< 5—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE nil BSD AT, <>< TOBER Dr. Kenneth L. Prince Optometrist Office Hours: Tues, and Sat 1 p. m. to 6 p. m. Tuesday eve. by appointment Phone 6608 or 5203 For Appointment Office over Jenkins Hardware Mill City, Oregon ! : ; For A Complete ♦ : LANDSCAPE ♦ Or just a shrub or two ; 4 : RALEIGH HAROLD ♦ Florist & Nursery ; 319 W. Wash. Street I Mrs. Bessie Bassett is ill and con­ fined to her bed this week. Phone 6684, Stayton. Open 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. Including Sundays SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of all kinds. Trusses Abdominal Supports Elastic Hosiery Expert Fitters Private Fitting Rooms. "Ask Your Doctor” Capital Drug Store 504 State St Corner of Liberty S and H Green Stampe Mrs. Bud Schroeder came home Friday from Santiam Memorial hos­ i pital following an appendectomy. Mr. and Mr». Bob Hill and family spent the weekend at Waldport, with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Haseman, and also with relatives of Mrs. Hill. Shop Here z The Christian Woman's Fellowship (Circle No. 1) will meet Wednesday, October 12, at the Carl Chance home. The minister, H. E. Jul), will have charge of the program. Another Circle, made up of those who can more easily attend in the evenings, is to be organized at a meeting to be held Tuesday, October 11 at 8 p. m. at the church. ■I MARGARINE 79c I V HOLIDAY ¿j- Pounds Swansdown Instant Cake Mixes 4 ■>■«* 79c Manning’s Coffee 93 Peaches 32!fr 95c X T IGA Halves or Sliced Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ross joined a group of old-time friends on an | “opening day” hnuting trip to East- ern Oergon. During his absence at the Red and White Store, Blanche I Syverson is assisting Bessie Vander- 1 meer. Rainy Weather? J I Now is the time to get ready for the long rainy season that is before you. We have the best selection of rain clothes in town. Check with us first 1 ! WE HAVE A NEW SHIPMENT OF a 1 I f 1 Denco All Purpose For Both Men and Women \ 3 5k KLIEWER QUALITY MEATS Sff OUR NEW RUBBER AND NEOPRENE :: .Ml r* L * Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bassett »ere Mr. and Mrs. J. <’. Kimmel and in the area southwest of Burns over Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Willoughby spent the weekend hunting. Mrs. Bassett | j Sunday afternoon at the chrysanthe­ was the only one in their group to mum show at Corvallis, where hund- get a buck. | red« of choice mums of all colors and types were on display. A tour of Clyde Hathaway received a back I several homes where mums were injury last week while at work at *u«ed in the landscaping had been the M & M plant in Lyons. It is re­ arranged in conjunction with the ported he has a dislocated disc of the 1 show. spine, but is being treated at home. M/Sgt. and Mrs. Ernest Podrab- Spending several days with Mrs. sky, Jr., and small son from the J. F. Potter early this week have Portland Air base, were here over been Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Potter of the weekend as guests of his par­ Oregon Gity, accompanied by an ents, the Ernest Podrabskys. The aunt of Mrs. Potter’s. men of the family wgnt on a hunting expedition. Young Podrabsky also Driving up from near Drain in attends evening classes at Portland Southern Oregon for the Bilyeu- State. Shaw wedding Sunday, were Mrs. Shaw’s brother and family, Mr. and Attending the installation of Mrs. Raymond Bernatzki and son. Knights Templar officers for Tem­ ple Commandery No. 3, Albany, Lin­ Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. W. coln Commandery No. 25 of New­ J. Robinson were her niece, Mrs. Ha­ port and Bruce Commandery No. 17 zel Hansard, of Salem, and Mrs. of Corvallis, Saturday evening at Hansard's granddaughter and hus- Corvallis were Mr. and Mrs. M. B. band, Mr. and Mrs. James Hart, Shuey, and Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Wil­ (Darlene Huege), also of Salem. loughby. Arthur Kriever, of Albany, was installing Marshal. Mr. Kriever Another hunting party having poor was a former resident of Mill City. I luck in Eastern Oregon was made up I I of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith of Sunday, October 9, will be Rally I Sheridan, Mr. and Mrs. Vi ernon and Homecoming Day inr the local Todd and two sons, Stephen and Chiistian church, with a fellowship Allen, and Charles Kelly. no-host dinner following the morning worship service. The time for the Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Frace and evening services has been advanced j daughters, Linda and Claudia, from to 7 o'clock for the winter months. Troutdale, spent the weekend at the Following this service a fellowship | home of M ts . Frace’s parents, Mr. time, known as the Linger-Longer and Mrs. Don Moffatt. They enjoyed hour will be held. A seTies of inter­ boating on Clear Lake Sunday af­ esting sound-movies has been sched­ ternoon. uled for this period for at least the next eight weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Buford Flatman are i the parents of a daughter, Linda, born at Lebanon September 20. Mr. | and Mrs. S. T. Roberts are the ma- | ternal grandparents, and Mr. and j Mrs. Dewey Flatman the paternal grandparents. Rubber Boots Overshoes eryday For Are You Ready For ♦ I / ices k RAINCOATS Are sold only in the following stores Red and W h ite Store Gates ( ¡eneral Store Hilltop Market I These Come In Both Single and Double Back RAIN PANTS When you buy meat from these stores you are assured that it is good meat. It is federally graded. WAIST AND BIB TYPE Prices Effective Friday and Saturday, a See Us For All Your Work Clothing Needs C Hilltop General Store A and M TOMAN Phone 2724 HILL TOP MARKET HAROLD KLIEWER Telephone 2744 MILL CITY, OREGON MILL CITY, OREGON We reserve the right to limit quantities z 9 I October 7 and 8 \