.Mr. and Mrs. Fred Unreal of Skag- I way, Alaska, visited at the H. I. j Plymale home Sunday. Mrs. Enreal i will be remembered here as Grace Love. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Roebke and I children will leave Friday for Kan sas where they will visit relatives. Roebke is employed at the M&M Woodworking plant. Mrs. Lester Hathaway and her brother, Rev. Theron Jenne, returned Sunday evening after spending sev eral days at the Waldport coast re sort. RIVERVIEW CAFE Specializing in Chinese and American Foods DANCING Open 4 P. M. Every Day Except Wednesday MEHAMA, OREGON ONLY THREE WEEKS LEFT Dick Turpin started moving out Physician and Surgeon | of his home, which he has lived in for more than 29 years on June 1. Ml 1.1 CITY, OREGON I He is moving into his home No. 2 ' that he has owned for 15 years next door east of Dr. Reid’s office. Before i getting completely moved from home I. W. GOIN to home, Dick sold his first home on EXPERIENCED VETERINARIAN ' June 6 to John Hershberger for a By HAROLD’S FLORAL GARDENS consideration of $7,000. Turpin still Phone 6338 Stayton, Oregoa owns his old farm. He says he sold more real estate during the Detroit Dam construction period than any1 other person in Mill City. SNIDER’S FISHING RESORT TO GET A BRAND NEW 1955 CHEVROLET SIX PASSENGER SEDAN West end of Clester Avenue, Detroit Trailer Parking and Overnight Camping For Only $1699 at 50 BOATS GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET Weddle Funeral Home Guests last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duffy were his | Modern Funeral Service sister, Mrs. E. Granbois, and niece,! Mrs. Delbert Turner from Castle STAYTON OREGON I Rock, Wash; Mrs. Lulu Berringer, I and Earl Morris from Oregon City and Mr. and Mis. Wayne Morris from | Portland. Mrs. Duffy and Mrs. Ber- I ringer attended graduation cere- | monies at Prineville for their ne- Septic Tanks and Sewers Cleaned ' phew, Carroll Morris, who was com- Phone Salem 39468, COLLECT 1 pleting his senior year at Prineville 1079 Elm St.. W. Salem High. He was a former resident in i Mill City. 1 Mrs. Arey Podrabsky gave a sur- | i prise party at their home west of MILL CITY town Saturday evening honoring her husband and Ed Goshie, who have DISPOSAL SERVICE I birthday anniversaries on the same day. Pinochle and Samba were played Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. during the evening with high going weekly pickups $1.50 ner month Also light hauling. to Mrs. Carl Podrabsky and Bill Phone 3952 Phillips. Low went to Mrs. Jay Ma- . Leonard Herman son and Mrs. John Fletchal. At the j j close of play refreshments were , | served to Messrs, and Mmes. Francis Ellingson, Bill Phillips, George Vete- Stayton-Jefferson to, Jay Mason, John Fletchal, Ed I Goshie, Carl Podrabsky and Herman I AUTO WRECKERS Hassler, the latter two couples of I Sublimity. Rebuilt motors and trans For Reservations Call 602 Detroit or Salem 4-2244 Days or Salem 3-5526 Evenings STAYTON, OREGON Phone 2344 George Rambo, spent Saturday in Mrs. Dub Stewart was taken to 4—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Albany visiting with a former class- Santiam Memorial hospital last Set- THl RSDAY, JUNE 9, 1955 mete, Roewayne Holt, who will grad- afternoon when she became „ . suddenly ill. At last report she was Business and Professional uate Tuesday, June i from Albany gett,ng along satisfactorily although DIRECTORY high school. tests were being taken to determine Several members of Santiam Re- the full extent of her illness. bekah Lodge etended the 60th Anni- | \|r. an<j Mrs. Robert Alien of Hono- GATES AUTOMATIC ver.-ary of Mt. Jefferson Rebekah , ]U]U( who have been visiting his mo- * LAUNDRY Lodge of Jefferson in that town Set-j ther, Mrs. W. W. Allen, left Wednes- urday evening. Going from here were jay for gan Francisco, fiom where Complete Drying Service Mrs. W. J. Robinson, Mrs. ,r~» — h ....... . to . the .. . Islands. .— j »*_ John e will fly back Mrs. Open 6 Days a Week Swan, Mrs. Ruth Hess, and Mr. and _ * i Allen will see her parents, the Robert Mrs. Walter Thomas. Mts. Arnold i Schroeder», at Crescent City, after Syverson also accompanied her sister, i which she expects to retuin to Mill Mrs. Floyd Bassett of Lyons. I City for a longer visit with her JOHN W. REID, M. D. 1 mother-in-law, Mrs. W. W. Allen. MIKE S Septic Service INVESTIGATE FOR SMALL BOYS Come here for clothing for small boys Here you can find those DRESS PANTS, T-SHIRTS, BELTS The money saving possibilities of using one of our Frozen Food Lockers. No power bill. No meintenance cost. No depreciation. NECKTIES AND SOX Buy in quantitl and Save Money. LIVE BETTER FOR LESS Buy at Home and Save Hirte's Food Lockers Ada’s Needle Shop MILL CITY, OREGON Phone 224a MILL CITY, OREGON I missions. Cars bought and sold We buy junk. Phone 6284, Stayton, Ore. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED All Chevrolet’s competitors and most of the high-priced cars tried it recently in official NASCAR*trials—and took a licking! Prompt service in the I Canyon when you call us Reasonable Rates Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone 6284 Stayton LYONS PLUMBING Water Systems Fowler Clothes Dryers PHONE LYONS ULRK 9-2355 WE SELL BETTER CARS FOR LESS GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET STAYTON. OREGON IT PAYS TO BUY AT HOME eet th« chomp! The new Chev rolet “Turbo-Fire V8” — the most modern V8 on the road today. Here's w hat happened - M Daytona Beach. NASCAR Ac celeration Tests Oxer Measuied Mile From Standing Start Chevrolet cap tured the 4 top positions in its class! 8 of the first 11' And on a time basis Chevrolet beat every high priced car, too but one! But wait! this is just the beginning! Daytona Beach. NASCAR Straightaway Running. Open to cars delivered in Florida for $2.500 or less. Chevrolet captured the first two places, 7 out of the first 11 places! Daytona Beach. NASCAR 2-Way Straightaway Running Over Meas ured Mile. Open to cars from 250 to 2W cu. in displacement. Chev rolet captured 3 of the first 5 places! Columbia, 5. C NASCAR 100- Mile Race on half-mile track. Very tight turns Chevrolet finished first! Fayetteville, N. C. NASCAR Late Model Event. Chevrolet again fin ished first. Because of even tighter turns the driver chose to run the en tire 150 laps in second gear! Yet no overheating or pit stops! These facts you can't laugh off. Sales leader. Road leader. A crowd ing achievement of Chevrolet and General Motors. Try a Chevrolet... and live in a land of going-away where you win all the arguments! Soon, maybe? Se Saie 'M it A, / or your TELEVISION OR RADIO ¿W 3207 Stiffler's Radio and Appliance Co. MILL CITY, OREGON •Not-ooc A moo « ho* h>r SH&t* Car A*.*® <oc'"g STOMACH e-d COLON Way, way ahead! Sales leader for 19 straight years I CM «ftMÄDS GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET ( HI.y ROLET SALES & SER\ ICE Phone 2341, Stayton, Oregon The REYNOLDS CLINIC MÖLtS OX» < * A OO > R V>* w be A p t II** CSMTÏ» SretCT OAC4O**