DR. MARK HAMMERICKSEN S—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE speaker at the .Mehama church Sun- i THURSDAY, JULY 21. 1955 day. Rev. Hardy, who has moved here I with his family is under the board | of missions of the Presbyterian [ church and will hold services every j Sunday Evening at the Mt. Pleasant An allocation of $149,753.61 has By Mrs. John Teeters church as well as helping with mis been made to Mai ion county represnt- Mr. ar.d Mrs. Charles Crook re sion work for the migrants during ing the county’s 19% share in motor turned home last Wednesday from a the summer. vehicle fees and taxes, Secretary of vacation trip to California and Ne Mr. and Mrs. Otis Marks were at State Earl T. Newbry announces. vada. They spent five days in Los their home here for the weekend Allocation of these funds to the Angeles visiting with their son, Clif from Rhododendron, Mr. where counties of the state is predicated ford, who fs with the Air Force sta .Marks is employed. upon the number of registered motor tioned at Edwards AFB. They also vehicles .Marion county received the stopped at Reno and Las Vegas, thiid largest amount from the fund Nevada and visited the Grand Can-1 yon and Boulder Dam. The Edward Walz family spent Mrs. Albert Millsap Joseph Reznick, Mrs. Rachael Wil Sunday in Salem visiting at the Mr. and Mrs. Don Henness and son, all from Portland, and Mrs. home of Mrs. Walz' mother, Mrs. El son, Jimmie, from Alder Manon Wn., Melvin Bilyeu and son, Dickie of sie Trick. accompanied by Mr. Henness’ par- Woodburn. Weekend guests were Mr. Mrs. Larry Bangs and children ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Henness, and Mrs. Joseph Turner and Mr. and viisted with friends and former formerly of Gates, now of Salem, Mrs. William Minea, all from Port neighbors here last Tuesday. The were Gates visitors this week. Lin land. Bangs' are now making their home in coln Henness observed his 92nd birth Mr. and Mrs. Albert Millsap spent Salem. day, July 5. The party visited at the Tuesday in Salem shopping. They Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Griffiths spent home of L. “T.” Henness, soon to visited at the home of their grand a recent week end visiting at Reeds reach 101, and the Edmund Davis daughter, Mrs. Dorland Swan, before port. They went down the coast as home. returning home. Thursday Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Rynearson, Susie and Mrs. Millsap accompanied their son- far as Crescent City and returned by way of Crater Lake, and also visited Dickie, spent several days last week- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Peterson Rock gardens near Bend. end in Portland at the Howard Wil- Edmund Klecker and family of Stay The Griffiths visited during the past son residence. They returned home ton to Suttle Lake on a picnic and weekend with the Ralph Boring fam Wednesday. fishing trip. (Didn't ketch no fish.) ily at Eugene. Mrs. Glen Henness, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Robert ]^evon spent Mr. and Mrs. Harley Johnson re by her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Keith Sunday in Portland visting friends. turned home Friday from Glendale Henness and infant daughter and Monday they drove to Corvallis where they visited a week with their son, Dennny and Mrs. Burrel Cole, of business. son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Mill City, left early Saturday morn Johnson and daughter. ing to drive to Arcata, Calif. Mrs. The George Nuxell family from Keith Henness will remain in Arcata, Rhododendron spent several days where Mr. Henness is employed. Mrs. here last week while Mr. Nuxell was Glen Henness and Mrs. Cole returned transacting business in this locality. home Tuesday evening of this week. Rev. James Hardy was guest ' Mrs. Glen Burmister and two children, of Astoria, were guests at the Elmer Klutke home for several days this week. Mrs. Burmister is Mr. Klutke’s niece, formerly Georgia Klutke, of Albany. Mrs. Bob Oliver and three daugh ters and Mrs. Floyd Swaim and two sons, spent Sunday at Breitenbush for an outing. Miss Bertha Zienert, of St. Paul, Minn., who has been a house guest at the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kist, for the past two weeks, left by plane Saturday morning for her home. Other guests at the Kist home dur ing the past week were Mr. and Mrs. Motor Vehicle Fees 'Given To Counties MEHAMA REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Has moved his Mill City office to Stayton in the Post Office Building, 2nd Floor, tn the Dr. Victor J. Myers offices Thursdays 1 p. m. to 6 p. m. HOME OFFICE: M3 W. FIRST, ALBANY GATES LET FLOWERS SHOW YOU CARE If you have a sick friend in the hospital show you care by sending a lovely potted plant or a boquet of our select CUT FLOWERS RALEIGH HAROLD Florist & Nursery 319 W. Wash. Street Phone 6684, Stayton. Open 7 a. m. to 9 p. tn. Including Sundays being topped by Multnomah county with $671,344.52 and Lane county wish $205,727.19. The allocation made Thursday re presents the fees and taxes collected during the period from April 1 to June 30, 1935. ____ The allocation for Polk county to taled $34,770.49; Linn county, $83,- 873.49 and Yamhill county, $52,538.28. Viv's Steak House Phone 5807 Closed Mondays Another apportionment of $3,585.- 73 to Marion county was announced, this coming from the Amusement Device Tax account. Order Wood Now and Save BIG 2-CORD LOAD FOR ONLY $15.00 The winter rate is $20 for a 2-cord load. John Dickhaut Phone Detroit 462 i IN STAYTON 5 DAYS J U L Y 26 - 30 THURSDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 1955 ALL THE WEEK BROWNING BROTHERS CARNIVAL RIDES < / PARADES TALENT SHOW Tuesday, July 26 CARNIVAL OPENS QUEEN CORNATION Thrsday July 28 PET PARADE DANCE HORSE SHOW Wednesday, July 27 TALENT SHOW Friday, July 29 f '' ' > c LEMONS doz. 29c CELERY bunch 10c CABBAGE Ib. 5c Luncheon Meats 3 cans 98e SPRY Tal1 Co"' Shortening 3lbs 79c 1 Blue Bonnett Spreckles SUGAR 25lbs S2.35 Margarine Nabisco Lorna Doone Shortbread Cookies Try some of our Large Wheel of Aged Wisconsin Cheddar Cheese ib. ¿9c 33c Full of Vitimns Beef Liver ,b33c Choice Round Sliced CONCESSIONS 1 F 2 for 25c FESTIVAL ___ -4 ■ s J: Deluxe I Gallon 79c CAHHXnOH —nM/ur • Open 6 a. m. to 11 p. m. ICE CREAM BEAN Mill City • • Bacon ib. 39c Steak lb 67c j r io* ■ ■ * Pound Home made link Sausage lb. 49c Seasoned ¡ust right You can buy meat with assur ance that it will be good when you buy from us. Try it today Beef Roast 45c Locker Beef 1 4 “II Come in and see us for Locker Beef. Best Prices for First Quality Beef Cutting and wrapping our specialty. GRAND PARADE Saturday, July 30 HORSE SHOW HORSE PARADE BEANHOLE BEAN FEED BEAN HOPPER BALL Sponsored by Santiam Bean Festival Association Ken Golliet Prices Effective Your Friendly IGA Store MEHAMA, OREGON July 21,22 and 23 F