10—Till. ’I'll. CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1955 There Is No Substitute For Local NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING FÄEMER-LäBORER-NEIGHBORS and Mrs. Tilman Rains, sister of the Spending the weekend here as groom sang “I Love You TYuly" I guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Olson and the “Wedding Prayer.” were her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Billington chose a charcoal Mrs. Carl Anderson, and family of faille dress with white trim and Umatilla, where Mr. Anderson is ■Miss Shirley Billington, daughter black accessories for her daughter’s The Womens Association of the chief of operations and maintenance of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Billington, wedding and wore a pink rosebud Presbyterian church held an execu for the McNary dam project. Miss Rt. 1, Lyons, became the bride of corsage. tive board meeting last week at the Patricia Anderson, older of their Miss Jackie Bicket, cousin of the home of Mrs. Herbert Schroeder with four daughters, was enroute to Ore Benjamin Lloyd Miller, son of Ben gon State College where she will be Miller, also of Rt. 1, Lyons, at the bride, passed the guest book. Mrs. James Swan presiding. Mehama Presbyterian church at 2:00 I A reception followed the wedding Plans were discussed for the en a Freshman. Miss Anderson attended o’clock Saturday afternoon, Rev. in the church parlors. The brides’ suing year and the reception to be the Rainbow installation here as the James officiated at the double ring table was decorated with a silver I'Id lor the new minister and Ids guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Mason, basket of pink and white glads and '•■rife, Mr. and Mr«. Rob*-t Roach, at uviiiivwuv. Bonneville. Roach 1 who knew Mitw the trir family ai candle light ceremony, the three tiered wedding cake was i Several of the women indicated Two of her cousins, Nancy and San- i The church was decorated with with pink asters tied plans for attending the eworkshop to , dra Olson, were installed as officers. baskets of pink and white gladioli surrounded pink ribbon. be held in Lebanon September 22. and larkspur with white ribbon and with Mrs. Bill Bickett, aunt of the white tapers. A slate of officers for the ensuing bride cut the wedding cake, assisted The red haired bride, who was by Marlene and Morene Richardson. year was presented by the nominat given in marriage by her father, Mrs. Floyd Chase, sister of the ing committee by the chairman, wore a floor length white satin gown bride, poured the punch. They all Lettie Swan. President, Mrs. James with insets of Queen Anne lace. The wore white sheer aprons and white Swan; vicepresident, Mrs. C. E. Mason; Secretary-Treasuier, Mrs. gored skirt was gathered at the rosebud corsages. F ed Grimes, and Aid Chairman, sides and across the back. The bodice The bride and groom left for a 1 Mrs. Floyd Fleetwood. hud a lace collar with long fitted shoit trip to the coast after which Following the executive meeting a sleeves with insets of nylon lace.. A they will be at home in the Robert tiera of rhinestones and pearls held Draper house in Mehama. For going ; I’it'le study in Hebrew. the short illusion veil in place. She away the bride wore a navy blue : ducted by Mrs. Schroeder. carried an arm bouquet of pink rose polka dot taffeta dress with navy buds with white ribbon. ninnon over-dress with white ac Miso Jean Billington was maid of cessories and wore the pink rosebud honor for her sister and wore a corsage from her bouquet. ballerina length dress of light pink Both the newly weds are gradu taffeta with heavy c.ark pink lace on ates of Stayton high school. The the bodice and skirt. She wore a groom is employed at the M and M Mrs. Don Carlson entertained Sat- pink choker and carried an arm bou Wood Working Plant at Lyons. i urday afternoon, in honor of her quet of white rosebuds with green daughter Suzy’s 10th birthday anni ribbon. The Bob Hills and the Charles versary. Following the games and ..w Chase, , niece ucvl. OI Little Caroline of the Kellys returned last weekend from a l the opening of gifts, Mrs. Carlson wide was flower girl, and was ' two-week vacation in Long Beach, l served birthday cake to Bonnie, Judy, dressed in a light pink sheer dress Calif., where they visited relatives and Kathy Boroughs, Shirley Hostet ninlr glads do.i. from that city and Los Angeles. The ler, Lois Heishberger, Ray Yankus, j and carried a basket of pink and white • larkspur. Gary Chase, Kellys, by coincidence, stopped at the | Barbara Olson, Shirley Veness, nephew of the bride W'as ring ame motel where the Hills were ¡Claudia and Linda Budlong, Diana bearer. staying, and the two families had Minton and Richard Waithen. Candle lighters were Audrey and a wondetful time enjoying the surf, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Draper were in Ö Velma Shaw of Mill City. They both visits from several aunts and uncles wore identical green dresses made in Southern California, and side Reno and Virginia City, Nevada, for September 22, 23 and 24 like the maid of honor's dress, and trips to Tiajuana, Mexico, San a few days la-t week. They went as You will never see a better had wrist bouquets of pink rosebud Diego, and Disneyland. On the way I witnesses for the wedding of Robert western than this— ¡Jobe, Lyons and Bessie Thomas of . and white carnations. south, the Kellys had a frightening JOAN CRAWFORD, Tilman Rains of Mehama served experience driving through the fire , Albany, who were married at Virgin STERLING HAYDEN, in as best man for his brother-in-law, on Highway 101, noith of Santa ia City last Monday. They all en and ushers were Paul and David Barbara, but after being' turned joyed the sights in that area before . JOHNNY GUITAR lì 0 lie brothers of t he gvooaw back, and re-routed on another high- returning here. Mr. and Mrs. Jobe J are living in the Lyons aiea. Mrs. Ercill Wilson was organist wav, all went well, • '"J PLUS 5 WALT DISNEY’S Latest Mr. and Mrs. I). B. Hill spent from True Life Adventure Friday until Tuesday on a trip to Fort Bragg, Calif., where they SIAM vfsited Mrs. Hill’s bi other and fam- ■ ily, Mi. and Mrs. Lynn Berry and 0 two children. They al.-o visited at the 8 i Ben F. Cober home in Ukiah, Calif., □ Sunday, Monday 'and stayed overnight in Klamath § IVe now have for you FREE of charge a hand lo | J ail- with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Olin, September 25 and 26 1 Jr., all being former residents of TYRONE POWER, tion in a new handy container for your car. They 2 ¡ Mill City. T MAUREEN O’HARA, in are foil wrapped "pillows" of a lanolin base lo Shirley Billington and Ben Miller Married Presbyterian Women Nominate New Officers Mill End ifiMKlii S url you made my tractor ... and I keep your dinner pail full. Yes, and I grow the cotton and wool for the clothes you're wearing. And your family is weiring and eating the products of my farm. You use machines to make my tractor, and I use the tractor to grow your food and clothing. That’s just being good neighbors . . . and good citizens But it takes a lot of time and work to keep a farm producing enough to meet your wants and the wants of your boss. This., doesn’t leave much time for the indi vidual farmer to look after the economical purchase of the supplies you make and the efficient marketing of the farm products you buy. That's why we farmers have our farmer cooperatives. Our cooperative marketing associa tions do a better job of providing you with quality farm products and our cooperative purchasing associations keep us supplied with the late-' and best of your equip- r ent. As a result, you get b.ucr food and clothes at I I ptice’s ... ,i, . | ■' ■ f pos.ibly more of it, for nr r ,* t , j ar. ?r. ovr tsr- er c, > o be beiLer nc.ghbors Santiam Farmers Co-op SEEDS FEEDS MACHINERY tion. STAYTON. OREGON Telephone 5021 ’ I Something New At Our Station Too Late To Classify Ask for them the next time you have your car serviced at our station. FOUND—One hound. Owner can claim by identifying. Contact Art Baley, Mill City. 38p FOR SALE—1949 Chevrolet ton pickup. New tires, new brakes, good condition. Also black hand tooled riding saddle, trimmed in white, bridle etc.—Howard Mor ri-on, Phone 5908, Mill City. 38 DRAPERS FLYING A SERVICE CUSTOM CLEANING FERTILIZER Grinding and Mixing PETROLEUM PRODUCTS HARDWARE HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES SEED MARKETING Highway 22 Phone 542 Mill City * Let The Enterprise » FOR RENT—Fui nished one and two bedroom apartments, $50 and up per month. See Chuck’s Fine Foods, Phone 58221*0. East of Gates on Highway 22. 38tf Jim Richmond, Sr. The Enterprise can do it right FAMILY NIGHTS JOHN WAYNE in John's Ford's Classic SHE WORE A 8 •s TRY US FIRST AND BE CONVINCED • Open 7 Doys'o IVeeA Ruled Forms I • ' Statements • Direct Mail Pieces • Letterheads • Advertising Brochures • Business Cards • Wedding Announcements In Technicolor WHOLE FAMILY FOR 99c Doors Open at 7^10 P. M. Complete show can be seen an. time up to ■ 11 a. m. to 8 p. m Watch our ad each week for announcements Located ’Z? mile west of Mehama on old hiway Phone Lyons ULrick 9-2484 Evenings DESERT ELOWER Try The Home Merchants First For All Of Your Needs A real deal, an 8 ounce, $2 bottle for only $1 SUMMER CANDY THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE I'he Home of (iood Printing Phone 2651 Mill City. Oregon 8 fl YELLOW RIBBON We still have good quality pickling Cucumbers Netted Gem Spuds. Red Ripe Tomatoes Cauliflower for Freezing Carrots, Turnips, Other Fruits and Vegetables. Hand or body lotion. 8 g September 27 and 28 MEHAMA GARDENS 5 • Envelopes Tuesday, Wednesday The Enterprise is well equipped to handle all YOUR PRINTING NEEDS c A True Story of West Point 8 39p ascribe to the .Mill City Enterprise GREY LINE Q CinemaScope 0 HOUSE FOR RENT End >P north i i east fifth avenue in Mill City. See □ There is no need to spend your time going out of Mill City to here at home. g 8 STRAYED to our place, five or six- month old whiteface bull. Owner o can have same by paying for this a ad and identifying animal.—Royal P Johnson, Gates. . 38 Do Your PRINTING have your PRINTING done. THE LONG Brown & Haley Candy Half price on summer packs DONT FORGET YOUR VITAMINS Mill City Pharmacy DEPENDABLE PRESCRIPTION SERVICE J. C. Kimmel Phone 6607 MILL CITY