complying with the notice of sale and submitting the bid which pro REAL ESTATE vides the lowest cost to the City of FOR SALE—Almost new Frigidaire Deluxe Automatic washer. 1 New --- JOS. DEVERS REAL ESTATE Detroit. Oregon. CLASSIFIED RATES Each bid must be unconditional, W. . _ R. _ Hutcheson, Salesman Church bazaars, suppers, bake sales/ machine guarantee. Will sacrifice Gates, Oregon. must be accompanied by a certified for quick sale.—Lyons Plumbing, i Phone 4515 •te. will be run under ‘ Special An HEAVY HAULING check or cashier's check in favor of Phone ULrick 9-2355. 44 nouncements” classification with a FOR SALE or RENT—Six-room the City of Deficit, Ore., of or upon minimum charge of 50 cents per in house in Mill Cty. Large living a bank doing busiaess in the State of UNFINISHED FURNITURE and C-onunon Carrier — Heavy Machinery and Equipment sertion. room. Fireplace. Good location. Oregon, in the sum of $2,500.00, and Used Furniture Bargains. We give Count five words to the line in Penny Saver Stamps. Phone 6804, Write P. O. Box 627, Mill City for must be enclosed in a sealed enve EXCAVATION and CONSTRUCTION Phone Salem ordering your ad. Phone 2651, Mill 367rd St., Stay ton. 33tf information. 47 lope addressed to the undersigned City or mail your advertisement to J5-TON MOBILE CRANE Day 2-2461 and marked on the outside “Proposal The Mill City Enterprise. Mill City, FOR SALE—GE Deluxe Electric REAL ESTATE CONTRACTING AND RENTAL Nite 2-4417 Oregon for Bonds. ” No interest will be al range, $75, Just like new. Call at I Glen Shelton, Broker lowed on the deposit with the bid, the Mill City Texaco Station. 43 West side hfi’.’. City Ph 2207 but the check of the successful bid For Rent der will be retained as part payment Business Services of the bonds or to secure the City of I FOR RENT—Furnished apartment Legal Notices Detroit, Oregon against any loss re in business district.—Nita Horner SEE US when in need of T. V. An Mill City. Phone 6142. 40tf tennas and supplies. We handle a NOTICE OF REGULAR ELECTION sulting from failure of the bidder to NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in comply with the terms of his bid. complete Fine of Philco television FOR RENT—Furnished one and two Each bidder shall include in his aceotdance with Chapter 6, Section seta. $179 and up. Stiffler Radio I bedroom apartments, $50 and up 23 and 24 of the charter of the City bid a statement of the total interest and Appliance Co. Phone 3207 Mill per month. See Chuck’s Fine Wrecking Army Engineers Office at Detroit Dam City. ltf of Mill City, Oregon, that on the Sth cost to the district, if his bid be Foods, Phone 5822PO. East of day of November, 1955 there will be accepted, PROVIDED NONE OF Gates on Highway 22. 88tf held the regular unnual election as THE CALLABLE BONDS OF THE ALL MATERIAL FOR SALE CHEAP ISSUE ARE REDEEMED PRIOR TO follows: Lost and Found FOR RENT—Hospital beds and mat FINAL MATURITY DATE. 1. To elect two Councilmen to Doors, Windows, Complete Toilets. tresses, rollaway beds and mat The successful bidder will be tresses. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. LOST—Black female German Shep serve a three year term of office on I furnished with the legal written All kinds of wiring and switch boxes. ard dog. Answers to name of the Common Council, of the City of We give Penny Saver Stamps. 367 Lucy. Reward will be given for Mill City as required by Chapter III, opinion of the law firm of Messrs. 3rd St. Stayton. Phone 6804. 33tf 2x4, 2x6, 2x8, 2x10, 2x12s Winfree, McCulloch, Shuler and return to Mrs. Orval Ross. Phone Section 8 of the City Charter. FOR RENT—1 furnished house and Sayre, to the effect that the bonds 3500 ft. fir end matched No. I Flooring 3951, Mill City. 43p 2. To elect a Mayor to serve a two one unfurnished 2 bedroom house. year term of office as chairman of constitute the valid and legally bind C. M. Cline, 304, N. E. Alder, the Common Council of the City of ing obligations of the said City of 3 SEPTIC TANKS Miscellaneous phone 1922. 42tf Mill City as required by Chapter 111, Detroit, Oregon. The bonds will be delivered com FOR RENT—One bedroom party ! FIREWOOD FOR SALE—Wood from 1 | Section 9 of the City Charter. plete. without undue delay, at the Open seven days a week for your convenience 2:00 The election will be held at furnished house between Mill City 1 M & M plant at Lyons. Core wood expense of the City of Detroit, Ore o ’ clock P. M. and will continue until and Gates. Chuck’s Fine Foods, I or log ends. Two or more cords, gon, at such city in Oregon as the East of Gates. Phone Mill City | $12.00 per cord.—Write Alden 8 o’clock P. M. on November 8, 1955. successful bidder shall name. The precinct and polling place will 5822. 43tf I Cook, Post Office Box 163, Lyons HAROLD CHAMPION, be at the City Hall in the City of ------------------------------------------------ I Oregon. <itf Mil City Oregon. Recorder of the City of , FOR RENT—Two bedroom house on Detroit, Oregon. 44 The Judges and clerks of said N. W. Alder street. Inquire at 796 Sawmill LOGS WANTED DETROIT DAM First published October 20, 1955. ¡election are as follows: Elma Stew- N. W. Alder, Mill City. 44 Top prices for Second Growth luu„ Last published November 3, 1955. I art, judge; Altha Grimes, judge; ' ; Ann Holman, STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. I Lettie Swan, clerk; Vi west of Mehama. Oregon 51tf ' clerk and Mel Robinson, clerk. Witness the hands of the recorder and mayor of the City of Mill City, LOGS WANTED Top prices paid. Six inch t« 50 inch together with the seal of said City, diameters in eight foot, or multi upon the 18th dav of October, 1955. See us for a complete J. C. KIMMEL, Mayor ples of eight feet. We also buy (SEAL) stumpage. Line of BURKLAND LUMBER CO. Posted G. at: C. RAMBO, Recorder. f Turner, Oregon City Hal), Stewart's Grocery, Phone Turner 1125: Erenings phone WHAT SHAUL. I BE ? Red & White Store, Hillton Turner 2502 or Salem 27826. 25tf Market. 43 FRESH VEGETABI.ES-Gem spuds NOTICE OF BOND SALE "What shall I be when 1 grow up? What is life all about? now ready for storing. No. l’s Sealed bids will be received by the Is there a God?" $2.50 per sack; comb, l’s and 2's, undersigned ____ __ ___ until ___ the ____ hour _ of 8:00 Johnny is seeking. He wants to mold the future. He $2.00 per sack; No. 2’s 50 pounds, ' p. M. on November 8, 1955, and im- wants to know what to make of his life. 75c; turnips, carrots, 1 pickling ’ ' " mediately opened by the Common cukes.—Mehama Gardens. 1 New Council of the City of Detroit, Ore In later years, if Johnny hasn't found the answers, he will 1 hours, 3 to 8 p. m. Monday and gon, at the Detroit School in said stop asking. He will be too concerned with the present to Friday. All day Saturday and Sun city for the sale of bonds, known as I look to the future. He will be busy supporting a family, FOR YOUR HOME day. Phone Lyons ULrick 9-2484 Water System Bonds in the amount getting a new car. meeting unexpected sickness, trying to evening^. 40tf of Twenty Five Thousand ($25,000.- keep up with the Joneses. Water Systems YOU CAN still cook for $1.50 per 00) Dollars issued pursaant to the So Johnny will start drifting. He will be carried away by month on a modern automatic pro authority vested in the Common i the problems and anxieties of the grown-up world. He will Fowler Clothes Dryers pane range; clean, fast, dependable. Council of the City of Detroit by the | be swept along in the stream of life without aims or purposes. Call Sam Bridges,’Lyons, 295; (also le»fal voters of said cltY at elec* . Help your Johnny to find the answers to his seeking. Take heating, water heaters, refrigerat- tlon held December 27, 1954 enacting ( PHONE LYONS L'LRK 9-2355 your child to Sunday Schoo) and Church this Sunday. Help tion, brooders and Norge appli- the C harter of the City of Detroit, him find the truth and certainty and faith to shape a great Oregon, pursuant Ordinance , «near * ‘ n ~~---- and ------ *“ n to ~,i— —“ 9tf No. 18 of the City of Detroit, Oregon | life. I WANT TO BUY TIMBER said bonds being described 1 as fol- Small or large tracts lows: _ Waber System Bonds, in denomina- Either cash or sthmpage basis STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. | tions of One Thousand ($1,000.00) j H mile w’est of Mehama. Oregon 3tf | Dollars each, said bonds to be dated | January 1, 1956, to bear interest as 1 ----- - OF FICE FURNITURE and equip- 1 hereinafter stated, and to mature at ■ ment. typewriters, adding machines, | the rate of $2,000.00, serially in nu- | calculators, cash registers, duplieat- | merical order, commencing on the ors, safes, filing equipment. We sell, | first day of January, 1957, to and in rent, swap and repair. Bargains in eluding the first day of January, used machines. Roen Typewriter 1961, and commencing with the first Exchange, 456 Court St.. Salem, tf day of January 1962 at the rate of | $1,000.00 to and including the first I day of January, 1976, and said bonds I the church FOR AU . . . | shall bear interest at a rate not to AU FOR THE CHURCH Th. Church i. th. ¿,.ot..t foe. exceed six (6%) per cent per annum, lor on earth lor th. building el or such smaller amounts as may be character and good citnen.hic It fixed by the Common Council, pay I ■ • o Mor.houH Of .pi,dual value. ALL of your needs will be filled able on the 1st day of July and the W.lheut a .Irong Church. n.nh.r When you stop at our station j 1st day of January of each year, I democracy no, civiluafior, can for car or truck service. nurvive There or. four »ound principal and interest to be paytble a*t’’.n°d".*h’’ *’*'X P,,,C" ,hould in lawful money of the United Stau*9 attend ,.mc„ regularly and .up- of America at the office of the1 -he Church They are Treasurer of the City of Detroit, rhU t’W" ,2> r°' >»»• children • .ake (3) lor th. .ok. Of all kinds. Trusses Oregon. At the option of said City, SERVICE STATION & Ol hi. community and nahon Hi Abdominal Supports on any interest-paying date at or i Hch Chu,ch '"•» TRAILER COURT Elastic Hosiery after the expiration of ten years which need. hi. moral end mo tenol support. rion to go to from the date of said bonds and pur- Expert Fitters Phone 903, Mill City. rhurch regularly and reod your Isuant to publication of notice any or Private Fitting Rooms. Bible doily. GATES all remaining bonds may be re TIRES and BATTERIES “Ask Your Doctor" deemed. Booh Chapter Verses This bond is a general obligation AUTO SUPPLIES 1 9 Mondey Am». I 14-24 of said city and is secured by a Tuejdey M.rh -• r. • 31-50 Wedneed yM,tk pledge of the net revenue of the , It J4-4Î Thur.d.y Act. 29 • it water system but only to the extent J”**' I John 1 U 24 Saturday A.vel.tloa 1 14 22 necessary to pay the principal and interest hereof. 504 State St. The bonds will be sold to the high est bidder, but the Common Council opyright IMS. K«>atrr Adv. Servie«, Siraakurf. V» ; Corner of Liberty ask FOR of the City of Detroit, Oregon re S and H Green Stamps serves the right to reject any or all Thu Serie« of Ad« 1« Sponaorad by the Following Firm« In Interent of All Charrhe« bids. Unless all bids are rejected the bonds will be awarded to the bidder Furniture 7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. OCTOBER 27, 1955 Real Estate Salem Sand and Gravel Company USED LUMBER FOR SALE1 Harry W. Parsons LYONS PLUMBING Electrical Fixtures And Supplies SURGICAL SUPPORTS SILVER SADDLE Capital Drug Store MILL CITY PHARMACY DON’T DELAY Winterize Today Don’t fool around this time of the year without having your car and truck put in shape for fall and winter driving. Proper weight of oil and grease saves wear on your equipment. PICK UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE E. L. BROWN UNION SERVICE On Highway 22 MILL CITY, OREGON When in Need of Printin’' Buy it in Mill City from THE ENTERPRISE Prescription Service MUIR’S BAKERY Mill Qty, Oregon WHEN IN MILL CITY Make Your Home At MILL CITY LODGE Day or Weekly Rates Phone 1957 289 N.E. Alder BOLL (TTY, OREGON KELLOM’S GROCERY “Your Personal Service Store" Mill Qty, Oregon PARKER-HUTCHESON FURNITURE IJberal Trade-In Allowances Phone 4561 Gate«, Oregon HILLTOP MARKET Kllewer Quality Meats Mill Qty, Oregon WRIGHT'S TRUCK LINES Ship The Wright Way Stayton, Oregon GATES GENERAL STORE Gates, Oregon STEWART'S GROCERY Groceries and Meats