4—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1955 Lions Club TALENT SHOW Thursday, May 5 MILL CITY HIGH SCHOOL GYM Show Starts at 8 P. M. Sharp Hear the Cord Cats from Salem. An entertining male quartet. A full program of good, clean entertainment for all. Students 65c Admission, Adults, $1.00. DOOR PRIZES WILL BE GIVEN Betty Lou Cree To Wed Gordon McMorris May 8 YOUR LIFE INSURANCE. Miss Betty Lou Crea, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lowen Cree, will become the bride of Gordon i W. McMorris, s«n of Mr. and Mis. 1 Clarence Quartier of Salem, at a 3 CLUB, LODGE AND LOCAL ACTIVITIES o’clock ceremony in the First Christ­ Mary Kelly, Woman’s Editor I’hone 625 ian church in Salem Sunday after­ noon, May 8. Miss Cree graduated from Mill City high school in 1953, the winter months, with a total of 10 I and »'as a student at Pacific Uni­ Reception To Be Held children receiving assistance. versity in Forest Grove for one year. Prizes for pinochle were won as Matron-of-hoiior for the ceremony For Mrs. Wilson Stevens A reception will honor Mrs. Wilson follows: Mrs. Jay Mason, high; Mrs. will be Miss Cree's sister, Patricia Stevens of Lyons, who has been ap- Frank Merrill, low; and Mrs. Bill who is now .Mrs. William McClintock pointed to be a Grand Page for the Cooke, traveling pinochle. The door of San Diego, and is now spending Oregon Grand Chapter session in prize was furnished by McCarthy the month visiting her parents, as is her young daughter. June, the affair to be held at the Furniture. The two bridesmaids will be Mrs. lodge hall here Saturday evening, at Kenny Wahl of Sutherlin, a sorority 8 o’clock. Mrs. Stevens is a past sister of the bride, and Miss Rose woithy matron of Marilyn Chapter, Presbyterian Women Fleming of Mill City. Organist will be No. 145, O.E.S., and*several out-of- Meet at Allen Home Mrs. Donald Sheythe. W. L. Krause, town chapters have been given special The regular meeting of the Presby­ of Prineville, a former school teacher invitations to arttend. Women’s Association was held here, will be the soloist. Mrs. D. B. Hill is general chairman terian Wednesday afternoon at the home Rev. Clarence h uqua, assistant for the affair, which will be an “open” last Mr* W. W. Allen. Mrs. James pastor of the church, will officiate at meeting, thus enabling families and of Swan conducted the business meet­ the sei vice.. Joe Lalack will be best friends to attend. ing. Special guest of the day was Dr. man, and ushers will include Kenneth David J. Ferguson. and John Wehri, of Salem, 'Hen Party' Put on Tuesday Mrs. John Swan was in charge of Chance, who is a cousin of the bride. A re­ Mrs. Noble Streeter and ception will be held at the chuich fol­ Night by Legion Auxiliary devotions. Mrs. Floyd Fleetwood presented the lowing the wedding. The American Legion auxiliary program. The hostess served re- McMorris is employed by M & M, gave a “Hen Party” at the Legion fieshments. and the young couple plan a short hall Tuesday. All proceeds from the honeymoon at the beach. They will event go for child welfare, the group having helped four families during Subscribe to The Enterprise make their home in the duplex owned by Frank W. Smith, in the southeast section of town. Social Events hank You We wish at this time to express our sincere thanks to the patrons in the North Santiam canyon we have serv­ ed for the past thirty-five years since the establishment of the MILL CITY STATE BANK It has indeed been a pleasure to have taken an active part in the de­ velopment of the area. Your kind favors to us in the past years will be a pleasant memory. We are confident that the new own­ I ers of the bank When you buy a hat or a pair of shoes it really doesn’t matter to you personally whether the producer is going to stay in business or not. Usually you don’t depend on the manufact­ urer to do anything for you after you have made your pur­ chase. But it is very different when you select a life insurance com­ pany on which the future secur­ ity of your family and yourself may depend. Nou want to be certain that the company will "stay and pay” for years and years after you buy the policy. The New York Life Insurance Company has established a great record of over 100 years of trustworthy dependability. It is well equipped to meet its every obligation—alert, capable man­ agement—an investment port­ folio of outstanding strength—a background of immense exper­ ience in facing the facts of business life—and the highest traditions of honor and integrity in fulfilling its contracts. Call, telephone or write About a dozen young members of the Kindergarten, which is taught by Mrs. Arthur LeCours, had a “field tiip” of local business estab­ lishments Thursday morning. In­ teresting places visited included the Post Office, Fire Hall, Police Station, and the Gingerbread House, at Me­ hama, where they received a treat. They were accompanied by several of the motheis, a.- well as their instruct­ or. JAMES I. POOLE Special Agent NEW YORK LIFE MILL CITY, OREGON Telephone 308 P. O. Box 596 Do You Drive a Car With An Automatic Transmission? We now have a hydramatic and dynaflow transmission specialist CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE Phone 2344 STAYTON, OREGON What a Day! What a Graduation Gift! 7'he most wanted Watch in A ni enea! «a THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK SENATOR will continue to work toward the betterment of the canyon area, and we sincerely hope you will continue your fine patronage under the new ownership. k MILL CITY STATE BANK D. B. HILL D. B. HILL, JR. C. E. MASON tr jewel. •hoc» rectint. ■ nbreMabie liletime eibantien bend $4250 GODDESS OF TIME n lewd, 2 diamonds $4950 MILDRED LALLEN FRANK RADA BAKER’S MILL CITY JEWELRY O. Box 215 I OVA W.-i’cnxM1 ’G CO b. J Ji Phone 843 i Mill City Wc«^rpee>e* •ex»«