Rev. James Thompson, pastor of the remain in the States for a two-month informally during the week. Methodist community church of refresher course in business adminis­ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson, foim- Sweet Home delivered the sermon. tration, before returning home. Mrs. erly of Depot Bay have moved to Business and Professional Special music by a choir of Gates Gates and are occupying the Brisbin Mrs. Albert Millsap DIRECTORY Rush was hostess at several affairs The Board of Trustees of the Fair­ students and the faculty male quartet honoring her brother during his stay house, just north of the Gates Post office. view Cemeteiy Association are re­ was presented. Mr. and Mrs. Robeit Levon left at her home. She entertained at lunch­ ------------------------ ----- . questing all those taking floral offer­ eon Saturday, a sister, Mrs. Berta GATES AUTOMATIC The American Cancer Society says ings to the cemetery to place them in Friday evening for San Francisco for Jorgenson and daughter, Mrs. Isaac that only a little more than half of LAUNDRY cardboard containers, rather than a short vacation, expecting to return and two children, all of Jefferson. the public knows even one of the home the middle of this week. They tin cans, which car be readily disposed Complete Drying Service : Dinner guests Saturday evening were seven cancer danger signals accord­ of later. Also to please cairy away will be the guests of Mr. Levon’s ¡Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chittick, of Sa­ ing to a survey. Open 6 Days a Week with them upon leaving, any trash,1 paients while in the city, home thus making less work for the care- ; i Last weekend visitors at the -L- L —- lem; Sunday guests were Mr. and W EDDING AN NOU MEM EN Tb | I of Mrs. Frankie Johnson _ ¡jnd Royal Mrs. Ernest Chittick, also of Salem. taker. at The .Mill City Enterprise ' _ .j __ Numerous friends were entertained Mrs. Joe Novak was hostess at her were Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Wise, ac- JOHN W. REID. M. I). home Thursday afternoon to a gioup companied bv Mr. and Mfs. Floyd of neighbors for an informal “gab-! Herman, all of Portland. Sunday fest” and social time. At the close of guests weie Mr. and Mrs. Charles Physician and Surgeon You Can Own a ■ the afternoon the hostess served Hughes, also of Portland. Alfred Richardson "Kolace ” a Bohemian dainty and cof-1 Mr. and Mrs. MILI CITY. OREGON Bran d New 1955 fee to Mrs. Osterhout, Mrs. Charles and son, Alfred Jr., were Sunday : Rush, Mrs. Floyd Völkel, Mrs. Cecil guests at the residence of Mr. and Haun, M tb . Dan Morrison, Mrs. Stan- Mrs. L. L. Rynearson. ley Vail and Mrs. Albert Millsap. I William H. Chittick, of Manilla, in J. W. GOIN Mrs. George Arthurs is in Seattle the States on a combined business and EXPERIENCED VETERINARIAN visiting relatives and former friends pleasure trip has been a guest at the By HAROLD’S FLORAL GARDENS i home of his brother-in-law and sister, Phone 6338 Stayton, Oregoo for a two week vacation. : . Mi. m >. unu and jit», Mrs. riaii, Frank ouriBii, Burish, us of 0C1U Scio *•*.. Mr. «mu and iwio. Mrs. omcc.ivc Clarence iiusu Rush me the past past Six Passenger were Sunday visitors at the home of week. Mr. Chittick is connected with a firm of Consultant Industrial Elec­ Sedan for only Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Frost and son, trical ' ~ Engineers in Manila, where he ; Jack, and daughter, JoAnn were in has resided for years. He was a form- Weddle Funeral Home Delivered Price at Portland Satuiday, where they at- er resident of Salem and student at Modern Funersl Service tended « meeting of Oregon delegates, Willamette University. He will return who will attend a meeting of the Na­ to the Islands May 28. Also a guest OREGON STAYTON tional Educational Association in Chi­ at the Rush home was Miss Lourdes cago. They also were dinner guests at Penaflorida, also of Manila and an I employee of the same firm. She will | the Mallory hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Oliver were 1 Salam visitors Satuiday and returned HaRRRR^MRPRNMRMaMMRr. '«■■■■■ I heme driving a new '55 car. They and Septic Tanks and Sewers Cleaned their three daughters, accompanied Model 4-30 Phone Salem 39468. COLLECT I by Mr. Oliver’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1079 Elm St. W. Salem I Clyde Oliver drove to Corvallis to This rugged, powerful, one-man logging tool will fell up j the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Oliver to 5-ft timber... does all logging jobs fast and easy. where tffey were dinner guests. In the Come in for a demonstration and get the feel of this afternoon the group went boating on “powerhouse'' chain saw. You'll like it, for sure. the river from Corvallis to Albany MILL CITY LIGHT WtIGHT-ONLY 30 LM. WITH 14“ BLADI and return. IsterckMasakl« Hast« co—« 14* ts «2* Md altk 13* bee. Baccalaureate services honoring the DISPOSAL SERVICE Raymond Branch & senior class of the Gates high school Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. and members of the eighth grade Son Equip. Co. weeklv nicklips $1.50 nee month graduating class were held at the Also light hauling Hiway 22, Mehama Leonard Herman Phone 3952 Gates Community Church of Christ, Sunday evening, May 22 at 8 p. m. The 8—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, MAY 26. 1955 NOW M0T0RÂMIC CHEVROLET 11,699 GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET MIKE'S Septic Service McCULLOCH Stayton-Jefferson AUTO WRECKERS Rebuilt motors and trans­ missions. Cars bought and sold We buy junk. Phone 6281, Stayton, Ore. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Prompt service in the Canyon when you call us Reasonable Rates Satisfaction Guaranteed i CHAIN SAW l(ords lowerprice lets you buy the works”! Stay ton Phone 6284 Water Systems Fowler Clothes Dryers $100 a month . . . $200 a month . . . $500 a month . . . $1000 a month. You probably have some figures in mind for the amount of income your will want to have each month when the time comes for you to quit work and en­ joy the autumn of your life. Would you like to know just how much you wouldl need to set aside regularly] for life insurance premiums,7 in order to achieve that goal ? I will be glad to furnish you with the information with- out any obligation what- I soever on your part. Call, telephone or write JAMES I. POOLE Special Agent NEW YORK LIFE MILL CITY, OREGON Telephone 308 P. O. Box 596 Master-Guide Power Steering lets you park up to 757o easier You ease info or out of tight parking spaces with far less effort. Unlike many power steering systems, Master- Guide leaves you with a nat­ ural “feel'’ of steering . . . assists you the moment you need extra turning or parking “muscle.” Swift Sure Power Brakes let you stop up to H easier You travel relaxed . . . arrive refreshed. And Ford’s sus­ pended brake pedal makes stopping even easier. Power-Lift Windows let driver regulate all 4 windows There’s a separate control at each window for passenger convenience. From the driver 's seat you can set each window with a touch on the control. Because Ford is priced hundreds of dollars below LYONS PLUMBING YOUR LIFE INSURANCE other fine cars, you can have conveniences like Fordomatic, power steering, power brakes, power windows or a 4-way power front seat with the money you save!* ay Power Seat gives exact seat adjustment A single control moves front seat forward or bock, up or down, for exact height, leg room you want. The only 4- way seat in Ford's field. PHONE LYONS ULRK 9 2365 WE SELL BETTER CARS FOR LESS GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET STAYTON. OREGON IT PAYS TO BUY AT HOME Sute AM* < bHIlCO ANT MOOLI YOUR television or radio 3207 Stiffler's Radio and Appliance Co. MILL CITY. OREGON You can profit from the experience of thousands of former medium-priced-car buyers who have made the switch to Ford. For one thing, you can enjoy as they do Ford's many fine-car features and, with the money you save, buy the power conveniences of your choice. And whichever of Ford’« 16 beautiful models you prefer, you get the years- ahead styling of the Thunderbird that fabulous original by Ford. Rich Luxury Ixningv interiors offer you the last wort! Ford RTU A bRCM ARB AMD QTMU RKÎAK .•V'ACW»» Th» REYNOLDS CLINIC wouts ♦«*>» OA» N.. , », *oo rm -.-»M cìnti « « v «« t IA14«. in interior décor and feature many color­ ful new fabrics used for the first time in any car. You’ll be far ahead in "go,’’ too, with Ford's reassuring Trigger-Torque power. Here’s power that meets your every demand in traffic or on the open road. And wherever you go. on boule­ vard or back road, you’ll find that Ford’s exclusive new Angle-Poised ride smooths the way. New Speed-Trigger Fordomatic for automatic driving at its best Try Ford and you’ll agree ... you can pay more but y»u can't buy better! VACATION IOLA for estro-fost speed trigger starts, just press the occeler- otor to rhe tae-boord ond you Wosh owqy in low.'' Fordo- mctic outamoticolly shifts into intermediate gear then to d-ec*—all while the selector lever is set at Drive " . . . VISIT SScwo or» of *♦ 4w-0 '-doilry « FORD ROTONDAI Deetao'». Melico« THE NEW BEST SELLER! SELLS MORE BECAUSE IT’S WORTH MORE! Phone 2724 PHILIPPI KOTOR CO. Mill City, Oregon Great TV. Ford Theatre, Station KPTV, Thursday 9:30 Phone 2344 Stayton. Oregon