THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24. 1955 Richard Verbeck, a student at OCE I Mr. and Mrs. James Smith and »-THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Allan, of Vernonia, were guests here at Monmouth, spent the weekend here with his parents, the Louis Verbecks. Sunday at the Hi Smith home. This is Richaid’s first year at OCE. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Stiffler and Mr. and Mrs. A. W . Toman spent j sons, were dinner guests Sunday at Saturday evening visiting in Salem the H. C. Stiffler home in Salem. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Murray I Hugh Walkup motored to Portland Sunday to take in a merchandising Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wall of Me­ I Trout. Sunday dinner guests at the show. hama are the parents of a son, born Toman home were Mrs. Toman’s par-1 to them at the Santiam Memorial Mt*, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Stevens, of Lyons. Other guests in the eve­ The Mill City Variety and Ada's hospital February 16. ning were Mr. and Mrs. Orville Vogt, Needle Shop are sporting new sun stop shades, put up recently by Pink Ma-1 Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kimmel motored of Albany. son, owner of the building. Creswell Sunday, where they visited Mrs. C. B. (Gladys) Trask, of at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Hoodenpyle. They also drove to Cot­ Fresno, California, arrived here Sat­ urday' evening to spend this week at tage Giove before returning home. the home of her sister, Mrs. J. F. Potter. On Monday, February 28, Mrs The Bob Trasks and the Al Parks Trask will leave with her sister-in- of Albany, and the Homer Thackers law, Mrs. D. B. Hill, on a plane trip of Mill Cit- and Enterprise, helped to the Hawaiian Islands, to be gone Lee Ross celebrate his birthday Sat­ a week. urday night with a surprise party at his home, arranged by his wife. Guests at the Frank Hunter home | Chuck Lovell left Wednesday for .Wednesday evening of last week were | Dearborn, Michigan, to spend about a Mr. and Mrs. Roger Nelson, Mr. and I It would be a pretty nice feel­ week going through the Ford plant. Mrs. Albert Toman and Mr. and Mrs. ing if you had an extra *10,1)00 He says he wants to see how the Fords D. W. Moffatt. The gathering was in cash, wouldn't it? Then you I are made. He is going both ways by to honor Mrs. Hunter on her biithday anniversary. Following pinochle, I could say to your wife: “I’m I air, leaving from Portland. birthday cake, ice cream and coffeeI going to put this money in the bank in a special account. We Mr. and Mrs. Orville Vogt and were served. won't touch it. If I die before children of Albany were Sunday vis­ you do, this *10.000 is for you Miss Leia Kelly spent the weekend i itors at the home of her parents, Mr. and the children. But if we and Mrs. John Angelsey. Mrs. Emma here from Oregon State college. On live to retire, we will use it our­ I Teters, who has been ailing for the Sunday, the Charles Kelly family and I selves. [ past four months, Was also a guest M rs. W. J. Robinson drove to Port-] land to see Mrs. Aaron Wolfe, whose ( there. Most of us do not have *10,- birthday anniversary it was. Mrs. [ 000 of spare cash But there is Wolfe, widow of a former pastor of On Sunday morning, February 27, something you can do. Through j Miss Ethel Bergland, secretary of the the Mill City Presbyterian church, is I a life insurance endowment [ Oregon District Assembly of God almost totally blind and in very poor policy you can have, if insurable I headquarters, Brooks, will be guest health. Her home is located at 5526 *10,000 paid to your family if [ speaker. The public is cordially in- N. E. 34th Ave., Portland 11. you die prematurely, or to your I vited. self in old age. The following item about a slumber Mr. and Mrs. Merritt A. Hamblin .party held at the Arey Podrabsky went to Seaside, California, to meet home for Judy and her friends was their son, Bill (Cpl. Wm. E. Hamb- unintetnionally left out of the paper. I ★ ★ I lin,) who was discharged from the Games were played and i efreshments I Army on his return from Korea on seived to Nancy Baldwin, Linda Lee, i February 18. Hamblins planned to Susan Jenkins, Sharon Hearing, Ma-1 I visit her brother, who operates the rie Baker, Virginia Urban, Ellen | Hoeye, Kartn Phillips, Karen Mar-1 | Auto Center at Seaside. Call, telephone or write shall, Gayle McCarthy, Kieth Ann Mr. and Mrs. John Frace and daugh- Croan and Claudia Bryan. JAMES I. POOLE | ters Linda and Claudia, were visitors Visitors at the home of Mrs. Ken­ j over the weekend at the Moffatt home. Special Agent | They came Friday night and left neth Crosier last week were Mr. and ! Sunday morning for »Lebanon, where Mrs. Russell Hoffman and two daugh­ j they visited Mr. and Mrs. Frace’s ters, who formerly lived in Mill City, NEW YORK LIFE uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Bob and have just recently returned from Nelson. Sunday dinner guests at the a Kaiser project in Australia. Addi­ MILL CITY, OREGON Moffatt home were Mr. and Mrs. tional dinner guests nt the Crosier Telephone 308 I George Lindquist, son Dean, of Clack­ ■ home one evening were Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Box 596 amas and Miss Leona Lamb, of Port- D. B. Hill. The Hoffman have gone to Oakland, California, where they will make their headquarters temporarily, until learning of a new Kaiser enter- pru e. --Mill Ends- WE LE YOUR LIFE INSURANCE... The Commercial Book Store Recent visitors at the Assembly of God parsonage were three of Pastor Vickers’ sisters and their families. They were: Mr. and Mrs. Bill Doolin of Dutch Flat, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hitchcock and two daughters, Pat and Linda of Falls City; and Mi. and Mrs. Carl Jaegler of Salem. Grandpa and Grandma Jaegler were “baby sitting” with their four grand- , children. It was the fitsst time in several years that so many of the I “Vickers clan” were together at one time. SALEM Has Everything for Your OFFICE NEEDS Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplie* 141 N. Commercial Street Phone 3-4534 Callers at the George Cree home the last week were Mr. and Mrs. Ward. Pyle of Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs. Frank | Gallagher and son, Frank Jr., Michael and Jerry of Lebanon, Mrs. Floyd Shepherd of Mill City, Mrs. Milton ’ Roten and daughter, Barbara Jean, [ of Mehama, all cousins of Mrs. Cree, i Others callers were Mr. and Mrs. C. j C. Burmister of Scio, Hollis Turnidge | of Cutler City, Mr. and Mrs. Orlie. Harris and daughter, Nancy and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson of Mill City. Two vacant residential lota in the ! Lark Addition to Mill City are being ! offered for sale by the General Ser­ vice Administration, as surplus pro­ perty These two lots, which are of­ fered separately, improved with wat­ er, sewer and power are in a good location. Bid forms and full informa­ tion may be obtained from General Services Adm., Room 126, Federal Office Building, Seattle. A limited supply of forms is also available at The Enterprise office for people wishing to drop in for them. YOUR SHOPSMITH WILL PAY FOR ITSELF ... WITH INTEREST! Your SHOPSMITH* Mork 5 starts saving you money the minute you stort to work with it! And, by the time you've finished a few of those do-it-yourself ond home improve­ ment projects you have in mind . . . your SHOPSMITH has paid for itself! THE INTEREST comes when your fomily and friends see the results! They will be amazed WORK FS LIKE MACIC p 1 K RABBITS Ibers y Ask us about Albors Rabbit Feeds end bench $269.50 SEEDS FERTILIZER FEEDS Grinding and Mining MACHINERY HARDWARE SEED MARKETING CUSTOM CLEANING PETROLEUM PRODUCTS HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES i«n..l Santiam Farmers Co-op KELLY LUMBER SALES Open Saturdays Authorized Shop Smith Dealer East Mil! City limits. Highway^ Phone S803 Phone 5024 l Stayton, Oregon FOLLOW When It Comes Io The Best Deal In FOODS Shop IGA For Everyday LOW SHELF PRICES A f Lore Sun,l’ine Kri,pv OI r Cheese2 49c Pound Jfallv Butter 59c Sliced Bacon °-5d 39c LIMIT FRESH Choice Navel 288 2 DOZEN Oranges 29 HILL TOP MARKET HAROLD KLIEWER Telephone 2744 MILL CITY, OREGON Free Delivery, 3 P. M. Daily Shop Your IGA Store and Compare FREE Ask us for details on how to win a BIG BASKET of Groceries ABSOLUTELY FREE AT OUR STORE