•—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, JUNE 23, ISM How Long Since Your Watch Was Cleaned ? t Even the finest watch should be cleaned and oiled at least once a year. Neglect today—may mean costly repair bills tomorrow. EXPERT WATCH INSPECTION Let us inspect your watch. It's worth a few moments of your time to find out whether all's well. There’s no charge or obligation for this service. WTiy not drop in today ? Baker's Mill City Jewelry Telephone 2643 MILL CITY We use GENUINE FACTORY PARTS Those present weie Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Hirte, who is employed in aid and Patty, of Sherwood, were Mayer-Harnish and small son, Thom Medford, was home Fatheis day and guests last week at the L. L. Ry- as, Mrs. Edward Chance and son, Ed reports he enjoys and is standing his nearson home. Mr. McNamee and ward Jr., and the hosts Mr. and Mrs. work fine. It has been about a year Mrs. Rynearson are brother and Mrs. All>ert Mills»« Martig and three children. j since Mr. Hirte "as seriously injured sister. ____ Woman _____ ’s club is spon- Gates His Two local b>ys, Charles Kuhlman ; in an automobile accident. | soring a benefit card paity Saturday and Royal Schaei, who were sent to daughter, Ann Marie, who is em Too Late To Classify ' night at the community center at 8 Boys State in Corvallis, returned ployed in Salem for the summer was | o’clock. Pinochle and “ 500 1 will be home Saturday. The boys report a also home for the weekend. Sunday, FOR SALE—Four door Chevrolet played and refreshments served. wonderful and instructive time. Ann Marie left for McMinnville to sedan. Radio, heater. Also 1934 Prize- will be given. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Klutke and attend the Grand Assembly of Rain Plymouth coupe. Both in good con Fathers Day was observed in many two boys, accompanied by Mr. and bow Girls, for two days, before re dition. See Geoige Rambo or call of the homes Sunday, with family Mrs. Howaid Farmen, of Mill City, turning to Salem. 3205. 25 dinners and get-togethers. spent the weekend in Whitney, in Mr. and Mrs. William Hirte entei- . Kenneth Martig and Dr. H. G. Ea tern Oregon, guests at the home tamed at their home Sunday in honor LIKE TO TRADE equity in nice home for trailer house. Inquire at Majer-Harnish were entei tamed at of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ranes. I of his father, Frank A. Hirte, of Mill Silver Saddle Service Station. 25tf dinner at the Martig home east of Percy Mulligan, of Gates, was City. A potluck dinner was served to Gates. elected Saturday night to serve as ; the honored guest and wife, Mr. and Thursday guests at the home of Commander of the American Legion Mrs. Fiank Hirte, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Martig were Post No. 159, at the meeting of the Frank H. Hirte and sons, David and Mr. Martig’s father and step-mother, ; Legion in Mill City. Marvin, of Portland, and Mrs. Oswald Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Martig, of Port Ellen and Roberta Chance, daugh- Hirte and four youngsters. Oswald land, accompanied by their house ters of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Chance, Hirte and Ann Marie could not at guests, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kuyken j and Darlene Joaquin, were among tend. dall and two children, of Missouri. I Gates girls who attended the Theta Albert Millsap was complimented —•— Dr. Mayei-Harnish of Portland was I Rho convention in Klamath Falls i by a belated Dad’s day dinner Mon guest of honor, Saturday, in observ I two days last week. The girls were ac- day evening when his daughter and ance of his birthday anniversary, at companied by Mrs. Walter Thomas, famiy of Stayton came to the Mill a picnic dinner served at the home and two daughters’ also members of sap home. Those present were Mr. and of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth I Martig. _ Theta Rho and Mrs. Philip Hess. Mrs. Edmund Klecker and family, of | Stayton, and Mr. and Mrs. Dorland Swan and two babies, of Salem. Emil (Red) Johnson, who was seriously injured in an accident in the woods last Wednesday, where he i was employed by the Northern Lum Better get that automobile of yours in top ber Company, is still hospitalized at Santiam Memorial in Stayton. It is shape for the trip. Nothing gives you more sat reported he is still in great pain and may be placed in a body cast, though isfaction than knowing your car is safe and de the doctors are quite sure the back pendable. You can get this assurance by hav was not broken, but badly bruised. ing our factory trained mechanics check the car. Keith Henness, from Arcata, Calif. | spent the weekend at the home of hi» parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Henness, BRING IT IN TODAY where his wife is staying at the pres ent time, awaiting the anival of a "son and heir.” Mrs. O. W. Watson has been ill at her home the past week and under a doctor’» care, following minor surg Phone 2344 STAYTON, OREGON ery.. I Mr. and Mrs. Don McNamee, Ron- i CHECK THE NUMBER by your address label Vacation Coming Soon? Better Get Ready GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Entered as second class matter No vember 10. 1944 at the post office at Mill City, Oregon, under the Act of March 3. 1879 NEWSPAPER \ PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION Per Year Marion-Linn Counties $2.50 Outside Marion-Linn Counties 33.00 Telephones 2651 or 905 I DON W. MOFFATT Editor-Publlshor DR. MARK If the number says 7-55 HAMMERICKSEN it's time to mail your subscription to us. Why not send us your renewal right now be fore you forget it. Viv's Steak House Only S2.50 per year in Phone 5807 • • • Mill City Marion and Linn Coun Open 6 a. m. to 11 p. m. ties. S3.00 elsewhere Closed Mondays REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Has moved his Mill City office to Stay ton in the Post Office Building, 2nd Floor, tn the Dr. Victor J. Myers offices Thursdays 1 p. m. to 6 p. m. HOME OFFICE: M3 W. FIRST, ALBANY i You Live Beller for Less Willi Cheap Electricity Serving You! EXAMPLE: It costs only pennies a week to run a modern electric refrigerator GROOMING GETS THE GROOM Oops! Pardon the pun. But we really mean it. Our scientific cleaning methods are an important key to your success. PHONE 3418 NU METHOD <8 HOUR SERVICE Mill City, Oregon Saturday, June 25 Special Family Night GEORGE MONTGOMERY in THE LONE GUN — Plus — “LUCY” BALI WM. HOLDEN MISS GRANT TAKES RICHMOND Treat your family to a mo via this Saturday Families 99c Others 50c Sunday, Monday June 26 and 27 TYRONE POWER. Safe, convenient storage for every kind of food is automatically SUSAN HAYWARD in § § yours with a modem electric refrigerator, and for just a few cents UNTAMED a week at Pacific Power’s low electric rates. ClnemaScope Big freezer compartment... plenty of ice cubes... moist-cold crisper for vegetables.. special storage for foods such as meat and butter ... automatic defrosting — these and other new fea tures add up to modern convenience at its very best! June 28 and 29 I FAMILY NIGHTS WILLIAM BISHOP in It's further proof of the many ways your low-cost electric service from Pacific Power adds up to the biggest bargain in your family budget! OVERLAND PACIFIC — Pina — LIZ LRETH STOTT. CHARLTON HESTON, in or old-style refrigerator on a new, modern one! See your electric appliance dealer PACIFIC POWER. &LIG-HT COMPANY Electricity's cheap in Pacific Powerland BAD FOR EACH OTHER i i Ma. Pa. Kids for 99< C