Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1955)
I *- 8—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THl RSDAY, MARC H IO, 1955 NYLON YARDAGE 98c and SI .59 per Yard Ada’s Needle Shop Phone 2243 flours 8:45 to 5 P M. MILL CITY, OREGON Friday Nite Till 7:00 P. M. DELTAX RUG SPECIAL Now $4.95 8.95 19.95 Reg. Price $6.50 I 1.50 23.95 COMPLETE 363, Third Street HOUSE FURNISH^ Phone 6804 LOH COST QUALITY PRINTING Stayton, Oregon Depend on ut for •very printing need from a letterhead to a complex adver tising piece. Etti- mate» given request. Don t hesitate to ask us for advice on your nen printing job. Just call Illi Phone 2651 MILL CITY ENTERPRISE t Hunters Destroy More wiv n i Than 40 Mouse Traps £•¿¡11 Ends—For Forestry Dept. For .the scond consecutive year, dur ing hunting season, hunters and othei Thursday night a group of Odd visitors in the woods have shot up fellows are going to Stayton to visit or stolen more than 40 mouse traps lodge. They will take with them the used by the state forestry depart "dog house,” which they will piesent ment in determining the effect of to the Stay ton lodge. mice upon the amount of tree seed left for refoiestation. Marksmen have al Mr. and Mrs Martin Hansen left so sno[ shot holes in wealner weather equipment, for Longview Washington, last Tues- |pu]]e(j taKS off trees marked for cut- day to ®®nw^h Mrs. Hansen s mother and destroyed boundary mark- who is ill. They expect to return | ers. some time next week. During their Reseaich foresters also say that absence Mrs. Agness Allen is staying 1 traps in the Tillamook burn have been with their daughter, Sherry. ' re-set and the mice subesquently The Gaynighters dance club will caught in the traps have died “like rats'* from hunger. This loss de- again meet at Orville Downings on stropes the research value of the Saturday. An invitation is extended to all interested couples. The members experiment as each mouse previously ear-tagged for are planning on visiting the Jefferson trapped has been club Friday evening. The dance will identification, purposes. All mouse i traps used by the foresters are metal be held in the grade school gym. 3 by 3 inches by 10 inches and are Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Goodwin, known as “live” traps. By checking the eating habits and former residents here, but now of Springfield, were Sunday visitors at tiavel patterns of field mice, forest the Harry Harmon home in Gates ers have been able to determine the Sunday. While they were in Gates, best methods for treating mice prior their son, Raymond, visited friends to sowing the valuable tree seeds from low-flying helicopters. The helicop- in Mill City. i ters used by the Oregon foresters A small group of relatives gathered have been able to sow tree seeds at the Floyd Shepherd home Tuesday 2000 time faster than a man can plant I night to honor Mrs. Shepherd on her by hand and for one-third I the cost. . birthday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Foresters report that control of I Bill Shepherd, Mr. and Mrs. Milton mice and other rodents is i the key to ' Rhoten, Bobby and Barbara Jean and successful use of aerial seeding of Mr. and Mrs. Roebke. large deforested areas. 1 For half a ------------------------------ I century, foresters were aware that Rev. George Redden, the famous tree seed sown by hand or by airplane "pastor of the pines,” who has travel- ’ wou|d work but had no means of con- led 300,000 miles through the pines trolling the rodents. with the lumberjacks, will conduct In 1916, the Oregon State Board of special services in the Mill City and Forestry, used an old Stearman bi Mehama Piesbyterian churches for two weeks beginning March 23. plane, initiated the first successful seeding project in the Tillamook burn. Schedule of meetings are to be an- This seeding worked wmere orthers nounced. failed because an anti-mouse treat ment had been anplied several days Mrs. Ted Dorothy of Post was a before seeding, thus permitting the visitor at the Frank Blazek home the teed to germinate and grow into little past week. Mr. Post came here Fri | trees unmolested. Since that time, day, and spent Saturday night here, the Oregon technique has served as returning with his wife Sunday morn-I j a model and guide for other states and ing. The Blazeks and Posts took in public agencies. the tournament games at Salem Sat- Recently the Oregon research for- urday night, and visited their daugh- I esters, in a cooperative project with ter, Miss Carol Jane, who is now cm-j the U. S. Fish and Wild Life Service, ployed in Salem. , found that tree seeds treated with ------------------------------- I tetramenthylene disulpho tetra- Little Shirey Jean Stone, younger mine, commonly nicknamed “tetra- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie mine,' would still germinate, but Stone, was taken to a Salem hospital that mice eating them would lose their early Sunday when a high tempeia- appetities for seeds. They have also ture and congestion in her chest found that the tetramine treatment is caused her to be placed under an cheaper, produces more seedlings and oxygen tent. The little girl was much can be used on smaller areas than improved but still hospitalized o- the old mouse-control methods. How ever, foresters were shocked recently Tuesday. I Nursing Conference To Be Max Klinger Has Heart Held at Detroit, March 17 Attack at North Fork Home There will be a nursing conference with immunization held at the De troit elementary school Maich 17, be tween the hours of 10 a. m. and noon. All children entering first grade this fall should have booster shots and original smallpox, dipththeria, whooping cough and tetenus shots. The county nurse says this should be be done early by a family doctor or health department. Max Klinger is in Santiam Memor ial hospital at the present time as a result of a heart attack he suffered Sunday at the Lou Myers place on the Little Northfork. He was found on the floor uncon scious by Ray Sischo, who took him to the hospital, where he is getting along all right at this time. Mr. Klinger was taking care of the Myers place while they are on vaca tion in Mexico. A good reputation always proves to be good business capital. illUUlMlUli when they learned that both tetiamine and another mouse control chemical are not to be manufactured any longer. THURSDAY FRIDAY, SATURDAY Jerry Sez: March 10. 11, 12 For the best in Safety, Economy and Pleasure it’s Chevrolet all the way To try one is to buy one. GEORGE MONTGOMERY in BATTLE OF ROGUE Jerry Coffman Gene Teague Chevrolet RIVER STAYTON, OREGON —PH’S— ROBERT TAYLOR, DON'T DRAG INTO g VALLEY OF THE MARCH KINGS SUNDAY, MONDAY BEXEL SPECIAL FORMULA TUESDAY WEDNESDAY March 13, 14, 15, 16 3 BING CROSBY, DENNY KAYE, o Money Back Guarantee MILL CITY PHARMACY Prescription Service J. C. Kimmel Mill City Phone 6607 ROSEMARY CLOONEY VER \ ELLEN. In Irving Berlin's WHITE CHRISTMAS Vista vision—Technacolor 3 § 0 Sunday Shows at 5:00-7:30. Regular Prices Doors Open at 7:06 P. M. Complete show can be seen any time up to 8:30 *•» i Spring Clearance % Sale of i f I* Reconditioned and Guaranteed Ready to Roll for Miles of Trouble Free Service 1952 Dodge i Ton Pickup $795 1951 Chevrolet 2-Door $895 This pickup is in excellent condition and will give you lots of service. Completely reconditioned, guaranteed and refinished, radio and heater. See this one. « 1948 Chevrolet 5-Pas.Coupe $395 1950 Buick 2-Door $895 Reconditioned and guaranteed. Here is another one of our top, Spring Clearance Bargains. See us before you buy. Spécial Sedanette. Here is a honey. New tires and excellent condition. These are just a few samples of the many fine bargains you will find on our two used car lots during the Spring Clearance Sale. Models from 1941 to 1954 Take Advantage of This Terrific Money Saving Sale! 50 Cars and Pickups to Choose From « Easy Terms. Bank interest rates. Our Cars are Cle an> Reconditioned and Guaranteed. GENE TEAGUE Phone 2344 * CHEVROLET STAYTON, OREGON * 9 1 f ELEANOR PARKER, in «