THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — VOLUME XI NUMBER 7 Supt. Morey Te Is of School Problem at PTA ____ ____ MILL CITY, OREGON GATEWAY TO THE HEART OE NATURE’S EMPIRE »2.50 A YEAR, JOj. A COPT THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 17. 1955 Daron Dierks Shows Slides of Hike To Top of Mt. Whitney Scio Loggers Chop Down Mill City Timberwolves in Close Game The Scio Loggers chopped down the Mill City Timberwolves At the Lions club meeting held Monday evening at the Bank Cafe, the in a heartbreaker here Tuesday night. The Timberwolves were program which »as arranged for by really hot in the first quarter, but seemed to have lost their Vernor. S. Todd, was the showing of steam in The remaining three periods of play. At the first quarter Featured speaker of the evening at! slides by Daron Dierks, elementary buzzer the local quint had built up a the regular meeting of the Mill City j school instructor. The slides were 23 to 8 lead, and Mill City fans wer« Parent-Teachers’ Association in the taken by Mr. Dierks w hen he and .two starting to relax and feel that th* high school auditorium Wednesday companions hiked to the top of Mt. boys were hitting and that the gam* evening was Merlin Morey, Superin Whitney last summer. He stated it was on ice. i «1 tendent of the Union High school at took seven and a half days to com The steady “sawing” of the logger« Stayton and President of the Marion plete the 150 mile hike. The slides i The Grade School Tigers complete- began to tell in the second quarter County Chapter of the Oregon Edu I were in color and gave members some I ly outclassed a taller Scio quintet and they had pared the 'Wolf lead cation Association, whose topic was idea of what it would be like to make I Fi iday evening as the visitors failed to 10 points at the half, the score be the trip. Mr. Dierks stated theie was “School Legislation.” Ito devise a defense to stop David ing 31 to 21. Mr. Morey, with his fluent manner a good trail all the way. There are In the third quarter Scio began hit Jones and Gary Bevier. Jones col many lakes i nthe area where it is a c,f speaking and keen sense of humor, ting the hoop from far out in th* lected 10 points in the last half for a made an oidinarily dry topic contain I simple matter to catch the limit of ■ total of 16-, Tom Fencl played a fine “woods" and piled in 18 points while ing many statistics, extremely inter tiout in a short while. the Wolves only garnered nine points, backboard game for the winners. esting to his audience. He stressed Jim Poole won the piogressive auc Stayton Grade thus ending the third quarter 40 to 39. Mill City plays at ihe need of more school buildings and tion. Several of the members went to In the final quartet the Loggers school next Friday for the last league more teachers in the present situa the Scout cabin to work following the managed to make 10 points and th* game. tion of increasing population through meeting. 15 Scio Wolves only nine, thus ending the Mill City 34 out the school. Mr. Moiey especially 1 Strong game 49 to 48 in favor of Scio. F Jones 16 complimented the local PTA for its This gibes the Loggers top spot in 7 Kelly F Hedge 4 program of raising funds toward 4 Eastman the Marion B League. The Wolves C Fencl 2 teacher scholarships at Normal i Kanoff 1 1 J Shindler have only two more league games this G schools. The goal here is $100 for G T. Shindler season. Friday they play Detroit Bevier 9 that purpose. 2 Foote there and Tuesday, February 22, Bodda 2 During the business meeting, con Chemawa comes here for the final Volleyball Crown Girls Cinch ducted by Mrs. Howard Means, presi game of the season. The girls won their seventh straight dent, the following were appointed This gives the Loggers top spot in game to sew up the volleyball champ Governor Paul Patterson officially proclaimed Feb on the nominating committee: Mrs. ary in a close contest. The score was ionship for the league.. The girls de ruary 13-19 as Advertising Recognition Week in Oregon. A. E. Nesbitt, Don Moffatt, and Mrs. i feated Scio 44 to'23 Friday evening 42-39. Observance of the Week is a national affair. “Advertis Joe Fencl. O'Reilly, was high point man of th« after holding a slim 22 to 15 halftime Membership chairman. Charles ing,” says Governor Patterson, ‘“is cne of the great game with 20 points. Don Lemke led I lead. Mavis Towell led the winners Kelly, reported that there are now j The Mill City-Gates area turned the Timberwolves with 15. moving forces in our productive econom. today. It bene with 11 points. 160 members, the largest enollment in 1 out in droves Friday and Saturday to 49 Sci* fits everyone by bringing us more of the good things in The gills have one game remaining Mill City 48 history of the local oiganization, and I take advantage of the service offered Gregory 11 F 6 Dair» life at less cost." Present at the signing of the Governor ’ s and since the nearest competitor has that the high school and grade school when the mobile X-iay unit from Linn Lemke 15 HI F Manley lost two games, Mill City is a cinch proclamation was John W. Fitting, left, vice president county were here for a two-day stand., teachers have joined 100%. Carey4 20 O’Reilly C for the championship. of the Oregon Advertising Club, Portland. Discussion was held concerning the j A total of 1,707 took advantage of: Melting 10 G 9 Badger benefit dance which the PTA is spon- ( the free chest X-rays during the time Crook 4 G 4 Slover soring on the night of Saturday, Feb-1 the unit was here. Several from I Broojts Crosier made four points. ruary 19 in the new gymnasium, i the Lyons area also took advantage j Those on the committee include: of the opportunity of the X-rays. This Family Dinner Marks 59th Vernon Todd, tickets; Mrs. Arey 1 turnout was considered by authori Podrabsky, food; Charles Kelly, pub- | ties a splendid turnout for the area, | Wedding Anniversary for licity; and Howard Means, orchestra. which has an estimated population of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gooch 2,500. The public is urged to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gooch, Sr., wer* It was announced that “Father’s, This survey, most comprehensive | Quick action by Frank Hunter, with Night” will be held at the regular! of its kind ever attempted in Oregon, DETROIT—Mrs. Evan Firestone Bonneville Power Administration a hand fire extinguisher coupled with guests at a dinner at their home in meeting in March, the fathers to furn was prompted by the h gh number chairman for the Detroit district re- today announced opening of bids for quick response by the fire department honor of their 59th wedding anniver ish both the program and refresh of positive reactions to recent tuber ports a total of $102.37 collected in the construction of the 22.5-mile De- i extinguished a blaze at the Silver sary. Their anniversary falls on th* ments. culosis skin tests. Since last summer Detroit. Detroit area has a population troit-Santiam 287,000volt transmis- Saddle Garage, which may well have 12th, but the dinner was held Sunday At the close of the meeting, re five residents of this and surrounding | of 274. A dance sponsored by the ■ion line No. 2, a 1.1-mile Joop to the destroyed the entire setup. The fire to enable out-of-town guests to be freshments were served in the recrea ditrict have become patients at the FOE Auxiliary and held at the Spar Lyons-Lebanon 230.000-volt line, a started about 1 p. m. Wednesday. Mi. present. Those who were present to con- tion room by the mothers of the i State TB hospital in Salem. Cafe in Idanha January 28 yielded 24.5-mile Santiam-Chemawa 230,000- Hunter and another party had just second graders. Results of the Xr*y test will not $50.90. i volt line, and installation of tower t^en in the garage a tew minutes be- grutulate ■ Mr. atid Mrs. Gifoch wer« be know for some time. The Civic Club sponsored a show signs. l fore and everything seemed in order. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gooch. Jr., of Rumors that some food handler in and pie auction and contributed Midland Constructors, Inc., Hunt- Shortly after as the men were stand Sweet Home; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gooch, and daughter, Twyla, and Mrs. I the city was the cause for the spread $29.92. Tubes placed in the business ington Park, California, with a bid ing outside talking, the blaze was of TB was proved untrue by health establishments raised $21.55. The of $509,924 on all schedules was the noticed. He immediately got a hand Maty Russell of Salem; Mrs. Bessi* authorities. balance was received from individual apparent low bidder, said L. A. Moore, extinguisher and was able to keep Bassett, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Olson donations. acting district manager, Eugene. Se the fire in check until the department of Salem, and Mis. Sylvia Duncan, who is making her home with her The Detroit-Idanha grade school, cond and third high bidders on all got there. Lyons Couple Escapes parents. through its March of Dimes activities .schedules were Smith Brothers and _____ ____ _ At the time of going to press the Len Young, 64, of Gates, died Fri- Both Mr. and Mrs. Gooch are in Cleghorn, Vancouver, j extent of the damage was not deter- ”.ay morning, February 11 at a nurs Serious Injury When Car raised $104.45 which adds up to a Field and Clegboin, grand total of $806.37, for the Detroit- j Washington, $514,828, and F. E. mined. Mr. Hunter received a burned the best of health, and looking for ing home in Albany, where he had Overturns Near Salem ward to celebrating their doth wed Idanha district. Wilder, Olympia, Washington $525,- hand, while working on the fire. been confined for several months foi- ding anniveisary next year. LYONS — Mr. and Mrs. Foriest Ny- 496. .owing surgery a\ the Veterans hos Moore indicated award of the con Faith Rebekah Lodge Gives pital in Portland. His death came fol degger escaped serious injuries Wed- tract is expected within the next 30 iowing a long period of illness, which | nesday morning enroute to Salem Farmers Union Members days. The work will represent one of To Polio and U.N. Funds »•as the result of a serious injury re I when their car struck icy pavement ¡the laigest transmission line con ceived in a logging accident years ¡and oveiturned neat the Cottage Have Hard Times Party LYONS—The regular meeting of struction jobs in the Willamette val Ago. Services were held at Weddle i Earm. They were accompanied by Mr. MEHAMA—The basket social and ley this year. Faith Rebekah lodge was held Wed Funeral home at Stayton and he was I and Mrs. Leo Bowers. hard times party given by the Me GATES—Members of the Gates nesday evening, February 9 with rnried at Bell Crest cemetery in Sa The women who were riding in the hama local of the Farmers Union, Roberta Longnecker, noble grand, Fire district and volunteer firemen , back, seat were thrown from the car, lem beside his son, Curtis, who pre Friday evening, February 11 at the presiding over the meeting. The regu met in the fire hall Tuesday evening ceded him in death. Military services | landing in the ditch with the car on Women’s club house, was well at lar routine of business was carried for their regular weekly meeting. were held at the graveside by Mill City | top of them. Mrs. Nydegger was the tended and a good time was enjoyed. out and reports of various commit The District boaid voted their ap ' only one to receive injuries. She was American Legion post No. 159. A short program was given after tees heard. Marion Pennington, who proval of the purchase of 650 feet of Leonard Earl Young, was born taken to Salem General, where she which the baskets were auctioned. was unable to attend when the new new fire hose, which will cost $800. March 7, 1890 at David City, Nebras I was hospitalized and Xrays showed After supper a movie was shown and Saturday the fire siren was con officers were installed, was installed ka. The family moved to Gates in several broken ribs, as well as other bingo was played. Many varied and nected with the phone service and as warden. biuises. She was able to be brought 1919 and have since made' their home I interesting costumes were worn by It was voted to give a donation to I now in case of fire the operator may One hundred twenty-eight guests there. He is survived by his widow,' home Thursday evening. those present. A fortune teller was the polio fund, and also the United, be notified and she will blow the a daughter, Mrs. Frances Heath, one j another feature of the entertainment. I signed the guest book at the recent ! Nations fund. At the social hour siren. A button has also been placed | “ open house ” honoring the 100th granddaughter, three brothers and a Good Time Had at First They money raised was to go into dainty refreshments were seived, car- on the outside of the fire hall which e ster, who lives in Nebraska. He was the general fund to help meet the birthday of Mrs. Ida Geddes, given . rying out the Valentine motif in the may be used by anyone knowing of Legion Auxiliary Hen Party | in the Presbvterian church Fellow- a veteran of War I. budget for the year. I table decorations. Celen Taylor, Lois. a fire. Signals have been agreed I ship hall Wednesday, February 9. The first Hen Party of the A- I Myers and Zona Siacho were on the upon which will give the location of Noted among signatures of those merican legion Auxiliary was fav ! committee. the fire. For noon and the call of th« 1 from out-of-town were the following: ored with an exceptionally good turn-. firemen to meetings one long blast Mr. and Mis. F. Grant (« nephew) of out at the Legion hall Monday night, j will be blown; a blaze here in town, Springfield; Dr. and Mrs. David J. Entertainment was provided at pin-1 one long and a short; on the Linn Ferguson of Pratum; Georgia Shane, ochle, canasta and bingo tables, with County side, two longs; Marion Coun Matilda Siegmund Jones and her punch and coffee being seived dur-j ty, three longs. Residents aie asked sister, Mrs. Rossiter, of Salem; Reta IDANHA—Jerry Pittam. chairman ing the evening. Prizes were awarded ( to keep the signals in mind. Boles and Maude Renniger, of Al Irene Podrabskj", taking high in pi- ' t ' the March of Dimes drive for the bany; Mrs. L. J. Bennett, and Bertha Saturday night, February 19, from City of Idanha reported a total of nochle,, and Nelda Humphreys high i This week the highway department [ Shepherd, of Portland; Grace C. ¡9 to 12:30, marks the time of the Mehama Ladies Aid Have in canasta. Mrs. Tex Agee won the $600 was collected in the district. has a crew of men working on a pro Marquam of Eugene; Mrs. Belle Haw- benefit dance in the new Mill City There are 440 persons in the Idanha door prize. At 11 the ladies turned i ject which, when completed, will en | kins, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reed, high school gymnasium, sponsored Work Day at Church their attention to a buffet supper in MEHAMA—The Mehara Indies’ district, according to the last census. hance the beauty of the highway en and Mrs. Del Harrington (Ethel Ma- ! by the Parent-Teachers’ Association. Aid met at the church Thursday for The drive began January 23, and which open-faced sandwiches, a var- trance to Mill City. | son) and small granddaughter, all Furnishing music for the affair will an ail-day meeting with a pot luck ended Monday, January 31. A dance iety of salads, and chips ’n dips were The crew is removing all the rocks from Silverton. I be the “Jumping Jacks,” from Salem. dinner at noon. It had been planned And pie social held at the Spar Cafe served. i left by construction of the approach The namo of L. T. Hennes« of Gates 1 Refreshments will be served. Hostesses were Joan Cauble. Mar- i and will haul in top soil. When this is to spend most of the day painting; Friday, February 4 yielded $250. The j was followed by the notation, "106 All proceeds from this dance will but it was decided to take advantage ie Stewart and Louise Oliver. The re I event was sponsored by the American completed it is the plan of the de years, 6 months, ” his presence adding go toward PT A scholarships to norm legion Auxiliary, the Wiilirfg Work freshment committee was headed by partment to plant the roadside bank greatly to the interest of the day; Lil al schools, the local organization mak of some volunteer labor for the job. Veda Rynearson and Ethel Nygaaid. with ivy. Some cleaning was done but most of ers club and the Firemen. lie Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davis, and ing an annual donation of $100 for the time was spent in sewing. Th« The Rod and Gun Club contributed Attending the bingo table were Doro Mrs. Lincoln Hennes, also of Gates; this cause. new year books were given out to $130 (pot luck luncheon) and $31 thy Vail and Joan Cauble. Alta Bodeker, Elmer Hiatt, Eva Bres- In a recent letter from the Oregon , those present. Some discussion was Not only was the “ Hen Party" a was collected from the tubes placed Lucky 12 Pinochle Club ler, Alice Huber, Inez Rinz, Garnett Congress of PT A, the local group was held on the floor coverings for tit» :n the business establishments. The successful gathering, but the Auxil Ba-sett, and Mrs. Harley Scott, all of complimented for helping furnish kitchen but nothing definite was de ralance was by business firms and iary members were well satisfied with Entertained at Agee Home Lyons; and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Roten education funds for elementary cided. the funds raised for the purpose of »dividual«. Nice going. Idanha. teachers, who are so badly needed. In child welfare. I»uise Oliver, presi- ’ The Lucky 12 Pinochle club was en and two children of Mehama. Mrs. Ray Roberts and Mrs. Chris spite of the fact that enrollment in M< Donald were hostesses for the day. dent, emphasized the fact that the | tertained last Thursday afternoon by teaching education is up a little, the The next meeting will be an after- ’imberwolves Win Game proceeds will remain here in the com- ' Mrs. Jess Haywood at the home of Square Dancers to Invite shortage continues to grow because of , noon meeting, and will be on Feb. 24. Mrs. Tex Agee. A 1 o’clock dessert munity to aid local families in need- At Jefferson Friday Night Mrs. Kenneth Chance, chairman of luncheon was served by the hostess large enrollments. Guests for Next Meeting before play began. High score was the party committee, reports that the Boy Scout Pot Luck Supper The Mill City Timberwolves al The Gaynighters square dance club most lost their shirts when they I .eg ion Auxiliary hopes to continue I won by Mrs. Kenneth Chance, pin Scheduled for Tonight at 7 ochle prize by Mrs. Arey Podrabsky, met at the Orville Downing place Sat rlayed the Jefferson Lions at Jeffer the parties semi-annually. The Boy Scout pot luck dinner will and low score was held by Mrs. Frank urday evening for their regular son Friday night. They did marage be held tonight '(Thursday) at Fel- Thi« week we receired a letter from Merrill. twice a month dance session. tn win with a close 55-56 score. This lowship hall of the Piesbyterian Attending the party, besides Mrs. Al Nesbitt took moving victures of win kept the local quint i na first place Mr«. J. A. Wright of Miami. Florida. Mrs. Wright at one time lived at Haywood and Mrs. Agee, and those the group. The next dance night will All businesmen of the city are urged church at 7 o'clock, says Lee S. Ross, ■ e with Scio. chairman of the event. Jack Melting was top scorer with Detroit and waa a correspondent for already mentioned were Mrs. Arthur Satuiday, February 26. All couples arc to attend the Boosters meeting at All scouts and their parents are 74 points. Lemke and Carey each The Enterprise during the time the Kerr, Mrs. Clara Wirkalla. Mrs. asked to bring guests for this night. Verne’s Barber shop tonight (Thurs invited and urged to attend. There Blazek, Mrs. Charlie Stewart, Any couples intA-erted in square day) at 8:00 o’clock sharp. Committee hit the hoop for 12 points and Gregory paper was publi«hed by the Charley Frank will be a display of articles the scouts Mrs. Jess Lee, Mrs. Jack Duggan, Wolverton«. She stated she enjoyed dancing, are asked to get in touch reports wit! lie heard at this time, and -alked up seven. have made this year. Other entertain The Jayvees lost the preliminary getting the paper to see what is going and Mrs. Melbourne Rambo, who was with the George Veteto’s at the Nu- other business of interest to all ment will also be provided. a guest. on here. Method Cleaners. will be transacted. Came to the Jefferson Bee- Mill City Grade Team Defeats Scio Quint Chest X-Rays Taken Fri.-Sat. Quick Action by Fire Department Saves Detroit Makes Good in For Polio Money Funeral Services Held For Leonard Young Gates Fire District Buys New Fire Hose One Hundred Twenty- Eight Sign Guest Book At Geddes Openhouse Idanha Collects S600 In Dimes Campaign Highway Department to Landscape Highway Approach to Mill City PTA Dance To Be Held in Gym Saturday Boosters to Meet Tonight at Verne's