LYONS llv Eva Bres«lei 3—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. JUNE 2, 1955 For ★ EFFICIENCY -.V SAFETY * CONVENIENCE Legislature Abolishes Big Game Refuges Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith and «laughter, Tandra, of Cornelius were weekend guests at the home of his brother, Ivan Smith and family. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hiatt went to In a ni 'Ve designed to permit great­ Lebanon Sunday where they visited er flexibility in the management of his mother, Mrs. Martha Hiatt, who Oregon’s big game herds, the leg s- is ill at the home of his sister, Mrs. lature, in its recent session, abolish­ Leonard Thoma. ed all big game refuge.-. Statut >ry Mr. and Mis. Leonard Cruson re­ refiuges eliminated include Canyon cently purchased the Kenneth Bass creek, Deschutes, Steen mounta n, property in Fox Valley. The Bass Grass mountain. Oiegon caves, Salt property joins that of Cruson. creek. Cow creek. Burnt river. Myrtle Mrs. Hershel Culwell is convalesc­ Park, Prospect, Mule Deer, Corvallis ing at the Salem Memorial hospital watershed, Mt. Emily, Three S’stes, ' following major surgery of Tue day A’atner, Cchoeo and the Wallow I morning. mountain sheep refuge. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Limbeck are These refuges, most of which were | receiving congratulations upon the created in the years from 1921 through i birth of another son. May 25, at Sa- 1933, had outlived their u.-efulne-s. ' lem Memorial hospital. As a matter of fact most of them I A group of Indian Boy Scouts from had been opened to hunting during the I Warm Springs Resei vat ion made a regular big game seasons for several visit to Mari-Linn school Friday af­ years. Some severe game man­ ternoon and entertained the school agement problems have arisen because students with colorful native dances of the existance of certain refuges, in the gymnasium. Original Indian particularly in the eastern part of the chants and drum music was furnished state. On the west side the abundance by two of the older boys while 18 boys of cover provide* adequate protection ir. the age group 8 to 12 danced, in for the big game animals. costumes adorned with beadwork, The Oregon State Game Commis­ feathers and bells. Much skill, rhythm sion has been using and will con­ and grace was displayed by the boys tinue to use a system of temporary :r. a war dance, hoop dance and the closures where necacaaty to meet big Eagle dance, as well as others. The game management _____ ___ _ ef_ needs. The M ari-Linn students were much de­ | fects of protection from hunting are lighted when at the close of the pro­ usually apparent in three to four gram, Scoutmaster Irving Shepard in­ years. vited them to talk to the boys. Many The leg slature also abolished the autographs were obtained. Umatilla county state game bird tes- Mrs. Jess Fox and daughter, Mai- ervation and the Umatilla county ,-tate jorie from Midvale, Idaho, arrived in game refugs, neither of which were Lyons Wednesday evening where they serving the purpose for which de­ ■will spend a week with relatives. signed. They will be guests at the home of her mother, Mrs. Lizzie Bassett, her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Earl are being transferred tn Turner. The Alien, also her brother, Floyd Ba-sett Bennetts have lived in Lyons for the and his wife. past year while he served the Lyons Mrs. Ethel Huffman was surprised church. Cake and coffee was served Thursday moining when a group of and they were pre.-ented with a gift. friends dropped in for a morning Donald Olmstead, a student at OTI Coffee, honoring her on her birthday at Klamath Falls, spent the Memorial anniversary. She was ptesented with Day weekend at the home of his several gifts and lovely cards, At- parents, Mr. and Mis. Arthur Olm- tending were Ethel Huffman, the stead. honored guest. Opal Stiom, Anna .iu. and Mrs. Geotge Huffman Hubbard, Eleanor Smith. Alta Bod- spent the weekend in Seattle at the eker, Orpha Roye, Gai nett Bassett, home of then daughter and family, 1 June Hollingshead. Inez Ring, Eve­ Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Titus. Mrs. lyn Sexton, Doris Roy, Doris Geraths, Opal Strom, who had spent the week at the Huffman and Hubbard homes, Naomi IntVeld and Eva Bressler. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lewis returned returned with them as lar as hnum- home Wednesday evening afte: spend- i claw, Wash. ing several days at Roads End on the I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ciuson spent snent several days visiting in Myrtle coast. Sunday and Memorial day guests Point and enroute they visited Rev. in Lyons were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne and Mrs. R. A. Feenstra at Dillard. Lierman, Ronnie, Richard and Charel The Feenstras are foimer residents of Stayton, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom here, while he served the Lyons Me- Tate and son, of Union Hill were thodist church, guests at the home of Mis. Leota1 Beginning June 15 and through (June 29 a undenominational daily va* ! Worden and Marjorie. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turner of In- ! cation Bioie school will be he,d at the dependence and Ed Bassett of Salem George I lipfell home in Fox Valley. I were visitors at the home of Mrs. Anyone wishing to attend is weconie. Lizzie Bassett and at the Fail Allen There win be contest prizes, fun, good home. | teachers, with transpoltation furn­ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reeves of ished. Anyone wishing to come may of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Harry call ULrick 9-2561. Elmer and son, Gail of Albany, and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cragmyle and Mrs. Leonard Thoma and son, James children, who have been living in the i f Lebanon, visited at the Percy Hiatt Russell Wilson house across from the home. Sportirg Goods store, moved Monday | Weekend guests at the heme of to the Robeit Draper house west of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Downing were town. Mr. and Mrs. Richhard Brown and Mr«. I. L. Peddicord of Jefferson, is children of Riddle, and Mr. and Mrs. at the home of her daughter, Mr. and Robert Carleton and family from airs. Merie Garton, while her hus­ Bonneville. The Carletons who ifre band is convalescing at the Salem Me­ former residents here, and have >M>en morial hospital following major living at Ronneville, are moving to surgery. St. Joseph. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Roye and daugh­ Monday guests at the Forrest Nj— ter, of Portland, spent the weekend degger home were Mr. and Mrs. Ern­ at the home of his parents, Mr. and est Hunt and sons of Drain. Mr. and Mrs. E. ____ , ________ ,__________ L. Roye. Monday the two Roye Mrs. Pov Downing and Irene of families with their daughter and hus- Roseburg, and Mr. and Mis. Frafik ’ band. Mr. and Mr. Laddie Pesek of Fraught and family of Lebanon. 1 Lebanon, made a trip to I’eterson’s Among the Memorial Day visitors | Rock Gardens. The pre-school mothers held theit in Lyons were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur VaOghn. Hany Vaughn and Mrs. last day of school picnic Thursday Stella Foos of Portland. with Alma Spellmeyer, piesident, in Mrs. Effie Maines of Springfield. chaige. Games were played at the Roxie Trask of Salem. Nannie Mart- school gym. Then they went to the in of Coquille, Mrs. Orville Bowers, John Prideaux home for a covered of Salem, Mrs. Sarah Weitman of . dish dinner and wiener roast. Gifts Aumsville. were presented to Miss Alice Huber, Cecil Bassett, who is a student at teacher of the kindergarten, Beth Pri- the University of Oregon at Eugene, , deaux and Van Prichard, the school »pent the weekend at the home of ¡custodian. Those receiving certifi- his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd j cates of graduation weie Joy Pri­ Bassett. He with his parents were deaux, Sharron Spellmeyer, Marvin Monday evening dinner guests at the James, Gregory Owen, Paula Penn­ home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen. ington, Deloris Trahan, Ginger ( art- Additional guests were Mrs. Jess Fox ei, Nikki Cruson, Richard Miller, Sara and daughter. Marjorie of Midvale, Kay Wagner, Hollis Free, Gretchen Idaho, who are visiting relatives here. Free, Ronnie Hurst, Dennis Hiatt, Pamelia W'anck, Mr. and Mrs. Armon Herman of Donna Huber, Grants Pass were weekend guests Dwight Downer, Dinah Pars