8— THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER », 1955 The Next Time You Need Printing Call 2651 MEHAMA GARDENS 11 a. m. to 8 p. m. Open 7 Days a Week Cucumbers now ready for pickling Kentucky Wonder Beans. Netted Gem Spuds Broccoli for Freezing. Sweet Com Carrots, Wax Beans, other fruits and vegetables Watch our ad each week for announcements Located ’/j mile west of Mehama on old hiway Phone Lyons ULrick 9-2484 Evenings VITAMINS..... Now is the time to start giving your children Vitamins. We have a com­ plete line of Nationally advertised Vitamins. School Supplies Cosmetics Drugs Films Picture Finishing 4 Mill City Pharmacy DEPENDABLE PRESCRIPTION SERVICE J. C. Kimmel Phone 6607 MILL CITY 1*1111 Litas-- Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Stone and family were pleasantly surprised on Requests for closure of Fish lake their return to Waldport, after in the Rogue drainage because of the spending the Labor Day weekend in drawdown by irrigationists has been Mill City, to have as guests, Mr. and voiced by many interested persons, Mrs. Jack Coreyell and son, Scott of | the Oregon Game Commission said. Portland. The Cereyells had enjoyed Their primary concern was that the deep sea fishing at Depot Bay. reservoir might be overfished, with the low water conditions concen­ i Mrs. George Cree had the mis­ trating the trout life, making them fortune.of falling at her home break­ etxremely vulnerable to anglers. ing the left leg just below the knee. Although excellent fishing has It was a long jagged break. The knee been provided by the drawdown, the cap was damaged, the cartilege be­ commission does not feel that the ing injured. She was taken to Salem fish life in the reservoir needs fur- Memorial hospital Monday evening, . - • ther protection at this time. The where she will be for several days, j Mme holds true for wickiup reser. j voir where low water conditions also Mr. and Mrs. George Veteto mo- prevail. tored to Portland Friday night, In most instances where a draw­ where they were joined by Mrs. down occuis and there is danger of brother-in-law and sister, losing fish from low water, it is the Veteto’s Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bell. The group policy of the game commission to went to Victoria and Vancouver, B. increase the bag limits rather than C., and other points of interest be- reducing them to allow anglets to fore returning Monday night. harvest what otherwise would be­ come lost. Such has been the case Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Stiffler and with several reservoirs throughout sons, Wayne and Neal, were in the state including Warm Springs, Lebanon Sunday, guests of Mr. and Malheur, and Moon reservoirs. Nei­ Mrs. Donald Stiffler and family. Mrs. i ther Fish lake nor Wickiup will be Victoria Stiffler, who was also in drawn down to such an extent that Lebanon, returned to Salem Sunday i fish life will be in danger, the com- evening with the Lowell Stifflers, j mission said. who took in the fair. , In addition, since there is no evi­ dence of natural spawning taking Mr. and Mr*. Gayle Lowery and place at Fish lake, all fishing is de- children were in Portland Sunday, pendent upon an adequate yearly where they visited at the home of stocking of fingerling and legal Mr. Lowery’s brother and family, trout. In all probability, the commis- who are leaving for California. Mr. sion said, many large trout will be Lowery stated it was exceedingly taken because of the low water which hot around the Silverton area, but may reduce the fish population to I that it seemed a little cooler in some extent. The game commission Portland. will replace these trout next year before the season begins. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Poole and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Poole spent the weekend at Wickiup reservoir, going state last week, the Oregon Game up Satuiday evening pnd returning Commission announced. The band-tailed pigeon season will Monday night. They report real hot weather and stated they were run through the month of September •camped right out in the sun. The with a daily bag limit of six per reservoir is low at this time. When day but not more than 24 for the i shoot- returning home Monday night, it entire season. Mourning dove ing will extend through September was still 100 degrees in Bend. 25 with a bag limit of 10 1 per day or in possession. Hot spots throughout the coast range will provide the better pigeon shooting, although some excellent shooting can also be found along the west slopes of the Cascades. Central Scattergun artists can now take and Eastern Oregon will provide the old blunderbuss down off the better mourning dove hunting. The game commission asks mantle, wipe away the year’s accu­ mulation of dust, and get set for the hunters to be on the lookout fall bird shooting. First licks at the banded birds and to turn in the num­ feathered fowl were taken on the bers to the commission together with opening of the pigeon and mourning information as to where and when dove seasons in all counties of the the birds were taken. We’rè Shooting the Works with our Price Shattering Sale-A-Rama On America's Fastest Selling Cars The New ’55 Motoramic CHEVROLET • Your old car will never again b< worth as much. I town to earth terms to suit voui budget. • Bring the family and come readv to deal ACT NOW (Today, Not Tomorrow) GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET Phone 3244 Remains Open to Anglers Despite Low Waters Stay ton, Oregon .1 Bonnie Dean Christensen Feted on Birthday MEHAMA—Eight little girls en­ joyed a party Tuesday afternoon, August 30, at the G. V. Christensen home when they met to celebrate the Sth birthday anniversary of Bonnie Dean Christensen. The girls made fancy hats which they wore and prizes were given for the three prettiest ones. Games were played after which birthday cake and punch was served to Joanne and Dorothy Walz, Linda Landers, Bet­ tie Coles, Harriet Golliet, Linda Coffman, Kay Hughes and the honor guest, Bonnie Christensen. WHEN IN MILL CITY Make Your Home At MILL CITY LODGE Day or Weekly Rates Phone 1957 289 N.E. Alder MILL CITY, OREGON VtoÏNfWlT? WANTADS . . . And it is a treat to see how we take over all finan­ cial headaches, in case of accidents, fire, theft and similar occurances. Call 1708. Let up help you determine your own par­ ticular insurance needs. We are glad to be of assistance and you are under no ob­ ligation. Call us today for details D. B. HILL INSURANCE COMPANY Telephone 1708 MILL CITY, OREGON Leo’s Richfield Service HIGHWAY 22, MILL CITY Leo and Elaine Russell iimmmi Thurs., Fri., Sat September 8, 9 and 10 BARBARA STANWYCK, ROBERT RYAN, in ESCAPE TO BURMA PLUS ROY ROGERS and TRIGGER, BOB HOPE. JANE RUSSELL, In SON OF PALEFACE Sunday, Monday September 11 and 12 GRACE KELLY, RAY .MILLAND, in Alfred Hitchcock’* DIAL M Another Terrific Show By the Producer of "Rear Window” Tuesday, Wednesday September 13 and 14 FAMILY NIGHTS BILL WILIAMS. in THE OUTLAW'S DAUGHTER NOW! PLUS MAUREEN O'HARA. ANTHONY QUINN, in Goodyear's New All Weather Batteries All Sizes. 36 months Written Guarantee MAGNIFICENT MATADOR CinemaScope $15.95 Protect your car during the coming winter months WHOLE FAMILY FOR 99c Door, Open at 7 P. M. Complete show can be aeen any time up to 8:30