•—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THVRSDAY, APRII. 21, 1955 Wtw - K. c i ¿ fl JBRxy * Mrs. Albert Milhsn G. R. Frost, superintendent of the1 Cates schools has announced Sunday, I May, 22 as the date for Baccauaureate ' services, to be held at, 8 p. m. Commencement exerci.-es will be held at the high school Wednesday, I May 25 at 8 p. m. John Barnhardt1 will be valedictorian and Loretta Stahlman, salutatorian. The following seniors from the. Gates high school will be in attend­ ance at the Marion County “B” League banquet at the Senator hotel in Salem, Tuesday evening, Aptil 26: John Barnhardt, Gordon Devine, Dan­ ny Evans and Allan Vail. G. B. Frost and Mr. Crakes will accompany the boys. Men.bers of the Girls Athletic As­ sociation of the Gates high school have been invited to attend the Salem Gym Jamboree, to be held at Salem high school, Wedne day night, April 27. Their advisor, Mrs. G. B. Frost, is making airangements for trans­ portation for the trip. The card party given by the San tiam Canyon Extension unit in the recreation looms of the high _ school, Saturday evening, April 16, was well attended. This affair was given to raise money to pay for the gas range recently purchased by the unit and donated to the community house. More than enough was realized from caid games and bingo. Refreshments were served at the close of the even­ ing. Taking advantage of the first sun­ ny day for over a week about 20 members of the local fire department I met at the Community house wi.h hammers and saws ready to put the asbestos shakes on the house, which they had volunteered to do. Much progress was made and less than another days work will see the job completed. Ladies of the Gates Woman’s club and Extension unit served a hot dinner to the bunch of hungry men. Those serving were Mrs. Kenneth Martig, Mrs. Glen Henne.-s, Mrs. Orville Nygaard, Mrs. Philip Cann, Mrs. William Pennick and Mis. Elmer Klutke. Word has been received by Mrs. Louisa Wriglesworth from her son, Pvt. Herbert Romey, of his safe ar­ rival in Germany last week. He is stationed near the Austiian border. He stated he was happy to report he had been transfered from the infantry to the Quartermaster Corps. Pvt. Romey is a graduate of Gates high school. O. W. Watson was a Portland vis­ itor for three days last week where he went for a medical checkup at the Veterans hospital. Mr. Watson is a veteran of War I. Mrs. Laura Joaquin accompanied Mrs. Jess Haywood to Portland Tues­ day of last week. Mrs. Joaquin also went for a medical check and came home with the report of a specialist that there was nothing the matter with her. Mrs. L. L. Rynearson was taken * to Santiam Memorial hospital, Sun­ day, April 10, where she remained under observation until Saturday evening, when she was brought home She is reported to be feeling some better but must remain in bed for a time. Ray Lord, former resident of Gates and owner of the Lord Motel, now on a ranch near Molalla, was a Gates visitor Saturday. Looking For a Gold Mine? WE HAVE A FEW GOLD BRICK USED CARS THAT HAVE BEEN AROUND TOO LONG WE'LL SELL ’EM BY THE POUND GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE Phone 2344 STAYTON, OREGON now for Olympia! Whether you choose it direct from the tap or in hotties or cans, you can rely on Olympia to always taste , , refreshingly the same. . -th© Water that rnsi - the differed O ìvmh A OLYMPIA BREWING COMPANY, Olympia, Wash. U. S. A.*§) SAFECO — Savings plus Service "Allow me to in­ troduce my SAFECO agent . they take a personal role in all claim settlements.’’ You’ll save money with SAFECO If you’re a careful driver you can save real dollars with this new plan at the same time have the best insurance possible to buy. Don't delay — come in and get all the facts before you buy or renew. Thousands are saving . . why not you? Pittam Insurance Agency Phone 324 G. T. (Jerry) PITTAM Box 266 Idanha, Oregon I