t—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Guests at the John Swan home Saturday were their son and daugh ter—in—law, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald The Harold Dustans were visited Swan and children of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Al Stahlman enjoyed Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. D. Miller, a visit with Mrs. Stahlman's father, of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bassett and M. W. Dorothy, who stayed with them daughter, Rosalie, were dinner guests foi a week before retuning to Prine . T *1 i y.'- -’j The McCulloch 4-30 saw has 4 brake ville. ¿•y Sunday at the Earl Bassett home. horsepower I (There are many ways to Driving to Albany Tuesday for an Mr. and Mm. R. F. Nelson enjoyed • X*X* LT IH è 11• measure or claim horsepower McCulloch all-day meeting of the Presbyterial a weekend visit from Mr. and Mrs. saws are rated exclusively by accurate Executive Committee were Mrs. Charles Gordan of Lebanon. James Swan, Mrs. Herbeit Schroeder, dynamometer.) Mrs. Jessie Veness of Portland and Mrs. Noble Streeter. { was a weekend guest of her son and Emma Nichols has reported that daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bob her father, Steve Nichols, suffered a [ Veness. stroke and is in the Santiam Memorial Overnight guests last weekend at hospital for treatment. He will be J the Robert Thorps home were Mrs. taken to Portland later in the week. I the Robert Thorpe home were Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Baughman en Reeves from Delake. tertained as dinner guests Sunday, Mrs. H. E. Smith was in Clatskanie Mr. Baughman ’s brother and sister- | from Tuesday until Saturday where ANGLE in-law, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Baughman medicai treatment for she received Equipped with exclusive new McCulloch CUTTING I and son, Timothy, of Salem. asthma. high speed Sabertooth cutter chain, the Mrs. John Muir went to Mt. Angel Visiting at the R. I.. Roberta home 4-30 has sensational speed; it cuts big Wednesday night where she took her Mrs. Kate Shimmin and Sunday were trees and logs in seconds I son, Bob and Miss Patricia McKinney, 8 and 4U obligation. This is the fun and honor organization of the Amen- from Salem. I some other features: Recent dinner guests at the Verne I can Legion. Their yearly project U Shaw home were Mr. and Mrs. Earl 1 child welfare. L Automatic clutch...Kickproof automatic- Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kimmel motored Bassett and their family, and Mrs. ‘ »wind starter...Chroma-plated cylinder to Portland Sunday where they took Bessie Bassett. wall... Chroma-plated saber steal blada Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Shuey drove in a merhandise show. They reported ...Built-in oilar...Positive chain tension McCulloch Motors presents the powerful, into Portland Saturday to spend the cloudy weather in Portland until in control... Grouped engine controls, in weekend with their son-in-law and the afternoon. Here in Mill City the cluding starting primer button; no chok smooth Model 4-30 gasoline-powered chain saw. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Que Haines. sun shone brightly all day long. ing required. Weight is properly balanced It is a professional-quality saw of advanced Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mundt and fam Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Cooke received on each side of blade for easy use in all design, built for fast, all-day sawing in ily were in Salem Sunday, where they news this morning that their son at d positions. timber up to 5 feet in diameter. were guests of Mr. Mundt’s parents, daughter-in-law, Lt. jg and Mrs. Jim Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mundt. I Cooke have become parents of a 6 Largest Builders Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crass and ' pound nminJ baby huhv girl, orirl named nflmpH Lynn. T.vnn This Thii of Power Chain Saws son, Lee, of Manzanita, were visitors is the Cooke's first grandhchild. here over the weekend at the Bob Mr. and Mra. Dale Groves have Mundt and Bud Thomas homes. purchased the Charley Wolverton Mr. and Mrs. H. 1. Plymale and house on West Kingwood. The family Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Hutchinson and has been living in Jefferson, with family were guests Sunday at the Mr. Groves driving each day to the Clyde Golden home in Idanha. M&M Plywood plant where he is eni- PHONE 1652 1st and Broadway ployed. A birthday dinner was held at the V erda Goble home in honor of their son, Rodney’s 15th birthday. Guests were Ml. and Mrs. Bill Swan, Ryan. I Swan and Chuck Davis. After the dinner the young people went to an afternoon movie. Miss Alice Smith, superintendent of the Mill City Presbyterian Sunday school, and Mrs. Frank Bass, super intendent of the Mill City Commun- i ity church Sunday school, recently , went as delegates from the district Sunday school union to visit the De- troit Church of Christ. Mr. and .Mrs. George McConnell of Portland, were visitors Tuesday at the Jay R. Mason home. Guests one day last week were Mr. and Mrs- George Wilds and son, David of Eu- gene. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Wyrick and children were weekend guests at the home of the Verbecks, Mr. Wyrick contributed to the morning service of the First Christian church by singing The couple is now living in Roseburg, but they are both graduates of Mill City high school. Bob Mundt, who works with the How to tell if it's a modern short-stroke engine: check the water department of Pacific Power specifications of bore and stroke. in a short-stroke engine & Light company, is being transferred the “stroke” is as short as, or shorter than the "bore.” to Albany. He will begin his duties there about the 31st of this month and will move his family when suit able quartets can be found. .L, a^rTn€e Thornley. younger son. of the Melvin Cases, has returned home I after having completed his two-year tour in the US army. He plans to work in Portland, temporarily before entering Lewis & Clark college to complete his studies. He formerly at tended Portland State. A series of "coffee hours” has be- gun here, in the interest of the fund- raising campaign for the March of Dimes. The first of these parties was held at the home of Mrs. Bob Veness Tuesday. Atending were Mrs. Al */nkus, Mrs. John Swan, Mrs. George i 'eteto and Mrs. Kenneth Chance. Russell and Carl Kelly took about 15 members of Coach Burton Bor ough s high school basketball squad Corv_allis Saturday night, January as their guests at the Oregon-Ore gon State basketball game at Gill THIS YEAR, the truck industry is beginning to Coliseum. This has been a very follow Ford’s lead to modem shortstroke V-8 engines. special treat to the boys for the past several years. Shorter stroke prolongs piston ring life up to 53%. A program featuring three of the Engines last longer! You get more usable power. You lower elementary grades W111 be can save up to one gallon of gas in Beven! sented in the Grade School auditorium M c C ulloch Make sure you get Money-Saving short-stroke power. Only FORD has it in every truck! But here’s the big thing to remember: FORD and only Ford gives you a short-stroke engine in every size truck from Pickups to tandems— available nou! Ford, most experienced builder of V-8’s in the busi ness, has four short-stroke V-8’s and the industry’s most modem short-stroke Six. So, before you buy any new truck this year— look under the hood! Go modem! Go short-stroke! Go Ford Truck—the Money Maker! C mlus / Ford Triple Economy Trucks Leras / suowrov ‘ Phone 2724 Ji ill City. Oregon AfQ/Vf r MAKERS FOR '55 Philippi Motor Co. Great TV. Ford Theatre, Station KPTV, Thursday 9:30 Phone 2344 Stay-ton. Oregon 8v 1? clock’ Fnd«>' night, January All interested persons are invited , -' The prt’Kr*m will consist of * A Visit With Mother Goose,” by Mrs. Bentley’s second grade and Miss Peshecks first grade; and the pre sentation called “The Brave Little Mole, by Miss Grimstad’s third grade class. Delegates from the Mill City dist rict Sunday School Union, Glen Shelt- and Bonny Kirsh and Gene Coles, of Mehama, visited the Community church in Idanha Sunday. The trio found vigorous Sunday school activi- ¡es there, with about 85 present that day. Their visit was made especially pleasant by the friendly spirit of the churhe folk. Pastor of the church is Hilbur M. Schmidt. Mr. Shelton re I ported a foot of snow jn Idanha, al though it was rapidly melting. Twelve were in attendance at the regular Bible study class at the home of Mrs. D. B. Hill Thursday morning. The group, conducted by Rev. and Mrs. Noble Streeter, just completed the study of the Book of Revelation, ■nd will now take up the study of Luke. A surprise visitor, but former member, was Mrs. Glen Gordon, who now makes her home at The Dalles. -Mrs. Gordon stated that her son, Don, ■nd family, live in Klamath Falls where he attends Oregon Technical Institute. Mr. Gordon is at present working in Idaho.