Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1955)
3—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, Al’Gl’ST 4, 1955 Business and Professional DIRECTORY NATIONAL FORcST TIMBER SALE OPERATION JOHN W. REID. M D Ph ysician and Surgeon MILL CITY. OREGON J. W. GOIN EXPERIENCED VETERINARIAN By HAROLD’S FLORAL GARDENS Phone 6338 Stayton, Oregoe Charf of Portland last week. Mr. Curry, who has barbered here for about a year has moved to Warren ton, Oregon. I The cafe located in the Spillway at Idanha is now under the management of Edna Myers, as of Monday. Mrs. Frank Britton, a former resi dent of Idanha, and who now makes her home in Independence - arrived over the weekend with a party of sev en girls for an outing at Humbug. Spending the weekend in Portland at the home of his financée, Miss Betty Becker, was John Davis of Idanha. Mrs. Opal Leming _ returned to her home in Idanha Saturday after un- _ dergoing surgery at Santiam Memor ial hospital last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Barker pro prietor of the Calzetta Motel left Monday for Baker on a week's busi ness trip. Company HEAVY HAUIJNG Common Carrier — Heavy Machinery and Equipment EXCAVATION and CONSTRI CTION ’5-TON MOBILE CRANE CONTRACTING AND RENTAL Ovality Maats and Groceries OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK n eddle Funeral Home FROZEN FOODS Modern Funeral Service STAYTON OREGON MIKE'S Sepiic Service Septic Tanks and Sewers Cleaner Phone Salem 39168, COLLECT 1079 Elm St. W. Salem D. E. FOSTER, D. M. D. Dentist For appointment phone Mill City 5203 or 6608 GATES AUTOMATIC LAUNDRY Complete Drying Service Open 6 Days a Week Stayton-Jefferson AUTO WRECKERS Rebuilt motors and trans missions. Cars bought and sold We buy junk. Phone 6284, Stayton, Ore SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Prompt service in the Canyon when you call us Reasonable Rates Satisfaction Guaranteed Stayton Phone 6284 LYONS PLUMBING Water Systems Fowler Clothes Dryers PHONE LYONS ULRK 9-2355 WE SELL BETTER CARS FOR LESS GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET STAYTON. OREGON IT PAYS TO BUY AT HOME ( HEMORRHOIDS ) ANO O’Mt» RECTAL Tff|AT(D WITHOUT HOSPITAL OPiRAY ON - also stomach ano colon y CONVENIENT CfttDiT P»SS BOOKLET Vto er C«l R hone 3-9460 Off ffiYNOtoS The REYNOLDS CLINIC Neturoprthic and CH»ropr«tic Ph> ; : O»*W. rxiArt. jjofr ky Ma- •• CtNTtff strut SALCM OffMON Stete. TVctá. < ad ANY ANY MODFl MAO ’OR YOUR TELEVISION OR RADIO 3297 Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance Co. MILL CITY, OREGON Phone Salem Day 2-2461 Nite 2-1417 * I | Last year, cash receipts to the U. S. Treasury from sales of national forest timber exceeded $65,000,000. This is quite an increase when compared with the $85,000 collected from the sale of timber in 1905, the year the Forest Sendee was organized in the U. S. Depart ■i,-------------------------------------- ment of Agriculture. Twenty-five , 5.3 billion board feet, about 10 percent of all money taken in by percent of all the timber used in the Forest Service—not only for , the United States. National forest timber lands timber but for any use—goes back to the States in which the national I are managed so as to produce forests are located. That money , perpetual crops of wood. Timber is turned over to the counties for . is marked or designated for cut public schools and public roads. ting to encourage reproduction, maintain and improve the grow The national forests, which ing stock and still safeguard wa contain 76 million acres of land tershed and recreational values. classed as commercial forest, are As the Forest Service marks its the largest single supplier of raw Golden Anniversary, it pays trib material for the Nation’s forest ute to the many states, individ products industries. Last year the uals and companies who also are Forest Service made 24,000 sep managing their timber lands to arate timber sales to individuals produce perpetual supplies of and companies for a total cut of wood for generations to come. • W hen you need FOOD LOCKERS PRINTING Telephone 2651 MILL CITY MEAT MARKET 'DLL CITY ENTERPRISE THE POPULAR SUUMZR HOSTESS SERVES ■licfeu« sandwich«« art to right for car«fr«« •ath«r m«alt and snack« . That« wn«Mp«ct*d Qw««tt. that ovar-approacMttg moaltlmo- na problor- for yaw...fancy broads, tangy choasas, snappy taveas. «plead moots-your ch«<k list far different sandwiches served by th« most popular hostess in fawn. MEHAMA Hughes home were Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Mulkey from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Shields went to ! Bv Mrs. John Lecter» Klamath halls and Merrill last week I The Ralph Boring family of Eu taking granddaughter, Janice I gene were weekend guests at the Alvin Griffiths home. The Griffiths, Borings and Mrs. Griffiths’ mother, and s ster, Mr-. Zelph.i Glaum and them for Mrs. Lena Miller, who are visiting The Mehama Community Presby heie from Alma, Nebraska, all en joyed a picnic dinner Sunday at the terian church was host for the July I Dale Champ home. Mrs. Glaum and meet ng of the Willamette Presbytery I Mrs. Miller returned to Eugene Sun July 26. The meeting convened at the church at 9 a. m. and adjourned about day evening for a week’s visit. 3:30 in the afternoon The noon Overnight guests Tuesday of last luncheon was served by the Ladies I week al the Charles Crook home Aid in the Women’s club house. ¡were Mr. Crook’s sister and hus- | band, Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Horn from Phoenix, Ariz. Mrs. Eva Crook i accompanied the Homs to Portland Wednesday. Mr. and Mr-. Don Ham- By Boots ChaniDion I mer and son from. Long Beach, Calif, i visited at the Crook home last Thurs- Spending Sunday at the home of i day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crook, his mother, Mrs. Mabel Moore, was Bobby Crook and Dale Bilyeu went the Keith Moore family of Independ i to Portland Sunday to attend a ence. Keith assisted by his brother, ¡Crook family picnic. Rodney, completed the task of apply , Deanie McDonald visiting during ing alumnium roofing to the garage the weekend with friends at West and house, over the jyeekend. port. Weekend visitors at the John Cook 4l Visiting several days last week at home were their son-in-law and the Pearl A^Jaway homo were Mrs. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Albin Coop y Cliff Parrott and two sons from er, an<| children of Mill City. Visaing at the Stanley White home Gold Beach and daughter, Peggy, from Salem. Sunday visitors at the over the weekend was Mis. White's Allaway home were Mrs. Allaway’s mother, Mrs. Marie Mitchell of Bend. Weekend visitors at the home of brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Conimungs and Mrs. Commung’s Mr. and Mrs. Joe Leis were Mr. and Y mother and brother, Mrs. Cora Rilea Mrs. Bob Briscoe. Evelyn Wetter- borg, and Ruth Krause, of Portland. and Cliff Rilea all from Portland. A visitor Wednesday of last week Evelyne and Mrs. Briscoe are nieces Y at the James Hardy home was Mrs. of M i s. Lies. Mita Krause is in- Hardy's father, Harry Hudlow from terested in the possibility of estab- lihing a beauty parlor here. Pasco, Wash. Mrs. 1 Floyd Cook, who has spent Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Mulkey of most of the summer here at the Joe Portland visited briefly with rela tives here last Thursday afternoon. Leis cabins, returned to her home They were on their way home from in Portland last weekend, Mr. Cook, ' a vacation spent at Johjt Day and who is employed on the construction of the Breitenbush bridge will re 1 Breitenbush Hot Springs. Mrs. Etta McCarley left last Wed- main until its completion. Bob En- | nesday for her home in San Diego, quist, also employed on the project I Calif., after visiting for some time has moved into the cabin with Mr. I w-ith her son and family the Horace Cook. An overnight visitor at the Ray- | McCarleys. She also visited with mond Sophy home Monday was Mrs. ! other relatives in Myrtle Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Branch Sophy’s father, B. E. Waters of 1 spent the weekend at the cost visit- Selah, Washington. Visiting at the home of Mr. and , ing relatives at Neotsu and Grande Mrs. Alfred Stahlman in Mill City i Ronde. While there they learned of the death of a nephew, who was with on Tuesday and Wednesday was Mrs. I the All Force in California. He was Stahlman’s aunt, Mrs. E. G. Cham I Sgt. R 'nald Hoffenbrittle and wras pion of Mapeton, Iowa, and her ' killed in a car accident the last of cousin, Mrs. Joseph Bradbury, of | the week. The body was being sent Steger, Ill. On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Harold home anil the funeral was set for Champion, accompanied by Mr. Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Ait Andyson visited Champions mother, Mrs. E. G. Cham J at the Jack Anderson home at Brook- pion, and his sister, Mrs. Joseph Bradbury, motored to Bend. While ' ings during the past weekend. there we motored out to the Fort re Weekend guests at the Harley Johnson home were Mr. and Mrs. cently erected for the filming of the 1 Willard Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. picture “Indian Fighter”. The Fort Walter Johnson and children from is a replica of the old frontier days and is drawing a lot of interest., Mapleton. Visitors Saturday evening at the It reportedly was erected at a cost E. J. Hughes home were Mr. and of 330,000. The interior covers about Mrs. Carl Hughes and family from three acres. A flag pole is in the Portland. Their daughter, Kay, re center. At the rear of the Fort mang mained for a visit with her grand ers are provided for about 44 horses. mother. Sunday dinner guests at the There is a well, a jail house, com missary, or store, gun rack, ammuni tion dugout, or store room, and last but not least, living quarters. One of LICENSED the buildings has a massive stone fire rb gi place. Probably the Colonel's head quarters. Guard stations with stairs leading to them are on the corners of the Fort. The entire Fort is made I1J50 Per Month and I p of log*. Mr. Champion took moving Also servicing Gates, Lyon*. pictures of the project. Enroute home Idanaha and Detroit we visited Peterson Rock Gardens. I Phon« 3952 Business callers in Detroit and Idanha on Monday were Mr. and Mrs. MILL CITY Vic Myers of Ocean Lake. DISPOSAL SERVICE Bill Curry, barber at Idanha sold LEONARD HERMAN his business interests to W alter A Armours SIZE DETROIT <; \ \ SERVICE 69c 2 cans y <?c Jeans g9c NATIONAL CORNED BEEF Bonfire Tuna Chunk Style Nallys Treasure Pickles O Nallys Sweet Pickles ¿ __ 3/25cCARROTScellobag2/15c LETTUCE 12 ounce Jars Peaches Ends uriu> r Pieces ICUC3 Sliced Bacon Elberta, pound 39c 15c U.S. GOOD lb. 15c Beef Roast Home Made, Pure Pork Sausage lb. 39c Pure Ground Beef 3 pounds $1.00 LOCKER BEEF Slab Bacon lb. 47c With that good smoked flavor Swift's Premium Canned Picnic Hanis 4'/2 lbs $3.39 Come in and see our Locker Beef. Best prices for First Quality Beef. Cutting and Wrapping Our Specialty KenGolliet Effective Your Friendly IGA Store July MEHAMA, OREGON lb. 45c Prices