Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1955)
Minister and Mrs. Jull drove to Le banon Sunday evening in a pulpit exchange, which brought Minister L. O. White of the First Christian church in Lebanon to the local pulpit. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ken < rosier returned White was prevented by illness from recently from a 12 day vacation in about two months. His passing came Cal.foinia. Among those visited were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shepherd en th ■ Russell Hoffmans and Mr. Crosiei’s brother at Oroville. Many tertained at dinner Sunday noon for of loose visited were former em- their Mothers, Mrs. Floyd Shepherd and Mrs. H. E. Jull. Other guests ployces at Coulee dam. Much fun was had by Bobby Hor- included W. Floyd Shepherd, H. E. rocks when his mother, Mrs. Bob Jull, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Roten Horrocks entertained in honor of his and childien, and Ralph Jull. Mrs. Jim Grant entertained in 4th birthday afinivei sary. Guests present were Jane, Deana, Dewain, honor of her son, Tony, on his 3rd and Terry Fletchall, Sapdy and Peg birthday anniversary. Ice cream and gy Cooper, Esther Freeman, and a birthday cake decorated with a Johnny Lee of Mill City. Tommy and chocolate tiain were served to Willard Bobby Spellmeyer, Penny Chadwell, Fleetwood, Alan and Jerry Raines, Mike and Shelly Reynolds of Stayton, Linda and Shirley Nelson, Raymond Mrs. also Mrs. Chadwell, Mis. Jack Spell Boedigheimer, Dale Grant, Darwin meyer, Mrs. Don Reynolds, and Bob’s Lowell Fleetwood, Mrs. grandmother, Mrs. W. Horrocks, all Raines, Mrs. Sonny Nelson, Mrs. of Stayton and Mrs. Fletchall and Richaid Boedigheimer, Mrs. Cloyd Mrs. Athal Undeiwood, of Mill City Cox and Mrs. Merle Cox of Los An were at the party. A clown decorated geles. Those sending gifts but unable cake» ice cream and punch were served to attend were Bobby Ward and after they had played several games. | Patty McClintock. 4 We can't GIVE you a new car But we can give you the best deal on any one of FINE USED CARS COTY^ LIPSTICK When you take this lipstick off at night—the color stays on! For perfect lip make up, ¡ust apply and let it set, it biots itself. Keeps you De Luxe Case • > 1 I j 25 t ■ plus lox Switch-Slick, 85c. lovelier morning, noon and night. THE LIPSTICK THAT REALLY STAYS ON TWENTY-FOUR HOURSf MILL CITY PHARMACY Prescription Service -I.C. Kimmel, Phone 6607, to TRY US GFNE TEAGUE CHEVROLET CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE STAYTON, OREGON Phone 2344 Mill City With L ídw ~ You Live eiter or Less f EXAMPLE IT COSTS JUST PENNIES A Miss Alona Fay Daly, who to in Nunes’ training at the Portland Medical Center of the U of O, spent Sunday and Monday visiting her mother, Mrs. Rose Daly, and the Wilbur Meinert family here. St. Catherines Altar society met at the home of Mrs. Paul Ressler Wednesday evening. A food sale was planned for May 19. Refreshments were seived by Mrs. Rose Haywood, who acted as hostess for the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Bibler of Sa lem, Mrs. Lee Kuhlman, sons, Chuck, "Ronnie and Butch and Wes Greene motored to Bend Sunday to visit at' the Raymond Thompson home. Mr. Greene remained in Bend and will ' visit his son-in-law and daughter Tor . a couple of weeks. On Saturday, 36 eighth graders and four patrol boys boarded the school bus for the annual trip to Portland to visit the Oregon Historical Museum and Washington Park. Except for an hour and a half delay because of a flat tire, all repoited an enjayable day. The group was accompanied by their teachers, Robert Thorpe, James Hale, and Doris Sheythe. Following the Lions Club Talent show, Mr. and Mis. Verne Shaw en tertained members of the “Chord Cats’’ quartet, who furnished the in- | termission numbers for the show. En joying the buffet supper, wire Dr. I and Mrs. Don Foster, Mr. and Mrs. I Lawrence .Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Mau- rice Adams, and Mel Bedsaul, all of Salem. Visiting this week at the Louis Verbeck home are their daughter and two children, Mrs. Kirk Wirick, Su sie and David, of Roseburg. Mrs. Chas. Kelly plans to spend from Friday until Sunday at OSC with her daughter, Leia, for Mothers weekend. Mis Kelly was “tapped” this week by the Modern Dance hon orary society, “Orchesis.” ^uMsenbe to the Mill City Enterprise h- THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, M AY 12, 1955 > Bring your kua to the free ¡ matinee in Mill City, Sat. 2 p.m. Are your Clothes always ready for that unexpected party? Do you have your Cleaning done regularly? If not have it done the easy way. Just call us for fast pickup and Delivery Service. Phone 3418 NU METHOD 48 HOUR SERVICE Mill City, Oregon YOUR LIFE INSURANCE Consider the problem of this widow: Her husband owned $4.- 000.00 of life insurance which she had thought would be quite enough. She didn't realize that a death generally causes heavy expenses. Within a few months after her husband's death she had to pay the following bills: hospital and nurse, $210; doctor bills, includ ing an operation $210; final ex penses including the funeral, $900. The total was $1,350. Af” ter paying these bi'18, she had only $2,050 left. The thoughtful husband who wants his wife to have his pres- ent insurance for her own use and support should take a policy for the "clearance fund"—$1000, $1.500, $2,000, or more Then she won t have to pay his hills out of the money he intended for her and which she will need so much . Call, telephone or write JAMES I. POOLE Special Agent NEW YORK LIFE MILL CITY, OREGON Telephone 308 ’. O. Box 596 THURSDAY FRIDAY, SATURDAY Till RSDAY. FRIDAY S MT RDAY Mav 12. 13 and 1 I PHIL CAREY, in THE NEBRASKAN Plus TONY CURTIS. in SIX BRIDGES TO CROSS SUNDAY. MONDAY TUESDAY May 15. 16 and 17 MILLIAM HOLDEN. GRACE KELLY. MICKEY ROONEY, in Yu 11 save tons of lifting, miles of walking, hours and hours of time with automatic electric clothes drying — all for only a few cents a day at Pacific Power's low electric rates. Never another worry about the weather, either, or about soot or dust soiling clothes on the line. Du your clothes drying the modern way — automatically, electrically, with all the work and worry forgotten! It’s an outstanding example of better living at lowest cost Your dependable electric service from Pacific Power is your best buy—the biggest bargain in your budget today I THE BRIDGES AT It’s time you, too, had an automatic electric clothes dryer. Your friendly appliance dealer is the man to see. TOKO-RI WEDNESDAY May 18 FAMILY NIGHT ABBOTT & COSTELLO MEET THEIR FUNNIEST ADVENTl RE! DONT MISS IT! Ma. Pa. and Kid.* for 99c ÄrLIGrHT COMPANY Electricity's cheap in Pacific Powerland Ma. Pa. and Kids for 99c 8