THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HE ART OF NATURE’S EMPIRE VOLUME XI MILL CITY, OREGON NUMBER 8 Detroit-Idanha Straw Vote Favors Mill City Mrs. Moberg Injured in Automobile Accident »2.50 A YEAR, IQc A COPT THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 21, 1955 Boom in Babies Means More Teachers, More Buildings District Ranger Guest Speaker j At Lions Club Mrs. Al Zeibert (Dorothy Downer) and her mother, Mrs. Moberg, were victims of a freak accident Sunday as each was driving her own car home from services at the Presbyterian 1 church. As they neared the Vera Clark place on the Linn county side of EST. ATTENDANCE the river, a bunch of dogs playing and I960 — 410,000 A. L. Forseth, ranger for the De fighting in the road caused Mrs. Zei ATTENDANCE troit district, sis the main speaker bert to applv her brakes suddenly to By Boots Champion 1953,— 290,000 at the Lions Club meeting at the Bank DETROIT—Approximately 90 citi avoid striking them. Mrs. Moberg, Cafe Monday night. He was accom who was following her daughter, was zens of the Detroit-Idanha area met not able to stop quickly enough and panied by Carl Juhl, timber manage at the Detroit school auditorium Wed her car was badly wrecked as it ment a sistant. nesday night, February 16, in a second In his talk Ranger Forseth stated meeting to discuss the feasibility of plowed into the rear of the Zeibert it was their aim to keep the forest making the canyon area a consoli car. ATTENDANCE Both occupants were taken to Sant on a sustained yield basis. They expect dated school district. 1940 —165,000 iam Memorial hospital in Stayton for to cut all timber the forest will yield The meeting was called to order by first-aid and examination. It was re and still maintain a steady crop, so 1940 1950 School Board Chairman Lee Hospon. potted that X-rays showed Mrs. Mo there will be no peaks and valleys in Hopson in opening the meeting an berg received two broken ribs and a Th«»« charts are based on material cootained in a ¡6 page booklet, ’ Better S.hools—Yoor Best Invest the economy of the area. It is their nounced that the school board by a broken nose, while Mrs. Zeibert suf ment, )u«t published by ibs Oregon Education association The abuse chart illustrates two facts of major desire to keep communities stable, motion was opposed to a Union High . fered chiefly from shock. importance to Oregon schools: That the birth rate in Oregon has been increasing rapidly since Xi'orld so there will be no boom towns nor School with Gates. War II and is still rising, climbing to a new htgh of 40,000 babies in 1953; and that school enrollments ghost towns. Hopson then turned the floor over ! will continue to rise (or many years Avtragt »(tendane» is expected to imrease Irem 290,OcO m The forest area here is slated for a to Supt. Snelling of Detroit, who! 1953-54 to a »out 410,000 in 1960. cut of 40 million board feet of timber presented the group with a synopsis , each year on a Sustained basis, how of what took place at the previous ( ever more timber may be taken out TOTAL CLASSROOMS NEEDED meeting, including figures on the cost , each year, depending on how much BY 1960 of education under the plan of con salvage there is from blown down tim solidation of the three districts, con-1 EXISTING ber and timber in buin areas. He said solidation with Detroit-Gates district, ' the forest service was planning a CLASSROOMS and with the Detroit Mill City district. I new survey of the area this year, and 1954 Guest Speaker Al Beck of the Ore this survey may increase the annual gon State Board of Education quoted cut. Sorseth stated that 160 million figures on the potential district wealth feet of timber had been taken out dur per child, in the districts and what is | At the last meeting of the North ing the past two years. This increase was costing to educate each high Santiam Chamber of Commerce held is mostly due to salvage operations school pupil. Figures quoted by Beck , at the Grange hall between Lyons in the Sardine Creek burn. He also to educate each high school pupil in j and Mehama, President Babe Ken stated that the Willamette forest was the three districts per year is as fol- nedy appointed Jerry Coffman, Me School building need« »re illustraied by this graph, which shows one of the largest timber producing lows: Detroit-Idanha »618.60. Gates hama, to see what could be worked that by I960, 3400 new classrooms will be needed in addition 6» forests in the United States. On a out in the way of a safety patrol the 12,000 elementary and high whool classrooms existing in 1954. $507.09. Mill City »613.62. Sometimes when salvage is being Estimated cost of this new construction, including tiles, major state wide average the cost of ed- for Detroit I-ake during the coming carried on in an aiea, it is impossible renovations and additions, will come to about »100,000,000 — or »428.56 ucating a high school pupil is fishing season. I to get to the timber without selling »20,000,000 a year for the next five years. as quoted by Beck. “So far those using the Lake have | some of the green timber to help pay Beck also made it plain that where been fortunate in not having any | for the construction of roads into the the plant could handle it, the cost serious mishaps,” said Coffman, areas. would decrease at the students in “and if we can get enough fellows More teashers are badly needed by Oregon school». Illustraiion Ranger Forseth was in the area creased. at the left show» that Oregon teacher training institutions turned several years ago when reforestation interested in forming this patrol we out only one-third of estimated requirements during the 1953-54 He also stated that when two or may bn able to keep the record on V was done by helicopter. He said they 400 school year. Remaining teachers had to be obtained from other more districts consolidated they would loss of life clean.’’ 1145 have to pay »100 an hour for this type states, or in many cases leathers were hired who did not meet ELEMENTARY TEACHERS assume the indebetedness of each Coffman says they will need sev- of service, plus cost of the seed. In normal certiliianon standards. TEACHERS other and would come under the eral boats and men to make this pro- AVAILABLE FROM ORE some cases an area to be seeded must NEEDED jurisdiction of one school board. GON COLLEGES, 1953-54 gram effective. So far Jack Glan- be baited with poison to control the In Hopson's opening statement af der of Stayton has offered the use lodents before seeding operations ter calling the meeting to order he of his boat for tfcis service on the I < an be carried out. This is done with referred to the assembly these four al Lake. poison wheat. The wheat is dyed ternatives— Anyone in the area who will be I green so birds are not so upt to be 1. Consolidation with Gates (Uni willing to sign up for part-time killed in the process. fied school district.) patrol duty, and anyone who has a Carl Juhl talked briefly on how the 2. Consolidation with Mill City boat th»t c»n be used is asked to forest service airives at a basic (V nifled School District.) get in touch with Mr. Coffman at price for bids mi stumpage. He also In competition with eight other 3. Union High school with Gates. Mehama. stated most loggers have been bid Carol seventh and eighth graders, 4. Keep the High school home and The North Santiam Chamber of; ding much higher than the minimum Newbi y Veness of the local grade school won Mill City will be host to the gtade bid price set by the forest service. pay higher taxes. Commerce is setting up rules and I Secretary <> State .at At the conclusion of the discussion regulations for those who use the *•’ .»ue’t„suPe,^r th® th* North first place in the spelling contest last school district ba.-ketball tournament Following their talks the men ans-> i Chamber of Commerce Wednesday, giving her the opportun in the new high school gymnasium, a straw vote was taken by secret bal Lake, 1 in ___ an ____ attempt wered questions from the floor. The . to keep . the Lake ^ant>am ity to enter the second stage of the meeting held at the Santiam Grange with tourney play starting with the lot to determine the future policy safe for the use of everyone. i were guests of Al Nesbitt, hall between Lyons and Mehama last annual Oregon Statesman - KSLM volleyball playoff between Mari-Linn 1 l speakers of the board. who had charge of the program for was Wednesday night. Newbry, among spelling contest. Placing second and Mill City. This game will start .The result of the straw vote was as the evening. Many Students Absent other things, told of the benefit of David Jones, and third place was won Friday night at 7 p. m. Stayton and follows: After the meeting several members Chambei s of Commerce to communi by Linda Morgan, each of whom will Turner basketball teams will play went to the Scout cabin to work on Consolidation with Gates 8. From School With Flu receive a certificate. toilowing this game, and then the Consolidation with Mill City 45. | The onslaught of attacks of in- ties. the project. The next competition for Carol was Mill City-Scio mix will follow. At the business meeting, presided Union high school with Gates 0. ! fluenza had almost reached epidemic over by President Babe Kennedy, the scheduled as the area contest, taking Keep high school at home 31. The winners of the Stayton-Turner proportions heie this week with one- group unanimously favored the es ,n all Santiam Canyon schools this Two votes were disqualified due third of the enrollment of c." the 71™ high Li„:. tablishment of three districts for side of Silverton and Aumsville, to be and Mill City-Scio games will play being mis-marked. | s-hool absent, and about 50 pupils of Marion county for the purpose of held at the Mari-Linn school in Lyons here Wednesday, March 2. The losers Annex 30,000 Acres of these games will play a preliminary the grade school on the sick list, electing state representatives. Geo. last night. Thursday the Detroit-Idanha school at 7 o’clock. elementary Tate, legislative chairman said there Hardest hit in the l’wo top placers in the semi-finals district was successful in annexing school was the seventh grade room Teams in the tournament are Mill By Mrs. Albert Millsap some 30 000 acres of taxable land to of Robert Thorpe, where 11 were would be a north district, a south will be privileged to enter the grand City, Stayton, Turner and Scio. representing the finals at a later date in Salem. Finals Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Hennes» have district and one their district. "among the missing.” One of his There will be a volleyball playoff sold their home in Linn County Just The group also will take in some 85 schools, inciuu- The Marion County School Bound pupils, Frances Nesbitt, was taken City of Salem, between Mill City and Mari-Linn. Marion county being in favor of. ing both Linn and across the river from Gates. Mr. and went on record as ary board approved Detroit’s re to Santiam Memorial at Stayton by The grade school Tigers were de Mrs. Henness have moved to Salem to quest for shift of the tract after a ambulance Sunday afternoon, when a contacting other towns in the county schools, and possibly a part of Yam for support of this proposition and hill county. The winner and ‘his or her’ feated by Stayton Friday evening,'. be near their daughter, Mrs. James hearing on the matter failed to pro-1 nosebleed accompanying the flu teacher will be the recipients of a 18 to 13. Stayton put up a tight de Wiltsey, at whose home Mr. Henness duce any opposition. The timber and ! could not be stopped. She was ex- then presnt it in Salem soon. fense and this coupled with Mill City’s has been since his discharge from the Jerry Coffman was appointed by dinner invitation in Salem. mining land located astride the I pected home by the middle of the Fiist prize in the grand finals is inability to hit, spelled the difference. Salem General hospital. Their de the president to see what could be mountain ridge between the North week. done about getting some publicity a »100 bond, second prize a »50 bond, Stayton led the entire game and parture from Gates will leave a void Santiam River and the Little North in the hearts of those who have known pamphlets out for the Lake area. It and third prize a »25 bond. held a 9 to 7 halftime lead. Fork west of Detroit has an assessed Annual World Day of them for so long. Both Mr. and Mrs. was planned toget them out for dis No Playoff for Tie valuation of »60,000. I Henness came to Gates with their par- tribution at the beginning of the fish- Only one of four major owners of, Prayer To Be Observed A playoff between the top teams, J ents, who were early settlers in this the 30,000 acres involved in the shift! At Fellowship Hall Friday ing season. Mill City ___________ ___ was ____________ and Stayton originally area, while children, and have spent been The Idanha fire hall has was on hand for the hearing. G. D. scheduled but it was decided that | most of their lives here. Mr. Henness, Myers. Mehama, said neither he nor | The annual World Day of Prayer chosen as the place for the March since both teams were entering the the “baby” of the Henne«s family will A. G. Franks, Ted Freres or the Wey-1 service will be held this Friday at 17 meeting of the Chamber. tournament it would stand as win observe his 92nd birthday annivers 2 p. m. in the Mill City Presbyterian This was the first ladies night to erhauser Lumber Co., Tacoma, would | ner take all. In other words the league The Mill City Timberwolves fin championship will be determined by ary in July. Next to his brother, L. protest the move which adds the last church fellowship hall. Three local he held by the Chamber, and a fair “T” Henness, who has passed the | pastors will participate in the pro sized crowd was present to hear Mr. ished out their Marion County B bit of privately owned Marion County i whichever team progresses furtherest century mark, he is Gates’ oldest gram. A colored film will be shown Newbry. Lunch was served by League schedule Tuesday night by de in the tournament. land to a school district. citizen. Up to about a month ago he the ladies of the Santiam Grange feating the Chemawa Indians 55-55. Appearing in favor of the shift were telling about World Day of Prayer. 18 Stayton has been hale and hearty, driving his Last year the day was observed in following the meeting. This put the Chemawa team in a Mill City 13 Lee Hopson, chairman of the Detroit F 2 Olson own car, tending his chickens and tie for fourth place in the league. Jones 5 board, John Meals, a member and Carl more than 119 countries around the Hedge 2 F 2 Webb growing one of the finest gardens in world. Everyone is invited to share Mill City led 28-25 at the half. Don Snelling, superintendent of Detroit 8 Anderson Fencl 1 C the cayonn. It is difficult for his in the local obseivance of this signi Lemke was high scorer for the night schools. 2 Kiene friends to picture him living on a city G ficant day. A nursery will be provid with 23. Doug Charles, with 14, was Kanoff 1 Bevier 4 4 Ward lot with idle hands. The home he just G ed for small children at the Presby- top man for the visitors. I Small Crowd Turns Out Final league Standings sold comprised a dwelling, farm build terian manse, which is located at the Mill City 55 45 ( hernia» PcU ings and seven acres, which was W L Gregory (4)__F........ _(8) Switzler For PT A Dance Saturday corner of Sth avenue and S. W. Linn 8 2 .750 purchased by the Gates school dist LYONS—The new fire and com Lemke (23) -------F _ (14) Charles Mill City A disappointingly small crowd at Place. 6 .750 rict, as an addition to the present Stayton 2 I jt Plant munity hall is progressing rapidly, Carey (14) ....... _C ........ (9) tended the dance in the new high Girl Scouts Make Trip 5 .625 school grounds. Mrs. Henness, only 3 ...G ._. (2) Umtuch Scio with all donated labor. The two-story Syverson (4) school gymnasium Saturday night, .500 a few years younger than her hus St. Marys 4 4 G (8) I.ane arranged by the Parent-Teacher As To Salem; Visit Lawmakers building is 30x48 with a concrete floor Crook (6) 0 8 .1X8) band, has as her hobby flowers, and which is large enough to accomodate Reserves scoring: Mill City—Cro Jefferson sociation. However, the few who at Girls of Girl Scout Troop No. 36, two trucks with a supply room in the sier (14); Chemawa--Paddock (4). gardening. Flowers of every variety, tended reported a pleasant evening. accompanied by members of the troop many of them her own propogation. Scout Troop Observes back. The lower portion of the build Music was furnished by a Salem or committee, attended the Monday Every fair day saw her outside in her chestra. The dance was held in the , morning session of the House of ing has a 10 foot ceiling and the Family Night Thursday yard among her plants. Her city lot balcony of the new gym. Refresh I Representatives in Salem, at which upper story has an eight foot ceiling. will soon be blooming, she could not “ Family Night ” was observed by The upper floor is of wood. The room ments were arranged by Mrs. A re y 1 time a bill was passed which had been live without flowers. The Henness the local troop of Boy Scouts and will be used for various community Podrabsky and her committee. All that | recommended by the Oregon Educa their parents with a covered diah din family and Davis family, of which affairs. There is also a tower for was lacking was the crowd of danc tion Association. ner st Fellowship hall last Thursday Mrs. Henness is a member, have done ers. Mrs. Howard Means, PTA presi ; The girls also visited a department drying hose. The siren will be placed evening. About 60 people were in at much towards the development of this were The Mill City Timberwolves atop the tower. dent, served as general chairman for j store, where they were taken on a tendance, including abodt 25 parents, community. I ne plan« weie drawn by Joe John successful in defeating the Detroit the affair. complete tour in connection with son, local contractor, assisted by basketball team Friday, and thus which was gratifying to the chairman earning their badges in Clothing. Vernon Kruse and Albert Stevens. Ma still held out hopes for a chance at of the scout committte, I>ee S. Ross. Drivers License Examiner They were also thated to luncheon by terials have been donated by Freres the Marion B League title. The score Assisting in arrangements for the Leg ion and Auxiliary To the management. Lumber Co., Etzel Lumber Co.; nails was 70-47. Mill City led 36-30 at the afair was Elmer ’Dutch’ Steiner, the To Be Here March 3rd Have Joint Meet Tonight them were Mrs. Means, Accompanying Mrs. Crosier, by Lyons Food Market and Baldwin’s half. In the third quarter they scoutmaster. A Drivers License Examiner will be The Mill City American Legion and , and Mrs. Hansen. Following the banquet, the Boy on duty in Mill City Thursday, March Clothing store; gravel by the Jung made 16 point» while Detroit made Legion Auxiliary will have a joint I 3, 1955, at the fire hall between the The Mill City fire department made wirth Sand & Gravel Co. One third only 4. Gregory was top point man Sc outs put on a typical scout meeting, meeting at the hall here tonight I hours of 9 and 4. so the parents could see exactly how lion of the plywood has been donated by with 18, followed closely by (ThursdayI at 8 o’clock, says Bob a quick trip Monday afternoon to the Persona wishing original li cenane it is usually done Everything wtn re the MAM Workworking Co., while the Lemke who made 17. Rice was high Clyde Hathaway home, located in the Oliver, Commander of the Post. enacted, all the way from the pledge or permits to drive are asked to file Mt. Jefferson Lumber Co., donated man for Detroit with 12. Riverview addition. The electric meter He is planning on getting a special applications well ahead of the schnd- The Mill City JV’s won the pre- to the flag, to the benediction. ............ ......... will box has caught on fire. There was »300 to help pay on the lot. speaker for the .......... meeting. There After the meeting, two comical I uled closing hour in order to assure Fire Chief is Ralph Hurst, with lim 41-26. _ joint "social gathering following j some smoke damage Saturday the be a joii Other scoring for Mill City were skits were put on by the boys. Games I time for completion of the required the meeting and a chili feed will be department was called to a grass James Phelps, Chet Grimes and Wd- license test. were played to conclude the event. liam Margin as assistants. Crosier 6, Ellingson 4 and Crook 7. served........................................................... fire on Kingwood road. Plan Safety Patrol for Lake During Season O 4 March C of C a Carol Veness Wins First In Spelling Contest Grade Tourney To Be Held Here Lincoln Henness' Sell Home; Move to Salem Wolves Defeat Indians Here Tuesday Night Work on Lyons Fire Hall Progressing Rapidly Timberwolves Take Game from Detroit