I 8—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE tions when the pest is most sus- ceptable. THL’RSDAY. OCTOBER 13, 1955 The spruie budworm, Rudinsky ex Harold Kliewer Junior plained, is vulnerable to sprays dur This week I would like to devote ing only about two weeks of the year. | ■ The 1954 annual report of the A total of 33.525.000 from liquor | the entire column to the Homemak- , Pacific Northwest forest and range sales and privilege tax collections j ing class. In 4 recent interview i experiment station, Portland, points I during the three months ending Sep- with Mrs. Roles, she gave me all I up the threat of the forest pests to I tember 30 is being distributed by the I the information on what her depart L the region's forest industry. I Oregon liquor control commission to ment was doing. ASHLEY Epidemic proportions of insects cities, counties, the state census Finishing touches are being done GIVES To help reduce forest insect losses were recorded in Oregon and Wash- board and the state general fund. to the homemaking house interior. that cost the Northwest more than | ington last year on 7,704,000 acres The total represents monies avail Five different types of window forest fires each year, a new research or about 16 percent of the region’s able over and above amounts re treatments have been studied and project on testing of insecticides for forest lands. quired for working capital. Liquor made, the last being Cafe curtains. control of the various damaging pests The Douglas fir bark beetle was revenue accounts of $32250,00, with Furniture refinishing is on its way 24 HOUR THERMOSTATIC has been started at Oregon State the number one pest, accounting for $157,500 going to incorporated ci to completion with slip covers and DOWNDRAFT WOOD HEATERS College. 5,071,750 acres of the total. Spruce ties, $5000 to the state census ac revarnishing this week. Dressing I Scores of insecticides will be tested budworm, silver fir beetle, bal.-am count, and $3,087,500 to the genera] tables and stools ar» receiving their under laboratory conditions and the woolly aphid, western pine beetle, fund of the state. Revenue from i skirt-. Convertible lamps have been YOUR DEALER WILL SHOW YOU WHAT the most promising pest killers will and others also inflicted losses. ASHLEY'S PATENTED DESIGN MEANS privilege taxes on malt beverages made and shades are being worked then be field tested to find which are The insects most destructive to and wines accounts for $275,000, on. many users say they best. «forests fall into two general groups, with $68,750 being allocated to the The kitchen equipment and plan- I The project will give foresters a re according to Rudinsky. They are the general fund and $206,250 to coun ning group is now on the science of I ference in time of need for deter- bark beetles, such as the Douglas ties. nutrition. minihg what chemicals are effective fir beetle, and defoliators, such as Complexion care, and care of hands against a particular pest. the spruce budworm. Control of both Wetland Hungarian and feet are in the process of being YOU CHOOSE FROM It would, it is hoped, make it pos types, he said, is dependent on know discussed and experimented with, 8 models—8 prices sible to pi event or control many in ledge of the life history and habits Partridges Introduced In Hopes are up for a beautician to be sect outbreaks before they could of the insects. Marion County with them shortly for added help. reach epidemic proportions. Defoliators are most easily con- Wetland Hungarian Partridge Members of the Garden Club have Such information has not been trolled at present by aerial spray- Time tested end proven in coldest states Y om should Marion been helping the department with available in the past and the results ing of insecticides because they are have been intioduced to build but one fire a season refuel on average every 12 have been costly. In the case of the easier to get at. Proper timing of the County ih an attempt to improve the study of out-door shrubs and hours remove ashes 3 times monthly. Tremendous present spruce budworm outbreak, chemicals is extremely important, upland game bird hunting. In early flower arrangements. Mrs. Olmstead, heating capacity, many heating entire homes, schools, August the Game Commission re Mrs. Heller and Mrs. Dolezal have for example, a control program had however. stores Wood burns clean—less soot and grime Users to be delayed until some testing sav Ashley heats from floor up, gives safe 24 hour heat In the case of the bark beetles, [ leased 265 one year old birds in the been wr wonderful source of informa could be done. Burns all types wood successfully which bore under the bark and lay Sublimity area as a nucleus stock tion. Several photographers have been And in 1945 and 1947 when severe eggs, management practices—log for wild bird production. The “Hun" as they are known is to visit the department. They plan SEE PROOF OF ASHLEY PERFORMANCE AT-T " outbreaks of hemlock looper and ging windblown, infested and weak Douglas fir tussock moth oecured, trees—have been the major attack | about twice the size of valley quail on doing a full page on what is emergency applications had to be , approach so far. Whether cremical i but in the field hunters may mis being done at the Home Ec house. Mill City’s Home Ec house is one made with insecticides which had not control with insecticides that pene- ' take them for our native quail. This new planting, says County of the first in Oregon. had thorough testing beforehand. trate the bark is practical on dif The project is being sponsored by ferent species will be studies under Agent Ben A. Newell, is one reason why quail hunting will not be per When plywood sheathing is used the Northest forest pest action com the new project. on a house, the walls are six times mitted this year in Marion County. mittee, the Oregon state board of Douglas fir, from which plywood | The birds came originally from more rigid than when horizontal forestry, Oregon State college forest CLIFFORD LIKES, Owner Free and Easy Parking experiment station ahd the OSC de is made and which grows on the west- j Denmark and game commission of sheathing is used and 40 percent more partment of entomology. Dr. ern slope of the Cascade mountains, I ficials hold high hopes that the rigid than when boards are applied 333 Second Street Post Office Block STAYTON diagonally to form the sheathing. Julius Rudinsky, who joined the col is one of the two strongest structural j “Hun” will prosper here. lege staff this summer, is project woods known and the world’s most I When in Need of Printing—Call The Enterprise—2651 leader. Eailier he had done forest valuable commercial tree. entomology work for Weyerhaeuser Timber company and is well acquaint ed with forest pest problems of the The Ford Thunderbird has set a new standard Northwest. for fun and beauty. All 18 new Ford models As part of the project, Rudinsky share the styling of the Thunderbird. How they stir your heart with their thrilling lines! will rear the various forest insects in the laboratory for use in the test- ihg program. This will provide new and valuable information on the life cycles of the insects and will help later in timing insecticide appliea- New Study Started On Forest Insects Chemicals at OSC $3,525,000 from Liquor (Tax To Be Distributed ! There Is No Substitute For Local NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING ppnnr0F amazing rKUUr FUEL SAVINGS EOTIldiWWIMHI STAYTON HARDWARE-FURNITURE th Inker Ideas ERANCfS FIELDS Home Lcintutl OragoR Whist I n |N Iran loildiif •t-*- Foitliid 4, Oitgtn Aa we sweep away the last vt summer’s leaves, our lives settle down to more regular patterns. In one of your patterns of activ ity meal planning I hope to become a regular help. Nutrition -•» Overweight Did you know that a nutri- tioua diet Is not a fattening diet ? For example, wheat foods in a well-balanced diet are not fatten ing. It is simply oi t rtaliny that cause* overweight. Old you know that to get into a dress one size smaller re quires losing from ten to fifteen pounds ? Did you know that the Itnest cake and pastry flours and mixes are made from “soft wheat” varietiaa grown in Oregon ? The Fairlane Victoria is one of Ford's 18 law Thunderbird-inspired models for “56. You can see Thunderbird beauty in its long, low lines and graceful silhouette. Drive it today ! 56 FORD ...with new 202-h.pJhunderbird ¥8 with new Thunderbird Styling with new Lifeguard Design DOUGHNUT TIME! A glance tells you that the '56 Ford has the Doughnuts are on display at neighborhood grocery stores and bakeries. Halloween, vou know' If you like to make your own long, low lines . . . the dazzling beauty of the fabulous Ford Thunderbird. But wait till you touch the gas pedal! Then you’ll know that Ford goes like the Thunder bird. too. With the new 202-h.p. Thunderbird Y-8 engine, available in Fordomatic Fairlane and Station Wagon mcxlels, you’ll pass with new confidence, smile at hills. Here i.s < i DOUGHNUT RECIPE ID at 4 egg Ywlka or 2 whole egg* un tU light. Add 1 cun sugar ST n wit rd butter \ cup milk Sift together: 31» « up« aifted all purpose flour yr 4 cup* pantry flour, 4 t. baking powder ’ t •alt ’* t nutmeg. l4 t cinnamon Add dry ingredients« to liquid and mi« toK«-th' r until w» 11 blended Chill dough Roll to S inch thi< knee* Cut with floured cutter Fry in heated fat 375 Slide doughnut« from vpatul* into hot fat Fry on each »ide until golden brown Remove. dram on ab •orbent papri SPEC’I AL TRICKS FOR DOUGHNUT TREATS 4 NSW UHGUAKD FEATURES -new deep-ccçter steer ing wheel. new doulile-gnp door locks, optional new padded Instrument panel and sun visors, and optional new Ford seat belts. And there’s even bigger news! It is Lifeguard Design. XY’ith the cooperation of leading univer sities. medical associations and safety experts. Ford found that most serious accident injuries were caused by the driver being thrown against the steering post, occupants being thrown for ward against hard surfaces, or from the car. So. Ford developed a new Lifeguard steering wheel with a deep-center structure to help protect you from the steering post . . . Lifeguard double grip door locks to give added protection from doors springing open under shock . . . optional Lifeguard cushioning for instrument panel and sun visors, to help lessen injury from impact... optional seat belts that help keep occupants securely in their seats. Come in soon! See the '56 Ford, test its pow er, and learn what Lifeguard Design means for the greater safety of you and your family. Then you’ll know exactly why the ’56 Ford is . .. the fine car at half the fine-car price ! l»r<nih warm doughnuts in granu latrd ir powdered sugar, add cinna n»on or chopped nut«, too. if you like Try adding 3 tablespoon* grwted orange rind and substitute orange ulce tor the liquid While warm dip these tn powdered sugar. Add maple flax or Ing and chopped nuts serve warm with troop of vanilla or maple nut i« e crmuu . IsAtv? Drop »poonfulti into hot fat and hate drop doughnuts Did you know that there are 1 «.OX) farmers in Ora««* whose principal crop is wheat* And wheat is the largest agricultural crop grown in Oregon, MUGOM WH1AT COMMISSION U.S. «»’»* suhowk . r»souioh. oatcoa o REGON W heat STAYTON, OREGON Phone 2524 PHILIPPI MOTOR CO Great TV. MILL CITY. OREGON Phone 624 Ford Theatre, Station KPTV, Thursday 9:30 4