L 5—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THl RSDAY. FEBRl ARY 3. 1955 Mrs. Bertha Dickie, former em­ ployee at Viv’s Steak House is again back on the job. INSURANCE Miss Nona Sane, of Portland, was a weekend guest at the Charles Um- phress home here. ★ * Have you planned your life in­ surance policies and savings so as to make certain that they can do the things you really want them to do? For example, suppose you should die before your time, Have you arranged for cash for final ex- penses . . . cash to pay off the mortgage on your home . . . a comfortable income for the first year or t»o during the difficult readjustment period ... a some­ what lower income until the child­ ren are grown . . educational funds for the children . . a minimum life income for your widow ? Have you really PLANNED your family security? Por full infirmation about plann­ ed security — Call, Telephone or Write JAMES I. POOLE Special Agent NEW YORK LIFE MILL CITY, OREGON Telephone 308 P. O. Box 506 Rev. Harms, superintendent of the California Evangelistic Asso­ Mr. and Mrs. Verne Shaw, Craig ciation of the Northwest will be heard and Mrs. Bessie Bassett were Sunday as a special speaker at the Commun­ dinner guests of the Elmei Shaws. ity Church Ftiday evening at 7:45. Rudy Tohl and Mrs. Ruth E. Witt, Mr. and Mrs. James K. Harris are were in Bend Saturday afernoon and back in Mill City again after being evening to take in the dedication of away for about five months. Mr. Har­ the Elk’s temple there. ris has been employed by the AEC plant and the two have been living in Spending the weekend at Road's Kennewick, Wash. They returned End on the coast weie Mr. and Mrs Tuesday. D. B. Hill. Mrs. J. F. Potter, and Mrs. W. W. Allen. Mr. and Mrs. John Muir, daughter, I ______ Shereen, ,__________ and Darlene __________ Underwood, r__ mo- ’ Mrs. Lee Bassett and daughter, | tored to Portland Saturday night and Rosalie, were in Salem Sunday where I weie guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack they visited Mrs. Bassett’s parents, Stevens. John attended a State Ex- Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Shepard. ecutive meeting of the American Le- gion while in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Don Moffatt, and son. Brian, were visitors in the Gresham Visitors at the George Cree home area over the weekend. They were this past week were Mr. and Mrs. guests of their son-in-law and daugh­ Arlie Harris and daughter, Mrs. I ter, Mr. and Mrs. John Frace. Gladys Mason, Mrs. Laurell Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott, accom- | Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cree and Betty Lou and Mrs. Lynn Lambert, and panied Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stevens | of Lyons, to Toledo Sunday, where [ daughter, Wilma, of Lyons. they were dinner guests at the Melvin . LaVine home. Mrs. Florence V. Mayberry, teacher and lecturer for the Baha’i World Dinner guests at the Melvin Wilkin­ Faith will speak at a Fireside, Fri- son’s were Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Ship- i day, Febiuary 4 at 8 p. m., at the man and children, from Salem, and 1 home of Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Martig, Mr. and Mis. Bill Lee and their | Gates. The meeting is open to the youngsters. public and all interested persons are invited to attend. Mrs. Mayberry in Mr. and Mrs. Al Zuber report the private life is a wi iter of short stor­ birth of a son, named Thomas Martin, ies, radio scripts and articles. She is1 born to them in Salem last week. The I past president of the Santa Paula, Zubers were former residents here, ] Calif., Chamber of Commerce and of moving to Salem last spring. the Business and Professional Wom­ en’s club of that community. Chief of Police Meader this week I says he has a good red male Cocker Spaniel at his place. He will gladly | give the dog to its owner if he calls I for it, and ¡f it is not called for by Saturday, he will have to dispose of it. Gooch Logging Supply • k Everything for toe Logger BASSETT’S WELDING SHOP Phone 116 Phone 1141 Branch Store at Lyon« Sweet Home, Philomath Qualify Meats and Groceries OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK FOOD LOCKERS FROZEN FOODS MILL CITY MEAT MARKET FEBRUARY SPECIALS Dish towels , each 20c 5 for 98c Hand Towels 39c Nylkara Yarn, 50% Nylon, 50 % Yicara Regular 49c SPECIAL 39c PILLOW SLIPS 1.29 I LOT USED BOOKS 25c each VALENTINES Icto25c MILL CITY VARIETY HUGH and ALICE WALKUP, Props. ATI Bob CmphreNH, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles L’mphress, arrived in Mill City Thursday for a short fur­ lough from his base at Kingsville, Texas. He has been teaching radar at the Texas base. SHOP EVERY DAY IGA 59c FREE Ask us for details on how to win a big basketful of groceries absolutely FREE at our store. Stephen Todd, son of the Vernon Todds, returned to his studies in Miss Prichard’s second grade loom Monday, following almost two week’s absence due to a tonsilectomy and other complications. Mr. and Mrs. George Cree have re­ ceived word that their daughter, Mrs. | Arthur O'Rourke (Crystal) of Ukiah, I Calif., was taken to Stanford Hos-; pital in San Francisco last Thursday ' for major suigery. Mrs. O'Rourke | was here 12 days during her mother’s din ess.She is a former Mill City girl. I V w r Mr. and Mrs. Dub Stewart were hosts Sunday to a group of friends 1 and relatives. Their guests were Mr. land Mis. Jim Brawshaw, Mr. and | Hank Boyd, from Salem, Mr. und ’ Mrs. Jack Stewart and daughter from I Scio and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barney I and daughter. { Mr. and Mrs. Richard Freeman and ' the children attended the Convention i of Christian churches held Sunday at I the East Side Christian church in Al- I bany. Mrs. Frank Bass and Miss Alice | Smith went as visiting delegates from I i the Cascade District Sunday School Union last Sunday to the Lyons Methodist church and Sunday school. The two women urged participation of -the Sunday school in the District 1 Union metings. They reported a j friendly spirit in the church and a I i warm reception of their invitation to the Sunday Schoo] convention being . held April 17. An interesting program was pre- ' | sented by Miss Marion Pesheck’s first grade, Mrs. Bentley’s second grade, and Miss Sigrun Grimstad’s third grade in the elementary school gym- I nasium Friday night. The first two grades presented “A Visit with Moth­ er Goose,’ with many individual characters from Mother Goose ap­ pearing in costume. The music for the production was in charge of Miss Alice Smith. Presented by the third grade was an Indian War Dance and a •'lay, entitled "The Brave Little I Mole.” HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN We will bet it has been longer than you think since you changed the Oil in your car or truck. i POUND IGA SUNNY MORN COFFEE 79 'GA Mill IQ Cans Cl Shortening IGA Sno Kreem 3 lb. can 69c Have you given your car or truck a good thourough greasing lately? If not, why don't you stop in today . . . right now while you are thinking about it? IGA Wieners lb 39c We'll give your equipment expert care, Eddie's Associated Station Highway 22 at 7th Street Phone 542, MILL CITY (@D HILL TOP MARKET HAROLD KLIEWER Telephone 2744 MILL CITY, OREGON