Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1955)
'.■J K ’ A' ~ ’ < • ^S r J s S*^ Tij TO 7—THE MILL ( ITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17. 195S Business Services Pets CLASSIFIED RATES CHIHUAHUAS—Puppies and grown ■>EE US when in need of T. V. An tennas and supplies. We handle a "on cents per hne each insertion. stock. AKC registered. Sam Engle, complete line of Philco television No advertisement accepted for less Phone Mill City 5807. 6p sets. 9179 and up. Stiffler Radio than 50 cents per week. and Appliance Co. Phone 3207 Mill Church bazaars, suppers, bake sales PARRAKEET SALE—Selling out all City. Iff ate. will be run under “Special An breeders and young. $3 and$4. Cages feed and supplies.—North Santiam FOR QUALITY JOB PRINTING See nouncements” classification with a minimum charge of 50 cents per in Aviaries, lli miles east of Gates, The Mill City Enterprise. Top Oregon. -At f sertion. Quality printing, priced right. Fast Count five words to the line in j service too. Phone 2651. Nights •odering your ad. Phone 2651, Mill call 905. City qr mail your advertisement to Miscellaneous The Mill City Enterprise. Mill City, • Lost and Found Oregon. FOR SALE—Used Maytag DeLuxe Ga- Range $98.00 LOST—Box of mechanics tools be tween Detroit and Chuck’s Fine USED 30 gallon Gas water heater. WOMEN WANTED STAYTON HARDWARE AND ' Foods. Name of Bankus stamped on MAKE EXTRA MONEY. Address, most of the tools. Finder please no FURNITURE tify Allan Bankus, 1889 Hemlock, Mail postcards spare time every Stayton, Oregon, Phone 2374 7 Lebanon, Oregon. 7p week. Write Box 14, Belmont, 10p Mass. THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE It is getting closer to spring but, it is still time to take precaution against cold. Your car will operate better if it gets regular servicing. Per Tear Marion-Linn Counties $2.50 Outside Marion-I4nn Counties $3.00 Telephone» 2651 or 905 IJ-TT US GIVE YOUR CAR THE CARE IT DESERVES DON W. MOFFATT Editer-Publish«! Pink Mason's Shell Service Station ★ DANCE ★ . RICHARDSON’S GAP 5 Mile» SE of SCIO SATURDAY NITE, FEBRUARY 19 9 P. M. to 1 A. M. WANT TO BUY TIMBER Phone 684 MILL CITY, OREGON TRY A TANKFULL OF T. C. P. SHELL GAS! NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING Sn>aU or large tracts Either cash or stumpage basis For Rent WINTER ISN'T OVER YET Entered as second cuts« matter No- veinbcr 19. 1944 at the post office al Mill City, Oregon, under the Act of March 3. 1879 STOUT CREEK MWB. GO. NOTICE IS HEREBY' GIVEN to the legal voters of School District No. 129-J, of Linn-Marion Counties, State of Oregon, that a SCHOOL MEETING FOR RENT—4 room modern home in 41 mile west of Mehama. Oregon 3tf of the said district will be held at Mill City High School on the 8th day of March, 1955, at 8:00 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of discussing the budget for Mill City. Call Roy Sterner, phone 673, Mill City or call at 207 N. W. FOR SALE —Kenmore washer, equip the fiscal school year, beginning July,!, 1955, and ending June 30, 1956, ^reinafter^set^for^h, amMo^votejmJh^^^E??!}!^!^^.-'*^^!!!!. a.. ped with pump. $50. Donna Asmus Alder Street. 8p sen, 2*£ miles east of Lyons on the FOR RENT—2 bedroom cottage, just old highway. Phone ULrick 9-2319. remodelled. Utility room, double 7P Schedule I—ESTIM ATED RECEIPTS AND AVAILABLE CASH BALANCES garage. C. M. Cline, 304 N. E. Total All Alder. Phone 1922. 7p FIREWOOD FOR SALE—Wood from Funds Estimated Receipts from M & M plant at Lyons. Cor« wood 4. County School Fund $ 5.446.50 FOR RENT—New 2 bedroom apart or log ends. Two or three cord 40,870.00 5. Basic School Support Fund ment at 824 S. W. Spring St. Back loads, $10.00 per cord.—Write Carl 440.30 Common (Irreducible) School Fund 6. Expenditure«« of 2 Fiscal of Meander Inn. For particulars Tonak, General delivery, Lyons, Budret Years Next Preceding the Total See Glen Shelton. 4tf Oregon. 44tf $46,756.80 Secondary Elementary Estimated Allowance Current School Year 19. Estimated Total Receipts Schools Schools in Detail Expenditures 8,030.00 20. Estimated Available Cash Balance FOR RENT—Furnished 1 bedroom 1 Detailed LOGS WANTED Grades for the Grades for the house. Furnished apartment in | Expenditures 9 to 12 Ensuing Current 1 to 8 Top prices paid. Six inch to 50 inch Horner, 21. Estimated Total receipts and available cash bal. $54,786.80 business district.—Nita Give for the Iuist School Year School 3tf I diameters in eight foot, or multi- I Schedule II—GENERAL FUND ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES Yearlv Year of the Phone 6142 Mill City. in Detail Year pies of eight feet. we also buy ITEM i-YtAr Fsrigd Jalda. FOR RENT—1 bedroom log house. stumpsge. GENERAL CONTROL City and located between Mill BURKLAND LUMBER CO. 1. Personal Service: Gatest Inquire at Chuck’s Fine $ 500.00 250.00 Turner, Oregon $ 500.00 $ 250 00 $ 500.00 .............. $ (1) Superintendent Foods east of Gates. Phone Mill Phone Turner 1125: Evenings phone 1,470.06 1,090.00 1,600.00 1,090.00 2,180.00 (2) Clerk 48 tf Turner 2562 or Salem 27826. •ity 5824. 700.00 25tf 1,000.00 (3) Clerical assistants 100.00 60.00 60.00 120.00 100.00 (4) Compulsory education and census FOR RENT—Furnished modern 1 bed 40.00 80.00 80.00 (5) Other services (Speakers, etc.) room house. Close in. Phone Mill Sawmill LOGS WANTED I 256.00 216.32 350.00 600.00 600.00 2. Supplies Top price* for Second Growth City 6703. 6tf 498.09 200.00 200.00 400.00 400.00 3. Elections and publicity 1,012.00 200.00 200.00 400.00 400.00 FOR RENT—One bedroom, complete STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. 4. Legal service (clerk's bond, audit, etc.) Vi west of Mehama. Oregon 51tf 150.00 379.25 300.00 200.00 350.00 — ly furnished cabins. Chuck's Fine 5. Other expenses of general control Foods, east of Gates on highway FOR SALE—Electric stove $20.00. $ 5.263.96 $ 4,915.66 $ 2,280.00 $ 4,900.00 $ 4,630.00 6. Total Expense of Genernl Control $ 2,350.00 22. Oliver Willis. 45tf Wood stove $10.00—Mrs. Joe No INSTRUCTION II. vak, Phone 3352. 8 FOR RENT—Twd bedroom modern 1. Personal Service: house 1 block west of grade school FOR SALE—Five tons of baled Al $ 3,700.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 3,700.00 $ 3,700.00 $ 1,850.00 (1) Principals on Douglas street. Phone 5972 after 110,000.00 77,000.00 40,000.00 89,720.18 117.000.00 (3) Teachers .......... - falfa hay, by the ton or by the bale. 9 p. m.—Arey Podrabsky, Mill 127.50 260.00 675.00 935.00 935.00 — i Elmer Klutke, Gates. Phone 7323. (4) Substitutes City. 3tf 500.00 (5) Special Education 7p i 1,430.00 3,620.00 2386.00 3,815.00 2,910.00 (6) Librarian ............. I i YOU CAN still cook tor $1.50 per I ........ 2,180.00 2,731.95 2,138.00 4318.00 (7) Clerical Assistants I moath on a modern automatic pro 90.00 — 50.00 200.00 260.54 10.00 I 2. Library supplies, repairs pane range: clean, fast, dependable. 540.00 3,855.1« 1,225.00 1,765.00 2,100.00 ........... 3. Teaching supplies KELLOM ’ S Call Sam Bridges, Lyons, 295; (also 1,050.00 672.70 135.00 - 1,185.00 1,205.00 ♦ 4. Textbooks heating, water heaters, refrigerat- ........ 1,000.00 500.00 1,500.00 1,560.00 1,684.89 5. Tuition to other districts » GROCERY tion, brooders and Norge appli 1,565.00 1,090.00 100.00 1,665.00 1,134.58 6. Other expenses of instruction * ances. 9tf $86,550.00 $49,423.00 $128.910.00 Meats and Groceries $135,973.00 $106.747.40 $105,642.» 7. Total Expense of Instruction ........ FOR SALE—‘Propane gas circulating OPERATION OF PLANT III. WB GIVE heater. Like new. Will sell for 1. ■Personal Service: $45.00.—Enterpise Office. 5tf NORTHERN PREMIUM STAMPS $10300.00 $11,600.00 $ 6,100.00 9 9,540.00 $ 5,400.00 (1) Janitors and other employees 1,400.00 1,200.00 2,366.2« 2,600.00 2,800.00 OFFICE FURNITURE and equip 2. Supplies .............. -- N.W. Alder St. & 7th Ave. 1,500.00 2,750.00 2,480.73 .3,250.00 1.760.00 ment, typewriters, addnig machines, 3. Fuel , 300.00 300.00 600.00 »>(81.00 256.95 calculators, cash registers, duplicat Mill City, Oregon 5. Water 1,200.00 1,200.00 2,400.00 1,605.9« 2,400.00 ors, safes, filing equipment. We sell, 4. Light and Power .... ........................ 75.00 100.00 175.00 150.00 206.31 rent, and repair. Bargains in 6. Telephone 350.00 350.00 700.00 700.00 287.21 used machines. Roen Typewriter 7. Other expenses of operation.................... ........ Exchange. 456 Court St.. Salem, tf $21,225 (Mi $ 10,950 $10,275 00 $19,700.00 $16,743.42 $17,118.18 8. Total Expense of Operation DR. MARK IV. MAINTENANCE \ND REPAIRS Real Estate $ 1,000.00 $ 400.00 $ 800.00 9 400.00 1. 'Personal Service: HAMMERICKSEN Repair, maintenance and replacement 2. FOR SALE—Six room house with REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST 620.00 740.00 1,360.00 3,050.42 1,360.00 (1) Furniture and equipment ............ utility room and wall furnace. Has moved his Mill City office 4.055.98 1,500.00 1,506.00 600.00 900.00 (2) Building structure -------- Large fenced yard in lawn with to Staytea in the Peat Office 600 00 600.00 1300.00 1,200.00 1,683.16 3. Upkeep "f grounds fruit trees and berries. 620 N. W. Building, 2nd Floor, tn the 900.00 500 00 1,700.00 1,400.00 Other expenses of maintenance and repairs . 4. Alder. Call 671. , 2tf Dr. Viator J. Myers office« $ 3,140.00 $ 6.260.00 $ 8,789.5« $ 3 120.00 $ 6,760.00 $12,967.63 Thursdays 1 p. m. to 6 p. ■- 5, Total ____________________________________ Expense of Maintenance and Repairs ________ REAL ESTATE HOME OFFICB: . ri XILI A R Y A > ; E NCI F.S t FOR RENT—2 bedroom modern house 1. Health Service: 813 W. FIRST. ALBANY in Mill City. 300.00 «00.00 600.00 300.00 $ 544.08 9 9 9 $ (1) Personal service (nurse, etc.) Glen Shelton, Broker 70.00 60.06 26.64 40.00 30.00 (2) Supplies and other expenses ....... Weet aide WiR City Ph. 2C$7 2. Transportation of Pupils: .■1.700 00 2,825.90 1,700.00 3,500.00 1,800.00 (1) Personal service----------- ------------ FOR SALE House, 2 rooms and bath. 2,649.18 1,300.00 2,600.00 1,300.00 2,600.00 <2> Supplies and repairs — — ---------- water Electric range, tabletop 450.00 402.98 200.00 250.00 480 M <4> Insurance .... ......... - ------------------- heater. Youngstown sink, electric 216.00 200.00 200.00 400 00 400.00 (5) Other expenses of transportation ____ „ refrigerator. Oil heater. Floor Other auxiliary agencies: 3. coverings. 100x100 corner lot. S. E. (1) School lunch Juniper and 1st. Ray Roberts, >p I 2,18X1.00 2,000.00 a. Personal service ................ 240.0« 100.00 b. Supplies and other expenses BUDGET I 1 New all weather SEALED BEAM installed and adjusted drive with 26% better vision in rain or fog ----- •------ SILVER SADDLE SERVICE STATION & TRAILER COURT Phone 903, Mill City. GATES TIRES and BATTERIES AUTO SUPPLIES Legal Notices NOTICE Personal property taxpayers are required to file an invoice as of Jan uary 1, 1955, with the Assessor for an assessment base. Assessment must be filed on or before March 2, 1955. Penalty provided after due date. Trucks and automobiles carrying State license plates and furniture in private homes are exempt. Trailer houses, licensed or un licensed, being used as a residence, and furniture in Hotels, Apartments, and Rooming Houses are subject to taxation. If yon have not received an assess ment blank, please notify the Asses sor's Office. ___ JOHN W. SHEPPARD, Linn County Aseesor. J27;F3-10-17-24 No. 15,925 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT I have filed my Final Account in the estate of Ray D. Johnson, deceased, with the County Clerk of Marion County, Oregon and the court has set the 28th day of February. 1955, at 9:16 o’clock A M. and the circuit court room as the time and place for hear ing objections thereto and the settle ment of said estate. ELEA JOHNSON, 'Administratrix of th* Estate of Ray D. Johnson, deceased. WALTER H. BELL, Stayton. Oregon. F3 10-17-24M3 Atty, for Admin. $ 3,890.00 $ 3,730.00 $ 7,620.00 $15310.00 $ 8.904.84 $ 1,000.00 412.00 4,400.00 1,930.00 $ 1,000.00 $ ot 575.00 5.400.00 1,008.00 $ 2,000.00 752.00 7,000 00 2,938.00 $ 1,973.39 817.6.3 I 2,111.20 5, Total Fixed Charge«__ VII. CAPITAL Ol TLAYS 1. Sites and improvement of sites ______ 2. New buildings — .................. — 4. Library books 6. Furniture and equipment ... 7. Assessments for betterments $ 7,742.00 $ 4,948.00 $12,690.00 $ 7,865.00 $ 9,531.08 9. Total capital outlays VIII. DEBT SERVICE—Non-Bonded 1. Interest on warrants ............. $ 1,080.00 4. Total Expense of Auxiliary Agencies VI. FIXED CHARGES 1. Insurance......... -......... 2. Student Insurance 3. Retirement................. 4. Social Security 340.00 2,600 OU 300.00 450.00 630.00 450.00 930.00 900.00 930.00 1,620.00 $ 8.252.44 $ 7,45234 $ 2,222.99 8,807.83 1,191.79 8,939.17 $ 750.00 $ 1330.00 $ 2,550.00 $16,161.78 9 $14,76039 151.84 __9 161-84 3. Totsl Debt Service—Non-Bonded $ 7300.00 $ 7,500.00 IX. EMERGENCY TOTAL SCHEDULE IIGENERAL FUND—Total Estimated Expenses, «»viaaKRa Item« I through IX________ ___________________ __________________________________________ $198,028.00 91^4963^6171JM538 9171.46MT Schedule VII__ SUMMARY OF ESTIMATES OF EXPENDITURES. RECEIPTS AND A VAILABLE CASH BALANCES, AND TAX LEVIES Total all Funds ESTIMATION OF TAX LEVY $198,028.00 1. Total estimated expenditures —................. ....... ..... ...... 54.786.80 Dated February 9, 1955. 2. Total estimated receipts and available cash balance« 3. 4. Amount necessary to balance budget Deduct deficit forwarded to next year $143341.20 0.00 5 Balance to be raised by taxation $143341 20 1 Amount of bonded indebtedness 2. Amount of warrant indebtedness on war rants issued and endorsed “not paid for want of funds.” 4. Total Indebtedness $225.200,00 NONE $225.200 00 Signed; EDNA F. ROSS, District Clerk Signed: HAROLD D. KLIEWER, Chairman, Board of Directors. Approved by Budget Committee February 9, 1955. Signed: JESS LEE, Secretary, Budget Committee .Signed: D. B HILL, JR., Chairman Budget Committee. Signed: EDNA F. ROSS, Di.trict Clerk. Posted thia February 14, 1965. 9