Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1955)
Mrs. Frank Spellmeyer entertained and Dickie Grosso, Martie Hartle, a group of little folks honoring their Dennis, Donna and Darrell Huber, laughter, Sharon, on her 6th birth Joy Prideaux, Connie Walker and day anniversary. Games and refresh By Eva Bressler Richie Manning, Mrs. Donald Huber, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cragmayle and ments furnished the fun. Present Mis. Wendell Weaver, Mrs. Guy were Marlene Thayer, Ginger Carter, children spent the weekend at the Cheyrl and Patricia Weaver, Helen Hartle and Mrs. Spellmeyer. home of his parents in Longview, Malie, re- Wash. Their daughter, 1 m lined for a stay with her grandpar-1 ents, and their little nephew returned ONLY THREE WEEKS LEFT home with them. Mr. and Mis. Fred Brassfield from j Pedee were weekend guests at the TO GET A BRAND NEW 1955 CHEVROLET home of his brother and sister-in-law, | Mr. and Mrs. Merril Brassfield. Mrs. Louise Cruson of Portland is i SIX PASSENGER SEDAN visiting relatives in Lyons. She is a j guest at the home of her son Edwaid Cruson and family. Orpha Roye and Frances Cruson I went to Stayton Tuesday, where they | attended the school of instruction for officers of the Womens Society of Chiistian Service. Mrs. Gladys Fox and daughter, Marjorie, left . Wednesday morning for their home in Midvale, Idaho af ter spending a week in Lyons. Mrs. Phone 2344 STAYTON, OREGON Fox is a daughter of Mrs. Lizzie Bassett, sister of Mis. Earl Allen and Floyd Bassett. Mrs. Cora Corbett of Salem re turned home Wednesday after spend ing several days at the home of her brother and si.-ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bressler. Mrs. Carrie Naue was hostess for the Wednesday afternoon caid club OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK with her party held at the Rebekah hall. A 1:30 dessert luncheon was served, followed by several tables of , 500. High score was held by Ruth | Lyons and second high by Garnett Bassett, low by Bertha Allen and ' Berneice Bridges diew the traveling prize. Mr. and Mrs. Oral Toland with their | daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. i Robert Fetheison and daughters! from Prineville, visited over the I weekend at the home of their daugh-1 ter, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gavette | and family at Creswell, also another : daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ga vette and family at Harrisburg. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Asmussen family have gone to Indianapolis, where they will spend a month’s cation visiting with relatives friends. Dinner guests at the home of tt r. The Detroit-Idanha school district will accept and Mrs. Beit Lyons Monday were Amos Vass, Roxie Tiask of Salem, bids for delivery of Nannie Martin of Coquille, Venetta Manning, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fulham and children, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Vaughn, llany Vaughn, Mrs. Stella I Foos, all of Portland, Mrs. Wave Hill, ' for the Detroit School. Mill City, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth i Lewis and Mrs. Inez King of Lyons. Bids must be submitted on or before Monday, Amos Vass, who is an uncle of the June 13, 1955 family became suddenly ill and had to be returned to Salem by ambu For additional information write Detroit School lance. Board, Detroit, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Gustafson and | son, Jeriy, returned home the last | Helen Bryant, Clerk. of the week from a three weeks' va-! cation trip which took them to Min nesota and Wisconsin. They visited relatives at Duluth, Minn., and friends at Shell Lake and Spooner, Wise. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pennington and I daughters, Paula, Chyyrl and Mar lene, spent the weekend at Ontario, where they were guests at the home of her mother, Mrs. Sig Gruggett. LYONS. OREGON Studnts of the fifth anu sixth grades of Mari-Linn school enjoyed a ti ip to Peterson’s Rock Gardens Arizona No. I Shafter Saturday with about 60 making the trip. Mr. and Mrs. Claire Humphries and children trona Myrtle Creek spent the weekend in Lyons. They 8 pound bag were guests at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mis. J. H. Johnston. They also visited her brotner and family, the Hugh Johnstons. Mr. and Mis. William Hargin and childien moved the last of the week to Estacada where he is employed. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Christensen and Free With Any children moved to the Haigin house.' b ern Sletto of Lyons Kt. 1 is at- [ tending a ELC conference at the Lutheran College at Parkland, Wn. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Jenks have as their guest, her daughtei, Mrs. Rooert ’A Gallon Kiddeousch from New fork. Teachers of the Mari-Linn grade* school and families held their annual I Deluxe picnic at the home of Mrs. Hazel! DELUXE Mirth in Bujeu Den Monday, June 6.. Mrs. Alice Huber, with Mr. and Mrs. Donam Huoer, Dennie, Donna I and Darreli, w ere in Portland ¡Satur day evening where they attended the I wedding of Miss Ueraldine McDon ald and Howard F. Biubaker of Portland. Miss McDonald is a niece of Mrs. Al.ce Huber and cousin of Donald. LYONS For Only $1699 at GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET “What a sight! Those new cars make a lot of folks’ eyes pop — and a lot of folks are getting them!” Quality Meats and Groceries THERE MAY WELL BE ONE IN YOUR BUDGET, I FOOD LOCKERS TWF RIGHT FINANCING. ASK ABOUl U.> LU.V-COST AUTO LOAN PLAN! member Mill City Branch federal DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION FROZEN FOODS MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Bids Wanted 125 CORDS Of WOOD The Chinese a wall LYONS FOOD MARKET New Spuds 10 lbs. 45c •ii-p Generations slaved away their lives to build it. The wealth of kings and the skill of engineers were poured into its construction. And, when it was finished, it roamed a vagabond course over the mountains for hundreds of miles, like a great grey dragon breathing defiance from every seg ment of its poised body. It was a peace-loving nation's way of telling the world that she wanted no more war . . . and the men who built it actually believed it would protect them from aggression. The Americans have a hydrogen bomb. It, too is a peace-loving nations way of telling the world that she wants no more war. And millions actually believe it will protect, not only Ameri ca. but the whole world from aggression. The only sure protection against war is the fortress that saves mankind from the evils in men s hearts which foment war. That fortress 1« the Christian religion. But even our religion is not a sure protection until it reaches the hearts of all men. t i ( f F t r r G. » Support your church. Help it build the foun dations of Peace in your own heart. And with your ^prayers and your purse advance its tireless efforts to build those same foundations in the hearts of all men. WE CHURCH FOR AU on .arth fo, 9'eal«' lac eharact», and »oodhc„bu'Jd‘n’ '• a •tor.houi.’ol ,„ ‘2,n*hlr It Without a .trona ’’o,u« democracy nw’.„?rrt n«""»r *"*»• Th.r. ar. '(7',On c,n r»a.on» why .v.rv L ,ound «'•nd ..„t., ,o" •hould P0” Church TK ’ ®’d Mp. children a -!*1 Eor hi, °< commun*,. '¿/Or MU For th» lais nation (<) »"•ch r..M, h * 9\urc" '•oal aupport P?° and »»• '"arch rtgulorlr 2™ ,0 do to Bibl» daily X OTd 'Md your MÓX Tu.,”* 4 ’ M NX". »•".mu; Marlene Spread 3 lbs. 59c Ice Cream $1.50 gal. KELLOM’S Green Onions 5c bunch Grapefruit 52c $15.00 Order Ice Cream Log Cabin SYRUP 50c GROCERY Tkia Serie» of Ad» I» Sponsored h» ih* Following Firm* in lntereat of All Charchen MILL CITY PHARMACY Prescription Service KELLOM’S GROCERY “Yow Personal Service Store’ Mül City, Oregon Meats and Groceries WH GIVE NORTHERN PREMIUM ST\MPS N.W. Alder St. & 7th Ave. Mill City, Oregon MUIR'S BAKERY Mill City, Oregon PARKER-HUTCHESON FURNITURE Uberai Trade-In Allowances Phone 4561 Gates, Oregon HILLTOP MARKET Kliewer Quality Meats Mill City. Oregon Ship The Wright Way Stayton, Oregon Santiam BEANS 5 cans 95c IGA LARGE GATES GENERAL STORE Gates. Oregon »t*R Of I st evict J Groceries and Meats MILK can 10c Limit 10 Cans WRIGHT’S TRUCK LINES STEWART S GROCERY IGA Pineapple Juice 3 cans 69c