Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1955)
IB—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1955 Check the ads for bargains DEAD ON YOUR FEET? d«t«<‘ancy ■Th«»« rt du« 1« • rMamM occur •n»y •*»•« dady iMtdta« •« vrtacmm» ■ «»d n»«< m **■ than mirnmu« dady «manta •••» a p-o ton««d p«t»od tn thorn»«!.«» U.ay du nut pro»« « dtotary daftctancy «• th«» may ted*« «th«» catmaa •» top du« la fun< ttanai candMtana. f Special Formula supplies iron you may need for Rich Red Blood Do you feel run-down, nervoun or de pressed? Lost your appetite-consti pated bothered by digestive upset?* You may be suffering from iron-and- ▼itamin starvation over a prolonged period REXEL, the Special high potency Formula supplies suppiemen tary quantities of iron for rich red blood and quick vitalizing energy. Each REXEL capsule gives you 5 times the daily minimum requirements of blood- boilding iron; move than the daily minimum of all essential B vitamins; plus Vitamin Blt and trace minerals. Let wonderful new pep and energy ow available at all drug with REXEL stores. • Toastmistress Club Has Guest Night The annual “guest night” was fea tured at the regular meeting of the Mill City Toastmistress club in the high school recreation room last Thursday evening, with Mrs. Lowell Fleetwood, president, in charge. It was announced that the local club will be host to the district council meeting Nevember 5, with a noon luncheon to be served at the Fellowship hall of the Presbyterian church. Topicmistress for the meeting was Mrs. Vernon Todd, who used as her now fcr Olympia! MONIY BACK OUARANTIIDI # McKESSON'S High Potency BEXEL Special far mule Capsule» MILL CITY PHARMACY 500 IVater’that Mill City Pheasant Liberations Almost Complete Miscellaneous Shower Held for Mrs. C. Crook Sparkling refreshment coming up. Take a moment to enjoy the satisfying good taste of Olympia ... then carry on, refreshed. less than 6C a day! Phone 6607 and Don’ts of Toastmistress” was I Lilly Wolfkiel, Jennie Moe, Eva No. 18 of the City of Detroit, Oregon cleverly presented by Mrs. John Crook, Mabel Patton, Pearl Allaway, said bonds being described as fol Prideaux and Mrs. Marshall Powell, 1 Misses Diana and Jewell Wallen, Jac- lows: and Mrs. Ralph Fough gave a talk 1 queline and Yyonne Boucha, Linda Water System Bonds, in denomina on “Language Misuses.” Arta Glide- j Katherine and Sandra Landers, and tions of One Thousand ($1,000.00) well gave her icebreaker speech, en I Linda Monroe. Dollars each, said bonds to be dated titled. “One Woman’s World.” Sending gifts were. Mmes. Oren January 1, 1956, to bear interest a* Serving as evaluator was Mrs. Small, Perry Clipfell, Gerald Rock hereinafter stated, and to mature at Howard Means. Mrs. Lee Bassett well, Chester Roy, Eugene Gregory, the rate of $2,000.00, serially in nu read a poem called “A Toastmistress Vern Sandberg, Mike Wlege, Luther merical order, commencing on the Garden.” 5tout, Frank White, Art Anderson, first day of January, 1957, to and in Guests for the evening were Mrs. Hubert Seamster and Joan, Art cluding the first day of January. James Hale, Mrs. Robert Roach, Johnson, Eugene Coles, Lou Pooler, 1961, and commencing with the first Hazel Gildow of Aumsville, Cora : Lloyd Geraths, Ted Jacoby, Ollie day of January 1962 at the rate of Prichard, Joan Scott, Mrs. O. K. De Adams, Otis Marks, Milton Roten $1,000.00 to and including the first Witt, Belle Faulkner, Mrs. Melbourne and James Richmond. day of January, 1976, and said bonds Rambo, Mary Atcheson, Mrs. Fern shall bear interest at a rate not to Hubbard of Lyons, and Mrs. James exceed six (6%) per cent per annum, Hardy of Mehama. or such smaller amounts as may be Hostesses serving dessert were fixed by the Common Council, pay“ Mrs. Nesbitt, Mrs. Bassett, and Mrs. able on the 1st day of July and the Means. 1st day of January of each year, — Waterfowl gunners can look for principal and interest to be payable a good season opener if the buildup in lawful money of the United States in duck and geese populations con of Ametica at the office of the Treasurer of the City of Detroit, tinues to increase. According to the game commis Oregon. At the option of said City, sion, northern flights are beginning on any interest-paying date at or MEHAMA—Mrs. Clifford Crook, to arrive in good numbers through after the expiration of ten years a recent bride, was guest of honor out the state with large populations 1 from the date of said bonds and pur at a miscellaneous shower at the building up in the marshlands of suant to publication of notice any or Women’s club house Thursday even Klamath, Lake, and Harney counties. all remaining bonds may be re ing, October 13. A large gToup was deemed. Legal Notices present for the evening to meet the This bond is a general obligation new Mrs. Crook. ' of said city and is secured by a NOTICE OF BOND SALE Hostesses were Mrs. Raymond Sealed bids will be received by the 1 pledge of the net revenue of the Branch, Mrs. Harry Monroe, Mrs. L. undersigned until the hour of 8:00 1 water system but only to the extent E. Wallen and Mrs. Chris McDonald. P. M. on November 8, 1955, and im i necessary to pay the principal and Mrs. Crook was assisted in opening mediately opened by the Common interest hereof. The bonds will be sold to the high her gifts by Nova Ann Geraths. Council of the City of Detroit, Ore Present besides the guest of honor gon, at the Detroit School in said est bidder, but the Common Council and hostesses were Mmes. Charles city for the sale of bonds, known as of the City of Detroit, Oregon re Boucha, Don Callahan, Larry Kim- Water System Bonds in the amount serves the right to reject any or all sey, B. L. Kirsch, Ira Kirsch, Jack of Twenty Five Thousand ($25,000.- bids. Unless all bids ate rejected the Goodell, Clarence Goodell, Gordon 00) Dollars issued pursuant to the bpnds will be awarded to the bidder Kirsch, Tilman Rains, Orville Biyeu, authority vested in the Common complying with the notice of sale I Vernon Goodell, J. M. Teters, D. L. Council of the City of Detroit by the and submitting the bid which pro- I Teeters, G. W. Coffman, Gerald legal voters of said city at an elec | vides the lowest cost to the City of Branch, Orville, Downing, Ken Gol- tion held December 27, 1954 enacting i Detroit, Oregon. Each bid must be unconditional, liet, Orval Landers, Paul Geraths, the Charter of the City of Detroit, G. V. Christensen, Charles Crook, Oregon, and pursuant to Ordinance must be accompanied by a certified check or cashier’s check in favor of the City of Detroit, Ore., of or upon a bank doing business in the State of (Oregon, in the sum of $2,500.00, and ! must be enclosed in a sealed enve- | lope addressed to the undersigned and marked on the outside “Proposal for Bonds.” No interest will be al lowed on the deposit with the bid, but the check of the successful bid der will be retained as part payment of the bonds or to secure the City of Detroit, Oregon against any loss re- I suiting from failure of the bidder to I comply with the terms of his bid. i Each bidder shall include in his I bid a statement of the total interest I cost to the district, if his bid be 'accepted, PROVIDED NONE OF THE CALLABLE BONDS OF THE ISSUE ARE REDEEMED PRIOR TO FINAL MATURITY DATE. The successful bidder will be ; furnished with the legal written . opinion of the law firm of Messrs. I Winfree, McCulloch, Shuler and THUNDERBIRD STYLING Sayre, to the effect that the bonds constitute the valid and legally bind- No matter how fine a car you arc accustomed to you’ll feel I ing obligations of the said City of j Detroit, Oregon. right at home in any one of the 18 new Thunderbird-inspired The bonds will be delivered com- ’56 Ford models. You’ll thrill to the long, low lines, the broad | plete. without undue delay, at the sweeping hood, the exciting silhouette. And you’ll be delighted expense of the City of Detroit, Ore gon, at such city in Oregon as the with the fresh new body colors and new color-keyed Luxury successful bidder shall name. Lounge interiors. HAROLD CHAMPION, Recorder of the City of Detroit, Oregon. 44 LIFEGUARD DESIGN First published October 20, 1955. Last published November 3, 1955. The ’56 Ford has a definite plus for you . . . something no other car in its field can match . . . Lifeguard Design ... a new concept in car safety! Ford Lifeguard Design means greater protection for you and yours. It’s a whole family of theme, “Hunting Experiences,” with various members responding. Invoca tion was given by Mrs. Lester Hath away, and new members were In ducted into the club by the member ship chairman, Mrs. Gayle Lowery, who also presented them with their ITC pins from the club. New mem bers included Arta Glidewell, Julia Bassett, and Charlene Cooper. Mrs. Marshall Powell of Lyons submitted her resignation as club treasurer, as she is teaching this year. The education speech was given by Mrs. A. E. Nesbitt. Acting as tosatmistress was Mrs. Lowery, with Mrs. Cooper as timer. A comical skit depicting the “Do’s OLYMPIA BREWING COMPANY. OlympH, Wash.U.S. A.*® In the '56 FORD Everything says FINE CAR except the price! NEW NEW Mumnuuii safety features. Fords Lifeguard deep-center steering wheel, Lifeguard double-grip door latches, Lifeguard safety rear view mirror, optional Lifeguard padding for control panel and sun visors and optional seat belts . . . are all designed to give added protection against injury in the event of accident. NEW Thurs., Fri., Sat. October 20. 21 and 22 OUTSTANDING HIT! VAN HEFLIN. ALDO RAY, TAB HUNTER, in THUNDERBIRD Y-B POWER BATTLE CRY In CinemaScope Only Ford has the power of the Thunderbird—the Thunderbird Y-8’ engine that delivers “go” as smooth as silk, as quiet as a whisper. Here’s surging fun at the touch of your toe . . . power to flatten the hills . . . instant power for passing when instants count. Here’s response so agile you gain a new feeling of con fidence in every driving situation. Plus—Added Attraction Marciano-Moore Fight * available in Fairlane and Station Wagon model* You'll be safer in a Sunday, Monday October 23 and 24 *56 FORD RICHARD WIDMARK, LAUREN BACALL, CHARLES BOYER, in Test Drive it today! THE COBWEB ! Fascinating Drama In CinemaScope g In CinemaScope 11 Tuesday, Wednesday October 25 and 26 FAMILY NIGHTS GARY COOPER, in SARATOGA TRUNK MILL CITY. OREGON Phone 624 PHILIPPI MOTOR CO. TOP TV! NOEL COWARD * MARY MARTIN * ON FORD STAR JUBILEE, SATURDAY Action-Filled Story of Railroad Building STAYTON, OREGON Phone 2524 OCTOBER 22 WHOLE FAMILY FOR We Doors Open at 7:00 p, M Complete «bow can be aeen aa> time op to g:]«