
game by completing nine passes for
will be held Monday evening, Novem­
86 yards. Lloyd Ross was on the re
ber 7, between 7:30 and 9:30. A
, reiving end of five passes. Jerrv
program has been planned to start
Strong. Dale Walczak, I.loyd ILj/~
at 8 o’clock in the auditorium which
Doug Hirte, and
will provide 50 to 60 minutes of
wic outstanding ■■
student action to give parents and
Amity scored in the third quarter
friends a better idea of what goes on
i With a 4th and 11 situation, Hub-
in and out of classes. Included in the
hard passed to the three-yard line.
program will be the Honor Society
i Two plays later, Fullback Hubbard
installation of new* members, songs
The Mill City Firemen are begin­ ! crashed through for the score. The
by the chorus, a meeting of the
ning plans for the annual benefit, , conversion kick was blocked.
student council, speeches and other
which is always held the Saturday
Score bv Quarters—
interesting activities.
Thanksgiving. This year it Mill City
0 0 0 0—0
The gymnasium will be open be­
will be Saturday. November 19.
j Xmtty
...... 0 0 6 0 6
fore the program for those who wish
This i« one of the big events of the
Mill City in Second Place
to inspect the modern, extensive fa­
A fai ewell party was given Thurs­
City remains in second place
cilities for sports and physical edu­
day night at Riverview Cafe in Me-
, venue
— _ for . the firemen. Money
, is i with one more game to play. The
cation. The shop, ait, and science
[ hama for Mr. and Mrs. E. C. (Bate)
used to improve their service in the I Wolves are scheduled to play at
rooms together with the unique {Kennedy, who are leaving the canyon
j Philomath this Friday afternoon at
homemaking house, Fir Manor, will
I for Pine Crest Lodge, near the ent­
John Muir is general chairman this 2 p. m.
be open for inspection. All high
rance of Y’osemite National park.
year, and states that the fire laddies
Game* last week—
school teachers will be an hand to
Pvt. Dale R. Andreassen, 18. son will be out selling tickets for the
, Mr. Kennedy has been active in
MiH City 0, Amity 6; Jefferson 1»,
answer any questions parents and | working for the betterment of the
of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Andreassen, event, beginning, Wednesday, No­ Chemawa 12; Monroe 33. St Boni­
friends may have about the school,
was recently picked to ser\e in the vember 9.
| canyon for several years and will be
face 0.
classes, and education generally.
3i J Infantry Regiment, the Army’s
| missed as Ptesident of the North
League Standings
Refreshments will be served by Santiam Chamber of Commerce. He
top ceremonial unit, in Washington,
Won L Pct.
j Team
the homemaking girls in the recrea­ has done a good job, and in his part­
D. C.
6 0 1.000
' Amity
tion room after the program with ing remarks Thursday night stated:
The 3rd, the oldest active Army
4 0
MUI City
very special refreshments at
Fir “The Canyon at this time is just be­
regiment, performs at military fun­
4 2
. Monroe
George Cree, who lives just west erals, parades and wreath layings at
Manor for those interested in home­ ginning to develop, and it needs the
3 3
' Jefferson
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier,
3 3
support of everyone working togeth- on town on the old highway, suffered
IChen awa
Funeial services were held at the j Philomath
This will be parents’ best oppor­ er for the continued success and painful and serious injuries when Members of the regiment maintain
2 3
Stayton ¡Sublimity
1 5
tunity to see their sons and daugh­ ’ growth of the area.” He also ad- struck by a pickup truck as he j 24-hour sentry duty at the tomb, 1 Methodist
i______ _ a former of : Tuesday for Mrs. Adeline Effigene i Scio
0 5
ters busy at the important work of monished the group to keep • n their walked across the highway near his ( Private Andieassen,
Games This Week—Mill City at
education. It is also a chance to be­ toes, and keep on trying to get new place about 6 o'clock Monday even­ the Christian Logging company, en­ 1 Hayes, who passed away Saturday.
ing. He was taken to the Salem tered the Army last May and com­ Mrs. Hayes was taken to Santiam Philomath, St. Boniface at Jeffer-
come acquainted with the teaching industries into the atea.
staff, the school plant and student
Picture above is “Babe” as he re- Memorial hospital, suffering from pleted basic training at Fort Carson, Memorial hospital Friday evening, son, Monroe at Chemawa.
and did not rally following mapor (
ceived a gift from the group, The having the large bone between the Colorado.
He was graduated from Mill Cit j> | surgery. Interment was in Bethany |
“real” gift of luggage did not ar- knee and ankle shattered. Mr. Cree
(Cemetery at Silverton. Rev. Abbott
rive until the next day, but the one «’as immediatelw put under sedatives high school in 1954.
was in charge of the services.
he is unwrapping heie proved to be and his leg placbd in a partial cast.
According to Mr. Cree’s daughter,
| a lot of fun for the Kennedy’s and
Adeline Effigene Hayes was born
the group. It was an old suitcase Mrs. Floyd Johnson, he had parked j CIL ipnrnn N AU/ AFI
April 4, 1868 in Chautauqua county,
| picked up at a rummage sale, filled his own pickup, which he was using | Lilt JUOdUI I lluW Uli
to haul straw to his stockshed by the
New York, daughter of Nathaniel
with various garments.
1 George Tate, of Sublimity, will be »ide of the highway with the lights
and PhilinJa (Williams) Moore. She
married George W. Hayes August"
[acting president t>f the Chamber, re­ burning while he closed the gate The
benefit danca
By Jean Roberts
two men from Albany, who were re­
12, 1883, who preceded her in death I There will be a
placing Kennedy.
staged at the Lyons school gymnas­
MEHAMA—The elk season which February 3, 1936.
turning home in the other pickup
Climaxing a sales year that prom­
ium this Saturday evening, with two
from an elk-hunting trip, stated they | began over a week ago is at its peak,
Mr. and Mrs. Hayes mover! to
isee to set new all-time records for
being conducted at the same
were blinded by the lights and the
Washington Territory October 23.
the automobile industry, Chevrolet |
time, according to the committee
stormy conditions at the time, and time yet.
1887. They were passengers on the
will introduce 1956 passenger cars
One end of the gym will be for
Pickups, cars and jeeps loaded to first emigrant train ever put on the
could not see Mr. Cree in his dark
Friday, November 4.
dancing and the other for
rain-colthing. They offered all assist­
Northern Pacific railroad. They re-
The new models, according to
I ance possible, as did Harold Kliewer groceries, shells and rifles, having
modern dancing, Tickets are good
Gene Teague, Stayton dealer, will go ]
( GATES—It might have been a who happened along at that time.
sawdust tires mounted are much in when they moved to Oregon, locating for either dance, An orchestra haa
on display simultaneously at dealer '
the modern dance,
1 Hallowe’en joke, maybe, or it might
in this area.
Mr. Cree already had a cold and
in Salem, and later moving to Aums­ been secured for
showrooms across the country. Al- i
have been just someone's careless- congestion of the lungs, and it was
Ed and Elizabeth Castle have an ville, and then Silverton wheie Mr. I and records will be used for square
though details have been withheld, |
ness, maybe, but it surely nut one hoped that no further ill effects established camp at Desolation, and
dancing. The Gaynighterx square
Hayes passed away. Some years later
the company has reported the forth­
I of the telephone lines ’ on
the „ bum, ’, all would result from his lying on the will stay all season. Ivan Darby
dance club has been invited to take
Mrs. Hayes moved to Mill City,
coming line is the most diversified in
Friday afternoon, all oay sswr»,
untj| h«»
he rntilri
could bp trans-
trans. plans to set up camo near Whitney.
where she lived for 17 years.
its history.
Proceeds from the dance will go
land until Sunday afternoon Trouble
Anyone who has a weekend to hunt
W. E. Fish, general sales manager
Survivors include a sister, Mrs. E. to the Lyons Volunteer firemen and
shooters were out all day Saturday j
£ree wife of the injured can go over and find camp already
of Chevrolet, predicted one
E. Bates, and a niece, Mrs. Bertha for band uniforms at Mari-Linn. The
I in the pouring rain trying to locate; '
. ' ...’
in a wheel chair re- made.
Bair, both of Girard, Ohio, several
company's most successful retail ,the trouble. They found none on the I
Several logging companies are nkces and nephews residing in public is invited.
jcovering from hospitalization as the
1 Marion county side of the river »0 I result of a broken leg .«he suffered taking a week’s vacation at this time
W ishington; a daughter, Mrs. J. E.
“This is the biggest day
checked every phone on the Linn in a fall about two months ago. She to enable workers to hunt.
Clark of Mill City. She is also sur­
year for Chevrolet dealers,'
Gene Cole Mehama butcher, and vived by two grandchildren, Milan L.
serious major op-
commented, "and they traditionally Of course it had to be the last one j had undergone
j eration not too long before that. The his wife havg worked every night Weston of Klamath, Calif., and Mrs.
go all out to make it a memorable
they looked at, only to find that a
occasion for the people who visit tack had been driven between the ¡family has been endeavoring to lo- and all night some nights to get Frank Barney of Mill City; two great
| cate some capable woman to stay deer cut and wrapped so they can daughters, Ronna 1-ee Weston and
their showrooms."
lines, in a closet. The tack was re­ ! with Mrs. Cree.
go elk hunting. Mrs. Wilson Stev­ Ix-ila Frances Barney.
Burglary of The Lake Club at De­
moved, the line worked and every­
ens, Stayton school teacher shorten­
Mr. and Mrs. Hayes weie charter troit, which wax discovered Tuesday
body was happy—but not for long.
members, and helped build the first afternoon netted an estimated $170
Mill City Garden Club
Early Sunday evening, when a re­
hunting over the • weekend.* Accom­ church in Monroe, Wash.
and 10 bottles of whisky.
Making Christmas Plans
panied by Coles, she will spend the
Ths loss was reported by Tude
The regular meeting of the Mill they were greeted by lively music,
weekend at a hunting camp in the
Russell, proprietor, when she opened
City Garden club was held Thursday
Ukiah area.
about 4:30 p. m. after tha business
Grant Smith, and Gib Wagner,
evening at the home of Mrs. Curtis be sure we were saved or a political
had been closed since Sunday night.
former Mehama
residents, have
Cline with Mrs. Fred Duffy as her speech. Somebody had left their re­
Entry was gained through a
• window to the women’s restroom.
Mrs. Walter Olmstead, speaker of
The heavy snow this week put ing, as has Bud Johnson from Maple-
the evening, explained in detail the hours.
the stop sign up on logging opera­ I ton.
Mill City Lodge, No. 180 AF4tAM.
Those of us on that line who were tions in the upper canyon region.
Leaving before daylight Friday , entertained members of the Prine­
care, fertilising, pruning and gener-
Mehama Aid Makes Plans
al preparation of plants and shrubs quite sure we were "saved" will have Some loggers hope to go back to morning were Wagners, and Ivan ville lodge with their annual "buck j
to beg forgiveness
for *11 the work Monday, but that depends upon 1 Darby Chuck Darou and Art An- I feed” at the lodge hall
for the winter season.
Annual Ham Dinner
A number of new Garden Club naughty words said Sunday night. what the weather does between now I derson plan to join the others at thplr j night, with 64 being served. Thirty-] MEHAMA-Mrs. Keith
Y’earbooki were given to the mem­ Oh well, it was Hallowe'en eve.
and then. As we go to press Wednes­ I camp near Whitney sometime later I three from Prineville came in a and Mrs. Tilman Rains were hostes­
bers Thursday evening. Mrs. Doiezal
day noon, it looks like the snow is I in the season.
chartered bus, accompanied
by ses for the meeting of the Ladies’
and Mrs. Heller are to complimented Lions Club to Meet
here to stay, but a warm rain can
Noble Streeter, former Presbyterian Aid in the church parlors Thursday
on their work on the books.
alleviate the situation in short order.
pastor here, who received hi* Master afternoon. Octoter 27. Mrs. Rain ac­
Plans for Christmas are shaping At Scout Cabin Monday
Santiam Pass has 27 inches of Mrs. Bill Grimes
Maxon degree following the dinner companied the singing and Mrs. Jen­
Following dinner at Lion» club snow in two days, and snow plows Honored at Shower
up and will be announced soon.
Five also drove up from Salem to nie Moe read the Scripture for the
Following the business meeting a Monday night, a report on the sale were busy keeping the road open^
day Most of the meeting time was
Mrs. attend the meeting.
social hour was enjoyed and refresh­ of birthday calendars was read by
Co-chairmen for the banquet were devoted to sewing and making final
at a
Secretary Otto Koeneke. The mem-
ments served.
'shower honoring Mrs. Bill Grimes, a Mrs. Floyd Johnson and Mra. Robert plans for the ham dinner and bazaar,
I bers deemed the sale a success and
Draper, with Iteo Fitzgerald prepar- I November 10 at the Women’s club
recent bride, held at the Catholic
are determined to make a more Con­
_ “
Thursday evening. I ’ iB<
*• v'nigo" i. Mrs W. R. Hutche­ house and church.
1 son
u/.r. and Mrs.
Mr« Arlo
centrated drive next year.
PTA T o Serve Ham
Tuers also helped.
Due to the absence of the treasurer
I-ee Bassett, who had the program
the Eastern Star no financial report was given and
Dinner at School Sunday ' for the evening, had secured a color­
tertainment and after opening of the
The Santiam Home Extension unit gifts, pumpkin pie and coffee were brought prepared food to complete there was no report on the traveling
This year, replacing the Interna­ ful film of the scenic beauties of
will hold a carnival at the Gates * served to the following Mrs. Grimes, the meal. Decorating the tables and basket that was started in the Spring.
tional Dinner, the PTA of Mill City the state of Nevada.
high school gym Saturday evening, ¡the honored guest, Mmes. Floyd the lodge room were Mrs. W. R. Refreshments were served by the
is sponsoring a ham dinner at the
The next meeting of the club will
Hutcheson, Mrs. Ernest Graham, and hostesses at a large table centered
grade school cafeteria this Sunday I be held at the scout cabin in the The unit will have a quilt raffle, ; Bassett, Truman
booth, j Helemn, Sam Bridges, Orville Down- Mrs. Charles Kelly. The Rainbow with a boquet of chrysanthemums.
between the hours of 2 and 5 p. m. i city park Monday night. The ladies , door prize, fortune telling
sale, , ing, Al Aronson, Chet Grimes, Rus­ Girls served the tables.
An advance sale of tickets shows of members will be entertained at rogue’s gallery, house plant
Following the evening’s meeting, |
the dinner will be a financial success. ! Fellowship hall November 14, with cake contest, handicraft display, bin- sell Thiel, Donald Kuiken, Harvey
' go, and a fish pond for the enter­ Grimes. Vaughn Hunt, Cletus Ny­ pie and coffee were served to the Rebekah Members Visit
Those not getting tickets beforehand la dinner and program.
tainment of tho-e attending.
degger, Clyde
Leland men before their return home
can get them at the door the day of
IOOF Home in Portland
Manning, Loyal Walker, Elva Kuik­
the dinner. The public is invited to
Several member» of Santiam Re­
en, Barbara Nydegger, Beverly Ny­ Mehama Brownie Troop
tiring the whole family to the dinner. Large Crowd at Golliet's
bekah Lodge drove to Portland Sun­
degger, Mabel Nydegger. Dorothy Holds Mother's Tea
day to make a visit to the IOOF
Annual Birthday Party
Breakfast Club Draws 8
Jordan, Barbara Finch, and the
MEHAMA —Brownie troop No. 136 Home where they honored their
Driven License Examiner
hostesses, Mrs. Free and Mrs. Ny
entertained with a Mother’s Tea in adopted grandmother. Mrs. August*
party staged by Mr and Mrs. Ken At Wednesday Meeting
the church basement Wednesday af­ Fleetwood, with a decorated birth­
To Be Here November 10
Golliet at the Women’s clubhouse
The Mill City Breakfast club had
ternoon, October 26. The fireplace day cake and gifts. Billy Eidler, an­
A Drivers License Examiner wlil Saturday evening was well attended eight in attendance at the meeting
end of the basement was decorated other former Mill City resident who
be on duty in Mill City Thursday, as usual and a good time was enjoyed at the Bank cafe Wednesday morn­ St. Catherine's Altar
with autumn leaves for the occasion. lives at the home, was also mvted
November 10 at the Fire Hall be­ by all. Between 125 and 135 were ing. Some who had attended the first
A regular meeting was held with a to the party.
present with a larger percentage of morning were absent, but new fel­ Society to Hold Sale
tween the hour* of 9 and 4.
Going were Mrs. M G Rambo,
The ladies of St. Catherine’s Altar short program, after which refresh­
Those wishing original licenses or smaller children present than in the low» showed up. The club accom­
plished just what it set out to do, society will hold their annual food ments of rake, tea and punch were Mrs John Swan, Mrs. W. J. Robin­
permits to drive are asked to file ap­ past.
ion, Mrs. Floyd Fleetwood, Mrs.
and needlework sale Monday, No­ served
plications well ahead of the scheduled
After the games and contesta were nothing but a good time.
Ruth Hess, Mrs. Lester Hathaway,
Meetings will be held each Wed-
closing hour in order to assure time over the usual refreshments of do­
The sale will be held in the build­ sen and Mrs. Golliet were assisted in Mrs. Arthur Syverson, Mrs. Charlie
for completion of the required license nuts and eider were served to the ner day morning, and businessmen
Stewart, and Mra. Susie Haynes.
ing next to Baker’s Mill City Jewelry serving by the Brownies.
grownup« and children present
are invited to attend.
Farewell Party Held
Thursday for Kennedys
Monday Night
w -I,
Firemen Plan
Annual Benefit
Pvt. Dale Andreassen
Now With Infantry
Funeral Services Held
For Mrs. Addie Hayes
Benefit Dance at
Lyons Sat. Night
New Chevrolet
Goes on Display
Something Put Phone
At Gates on the Bum
Whiskey, Money Taken
From Detroit Club
Large Group at Lodge
From Prineville Order
Extension Unit at Gates
To Have Carnival Sat.