Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1955)
YOU CAN T GET A BETTER STEAK .... We use only USDA Choice meats perfectly aged and cooked just for your enjoyment. We know that if you try just once, you will come again. FULL LINE OF AUTHENTIC CHINESE DISHES RIVERVIEW CAFE MEHAMA, OREGON INVESTIGATE The money saving possibilities of using one of our Frozen Food Lockers. No power bill. No meintenance cost. No depreciation. Buy in quantitl and Save Money. LIVE BETTER FOR LESS Hirte’s Food Lockers MILL CITY, OREGON DON’T PUT IT OFF Summer weather is here and with it comes more tests on your car and truck. You drive more, drive faster and take longer trips Let us keep your car in perfect running condition by Giving It Regular Grease Jobs. Pink Masons Shell Service Station Phone 681 MILL CITY, OREGON TRY A TANKFULL OF T. C. P. SHELL GAS! Mrs. Lowell Fleetwood I Toastmistress Pres. I 4—THE MILL (TTY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, JUNE 16, ms Social Events CLUB. LODGE AND Mrs. Alfred Nesbitt pre«ide<i at the meeting of the Mill City Toastm st-' ress club when they met Thursday • evening at the high school recreation room. Mrs. Marshall Powell ar.d Mrs. John Pr'deaux served des«e-t preced ing the meeting. Toastmistiess was Mrs. A. T. Barr- hardt with the theme "Milestones” LYONS—The Altar Society of the introducing her speakers, Mrs. Lowell I St. Patrick Catholic church held I Fleetwood who e subject was “What I their meeting at the hall Thursday ¡Are We Here For” and Mrs. Kenneth evening, June 9. The meeting was Crosier who spoke on “Then and opened with prayer, followed by the Now.” Mis. Gayle Lowery gave the tegular business. The new bylaws education speech, “Words." were presented and will be printed Mrs. Noble Streeter was Topic and in shape for the next meeting. mistress and used the theme "Beau Plans were also discussed for the ty,” for the impromptu speeches. annual bazaar which will be held some Mrs. Nesbitt was evaluator and time in August with date to be set Mrs. Howaid Means was timer and later. It was voted however to serve also gave the invocation. the dinner as in pievious years. Critics were Mrs. Marshall Powell The gift drawing was won by Ida and Mrs. Ralph Fough. Free. The next meeting will be held .Guests of the club for the evening July 14. At the close of the meeting, were Arta Glidewell and Charlene refreshments were served by Mary Cooper. Fink and Anna Pietrok. Attending Highlight of the business meeting were Golda Brassfield, Susan Doer- was the election of officers for the fler, Ruth Lyons, Martha Jungwirth, fall session with Mrs. Lowell Fleet Evelyn VanAgtniael, Alice Schiewek, wood elected president; Mrs. Gayle Elaine Sperle, Florence Flande, Kate Lowery, vice president; Mrs. A. T. Sieg, Ida Free, Leola Phelps, Alice Barnhardt, ■ecrernry, Mrs. Marshall Bouche and Father Schefield, and the Powell, treasurer, and alii Vernon hostesses Mary Fink and Anna Piet Todd, club representative. rok. The final meeting will be June 23 when the new officers will be instal led. It was voted to have guest night Crew Tearing Down Old at the second meeting in September. Altar Society Plans Bazaar for August Business and Professional DIRECTORY LOCAL ACTIVITIES Mill Ends Mr. and Mrs. Russell parents of a daughter, at Santiam Memorial Stayton. They have daughters. GATES AUTOMATIC LAUNDRY Complete Drying Service Open 6 Days a Week ♦ ♦ * ! Kelly are the . ................................................... born June 9 hospital at JOHN W. REII), M. D. three other Physician and Surgeon Wayne LeCours, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur LeCours was taken to a Salem hospital late Sunday even ing where an emergency appendect omy was performed. Mill CITY, OREGON J. W. GOIN Mrs. Laster Hathaway and her EXPERIENCED VETERINARIAN brother, Rev. Theron Jenne, left By HAROLD’S FLORAL GARDENS Thursday for Eastern Oregon and Phone 6338 Stayton, Oregon Northern California where they will visit relatives. They plan on stopping at several scenic spots along the way. Weddle Funeral Home Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Walkup mo tored to Seaside Sunday to visit Modern Funeral Service their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bracher and child STAYTON OREGON ren. Mrs. Walkup remained there to visit for a couple of weeks, and Mr. Walkup returned Monday forenoon. MIKE'S Septic Service Mr. and Mrs. Ix>well Stiffler and sons motored to Salem Sunday where Septic Tanks and Sewers Cleaned they enjoyed a picnic dinner at the Phone Salem 39468, COLLECT S. N. Schroeder home. Gary Schroed- 1079 Elm St., W. Salem Gates Grade School er returned with the Stifflers and is GATES—A crew of men has al- visiting his cousins, Wayne and Neal Students Take Part in most completed the task of tearing this week. down the old grade school, in pre- Portland Track Meet paration for the erection of the new, MILL CITY Mr. and Mrs. Charles Empress and GATES—Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Fi rost * , moJern building, which will take its family moved this week into the house accompanied a bus load of Gates and place. DISPOSAL SERVICE on the highway, owned by Mr. and Mill City boys and girls to Portland, The one story building, when com Mrs. Bert Morris. They had formerly Garbage, ashes. trimmings, etc. Saturday, to attend the Junior Olym pleted will have six class rooms, two lived in rooms behind the shoe shop. weekly pickups J 1.50 ner month pics. One of the Gates school buses, of them rooms that have been added The partition is now being removed, Also light hauling. with Clare Rush, driver, was used for to the old building in i ecent years. to enlarge their shop quarters. I^onard Herman Phone .3952 the trip. Bonnie Britt, Gates, made a To date the contract for the con new state record in a softball throw, struction of the new building has M rs. Jay R. Mason entertained the senior division; Roberta Chance tied not been let, but it is hoped that it Round Roubin pinochle club at her for first place in the high jump, sen will be ready fur use by the time or ior division; Juanita Thomas took third shortly after the fall term of school home Monday evening. Sue Poole won high; Kathleen Storey, pinochle, and place in the broad jump, senior di- opens. Mabel Yankus, low. Lunch was served vision. following play by the hostess. The Mrs. L. A. Poole To next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Chance. Missionaries To Be at Conduct Kindergarten Community Church Sun. The Rev. and Mrs. F. O. Seward, | missionaries to Singapore, Malaya, will show colored slides and speak at the Community .church, Sunday, June 19 at 7:45 p.m. the Rev. R. F. Taft announces. Among the colored slides, which depict life and conditions in Singa pore, are some showing preparations for the famed Hindu "firewalking” I ceremony.. The public is invited at attend. Come to the American Legion CRIB FEED All persons interested in sending their pre-school age children to kin dergarten this coming fall ate asked to contact Mrs. L. A. Poole, box 692, Mill City. Mrs. Arthur LeCours had the kin dergarten here this past year. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kanoff enter- tained last Sunday for her grand- mother, Mrs. Minnie Namislo, on the occasion of her 85th birthday anni versary with a dinner party at their home. Others present were Mr. and Mts. Adolph Brunner, Miss Frances Namislo, and Mr. and Mrs. Lenthal Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Chance re Ragsdale and family. turned last week from a two-weeks I vacation trip that took them to Reno, John Muir and Bob Oliver took Nevada, San Francisco, Calif., and four boys from this area to Corvalls . back to Mill City by the coast route. Sunday where they will attend Boys I While they were away her mother, State this week. The men stated there I Mrs. A. P. Hoffman of Auburn, were 415 boys registered there Sun. Wash., kept their small daughter, day night. They stayed to hear Presi | Debbie, and Mrs. Sue Poole kept the dent Strand of the college give the baby. Mrs. Hoffman and Debbie ar address of welcome to the boys. Boys rived Monday night, making the tiip from here are Eddie Gregory, Chuck to Salem by train, where Mrs. Chance Kuhlman, Maurie Bassett and John met them. Schaer. Pequot Pillow Tubing Regular 98c per yard Special price per yard 89c Ada’s Needle Shop Phone 2243, American legion Hall, Mill City I MILL CITY, OREGON Only Two Weeks Left i I I FRIDAY, JUNE 24,7 P.M TO GET A BRAND NEW 1955 CHEVROLET SIX PASSENGER SEDAN iTe For Only $1699 at Sate TVctA, PHIICO GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET Phone 2344 ANY AMT MODa ro* YOUR TELEVISION OR RADIO STAYTON, OREGON 3207 Stifflers Radio and Appliance Co. FOR DOOR PRIZES PROCEEDS FOR WELFARE And MORTGAGE RETIREMENT MILL CITY, OREGON Announcing.... The Opening of the All W(Right) Gift Shop Mrs. J. A. Wright, Owner P. O. Building DETROIT, OREGON The REYNOLDS CLINIC VetamSaon J> *neo HT A < to 5 00 » R w R w e—e «TMTT VUI a OOMOR