h A* F > X I i Wf iA rr VUMkVMS A*, JC -- -------------IT Ilf—— a ■ 9—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. MAY 26. 1955 CLASSIFIED RATES ‘ren cents per line each insertion. No advertisement accepted for le»s than 50 cents per week. Church bazaars, suppers, bake sales, eta. will be run under ' special An- nouncements” classification with » minimum charge of 50 cents per in- sertson. Count five words to the line ITi erdaring your ad. Phone 2651, Mill City or mail your advertisement to The Mill City Enterprise. Mill City. Oregon. Business Services SHE US when in need of T. V. An tennas and supplies. We handle a complete line of Philco television sets. »179 and up. Stiffler Radio •nd Appliance Co. Phone 3207 Mill City. , . , ltf Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT—Two or three bedroom house with small acreage. Phone Mill City 2103. 21p For Kent FOR RENT or SALE—One bedroom furnished home. Phone Mill City 3952. 20tf LICENSED GARBAGE SERVICE »1.50 Per Month and Up Also servicing Gates, Lyons, Idanaha and Detroit Phone 3952 MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE LEONARD HERMAN KELLOM’S GROCERY Meats and Groceries WB GIVE NORTHERN PREMIUM STAMPS N.W. Alder St. & 7th Ave. Mill City, Oregon REAL ESTATE FOR SAI.F 1952 Willys Aero Ace, very sharp, $945.00—-Gene Teague I have several buyers wanting • hevolet, Stayton, Oregon. 21 small acreage places (two to five 1948 FORD 3 4 t n Pickup, with fact acres) who have from $200 to $2,000 ory Stake body, $545.—Gene OFFICE FURNITURE anJ equip to pay down. If you have such a place ment. typewriters, adding machines, Teague Chevrolet, Stayton. 21 for sale, see me right away. calculator*. cash tegisters, duplicat FOR SALE -Typewriter, desk, May ors, safes, filing equipment We sell, Ph. 22(T tag washer, rowboat electric tioller. rent, «wap and repair. Bargains in »Vest side MiE City Skillsaw, 1 set Funk & Wagnail used machines. Roen Typewriter I encyclopedias (new) dishes, kitch Exchange. 456 Court St.. Salem. tf , Pets — I enware. C. Russell Hoyt. Idanha, I phone 286. 21 p FOR SALE—1954 Chevrolet 2-door, PARAKEET S PECIA L— Pa rakeets, radio and heater, two-tone with $2.00 with purchase of cage. All FOR SALE 1051 Chevrolet 2-door. v ■<>«, 81595.—Gene Teague Chev colors. Also bleeders, cages, feeds, $895,—Gene Teague Chevrolet, rolet, Stayton, Oregon,21 and supplies. — North Santiam Stayton, Oregon. 21 Aviaries, lVz miles east of Gates, Real Estate FOR SALE Prolific strain New Oregon. Zealand White rabbits. 30 breeding REAL ESTATE FOR SALE does, also bucks. Raise your own NEW THREE BEDROOM HOUSE Iægal Notices meat. Phone 1371, Mill City. Mrs. In Mill City. G. O. Hutchinson. 21 TWO BEDROOM HOUSE in Mill MILL CITY STATE BANK City, 2 years old. FIREWOOD FOB SALE Wood from OF SIX BEDROOM HOUSE Cheap. M i M plant at Lyons, Core wood MILL CITY, OREGON TWO BEDROOM Home on a nice or log ends. Two or three cord NOTICE OF LIQUIDATION large lot located in Gates. loads, $10.00 per cord.— Write Carl TWO BEDROOM House and three TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Tonack, General delivery, Lyons, Notice is hereby given that Mill Beautiful summer Oregon. 44tf '. acres on River. City State Bank, an Oregon banking home or year around. FOR SALE 1950 Chevrolet 2-door, RIVER FRONTAGE in 3« acie tracts. corporation, of the city of Mill City, State of Oregon, by action of its JOS. M DEVERS, Real Estate F leetline, $745.00—Gene Teague taken Chevrolet, Stayton, Oregon. 21 See W. R. Hutcheson, Gates Oregon. stockholders and directors April 12, 1955, has voted to go into voluntary liquidation, and depositors I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE—Used daveno and two mattresses, all for $12. Ed. Walker, 280 ACRE FARM near Lyons. 60 and other creditors and/or claimants ( acres in glass, fertilized and soon are hereby notified to present their LaVista Trailer Court, Gates, Ore ready to harvest, 80 acres not claims against said bank for payment gon. 21p seeded, balance in pasture. Good to at its office in Mill City, Oregon. FOR SALE «1952 GMC 12ton pick fair fences. Year around springs. Dated: May 2, 1955. up $995.—Gene Teague Chevrolet, $25,000, $8,000 down, balance in 10 MILL CITY STATE BANK Stayton, Oregon. 21 years. By D. II. HILL, President. A 2 BEDROOM Furnished House, Date of First Publication, May 6, complete with everything. Nice 1955. Top prices paid. Six inch to 50 inch lawn and shrubs, deep well with Date of Last Publication, June diameters in eight foot, or multi plenty of good water. $7,000.00. 1955. ples of eight feet. We also buy 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, 3 lota, com The above notice is published in stumpage. pletely furnished. Lyons. Priced at conformity with state law. All de- $7,500. posits of Mill City State Bank of 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, 1 acre of land Mill City, Oregon, were assumed by Turner, Oregon 3< mile west of Mehama. Large The United States National Bank of Phone Turner 1125: Evenings phone rooms and conveniently arranged, Portland, which will continue to do a Turner 2502 or Salem 27826. 25t.f $5,500. general banking business in the loca FOR SALE -1953 Chevrolet 2-door, WE JJAVE 3, 2 bedroom houses for tion formerly occupied by the Mill $1395.—Gene Teague Chevrolet, tent, 1, 3-bedroom house. One is City State Bank in Mill City, Oregon. Stayton. 21 completely furnished. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL FRED A. LINDEMANN BANK OF PORTLAND YOU CAN still cook for $1.50 ner Public Accounting, Real Estate By E. C. SAMMONS, President month on a modern automatic pro Insurance. Lyons, Oregon. I21 Dated: May 2, 1955. pane range; clean, fast, dependable. Call Sam Bridges. Lyons, 295; (also W hen in Need of Printing heating, water heaters, refrigerat Buv it in Mill Citv from ion, brooders and Norge appli ances. 9tf THE ENTERPRISE M iscellaneous VACATIONISTS-BE CAREFUL! Glen Shelton, Broker THIS OLE CAR This ole car once knew some children, This ole cor once knew a wife, This ole car once knew a husband And a merry family life . . . But this family's trips are over, Picked a dang'rous spot to pass_ Then they saw death's angel peekin' Through the broken windshield glass. LOGS WANTED Ain't gonna need this car no longer. Ain't gonna need this car no more— Had no time to fix the brakes up, BURKLAND LUMBER CO. Notice of 1955-56 Budget Election CITY OF MILL CITY. OREGON Subscribe to The Mill City Enterprise Had no time to fix the door, Had no time to fix the steerin’ Or to drive with more restraint— Ain't gonna need this car no longer, They've been taken to meet the Saint . . —Accident Prevention Deportment Employers Mutuals of Wausau I). B. Hill Insurance Agency FIRE AND AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Phone 1708 .House Phone 1742 Mill City, Oregon j__ ,n accordance with the provisions of the “Local Budget Law” (Sections i ORS 294-305 to 294-415, O.C.L.A.) notice is hereby given that the budget | committee onm »V» 14 tzizi r.f _ — £ of »/!!« • A of «L.. the /"«lx City Mill z"X City, Oregon, ■ in compliance with said law, I prepared and adopted on May 16,1955, the budget estimates for the Citv of i Don’t Forget Mill City Oregon, for the ensuing fiscal year of July 1, 1955 to June 30, 1956, | as set forth in the accompanying schedules. In accordance with the provisions of the “Local Budget Law” (ORS 294.305 to 294.425) notice is hereby given ,«ecAI1 Persons are hereby notified that on Tuesday, the 7th day of June, FLOWERS FOR i 1955, at 8:00 P. M., in the City Hall, Mill City, Oregon, said budget estimates the budget committee of the Mill City Rural Fire Protection District, Linn and Marion Counties, Oregon, in com- may be discussed with the Common Council, the levying board for the ’ pliance with said law, prepared and adopted on May 23, 1955, the budget estimates for the ensuing fiscal year MEMORIAL DAY _ , and _________ ,_____________ _ K .J uly 1 1955 to June 30, 1956, as set forth below. All persons are hereby notified that on Monday the 20th day of City of Mill City, Otegon, any ,________________ person subject to the proposed tax levy or tax levies will be heard in favor of or against said proposed tax levy or tax i June 1955 at 8:00 p. m., in the Fire Hall, at Mill City, Oregon, said budget estimates may be discussed with the Order Now levies or any part thereof. An election will be held between the hours of j levying board and any person subject to the proposed tax levy or levies will be heard in favor or against said 8:00 P. M. and 10:00 P. M., June 7, 1955, at the City Hall, when qualified proposals. „ . -------------------------- . - for or against ............................... ” Signed- GEORGE STEWART. Chairman Budget Committee; D. B. HILL, JR.. Secretary Budget Committee; voters may cast a vote said budget. DONALD JENKINS. R. L. STIFFLER, BYRON DAVIS, Members, Budget Committee ___ _ ____ BUDGET COMMITTEE We Telegraph Levying Board: Freeholders: EXPENDITURES D. B. Hill, Jr. Donald Jenkins J. C. Kimmel FLOWERS Current Yrs. Ex. 1954-55 Act. Expend. 3 years prior to current year R. P. Veness Section A Lowell Stiffler Mayor, City of Mill City Russell King Carl Kelly, Jr. Anywhere N. J. Thacker, I Ed. Cooke <0 O * c> Martin Hansen Recorder, City of Mill City. >r. IO F 8 O> Arlo Tuers & C. E. Mason v-« v-MI CO • ESTIMATED RECEIPTS—FISCAL YEAR 1955-1956 Fund and Expenditure Classification eH Ud < « Actual Actual Estimated Estimated 8 o RALEIGH HAROLD GENERAL FUND 1952-1953 1953-1954 19541955 1955-1956 Fines and Forfeited Bail $ 1,506.75 » 1,380.00 $ 800.00 » 1,000.00 FLORIST AND NURESRY Buifriing Permit« ______ 99.50 50 on 09 50 50 00 General Fund: Personal Services 319 W. Wash. Street Business Licenses —___ 1 2A0 50 1 200 00 1,186.75 1 Q50 no » 175.00 » 143.91 » 154.98 » 166.55 » 175.00 136.50 $ Industrial Accident Commission 2’162.44 Phone 6684, Stayton. Liqu r Fund .......... ........... 2,205.32 2,000.00 1,800.001 Communications ---------- 15.39 20.00 5.00 15.34 3.30 20.00 Open 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. Miscellaneous ___ __ ___ 105.38 150.00 337.75 300.00 1 Election Expenses ------- 15.00 12.00 30.00 Including Sundays *> m 55.00 52.50 Budget Publication ........ TOTALS—General Fund $ 5,060.82 » 5,248.07 » 4,200.00 » 4,400.00 3 2 20.00 20.00 10.00 Office Supplies ------------ — J? >» STREET FUND 219 50 119.50 200.50 119.50 219.50 219.50 Insurance ----------------- - Highway Fund ___________ »10,791.52 »11,476.07 $11,250.00 »11.600.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 400 00 1 Hospital Fees--------------- County Road Fund _______ 554 90 500 (X) 437.12 1,000.00 1,700.00 1 Sinking Fund —----------- Power Franchise —____ __ ... 1,697.46 1,500.00 Bring your kids to the FREE Matinee 1,534.84 4000 20.00 80.00 Street Work - ... ....... 500 00 250 00 Interest, Fire Truck Bond 4,487.73 in Mill City. Saturday, at 2 p. m. Ml H 750.00 750.00 500 00 Emergency Fund ------------ Equipment Rental ________ 272.50 150.00 530.83 300.001 1,600.00 t 600.00 500.00 Equipment ------------------ ~Z O 1,228.00 TOTALS—Street Fund .. »17,804.11 »14,971.81 »13,900.00 »14,250.00 Fire Hall--------------------- 80.00 ¿•j 100.00 66.36 85.43 77.28 H Fuel Oil --- ------------------- TOTALS—All Receipts... »22,864.93 »20,214.88 »18,100.00 »18,650.00 ; Bond on Fire Truck — 500.00 500.00 100.00 100 00 33.23 458.72 ~ Ñ X Building Maintenance - ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES—FISCAL YEAR 1955-1956 100.00 135.56 100.00 56.61 Gasoline, Oil and Truck Servie« t GENERAL FUND 10.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 10.00 Treasurer’s Bond --------- Recorder & Judge Salaries » 1,800.00 » 1,782.00 » 1,800.00 » 1,800.00 768.00 384.00 768.00 768.00 ' 768.00 Fire Hydrant Rental — Office Supplies..................... 332.95 200.00 200.00 41.24 191.01 300.00 300.00 211.08 Equipment Maintenance Police Salaries____________ .. 5,264.24 6,000.00 6,000 00 5,347.70 » « m o 55.89 1.69 CQ Miscellaneous ------------- 22.35 150.00 150.00 Board of Prisoners .......- 108.60 110.00 City Street Assessment 1,500.00 Police Car Expense 1,531.12 1,500.00 1,293.65 300.00 Unused Balances -------- 1,200.00 935.35 950.00 Insurance 766.58 100.00 All other Sources -.... — 650.00 350.00 Jail Maintenance __________ 221.78 283.73 550.00 500.00 Playground Program 650.00 RECEIPTS Section B 190 00 Civil Defense........................ 190.00 190.00 190.00 Current Yra. Receipts. Act. Recpts. 3 Yrs. Prior to Current Yr. 150.00 150.00 402.83 Interest ................................... . 238.37 1,000.00 632.85 1,000.00 Miscellaneous _ . . 739.82 o Cl 1 TOTALS — General Fund There w»|] be no »11,833.47 »11,441.69 »12,840.00 »12340.00 « •—« a ei » MISUNDERSTANDING Fund and Receipt Classification STREET FUND m ^■4 I lO « o when xou trade with Maint. & Repair Materials $11,972.64 » 5,155.68 $ 9,000 00 $ 9,000.00 o> h 500.00 1 M M 407.55 500.00 941.31 Equipment Operation ------- o 1,250.00 881.27 1,250.00 1,834.87 Equipment Repair - ..... — 5,000.00 5,000.00 3,908.70 Salaries ----------------------------- „ 4,315.19 100.00 3,600.00 Gen. Fund: Est. Beginning Cash Bal. 3,600.00 2.991.00 Street Lights .................. .. . 2,628.58 500.00 385.01 00.00 338.53 558.87 Tax Money—Marion County-------- 300.00 33.00 300.00 284.40 Park __________ _____ 1,100.00 1.100.00 1 033 82 457.90 1,727.17 Tax Money—Linr. County------------- Grader Payment ....... ...... _ 2,135.77 50.00 50.00 127.55 91.90 Rent from Fire Hall —■■ — 8,500.00 Applied on deficit.................. SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES. RECEIPTS AND TAX LE\ Section C TOTALS—Street Fund — »22,374.00 »23,615.96 »19,650.00 »19,650.00 —f 2.000.00 1955-1956 Budget Sunn Equipment Purchase Fund ._ Tax Levy Calculation 3,000.00 3,000.00 Emergency Fund ... _ _____ Tot. All Fund '-'und _____ 4 4,34 ; TOTAL—All Expenditures. »34,207.47 »35,057.65 »35,490.00 »37,490.00 Total Estimated Expenditure« (Section A, Column 6) ----- —.................... - '»0.00 Total Estimated Amount« reserved for use after June 30, 1955 --------------------------- .17.50 Total Estimated Expenditures and Reserve«-------------------- ----- -------- —------------------- SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES, RECEIPTS AND ■>o.oo Deduct Total Estimates Receipts other than 1954-1955 Taxes (SectionB, Col. 6) ... TAX LEVIES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR OF 1955-1956 0.00 »37,490.00 Amount Necessary to Balance Budget — ------------------- — ■ - ...... ........... TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES ___________ »35.490.00 ■>0.00 18,650.00 Add Est. Amount 1954-1955 Taxes that Will Not be Received 6-30-55 -------------- LESS ESTIMATED RECEIPTS .. ........ 18,100 00 4 17.50 TOTAL LEVY _____________________________________________________________ :--------- ..»17,390.00 »18,840.00 PROPOSED TAX LEVY _ TAX LEVY BREAKDOWN Section D Section E. The Outstanding ir.debi the 1955-1956 » 4,462.77 TAX LEVY INSIDE 6% LIMITATION — • NE District at June 30, 1955 was.—------ Inside 6% Limitation and Not Exceeding 4 Mills »4,347.50 »14,377.23 i TAX LEVY OUTSIDE 6% LIMITATION Notice of 1955-1956 Budget Meeting .5- s SILVER SADDLE SERVICE STATION & TRAILER COURT Phone 903, Mill City. GATES TIRES and BATTERIES AUTO SUPPLIES ASK FOR s I: - « si*