The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, April 14, 1955, Image 1

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»2.50 A YEAR, 10c A COPT
Polio Inoculations To Be Given
To Canyon Students April 20
Salem Chord Cats
To Appear at Lions
Club Talent Show
Jim Poole, chairman of the Lions
■ club talent »how this week announced
I that he had been fortunate in secur­
ing the “Choid Cats” a male quartet
from Salem as a special between acts
feature for the annual show.
Dr. Don Foster, local part-time
dentist, is one of this popular group,
and they are coming here at his re­
Firemen Buy New
Equipment at Meeting
People in the area, who each year
attend the firemen’s annual enter­
tainment, will be pleased to know
Plans for a community polio vac­
that the money raised at this event
The supply of commercial vaccine
cination program, which have been is substantial, although probably in-
is spent for worthwhile items.
under way for many weeks will go sufficient immediately to meet the
This week the firemen purchased
into action April 18 in Marion coun­
two Scott Air Paks. These are so
of Mill City school district/
,----- ----------- -
April 20 Is Date for Canyon
constructed that it will enable a man I No. Voters
129-J, and district No. 123J com- ’ consolidation in the past, but many
On that day the first inoculations of
to work for 30 to 35 minutes under
The schools of the canyon area will
will vote this taxpayeis in the Detroit and Idanha
a three-shot series required for pro­ receive their first inoculations Wed­
water in rescue work. They are also | prising Detroit-Idanha v... —_ ---- area have felt that through consoli-
tection against paralytic polio will be nesday, April 20 at 9 o’clock; Detroit
useful in entering smoke-filled build­ i Friday to decide whether the two | dation, better education can be se­
given to approximately 6,000 children at 10 o’clock and Gates at 10:30. The
ings. Moie new hose will also be pur­ district will form a consolidated cured for their young folks and at a
school district. The polls in both Mill |
in the first and second grades, fourth second inoculation will be given the1
City and Detroit will be open from lower cost to them. This has been
grade children of all public, private same hours of the day for the three
2 p. m. until 8 p. m. on that day. borne out by figures, and the trend
and parochial schools and thiid grad-1 schools on April 27 and the last of the
Voting will be done in Mill City at today is for consolidation of the
ers who did not receive vaccine in last inoculations will be given May 25.
smaller district into larger taxing
the high school i ecreation room.
year’s tests in this community.
The inoculations will be supervised
Much has been said for and against bodies and larger schools to giv*
The “go ahead” was given by the by a doctor.
more advantages to the students,
Federal Government April 12 when
at the same time reduce the
it announced the licensing of the Salk
This week the Mill City Merchants
ever-growing tax burden.
hired for next year as released by
polio vaccine.
It has been brought out that the
Supt. Vernon S. Todd Wednesday are showing a real rootin’ tootin’
Vaccine for this program, which is
western again for the free matinee
millage in the Detroit-Idanha district
morning, is as follows:
being operated by state and local
would be reduced by about 50% by
Primary—Fern Sletto, Betty Bald­ Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Gene
health officials, is being supplied by
consolidation. The elementary schools
Zeta Prichaid, Letha Bentley, Autry and Smiley Burnette come in
the Nations! Foundation for Infantile
“Pack Train.” Bob Veness also says
of both district would be unaffected
Paralysis. At the same time, phy­
DETROIT—A light blanket of new and Sigrun Grimstad, with one more there will be two cartoons and • two-
by consolidation. Each district would
sicians will be making arrangements snow ushered in Easter in this area .to be hired. Intermediate—Mary1 reel cinemascope feature “Salute to
keep their grade school students in
for the vaccination of children not Sunday morning. Leaden skies pre­
the Theatre.”
included in this program, using vac­ vailed the rest of the day with inter­ Letha Hale, Leo Poole, Daron Dierks, i A good lineup of shows is slated | a water district in Lyons has been their own districts.
Consolidation would mean more
cine purchased through usual chan­ mittent showers and periodic sun­ and Earl Loucks, who is also the band for the next few weeks, and residents i scheduled for Friday, April 15, in the
nels. Vaccination in both instances is shine. Sunday evening snow began to instructor. Advanced grades—Robert. of the area are urged to take ad­ court house in Albany. Backers of the courses of study could be offered the
students, better fitting them to go
entirely voluntary.
fall again and by Monday morning Thorpe, Doris Sheythe, and James R. vantage of this opportunity of park­ propo?ed district have been busy this out into the woild of today.
week urging all property owners in
The March of Dimes organization the area had received about five
ing their kids while they shop with
All legal voters of both districts
girls physical ed, and library.
Lyons to attend the hearing.
contracted for »9,000,000 worth of inches of wet snow.
Accoiding to Principal Howard;
The court approved the proposition are eligible to vote in this election.
vaccine before it was known that it I Churches in the area held the tra­
page 2 of this issue for some real at a recent meeting, however it was All are urged to get out and vote
prevented paralytic polio, so that ditional Easter sei vices, and home Means, the following members of the
hot ahot bargains for Saturday,
discovered that some signatures on Friday afternoon.
manufacturers could keep in produc­ gatherings gave added touch to the
coach; I
petitions were not listed exactly as
tion and thus have vaccine for dis­ day. The Sunrise Services scheduled year—Burton
they were on regular election regis­
tribution soon after licensing. This to be held at the Lake Shore forest Edith Mason, library and English;
tration books.
financial risk, made possible by con­ camp by the Detroit Church of Christ, Delos Hoeye, industrial arts; Gay'.e
The Lyons aiea is an urban com­
tributions of millions of Americans to Idanha Community church and Gates .Lowery, social studies; and Olivette)
munity which has shown tremendous
the March of Dimes has now “paid were held at Detroit Church of Christ Roles, home ec. Aithur LeCours has
tendered his resignation to the boa'd)
growth in the last few years. The
off.” The vaccine is ready to be used because of the weather.
Distinguished guests at the regu­
to launch a worldwide program of
Rev. Don Summers of NW Christian of education and it was accepted with! lar meeting of Marilyn Chapter, No. growth is a result of increased lum­
protection against crippling polio,
college, Eugene, read the scripture and regret. Another science and mathe-1 145, OES, at the lodge hall Monday bering activity in the area. The need
In this country, vaccine is being Rev. Leman Measely of Gates de- matics instructor will be secured, as night were Herman Johnston, Worthy for a public water system is becom- ,
Residents up and down the can­
offered to approximately 9,000.000 livered a short sermon on “Come See well as an additional teacher in the Grand Patron of the Grand Chapter ing increasingly moie acute as the
yon, especially the Detroit-Idanha
area develops.
English depaitment.
school children in high-incidence age the Place Where the Loid Lay.”
of Oregon, and his wife, Leita John­
Mrs. Rogers Retires
At the present time domestic water area were present Thursday at
groups. Their parents have been asked
Mrs. Gordon Skidmore played the 1
Supt. Todd announced with regret ston, who is Grand Martha, of the is secured from individual wells and a meeting with Forest Service offi­
to sign request forms for its use. prelude and the Detroit high school
Grand Chapter of Oregon, both of springs.
cials from Eugene. The meeting was
Doctors, nurses, teachers and National glee club sang two songs. About 75 the retirement of Mrs. Clyde Rogers, Salem.
sixth grade teacher, who has turned,
Unless some type of public water held at the Idanha fire hall.
Foundation volunteers will help in its were in attendance.
The purpose of the meeting was
in her resignation after 20 years of | A surprise of the evening was the system is installed, the future develop­
Egg Hunt at School
announcement that Leora Stevens, a ment of the Lyons area is limited.
to get an expression on the use of
Parents of children not included in
The Easter “Egg Hunt” sponsored
past worthy matron of Marilyn
If the County Court approves the Detroit Lake for recreation during
the community program, who wish to by the FOE Auxiliary and also City. Mrs. Rogers, who has taught Chapter, has been appointed by the
the residents of Lyons will the coming season.
have them vaccinated should consult scheduled to be held at Lake Shore
Worthy Giand Matron of Oregon to
It appeared at this meeting that
with their family physician soon.
foiest camp, was held in the school graduated from OCE in Monmouth serve as a Grand Page at this sum- have an election of directors and the those who have boat concessions on
I project will probably be pushed at a
(as Dora Berieman) in 1920, begin-)
auditorium. About 175 children from ning her teaching in Mill City that
the lake and those who wish to haw
» a‘‘s’lon
Chapter (rapid rate.
toddlers up to 12 year olds retrieved
She taught "in the fourth and *bich will convene in the Masonic
Bonding capabilities of the district concessions weie displeased with th*
the eg,<s in Short wi der. Ice cream and fifth grades
she , 1 Temple in Portland in June. Mrs. are well within the construction es­ number of boats scheduled for use
ltlttilVM until a 1924,
«/*.->, when
wnvu ozix-
• ! Sstuvana ¿\ Liaa
Lioan xro»*tr
animal cookies were served to the was married. Returning to teaching
as_ ^**7
very ftCtivC in timates, which would indicate that the by the Forest Service.
children and coffee was served the 20 years later, after lairing her [ Eastern Star work.
Many of those present expressed
>ale of general obligation bonds will
I family, Mrs. Rogers taught for two i 1 The worthy matron, Clara Morris, i be easy. Time set for the hearing is their views, and the Forestry men
were given a clear picture of th*
The Mill City Boy Scouts staged j
■ years at Scotts Mills, rejoining the I ' honored all men of the chapter Mon- j 10 a. m.
situation. Those pi esent gave th*
a successful Easter egg hunt at the ' Caynon Extension Unit
i Mill City staff in 1945. She states that | day evening with a short degree and
total number of boats they would
city park Sunday. Dutch Steiner, i
I she has enjoyed all the years of her ¡a small token being piesented to
like to have for rent on the lake.
scoutmaster said about 75 children' To Sponsor Card Party
teaching experience, and has been 1 each Mason in attendance. i
It was announced by Dorothy
When the list was totalled up, it
turned out to hunt for the egg-, which | gates "
of the Santiam ,veiy well treated by all those i in-
I Draper, the mother advisor for Mari­
amounted to around 206 boats. Thia
were colored and hid by the Explorer, Canyon Extension unit will sponsor a I volved.
lyn Assembly, Order of Rainbow for
is considerably higher than had been
card party at the recreation looms of
figured on by the Forest Service.
Girls, that the girls cleared over »95
Grand prize was won by Johnny i the high school, Saturday evening,
There was some discussion on
at the recent Masonic and Eastern
Harvey. This was an electric lantern April _ __
. from the affair Campfire Group Meets
Dale Reeves, foster care counsellor
16. ____
Star banquet, and were appreciative of the McLaren School for Boys at parking facilities on the lake, bat
donated by Lee Ross of the Red & will be used to pay for the range At Wright Home
of the support given them. Captain Woodburn was
__ the speaker
White Store. He also donated an elec- reCently purchased by the unit and
of the, ■ nothing could be done at this tun*,
The sixth grade Camp Fire group
trie lantern to the Explorers for their donated to the Community
j house. held their meeting last Tuesday at , Walter lensing, who was the speaker evening at the Lions club i meeting 1 he forest sei vice has no funds
assistance in making the hunt a sue- I Scrabble,
~ .............
bingo and card games will the home of their newest member, that evening, turned over his check Monday. He came as a guest of How- available for this type of work, but
arrangements could be made
| be in play. The ladies hope for a Mary Lee Wright, near Lyons. Games for transportation expenses, to the ard Means
Others donating prizes were Hill­ | large attendance and an invitation is were played, the girls worked on their girls.
Mr. Reeves in showing slides of the ; ^or Pr,vaU development of parking
top Market, Hilltop General, Stew­ [.extended to all those desirous of help­ camp fire memory books, and the i For entertainment Monday night, school, gave an outline of the work areas,
five Rainbow Girls, including Jan done for the boys while they are at |
art’s Grocery, Jenkin’s Hardware, ing a good cause.
hostess served refreshments.
Mill City Pharmacy and the Mill City
Those attending were; Carolyn Po-1 Ross, Sherry Hansen, Frances Ward, the school. They have a good staff
Crosier, and Ann Marie Hirte, of teachers, and give the boys a well
Variety. The Pride of Oregon oil
I drabsky, Joellen Agee, Judy Kay, I Zeta
gave a musical skit in a “somber” rounded education. He stated about1
«■tation donated four dozen eggs.
Sharon Whitsett, Doris Hutchinson,
The Scouts plan to make this an
the hostess, Mary Lee Wright, her tone; and a reading was given by half the boys come to the school for
High school students making the mother, Mrs. Wright, and their lead- Ruby Brisbin.
annual affair, and expect to hide
stealing cars. He also said most of
honor roll, for which they must have I eis, Mrs. Eldon Hutchinson and Mrs.
Invited as guests for the next meet­ the boys come from homes where
about 50 dozen eggs next year.
ing on May 9 have been Salem, Chad­ there is no feeling of security, and
all l’s and 2’s in every subject, in- [
Bonnie Whitsett.
wick, and Trinity Chapters, all from lack of parental guidance. Many who ,
eluding band and P E, for the past
Last Thursday afternoon the girls
six weeks are as follows: Seniors—j enjoyed a wiener rost at the home of Salem. The Salem Chapter will furn­ I come theie are retarded in their edu- ; At the meeting of the Mill City
[.Carol Andreassen, Brooks Crosier, their leader, Mrs. Eldon Hutchinson.! ish the music and the entertainment cation, and some cannot even read. Boosters held at Verne’s Barber
for that evening.
Ralph Jull, Audrey Shaw, and Bill
| Housing ia crowded at the school Shop Thursday night, Hugh Walk­
Presiding over "good of the order” | _ at __ the
_ present
_____ _____
Steinfelt, who has straight l’s for
time. The
plant ____
was up was unanimously elected presi­
Mill City was unable to defeat the was Worthy Patron Floyd Johnson,1 built t(, house 212, and they "now have dent of the club, and Verne Shaw
the second time.
was elected secretary. They will
Junors—Camille Goble, Dorcas Hil- Scio Loggers in their baseball game who called on the visiting grand of- 273 at th* school,
Thursday evening, April 7, in the 1 ligoss, Shirley Moore, and Ellen at Scio Friday, dropping the game ficers to add less the members.
hold office for the coming year. Re­
high school. A musical program, un- Shelton.
Immediately following Chapter, a are in foster homes. The school finds tiring president is Charles Kelly,
6 to 5.
der the direction of Donald Person,
The Loggers made five of their runs short organizational meeting of the 1 they can pay for their care in a and the retiring secretary, Don
Sophomores—Annette Melting.
was presented prior to the business
Freshmen—Carol Cooke,
Anne in the fourth inning when Joe Shields new social club was called by Edna
meeting, at which Mrs. Richard Park­ Hirte, Lahny Podrabsky, and Naomi hit a double, and the locals made sev­ Hutcheson, chairman. Mabel Nelson foster home for less than it takes to | At this last meeting the group
er, vice president, presided. Election
was elected secretary of the group,
eral errors.
About 87% of the boys go straight discussed the free shows which are
of new officers was held. Richard Taylor.
with the following elected to serve on after being at the school, Mr. Reeves being given each Saturday afternoon,
Parker was chosen president, for the
for the children of the area. Th*
the nominating committee: Hallie To­ said.
coming year; Kenneth Martig, vice-
next meeting will be held Thursday,
man, Dorothy Draper, and Floyd
president; Mrs. John Watson, secre­
April 21 at Verne's barber shop,
tary and Mrs. Cecil Haun, treasurer.
when it is hoped that a better re­
Refreshments were served at din­
A ways and means committee ap­
presentation of the business firms
ing tables, attractively centered with
pointed included Mrs. G. B. Frost,
of the town will be present to assist
i bowls of yellow daffodils, forsythia,
Mrs. Darrel Crossler. A. T. Barnhardt. |
the new officers in their work for
I and primroses, flanked by yellow
Stanley Vail, Don Person and Mrs j
the year.
, tapers, with wide strips of yellow
Kenneth Martig. Following adjourn- I Tbe Mjll City pharmacy has taken counterdose, was shown to a dozen crepe paper running the full length
At the meeting of the Santiam Re- I
ment the ways and means committee ' ,pace ¡n this issue of The Enterprise women who had never even taken a of th* center of the tables. Serving
bekahs last Wednesday night, it was
met to make tentative plans to spon-
publicize what well can be termed first aid course.
on the committee were Edna Hutche­ announced that the May 4th meeting
Whenever more than one of these son, Elsie Völkel, Ruby Brisbin, and
»or a dance to raise funds, to be a rea| gervjce to the area and to the
will feature “homecoming,” with
given in the near future. The next | readers of this newspaper. It is a women expressed doubt over the Maxine Hill.
special invitation extended to former
regular meeting of the PTA will be chart showing what to do in case of meaning of a phrase or sentence, it
Decorating the large room, where,
held at the high school, Thursday, accidental taking of an overdose of was changed until the meaning was the yellow color-scheme was also car-1 members from out of town to attend.
Otto Koeneke was welcomed into) Attending the regular council meet­
evening. May 5, when installation of medicines or the taking of poison, immediately apparent to everyone.
ried out with large vases of forsy-
ing last week were Mayor Kimmel
In short the material in this adver­ thia and a low bow) of daffodills and the lodge as a member through de- j and Councilmen Arlo Tuers, Bob
officers will be held.
Read the ad on page eight of this
Refreshments were served follow­ issue, cut it out and paste it to the tisement, which should be used as a primroses, set off with hyacinths, posit of his card from Columbia Re­ Hill, Ed Cooke, Russell King, and
ing the meeting by the hostesses.
door of your medicine cabinet where chart, was written and designed for were Mel Robinson and Maiy Kelly. bekah lodge of Portland.
The meeting of the Three-Linka club Bob Veness.
j it will be handy for ready reference u-e by the average homemaker—not
for Tuesday evening was announced | “Clean-up” Week has been designat­
in case of an emergency. If you wish by a doctor or druggist.
Campfire Ceremonial to I by the president, Eva Duffy. The Re- ed for May 2 to 7, with a proclama­
It will be noticed that all of the
an extra copy, call at The Pharmacy
tion to come from the Mayor concern­
of in- Be Held at Next Woman's I bekah degree was conferred upon ing thia at a later date. Robert
where a supply is on hand.
A primary aim in preparing the gredienta that are found in every Club Meeting, April 19th
captain, and Mabel Veteto, degree Thorpe presented drainage problem*
t chart was to make certain that, in home. On the left hand side of the
captain, assisted by the officers. affecting those living in Lark ad­
The school board of District 21 J, I every detail, it would be instantly
Noble Grand Marie Stewart was in dition.
to any housewife or husband— which could be taken and also the ov­
Gates, has called a meeting of all
Discussion was held concerning th*
i nounces that the next meeting of the Charge.
patrons of the district for Friday,
Fifty members of Santiam Rebekah surfacing of various streets in town,
I club, Tuesday, April 19, will feature
April 15 at 8 p. m. at the high school.
a ceremonial of the Campfire Girls, Lodge were in attendance, with visit­ which is expected to be accomplished
Purpose of the meeting is to look distraught person, trying to help a exactly which remedy should be used who are sponsored by the group.
ors present from Lyons, Sweet Home, soon.
in each case.
over designs and plans for proposed spouse or child writhing in agony.
It was voted to purchase a two-
several from out of state.
The Enterprise is proud to have the
Technical Language Out
improvements in the Gates Element­
Attending the session of the Rebek- way radio-telephone set-up for the
Special care was taken to keep
ary school building. William I. Wil­
uled to begin at 7:30 p. m., with Vir­ ah Assembly of Oregon in LaGrande ”•* city police car, by which th*
iams, Salem architect, will be present medical or otherwise technical langu­ readers.
in May will be Ida Fleetwood, Dean patrolman will be in constant contact
Reprints of thia advertisement are ginia Hoeye, campfire leader, in
to explain the plans and answer ques­ age out of the instruction* and
with the tele-hone operator.
charge of th* program.
| Jackson, and Ruby Brisbin.
tions relative to the proposed building.
Teachers Hired
For Mill City
Merchants Free Show
Saturday Afternoon
Water District
Hearing Friday
Detroit Has New Snow
For Easter Sunday
Worthy Grand Patron
At Eastern Star Meet
Canyon Residents Meet
With Forest Service
Men at Idanha Thurs.
Scouts Have Successful
Easter Egg Hunt Sunday
Dale Reeves of Boys
School Talks to Lions
Hugh Walkup New
Booster President;
Shaw Is Secretary
Honor Students Listed
Gates PT A Elects
Officers for Year
Mill City Pharmacy Gives Info
To Help Curb Accidental Deaths
Santiam Rebekahs
To Have Homecoming
May 2 to 7 Set for
Annual Clean-Up Week
Public Meeting of
Gates People Called