Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1955)
Portland Hair Stylist Now at Shirley's Shirley’s Beautv Shop is specializ ing in hair-cutting and coloring, as well as giving consultation in hair styling. Kathryn Nobach, hair stylist and hair coloring artist from Piene’s of Portland, is now employed regularly at Shirley’s. Mary Ethel Wilkins specializes in the building of plastic fingernails, as well as performing her regular duties in the shop. With three beauticians, Shirley’s is now in a position to give prompt serv ice in all types of modern beauty work. When problems pile up and worries get you down, it’s time to relax—time to treat yourself to a “Beauty Break.” Nothing else gives your morale that glorious lift that you get when your beautician's soothing, expeit fingers go to work. Just an hour’s pampering will make you feel like a new woman. . . . give you a grand new feeling of being alive and attractive. Housewife? Then you know what it means to break the routine—to leave those shopping and cleaning cares at home for that wonderful hour in the salon. Makes you feel so refreshed, even I the cakes seem to turn out better! Office Girl? When the clock shows 5, do your nerves show it too? Forget the let-1 ters . . . foiget the time clock . . . you're the boss as you relax and let your beautician work magic with your morale. Wouldn’t it make you feel wonder ful right now ... to cluse your eyes and lean back as your hair is sham pooed in a rich, creamy lather . . . then skillfully set to look its loveliest. It’s a Beauty Break that costs so little that you really owe it to your self to get one regularly. Why not make your appointment now! Shirley's Beauty Shop Mill City, Oregon adv. Phone 6103 Viv's Steak House Phone 5807 Mill City • • • s Open 6 a. m. to 11 p. m. Closed Mondays 5 THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. MAY 1». 1055 The Woman's Council of the Christ ian chuich will meet Wednesday, May 25 at the parsonage. The meeting start.- at 2 p. m. About 40 000.000 motor vehi cles on America's highways will be running into snow and ice this winter. The country's most specialized trucking firm is located in Dover. Del. The firm hauls practically nothing but airplanes ami airplane part-. To warn its drivers against low clearances each truck is equip ped with two rods that ring a bell when their tips touch anything. Automobiles today contain more light bulbs than an average five-room Inmse. SLOW U? SOW. you ' ll LW£ LOWOCK.' Sign on a Kansas City street cor ner: "To avoid that run down feel ing. cross the street carefully.” Buses are getting bigger. Those built in 1953 had an average seating capacity of 43.7 passengers as com pared with 1951-52’s 40-passenger. An atomic-powered automo bile battery produced according to present knowledge of atomic energy would cost 88.000,000 and take 8000 cubic feet of space, says the magazine Changing Times. One out of every six businesses in the United States serves the high- wav transportation field. In 1900, all the hard surfaced roads in the United States would have teached from New York to Boston. There are more automobiles than telephones on American farms, I. S. Census figures show. FINE USED CARS TRY US GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE Phone 2344 STAYTON, OREGON taAjjgijy wfifi 'QJ FIRE J? i inton El Pittam Insurance Agency ’^kN eral ?hone 324, Box 266, Idanha —MBJ! rgTRSCW HOME OOlCfS SEATTLE. WASH. ALUMINUM ROOFING - V—rrw» ESTIMATES GLADLY GIVEN • COMPARE OUR PRICES • NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR DELIVERY CUT TO ANY LENGTH AT NO EXTRA COST KELLY LUMBER SALES Open Saturdays Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rada were Mr. anR Mrs. George Talafous of Portland. The Radas re turned to Poitland with their guests to help them get located in their new home. j * . . . FRESH FOODS FOR COOL MEALS _ ____ —SW ÎÂ frwx We Have the Most Complete line of FRESH PRODUCE In the Canyon Area AT PRICES YOU CAN AFFORD TO PAY Large, Solid Heads An interesting visitor at the D. B. Hill home this coming weekend will be Miss Gertrude Bray of Providence, R. I., who is touring the West alone in her car, and is expected to ai-ive Friday. Miss Bray was a mem- ber of the patty when the Hills toured Western Europe last year. But we can give you the best deal on any one of • Tom Morris and Ted Gift left Tues day for -ome fishing in the Deschutes River, taking a b >at and camping equipment. They play to “camp out’’ in Tom’s jeep, expecting to return to day (Thursday.) TASTY SALADS Mr. and Mrs. Dell Drew sold place at Niagara to Mr. and Ralph Adams of Silverton. Adams’ have an insurance business in Silveiton, and strend their weekends at Niagara. They had previously owned the property adjoining Drew place. We can't GIVE you a new car i . , Miss »u.v. puiina uvap ivii i icia for l>onna i Cooke left r Friday' j Alameda, Calif., for a 10-day visit ' with her brother, Lt. jg and Mrs. | James E. Cooke. i ■ Mr. and Mrs. son, Ro-s who is home on leave from the Navy, spent the weekend visiting friends in Portland and Cascade Locks. Authorized Shop Smith Dealer East Mill City Limits, Highway 22 Phone 6803 It has been annnounced that public I installation of new officers will be held Saturday evening. May 21, at the lodge hall for Marilyn Assembly, Order of Rainbjw for Gills. Joyce I Watkins of Idanha will be installed as the new Worthy Advisor. Out-going worthy advisor is Sherry Hansen. Eighteen mem tiers were present at the Orville Downing place Satur- | day night to enjoy a meeting of the Gaynighters square dance club, the business meeting, plans for summer were discussed. Nothing finite was decided at this meeting further discussion will be held later. Mrs. D. B. Hill, chairman of the local Cancer drive, announces that the Rainbow Girls are offering their services in the general canvass of houses for the starting tl week and continuing until the end this month. Full cooperation and generous response to the request hoped fur. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Peters re- | cently sold their lanch at Prineville, and spent Monday night at the Tex Blazek home here. They reecived a Iphone call earl- Tuesday morning, i telling them of the death of an uncle i in Springfield. They left for that piont immediately. The Peters lived | in Mill City about 10 years ago. At the meting of the Lions club held Monday night, Howard Means was appointed as a delegate to the State Convention and Vernon Todd, was appointed as an alternate. It was decided to hold the annual joint in stallation of officers of the Lions and Auxiliary at the 1-ast Frontier, June | •>, at 7 p. m. Don Moffatt was ap- j I pointed as chairman of a committee I on advance ticket sales for this affair. The Three Links club of the San- tiam Rebekahs met in the lodge hall last Tuesday evening, with Eva Duf fy presiding at the short business session. It was planned to have a “hat parade” at the June meting, also , “guest night” will be observed at that time. Fifteen members were present for the meeting. Seiving refresh ments to those present were Ada Ply- male and Agnes Carlson, as host esses. I ..... . . The Chriatian Woman's Fellowship met last Wednesday afternoon at the Christian church parsonage. Mrs. Glen Shelton was program chairman, presenting the cause of cooperative missionary work in India. Mrs. Wm. Shepherd served as hostess, because of the necessary absence of Mrs. Jull. Other present included Mrs. E. K. [ Fish, Mrs. Ike Myers, Mrs. Ed Cooke | and Donna, Mrs. George Flook, Mrs. Art Hedge, Mrs. Carl Chance and Mrs. Wilbam Harlan. According to the chairman of the Cemetery Association, Gladys Mason, the eighth grade boys of the Mari- I Linn school at Lyons are planning to ' spend Friday working in the Fox \ alley cemetery. The Association hopes to have the cemetery mowed ' by that date. Mrs. Mason would be pleased to have those interested re- I member that date as a general “clean I up” day,’ taking advantage of the 1 boys’ offer to assist. It is hoped that many others will turn out to help. The Vernon Todd» honored the Ar- I thur LeCours with a no-hoat farewell I dinner at their home last Friday evening. Members of the teaching staff attending presented the Le- | Cours with a gift from the entire group. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur LeCours, Mr. and Mrs. Burton Boroughs, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Fleetwood, Mr. and Mrs. De los Hoeye, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thorpe, Mr. and Mrs. James Hale, i Mrs. Harry Mason, and the hosts, (Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Txid. Jananas Fancy, No. Is GREEN PEPPERS Potatoes U.S. No. Is, Shafter White FRESH AND CRISP RADISHES GREEN ONIONS 3tacte10c WE SELL ’EM EVERY DAY AT THE ABOVE PRICE CARROTS 2 bunches ] §c CORN,resh 6ears 49c Last Chance to Register for the Valuable FREE PRIZES at IGA FOOD FAIR Don't Forget to Get Your Bonus Bucks Send your kids to the Free Show Saturday 2 p.m Free Delivery, 3 P. M. Daily Shop Your IGA Store and Compare HILL TOP MARKET HAROtD KU EWER Telephone 2144 MILL CITY, OREGON