THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF NATURE’S EMPIRE VOLUME XI NT 'M BER 40 MILL CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, OCTOBER fi. »2.50 A YEAR, JQc A COPT New Sawmill to Open West of Town Soon ïwo Canby Boys Steal Stiffler's Panel Monday; Both in Jail I The W. W. Lumber company : busy at the present time building sawmill on land leased recently | from Mr. and Mrs. Vern Clark. I Owners of the mill are Walt Hobben- -iefken and Morris Sunderman, I The mill, which will employ two or three men will be in operation the I forepart of next week, and will be a I stud mill, using cores from the M I & M Woodworking plant at Lyons. The company has another stud j mill in operation at Cottage Grove. Two 15-year-old Canby boys are After spotting the Jefferson Lions in jail at Bend today because they ; two touchdowns, the Timberwdlvea ' 6 at halftime. took a Vuck from their home town, o’dock. He had gone to the panel In the third quarter, Crook con roared back to a 19 to 12 League drove it to Big Big Springs Forest to get some parts, and had been victory. Early in the first quarter nected on passes to I^mke, Ross camp east of Idanha and abandoned back in the house only about 10 Mill City drove to the Jefferson 2t> Bassett, and End Don Ellingson. it, then stole a panel from Lowell j minutes when he noticed his truck yard line where Jeff's end, Jerry Jackson packed the ball during most immediately I had disappeared. He Stiffler. Gamble, picked up a Mill City fum I of the drive and scored from about They evidently hiked back to De i notified the state police at Idanha. ble and ran the 80 yards for the • five yards out on a buck up the troit on Monday, after abandoning People in the Ketchum Drivein had score. In the second period Jeff Half 1 middle. Jackson added the extra I noticed the panel being driven west, the truck, as George Veteto saw back, Dave Harry pitched a 30-yard point to give Mill City a 13 to 12 j so it was believed they had headed in two young fellows walking along the touchdown pass to End Phil Hoch- ! edge. that direction. road on that day. In the final quarter the Wolf speier to make the count 12 to 0 for The state police put in a >adio Stiffler was at the Don Julian i ¡Center. Jerry Strong, stole the ball the Lions. call notifying all points of the theft. home in Detroit Monday afternoon, Quarterback Dick Crook began to from Jefferson and made a 15- making a service call, and had This was picked up by Police Chief get the Wolf attack moving in the yard return to the Jeff 25 yard his panel truck parked in front of Clarence Meader, who immediately second quarter. Passes from Crook line. Bassett scored from 13 yards the house theie. This was about 4 put up a road block east of town. "It is ironic that the best fed na to End Lloyd Ross and to Halfback out. When the state police and Mr. Stif ■ fler came down Arnes Jackson rolled up 85 yarda Don Lemke along with long runs by they were certain tion on earth should have one of the Fullback Arnes Jackson and Half through the middle of the Jefferson that the panel had been driven the highest records of dental disease on back Maurie Bassett brought the line. Dick Crook completed six out other way. Other patrolmen then eaith,” Dr. Don E. Foster of the found the panel abandoned at Sut Marion County Dental society, said Airman Richard W. Ficker is cur- ball to the Jeff 12-yard line. Bas of seven passes for 89 yards. The tle Lake. The boys had smeared roof Monday in an address to the faculty lently enrolled in basic military sett cracked off-tackle for the first entire line played a fine game on ing tar over the signs on the panel. of the Mill City grade school. training with the United States Air Mill City score. Jefferson led 12 to both defense and offense. The line Less than four percent of the na- Force at Parks AFB, Calif. Ficker is men are Ends Ross and Ellingson, LYONS—The Loyalty dinner the panel in Mr. Stiffler now has Tackles Ed Gregory and Doug Hirte, Thursday night at the Lyons Com I the garage for repairs, and the boys tion’s high school students are free serving with Flight 282,3275 Squad ____ ___ decay, ., _ he ___ explained. r_____, and ron, 3275th Basic military training Guards, Lamy Strong and Bruce munity Methodist church was an are in jail. Both are students at of tooth I I among the causes are improper diets group. In the couise of the 54-day Thomas, and Center Jerry Strong. outstanding success, Teports Rev. Canby. ¡including too many sweets, and im- training piogram, he will receive Mill City plays at Monroe Friday Richard T. Scott, minister. The din i proper or inadequate toothbrushing. thorough field and bivouac training, afternoon at 2 o’clock. ner was attended by well over 100 Dr. Foster emphasized that good including the use of the carbine, Score by Quarters members and friends and accom Robert k. Taylor, former Mill City Jefferson I dental health habits must be a semi-automatic rifle; general aca ...................... 6 6 0 0—12 plished the twin goal of fellowship j part of the total health instruction demic subjects including mathema man, but who had been making his Mill City 0 6 7 6—19 and finance When those, unable to Marion County "B" League I program woven into the school cur tics, military science and tactics, U. home at Lebanon, diied in a Salem attend, are heard from the budget hospital late Friday from injuries riculum so that the educated person W L Pct. for the coming fiscal year will be GATES—Members of the Gates will understand basic facts concern S. history, government and citizen received in an automobile accident Mill City 2 o 1.000 completely underwritten. ship, plus extensive training in drills Amity 2 0 1.000 The occasion not only marked the City council attended a hearing, ing health and disease. and ceiemonies, military law, phy east of Gates. September 28. before the Public Util 2 0 1 000 The accident occurred September Chemawa subscription of the new budget but sical conditioning and personal hy 1 1 .500 also celebrated the first large-scale ities commission in regard to open giene. During processing, he will be 21, when Taylor’s car went out of Monroe control and flipped over. He was Jefferson .... 1 1 .500 use of the church’s new kitchen and ing two crossings across the South tested for proficiency in various 0 2 .000 fellowship hall. Since the original ern Pacific tracks, from the highway professional and vocational fields, taken to Santiam Memorial hospital Sublimity at Stayton, and later was trans Scio 0 2 .000 60-year-old structure burned nearly leading into the old county road, one and counselled in the recommended Philomath 0 2 .000 three years ago, the congregation to be located in the west end of town job assignment for his future mili ferred to Salem. Terry Waggner of Detroit, who Games last week -Mill City 19. has been building a new church as approximately at the city limits and tary career. Funeral services were conducted money and material were available. one just west of the Chili Bowl. At the completion of his basic was in the wreck with Mr. Taylor, Jefferson 12; Amity 32, Sublimity 0; At the present time there is only Monday at Weddle’s Funeral Home training, Volunteers worked into the night, Airman Ficker will either was released from Saptiam Me- Monroe 55, Scio 0; Chemawa and in Stayton for Richard Downer, 77, Wednesday’ to prepare the building one crossing leading from the high who passed away at his home in be sent to one of the numerous Air morial hospital Saturday and re- Philomath. way to the business section of town. Games this week—Mill City at for the dinner. Mill City Friday, September 30. Force technical or administrative turned to her home in Detroit. The deceased was born in Mil) Monroe; Amity at Chemawa; Scio at Master of Ceremonies at the din Also in attendance at the hearing | Death was caused by a heart attack. training schools in the U.. S., or were the Assistant Southern Pacific ner was Marshall Powell, and ap Mr. Downer was born December 8, be assigned duty at a USAFB where City and attended the schools here. Jefferson; Sublimity at Philomath. He operated the Santiam Electric JV'a lane at Chemawa pearing on the program were Rev. Engineer, a representative from the 1877, at Granton, Wise., where he his skill is needed. company at Lebanon. The Mill City JV's were defeated James Thompson of Sweet Home, State Highway department, a repre- lived and farmed until coming to Ficker entered the Air Force on He is survived by bis widow and Monday afternoon by a 33 to 0 Dr. George RosebeTry, district sup sentative from the Public Utilities Mill City in 1951. August 2, 1955 at Portland. three «mall children. seoye. The JV’s had fumble trouble erintendent of Salem, Miss Bonnie commission and the attorney for the Prior to his enlistment, Ficker, Officiating at the services was Citv of Gates, Joe Devers. No ob- Taylor was a World War veteran as well as difficulties stopping the Cruson of Lyons and Rev. Scott. who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil Rev. Scott of Stayton and Lyons. In jecions were offered to the opening and was a member of the Elks Lodge, heavier Chemawa backs. The Mill - ' < of the crossings but work will not terment took place at the Aumsville liam C. Ficker, attended Mill City Knights of Columbus and Catholic City JV team is composed mostly High school. »tart until final word ia received by cemetery. Acting as pallbearers church. of freshmen along with non-letter- were Gary and Will Imer Downer, Clar- the council. The rosary was-recited at 8:30 p. hien sophomoies and juniors. erwe Goodell, George Basl, Douglas To Erect Water Storage Tank m. at the Jost Funeral Home, Leban- The Roster for the Chemawa game Mayor W. R. Hutcheson reports Thomas, and Dick Downer. Among and requiem mass was offered at was: Ends, Alan Tuers, Fred Smith, that the ground has been prepared j relatives coming from a distance to i 9 a. m. Wednesday. Interment was Marlin Noyes, Ron Kuhlman and A meeting of the Legion Auxiliary for the erection of a 100,000 gallon I attend the services were Mr. and I i in the St. Edwards Catholic church Dale Smith. Tackles, Bob Boroughs, was held Monday night at the home storage tank for the Gates water ' Mrs. Alva Downer of Shelton, Wash. ■ •cemetery at Lebanon. Harvey Bodda, Jim White, Tom of Mrs. Anita Becker. Plans were system. This was authorized re- Surviving sons and daughters in- j Fencl, and Richard Jennings; Guards discussed for a hen party to be cently by the City council. elude the following: Hallie and Ralph | Albert Nichols, David Jennings, Downer, of Lyons; Bernice Piggott, held later this month. Delegates will GATES—A meeting of the San- j and Don Cree. Center, Vernon John- be sent to attend the Marion County | Granton, Wise.; Daisy McMurray, I tiam Co-opeTative Telephone Co., son; Backs, Eugene Skaug, Louis | Ripon, Calif.; Josephine Snyder, called by President Bob Veness, was council at Aumsville October II V Morgan, Gary Bevier, Bill IaMig- the meeting Monday, the group ¡Gresham; Harvey Downer, Sweet held in the Gates Community center, necker and Mike Thomas* decided to order 1,500 poppies and 50 I .Home; Seth Downer, Lebanon; Sunday afternoon at 2 p. m. with I Chester Downer, West Stayton; Eve- stockholders and representatives at window cards. _ Evening typing classes will be One business and, one social meet- I ' j lyn York, Sutherlin; Bessie Steven- tending. Object of the meeting was feted to adults in the area beginning ’ ing will be held each month, the first | LYONS—The Lyons Women's So- Ison and Mabel Hunter, Mill City. One discuss reorganization and the Monday, October 10 at 7 o’clock at i social meeting to be held October 17. ciety "f Christian Service celebrated sister, Mrs. Bessie Wright, and two to the high school, says Burton Bor- election of officers. Members are asked to bring their Ms 15th anniversary with a special brothers, Frank and Neil Downer, oughs, who will teach the class. Any Mrs. Velma Carey was elected a dues, as it is the desire of the|meet'n8 held in the fireplace room of Granton, Wise., also survive. Four director to fill the term of C. D. one wishing to enroll may call the A marauding black bear was killed auxiliary to have all paid up mem I at the church Tuesday afternoon, other sons, Clare’iej, Da:i, Clark, ai.d Johnson, deceased. D. B. Hill, of Mill high school by Monday, or contact Saturday night by a youthful hunter Mr. Boroughs. He states at least bers by November 11. Hostesses at I September 27. Mrs. Richard Scott Glenn, are deceased. City, was elected (Mrector. D. B. the meeting were Dorothy Vail and ' was in charge of the birthday anni There were 56 grandchildren and Hill, Joe Bowes, and Edith Mason, six will have to be enrolled in the and his two dogs. versary program, and all charter I 50 greatgrandchildren. The bear had been the object of Sophia Kist. were put on a committee to find the class or it will not be taught. an intensive hunt for several days, The course of study will last for A call is being sent out for used I members were presented with a cor- | cost and need of extending more in the hill country back to the M and clothing and anyone having clothing sage. six weeks, with classes to be held lines to Lyons. Joseph Bowes and In 1940 the organization known as each Monday and Wednesday night. M Wood Working plant near Lyons. to donate is asked to leave it at the Edmund Davis were re-elected as per Paul Coates, 17, of Scio went out bakery. Those needing clothing are the Ladies’ Aid was merged into membdt'S of _ ___ the ________ board of _________ directors. Registration fee will be »7.50 Saturday and tracked the bear aa far asked to contact Joan Cauble. child the WSCS. Past presidents and sec person. A meeting of the nAw board will as the outskirts of Mill City before welfare chairman at 7343 Mill City. retaries present gave short talks on be called in about two weeks to elect the accomplishments of the society. he was killed. One of the dogs was DETROIT—Detroit won its second Mrs. Robert Sexton, present head of game in the BLMP six man league a president. The term of Bob Veness, badly injured by the bear. Gates PTA to Meet present president has expired. the society spoke briefly. Greeting by walloping Oregon Deaf school The bear had been killing goats was received from Mrs. Paul John- 56-6 here Friday afternoon. Don At School Tonight on the Bill Kimery and M. Schwindt Painter at Detroit Dam places. About 40 goats were said GATES—The Gates Parent-Teach ston, now of Culver, who organized Watkins was the big gun for the | er Association will meet tonight, and was the first president of the victors, running over four touch Loses Arm in Accident Winners in the drawing held by to have been killed. Young Coates Thursday, October 6. at 8 p. m. in ladies’ aid. downs and carrying for four extra A Salem man, Leo N. Kilian, lost Hilltop Market Saturday following collected a »50 reward for killing The tea table was beautifully de points. the bear. the high school. Following the busi I»is left arm following an accident the second annual breakfast were: corated appropriately to the occa ness session Donald K. Paul, social The game was called at the end of which happened last Thursday. Glen Tinney of Mill City, Francis studies and English intructor in the sion. A large cake was decorated the third period because Detroit held Kilian was pinned for half an the mule; Philip Cann, Gates, and high school will be the speaker. His with pink and green candles, which a 45-point lead. Russell Rice ac hour when a heavy piece of machin Susan Crowther of Buxton, Friskies were blown out by Mrs. Inez Ring, topic will be “Life ia the Orient.” counted for two other Detroit touch ery fell on him. At Santiam Memor Flyers; Frances Johnson of Rt. 1, Mr. Paul is well qualified to talk oldest charter member. She has downs, one on a 40 yard run. Link ial hospital, attending physicians Lyons, french fryer; and Ethel Hut on this subject having spent 10 passed her 81st birthday anniversary. Snyder and Danny Gescher each were unable to save the arm because chinson, also of Rt. 1, Lyons, the rears in the far East. Mrs. Elmer Presiding at the coffee urn waa Mrs. scored once. electric clock. A speaker from the Mental Health • j it was so badly crushed. Stewart is in charge of refreshments Alext Bodeker, with M»s. Alice David Wood ran 30 yards for OS I association is scheduled for the next assisted by Mm. Clyde Oliver and Huber cutting the cake assisted by D’ ■ e only onlv TD i i TD. i regular meeting of the Mill City Par- Mrs. Richard Scott, Mrs. Ivan Smith l Detroit will play Eddyville next | Mrs. Charles Tucker. ent-Teacher association to be held and Mrs. Edward Cruson. Friday afternoon October 7 at Ed in the high school auditorium next Those attending were Mmes. Wednesday, October 12. Glen Julian, Alex Bodeker, Guy dyville. The executive board of the group Hartle, Clyde Bressler, Loren Cham met at the home of the president, berlain, Edward Cruson, Ivan Smith, The smell of smoke in the air is a residents to burn their rubbish and j Mrs. Al Nesbitt, on Tuesday even- E. L. Roye, Robert Sexton, Ben Int- concerned traditional Fall aroma which many clean their homes of debris at thia 'ing. Chief discussion Deer hunters of the area, evi- Veld, Chester Roy, Donald Huber, "ways and means” of raising funds of us relish. Fire authorities, how time. Harry Scott, dently are not having as good luck Frank Spellmeyer, ever, recognize it as the symbol of 2. Never start an outdoor fire on a for the organization's work. as they did on the opening day of the Richard Seott, Mrs. Alice Huber, The first meeting of the Mill City one of the season’s greatest dangers: windy day. Mrs. Inez Ring, and Mr«. Donna ■eason last fall. Several hunters in Lion Club Auxiliary was held at the outdoor fires. 3. Clear a 3-foot strip around the Mari-Linn Parent-Teacher» the area have brought in their bucks, Smith. home of the new president. Mrs. Whether they are lighted for pic place where you wish to burn. Re but they say the full moon at the Robert Veness, last Wednesday nickers' pleasure, hunters' needs or move all grass or underbrush; get Holds First Fall Meeting nening of the season let the deer Ministerial Association night. Assisting at the business ses householders’ chores—whether they down to mineral earth. LYONS—The Mari-Linn Parent- feed at night and bed down in the sion, was Mrs. Jim Poole, as secre are built in the forest ,in an open 4. If the fire is in your yard, hook Teachers dub held their first meet Elects Vickers President daytime. tary. field or in your own back yard— up your garden hone for use in case ing of the school year and reception The Mill City Ministerial Associa Some good deer have been brought It was decided that the group the outdoor fires have one thing in of emergency. for the teachers and new friends on tion met Monday evening at the ito Mill City ta date, however. would bring stamped-goods, or any 5. Use a wide-mesh basket or a Tuesday evening in the allpurpose Christian church parsonage for the fancy-work, to the next meeting to common: the threat of spreading out metal container, with a cover, to room of the school. Community sing- first meeting of the fall season. The start working toward a future ba-1 of control. Drivers License Examiner The National Board of Fire Un- burn trash or leaves. ing was enjoyed by all, followed by host pastor was chosen as chairman zaar, that meeting to be held at the Sam Don't start a fire near a building, a short business meeting. To Be Here October 13 pro-tem for the business session, home of Mrs. Howard Means on Oc- derwriters suggests these safety rules to lessen the danger: a fence, or overhanging branches. Bridges, chairman of the school A drivers license examiner will be following a devotional period. tober 26. 1. Burn only in areas where fires 7. Keep children away from open board introduced the principal and n duty in Mill City Thursday, Oc- A. J. Vickers, minister of the As It was voted to investigate ways ■ober 13 at the Fire Hall between sembly of God church, was elected and means of raising money toward are permitted. This means respect- fires unless someone supervises all teachm. Mrs. Martha Poole and Duane Bur the hours of 9 and 4. president, and H. E. Jull, of the the community swimming pool, which ing posted woodland areas where them. 8. Never leave your fire unattend- gess favored with a piano and aax- Persons wishing original licenses Christian church, as secretary-treas* ia in the planning stage. Other plans fires are prohibited. It also means you are sure it _ is «lead out. ophone duet. To close the evening __ . _ __________ r permits to drive are asked to file urer. Plans were begun for a union were also discussed for the current checking to see whether your town ed until prohibits trash and leaf fires, or re Sprinkle it with waler, stir it into games were played, after which re .'applications well ahead of the sched Thanksgiving service, Wednesday, lyeat’s work. quires you to get a permit from the the earth and dampen it again, The freshments were served by Mrs. uled closing hour in order to assure November 23. C. O. Tremaine, farm At the close of the meeting, re ■me for completion of the required er minister of the Free Methodist freshments were served by the fire chief. Fire Chief Dub Stewart area should be cool enough to teat Glen Julian, Mrs. Leo Cruson, Mrs. ■ays no permits are necessary now ' with your bare hands before you Leonard Cruson and Mrs. Harley .¡cense test. church, was a visitor. I hostess. to burn rubbish, but he urges all I leave it. Scott. Dr. Don E. Foster Talks To Grade School Faculty Loyalty Dinner Held At Lyons Church Richard W. Ficker Now At Parks AFB, California Robert Taylor Dies of Car Wreck Injuries Gates Asks for More Rail Crossings Richard Downer Dies Here on Friday Legion Auxiliary Makes Plans for Hen Party Telephone Co. Meets At Gates Sunday; Study More Lines to Lyons ,,, _ Adult Typing Classes To Be Offered Here WSCS Celebrates Fifteenth Anniversary '-Scio Youth Kills Marauding Bruin For Second Win of Year Winners at Hilltop I Breakfast Are Named P.T.A. Meeting To Be Held Wednesday Night Deer Hunters Not Having Much Luck Lions Club Auxiliary Meets at Veness Home I Necessary Safety Precautions Outlined To Keep Outdoor Fires Under Control