fl I BENEFIT DINNER Fairview Cemetery Association Sunday, Jan. 30 Gates High School 1:30 to 3:30 Gates Boy Scouts Have Tickets on Sale Adults $1.00, Children 50c Mr. and Mrs. Charles Umphress took their son Roland and Dean Gluntz to Salem Monday morning where they took the train to Port land. The boys took their phyiscal ex aminations for entrance into the Air An interesting meeting of the Mill Force at that time. City Woman’s Club was held at the Iionaid F. Ellingson joined the Ma home of Mrs. Kenneth Ciosier Tues rine Ke-erves last Monday. Training Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Poole of day evening, with Mrs. John Baldwin Among loggers driving logging Mr. and Mrs. Harold Steele from is held at the Naval Reset ve station trucks on a job near Enterprise, are Monmouth were weekend guests of and Mrs. Delos Hoeye as assistant Mehama were Sunday afternoon in Salem, one day each week. William McCoy, Homer Thacker, Mrs. Poole’s mother, Mrs. Althea hostesses. About 25 members and guests at the Wendell Heller home. Knight and grandmother, Mrs. Ag guests were in attendance. Homer Thacker, W allace Bevier and Wallace Bevier, and Albert Bell. With Firemen were called to the Kate Albert Bell, ariived at their homes McCoy at the Eastern Oregon loca nes» Allen at her home. Sunday night The varied program, arranged by Kennedy home at 2:25 Sunday after- last Thursday night from Enterprise, tion are his wife, Peggy, and daugh Mr. Poole’s patents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. L. G. Hathaway, was as follows: James Poole, accompanied them and noon to extinguish a chimney fire. where they employed. They returned ter, Becky. Mrs. Knight to the basketball game A clever talk on “A Number of i Things,” by Mrs. Lowell Fleetwood, Sunday morning. .Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott returned to Mr. and .Mrs. W. L. Boyd left Jan in Corvallis. member of the Toastmistress club; Mill City Wednesday after a week Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wilkinson have uary 7 to vacation with therr son and Word has been received here this discussion of activities listed under spent vacationing at Palo Alto, Calif. > vacated their house in Riverview Ad daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold week by friends of the Floyd Jones “Civiian Defense,” by Floyd Völkel, Boyd, and three grandchildren in Gales postmaster, who is chairman Mr. and Mrs. Charles Golden of dition and have taken one of the Albuquerque, New Mexico. They will family, that Mr. Jones, who now re for this area; and a short resume of homes on Douglas street, owned by sides at Riverdale, N. D., is in the Idanha, were weekend guests at the I Aiey Podrabsky. stay until warmer weather permits Good Samaritan hospital in Portland the work on the “United Nations” by H. I. Plymale home. tneir return. 1 at the present time. He is feeling Mrs. W. R. Hutcheson, also of Gates Denny Shepard of Salem, who has | better and is expected to return to and a member of the Toastmistresa Ixtuie Rada waa able to return to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson and Dakota soon. The Jones’ lived here club. returned from a hitch overseas his home Saturday after being in the just Sunday here at the home of daughter, Frances, met with a small when he was working on Detroit dam. A short business meeting was con Salem Memorial hospital for several spent of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. gatnenng of relatives at the Arnie ducted by the president Mrs. O. K. weeks. Beers home in the Hazel Green dis Lee Bassett. The Lucky Twelve pinochle club DeWitt, with minutes read by Mrs. trict near Salem, Sunday, Mr. held a pink and blue shower at the Harry Mason, secretary, and treasur Sunday guests at the E. K. Fish Mrs. Glen Sealey of Pocatello, Johnson’s grandmother was honored Arey Podrabsky home for Mrs. Jess er’s report by Mrs. John Baldwin. home were Mr. and Mrs. Allen Fish Idaho has been a guest since New on her 90th birthday. Lee Thursday evening, in addition to The Civics Committee report was and daughter, Joan, from Astoria. Year’s day at the home of her son-in- their regular get-together. Those gift read by Mrs. John Muir, in the ab Mrs, George Cree left Tuesday ing the mother-to-be were Mrs. Elma sence of Mrs. Vernon Todd, announc- and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ned Mr. and Mrs. Frank Severs, Judy law morning to enter Salem Memorial Stewart, Mis. Frances Merrill; Mrs. I ing the beginning of the Home Nurs- S. Warriner. and Allen, enjoyed a weekend in hospital wheie surgery is to be per Toots Blazek; Mrs. Joan Cauble; ig class on Wednesday evening, Janu- Astoiia where they visited Mrs. Sev Sunday visitors at the T. 11. Baugh formed Wednesday. Mrs. Cree was Mrs. Ruth Kerr; Mrs. Nadine Dug ( ary 26, in the high school recreation er's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. man home were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph previously confined there last Nov- and Mrs. Ivan Sparks and the new Johnston and their three boys from ember for surgical treatment of the gan; Mrs. Marie Stewart, and Mrs. room. It was also announced that the I Eva Agee. . comic book situation is being watched baby, Douglas. Sweet Home, and Mr. and Mrs. Lee same ailment. I but is quite well under control in Mill Baughman of Crabtree. The installation of Sherry Hansen City. Mr. and Mrs. George Veteto and | for Girls was greatly heightened by Report on activities of the Camp- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Carlson en- Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Stiffler motored the arrival of several relatives from fire Girls was made by Mrs. Delos joyed a weekend motor trip to Van to Salem Saturday where they at the arival of seevial relatives from Hoeye, who stated that there are now CAN APPLY FOR couver, where they spent Saturday tended the wedding of Miss Joan Washington, who spent the weekend 11 active groups. More financial aid night with the Clifford Vests. Sun Schroeder, niece of Mrs. Stiffler, to1 with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin is needed by the girls, however. The LIFE INSURANCE day they visited Louis Perkins in ' Stanley Vistica of Woodburn. The ne Hansen. Among those who came to of- club voted to pay the leaders’ mem Kansas City, Mo.—Even though Bonneville before driving on home. wedding took place at 11 a. m. in fer go^'VshV ^ bership fees, with individual sponsors you may be past 60 let us tell you St. Vincent de Pauls Catholic church. how you can still apply for an extra Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kelly and the The Vetetos and Stifflers weie over (ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jens Hansen, from paying their own. The annual Father- $1,000 worth of life insurance to help children are home from their three night guests of Mrs. Victoria Stiffler. I Castle Rock; her maternal grandpar- Daughter banquet for the girls is to , , ents, Mr. «*«« • and anil Mrs. ««. v va a van y n K. C. V/^.JUIU, Opsahl; ail an w. be I1VIM held v«««o this «.>•« Saturday evening. take care of final expenses and other weeks vacation in Southern Californ- I uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A “ Pioneer Meeting' j ” is scheduled emeigencies. | ¡a. The family absorbed as much Mr. and Mrs. Art Redinger and son, ’ place in February, at which You can handle the entire trans- local color as time permitted, visit Arthur, of Gresham, weie guests of Weekley, their daughter Pam; I Mr. j to take action by mail with OLD AMERICAN ¡ng Tiajuana, Mexico, San Diego Zoo, the Don Moffatt family Saturday and ' and Mrs. Ted Opsahl, Kay and John- time many guests will be invited, with of KANSAS CITY. CITY. I.v No obligation, I a, and ’<i insny many points points vi of nite interest in Los Sunday. While here Mr. Redinger ny; Mr. and Mrs. Kay Hansen and Mrs. A. E. Westgaard as chairman. Donations were made bv members No one will call on you! I Angeles, especially those appealing gave a welcome assist in getting The Kirk, all from Longview and Mr. and to the Scholarship Loan Fund Tues- Write todav for free information, to the youngsters. During their stay Enterprise plant in operating con Mrs. Geoige Opsahl of Kelso. i day evening. Simply mail post-card or letter (giv- they were guests of the Shields Re- dition after the installation of the Following the meeting, refresh ing age) to Old American Ins. Co., Mines, who have taken a cottage at addtional typesetting machine. Red ments were seived the group by the 3 W.’Jth, Dept.L136K, Kansas City 5, Newport Beach. The Kellys leturned inger and Moffatt worked together in three hostesses, Mrs. Crosier, Mrs. Missouri riday evening. North Dakota beffite coming west. Baldwin and Mrs. Hoeye. I 4—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THl RSDAY, JANUARY X 1955 Mr. and Mr». Lowell Cree have had as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Cavilee and Donnie, relatives of Mrs. Cree. Mill Ends Gates People Attend Woman's Club Meeting Mrs. L. N. Iverson and daughter. Miss Carol Iverson, of Salem, and Mrs. W. D. Nettleton, and son, Craig of Dallas, spent Sunday here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Muir, and to help Mrs. Muir celebrate hei birthday anniversary. PEOPLE 60 to 80 Former Resident Is Honored at Silverton •4w r i « for one-man woodcutting The McCulloch 4-30 saw has 4 brake horsepower! (There are many ways to measure or claim horsepower McCulloch saws are rated exclusively by accurate dynamometer.) SPEED ANGLE CUTTING Equipped with exclusive new McCulloch high speed Sabertooth cutter chain, the 4-30 has sensational speed; it cuts big Swtng it upside down, blade up, blade dawn, any position you want It always eats full power without adjustment trees and logs in seconds I some other features: McCulloch Motors presents the powerful, smooth Model 4-30 gasoline-powered chain saw. It is a profeasional-quality saw of advanced design, built for fast, all-day sawing in timber up to 5 feet in diameter. ■eight b aaiy N pounds, complete with I* mm * Hods and chain No other saws of awe than 3 h* are this light I M c C ulloch Automatic clutch...Kickproof automatic- rewind starter...Chromo-plated cylinder wall...Chrome-plated uber steel blade ...Built-in oiler... Positive chain tension control...Crouped engine controls, in cluding starting primer button; no chok ing required Weight Is properly balanced on each side of blade for easy use in all positions. M/ortrf'p Larga* Builder» o# Power Chain Saws Becker Broth?r* McCulloch Chain Saws PHONE 1652 1st and Broadway MILL CITY A group of Mill City people joined Mill City Rebekahs Attend other old-time friends at Silverton on Saturday at a luncheon honoring the Lyons Lodge Meeting 80th birthday anniversary of Mrs. A. > LYONS—Faith Rebekah lodge held L. Hawkins, former long time resi their first meeting of the new year dent here. Wednesday evening January 12 with The affair was given at the Clar Garnett Bassett, noble grand presid ence Reid residence on Water Street ing over the meeting. Installation was by the guest qf honor’s three daugh postponed and planned for the next Eu- meeting due to the absence of the ters, Mrs. Rosetta Bradbury, of ~ gene, Mrs. Esther Neil of Salem, and District Deputy president. Mrs. Elgie Reid of Silverton. ’ The regular routine of business Additional guests were Dr. an(l was carried out, and reports from Mrs. David Ferguson of Pratum, various committees heard. and Mrs. Strand and daughter _____ ___ _ trustee _ ____ Beulah ___ Lewis ____ was _ _ elected V alsetz, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Reid of for a term of three years to replace Salem, and Ethel Mason Harrington, Blanch Wagner, and Helen Anderson of Silverton. was appointed drill captain. Going from Mill City were Mr. and) Guests present were Marie Stewart Mrs. James Swan, Mrs. J. F. Potter, the neW NobIe Grand, Eva Duffy and Mrs. ( urtis Cline, Mrs. R. F. Saucier, Blanch Syverson, from Santiam Re Mrs. Ed Haynes, Mrs. L. G. Hatha- j ,bekah lodge in Mill City. Deputy wav. Catherwood, Mrs. — w«.« _ Robert Massey and way, Mrs. A. F. Catherwood Mrs. Grand Master Harry Wood, Mrs. T” J- ’ ” ' R°hin8on »jMrs. Massey from Gervais were also and Miss Sigrun Grimstad. __ ■ __ who ' L ‘ _1_ present. Massey, is chairman of Attending with the hostesses were the United Nations ..... Pilgrimage ----- --------- ----- for Mrs. Bradbury’s family of Eugene, Marion and Polk counties gave a Mrs. Neil’s young daughter of Salem, short talk regarding the sponsorship and the host, Clarence Reid. of a student to be sent on the trip to the United Nations. At the close of the evening a no HAR, HAR, HAR DE HAR HAR “I wonder why a girl can’t catch host luncheon was served and Ro a ball like a man,” mused the boy. berta Longnecker. Millie Beckett and “Oh,” bubbled the sweet young Elsie Myers, the committee appointed thing, “a man is so much bigger and for the next meeting which will bo January 26. easier to catch.” LICENSED Raleigh Harold GARBAGE SERVICE FLORIST and NURSERY 319 West W«ahiagtaa Street. OPEN SUNDAYS AND i EVEN1NQS Telephone M$4 STAYTON OREGON $1.54 Per Month and Up Aba servicing Gates. Lyena, Idanaka and Detrait Phone »96? MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE LBONARD HERMAN It is Time to Renew Your Subscription to The Mill City Enterprise «