of his former nurses, who cared for him while he was hospitalized so long, following a car accident, came to hit home bringing all the fixin’s for a Mrs. Albert Millsap picnic dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Hirte *nd The Commercial Book Store House guests and weekend guests ! fam.ly and Mrs. Ruby Wilson and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mrs. Vivian Damaske, the nurses, had SA I.EM i Henness wete Mr. and ‘Mrs. Paul I dinner in the grove on the Hirte lias Fiery thing for Your Ratzeburg. from Vail, former resi place, formerly known as ‘'Moore'x dents of Gates for many years. They 1 Grove.** also visited old titre friends in Mill | Mrs. W. F. Struckmeier spent the w n« acapbwv City while in Gates. Mr-. Henness' I past week in Portland at the home ACE K c A l >S£ parents, Mr. and M’s. Roy Taylor, 'of her daughter. Mrs. Chailes Stutz IRAPlTION HAS IT TWAT IN THE eglTlgw Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplies spent the holiday weekend w-ith their man, who was ill. naw ar- 200 •‘tun *¿0 ofbcess * daughter, also visited Mr. Taylor’s IEAIN i N c » WESS a S&^NEC JUAKTEKS Mr. and Mrs. Everett Stoakes and 141 N. Commercial Street Phone 3-4534 A> 'SMB’S/ i sisters and families, Mrs. Frankie two daughters, of Gladstone, were 'Johnson and Mrs. Gerald Heath. I weekend guests at the home of his Glen Henness, William Pennick sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clare Henness spent their vacation Stone. Stoakes, a former resident of • over the weekend at Crane Prarie on Gates is recovering from a long, seri- a fishing trip. | ous illness. Recent guests at the Gerald Heath residence were Mr. Heath’s nieces, Mrs. Orville Millard, of Grants Pass Oh, I allow my self a few luxuries and Mrs. Margaret Cargar and now and then. daughter from Rosebuig and his sis After all, it's ter, Mrs. Iona Read and son, from money I saved Sacramento, Calif. buying With vacation drivers now taking Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Carey and SAFECO two daughters were Sunday visitors to the highways in large number», Automobile In at the home of Mrs. Carey’s mother Secretary of State Eail T. Newbry surance.** warned Friday that many may not Mrs. Velma Carey. Ann Marie Hirte, daughter of Mr. reach their destinations without mix- and Mis. Oswald Hirte, is receiving haps if last summer’s accident ex congratulations from her Gates perience is repated this year. Newbry said 19,214 traffic acci friends and former Gates schoolmates for the honor bestowed upon her at dents were reported in Oregon during the Mill City high school, where she May, June, July and August last enrolled last September as a fresh year, injuring 4,663 persons and OAK TREES, ACORNS - AID YOUR FUTURE! man, after graduation from the bringing death late to 133. trees necwi little alcvns - tvc He said increasingly heavy summer eighth grade at Gates. Ann Marie re LITTLE ACORNS in this are the car travel has established a new na ceived the Ethel Hickey award, as fierrex- thau - ever us saviuss bonds outstanding student of the Mill City tional accident trend in which the sum VOU RUN REwULARLN and the OA*. that 6 T he SECURITY that these sowos school for 1955. This award is based mer months have replaced the winter OFFER.' START YOUR PftOiKAfA RltUTNON/ upon Scholarship, achievement and season as the period producing the That’s a big statement but we can back it up for you , greatest number of severe traffic coopeiation. Edmund Davis, Jr., from Tacoma, sniash-ups. careful drivers. Why waste money that SAFECO saves ' accompanied by Mrs. Josephine Bot- i The trend can be reversed this year for others? Come in today and get the money-saving ; to, were over the weekend guests at Newbry said, if all drivers follow a SAFECO facts. I the residence of Mr. Davis’ parents, few common-sense rules of good driv IN OUR Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Davis. They ing, such as planning your trip to al returned to Tacoma Tuesday. Herman low enough time for leaching your Grafe and two sons, Mark and Rod destination without hurry. ?hone 324, Box 266, Idanha He suggested frequent rest stops ney of Portland were Saturday callers to head off driving fatigue, adding at the Davis home. Mr. and Mis. Chester Hobson and that the key to a safe and pleasant DETROIT CHURCH OF CHRIST sons, Billie and Dick, of Poitland trip is expressed in the rlogan, “Slow (Christian) were Sunday guests at the Harold Down and Live." Wilson home. Other guests were Mr. Sunday School 9:45 A. M. and Mrs. Don Carev and two sons of Preaching at 11:00 A. M. by lion Summers, Minister. Stayton. Word has been received by Youth Meeting at 5:30 every other Mr. and Mis. Wilson of the arrival this week of their daughter-in-law Sunday Evening • • * and two sons, Mrs. Robert Wilson, Ronnie and Rickie, fiom Cut Bank, IDANHA COMMUNITY C HURCH Montana. Mrs. Wilson and sons will Morning sei vice 11 a.m divide their visit between Mr. and Evening service 7:00 p.m. Mrs. Wilson, in Gates, and her par Own a Gieger counter? Wednesday prayer meeting at < 30 ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wells, of Eugene. The state civil defense agency la p. m. This is the first visit to Oregon for trying to compile a list of everyone Sunday school 10 a m. Mrs. Wilson since moving to Montana in Oregon who has a radiological de Wilbur Schmidt. Pastor several years ago. tection instrument, so it will know • • - A community no-host dinner, spon- what resou.ces arc available for meas soied by members of the Gates Com uring “fall-out” of radioactive par SANTIAM CHAPEL AT LYONS munity church will be held in the ticles in the event of an enemy at Rev. IV m. Scott, Pastor Gates high school dining room, Sun tack. Sunday school at 9:45. day, June 5. The dinner hour will fol Morning services at 11:00. Anyone owing one of the devices ia Christ's Ambassadors, Jackie Walk low the morning service, starting at asked to send his name, and address 1 p. m. An invitation is extended to and type of detection instrument to er, president, 0:30 p. m. all those interested. A business meet the med cal department, Oregon state Evening services, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday prayer meeting 7:30 p.m. ing will be held in the afternoon fol civil defense agency, P. O. Box 231, lowing the dinner. e • e Portland. The Gates schools were dismissed GATES COMMUNITY CHURCH Friday, May 27, for the summer va A MERIC A OF CHRIST cation. Pupils were required to call Yes, the U. S. is in bad shape— Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. for their report caids Tuesday morn worse off than any other country in Morning worship 11 a m. ing. The annual school picnics were Sunday School for children up tn held Friday, the high school students the world—in some respects. No other country is suffering politicial 20 years of age at 11:00 a. m. and teachers spent the day at Benton- and economic troubles because of a • • • OUR LADY OF LOURDES PARISH Lane Recreation nark. The grade surplus of food. No other country pupils held their picnic on the school has has traffic congestions because so Jordan. Oregon Mass: 1st, 2nd, and 5th Sunday at ground.«, with teachers and parents many people own automobiles. attending. Games, contests and the In no other country does everyone 4:30 a.m. Mass: 3d and 4th Sunday 10:30 a.m. picnic dinner provided entertainment make so much money and help is so Rev. Bernard Neuman. SDS, Pastor for those present. Sunny skies added hard to find and harder to keep. In greatly to the fun. no other country do people take so • • • Oswald Hirte was surprised on his many holidays, and work so few FREE METHODIST CHURCH | birthday, Sunday May 22, when two hours, so they will have time to spend North Mill City the money that keeps piling up on Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. THE CONQUEST OF FEAR them. In no other country is obesity Morning worship 11 a.m. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE caused by plenty of everything and THE CHURCH FOR AU . . . Evening service 7:30 p.m 3r.d and Juniper. Mill City One of the earliest emotions a child experi high living, one of the chief medical Wednesday prayer meeting 7:30 pm AU FOR THE CHURCH Sunday 11 a.m. pioblems. Yes, it’s a bad situa ences is fear. And from the first loud noise that • • « Ths Church i« th* grej'-v (ae Wednesday meeting 4th Wed. 8 p tion. Pikes Peaker. awakens him until the moment of his death he lor on earth for th« bui!Ji..g of • • • FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH character and good citizens; ip ft knows no day without some recurrence of the Mill City ST. CATHERINE CATHOLIC is a ttoreheuse ol spiritual wiuei sinister, some foreboding of danger. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Without a strong Church r.enhe: CHURCH. MILL CITY democracy nor civilization can From the beginning of time religion has been Morning worship 11:00 a.m. WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS Mass at 9:15 a.m. every Sunday survive There are four sound Music by choir. our tested antidote to the poison of fear. In the Confessions heard before Ma««. reasons why every person should at The Mill City Enterprise Youth Fellowship, Sunday at 4 p.m. dark forests of antiquity, on the boiling seas attend services regularly and sup Fr. Robert O’Hara. Pas' Evening services 7:30 p.f. port the Church They are (l> of exploration, in the fox-holes of modern strife, For his own sake (2) For h.s Midweek services Wed. 7:30 p.m. men have calmed the body’s trembling with the children s sake (3) For the sake Mehama ol his community and nation (4) soul's faith. We have faced the unknown, the Morning worship 9.45 a.m. For the sake cl the Church rtsell hostile, through trust in the Known, the Faith which needs his moral — and Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Qualify Meats and Groceries ------ ma- lenal support lo ful; we have challenged the insurmountable, Plan to go to Midweek services, Thursday 7:30. church regularly and read your confident in the power of the Almighty. Rev. Noble Streeter. Pastor. Bibl« daily. • • » How essential, though, that each generation OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK D*r Book I Chzpter Verte« ST. PATRICK'S PARISH passes on our Faith to the next! Who dares Sundsy ... Mstthew Lyons, Oregon to deprive a child of the chance to conquer Monday . Mirk Mass: 1st, 2nd. and 5th Sunday at Tuesdey ,________ fear? Who would rob his son’s soul of the Romans Wsdnesd y 2 Corinthians 10:30 a.m. Christian heritage martyrs died to preserve? Thursdsy . Galstisn, Mass: 3rd and 4th Sunday 9:30 a.m. Bring your children to God's House every Friday .... 2 Timothy Rev. Bernard Neuman, SDS, Pastor Saturday I John Sunday. Seek with them FAITH for this • • a atomic age. LYONS METHODIST CHURCH David E. Bennett, Pastor : Copyright |>S1 Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Worship service, 11 a. tn. Womens Society of Christian Ser vice meet 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month with Mrs. Samuel Roberts, I'hla Series of Ads la Sponeorad by (be Following Firma iti IntereM of AH Charahew president. • • • FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH MILL CITY PHARMACY KELLOM'S GROCERY Sainday school 9:45 a.m. Prescription Service Morning worship 10:55 a.m. "Yotr PeiWMud Service Store" Evening Services 7:00 p m. Mill City, Oregon Wed., 7:30 p. tn. Bible Study hour. Mr Hugh Jull, Paidtr MUIR'S BAKERY • ■ • WRIGHT’S TRUCK LINES Mill City, Oregon Now is the time to let us drain your winter* COMMUNITY CHURCH Full Gospel Preaching Ship The Wright Way worn oil and grease in your car or truck. Sunday school 10 a m. Stayton, Oregon PARKER-HUTCHESON You II get better service from your equip Morning worship 11 a.m Evangelistic servias 7:30 p.m. ment this summer if you take this precau FURNITURE Preachire ears -es Wednesday and GATES GENERAL STORE tion now. IJberal Trade-In Allowances Friday, 7:45. p. m. Gates, Oregon Young People's Service 0:30 Sun Phone 4561 Gates, Oregon day evenings. • • • HILLTOP MARKET ASSFMRI Y OF GOD CHURCH STEWART'S GROCERY Sunday School 9.45 a.m. Kliewer Quality Meats Groceries and Meats Morni«.- worship 11 a.m. Phone fiSI MILL CITY, OREGON Mill City, Oregon Wednesday evening. Bible Study. TRY A TANKFULL OF T. C. P. SHELL GAS! Sunday evening services 7:45. Rev. Alfred Vickers. Pastor 6—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1955________ OFFICE NEEDS | , GATES MIDDLEMEN! I Drive Carefully While On Summer Vacation Regardless of price you can’t buy better than SAFECO Auto Insurance Pittam Insurance Agency State Civil Defense Wants Geiger Owner Information FOOD LOCKERS FROZEN FOODS MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Time To Change Pink Masons Shell Service Station