LYONS 2_ THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, JANI AR4 6, 19 » ■> By Eva Breasler We’re Back On the Job After an enjoyable vacation we are back on the job ready to serve you that Fine Food Drop in and see us soon. We are also serving your favorite cocktails. Chuck’s Fine Food LOCATED ON HIGHWAY 22 EAST OF GATES The United Nations, its purposes, possibilities and its working rela tionships with the church will be the subject under discussion by the Lyons MYF, according to Jerry Gustafson, Christian Outreach chairman of the gioup. A 4-session unit, the study be gan January 2 with Janet Beilin, former youth delegate to the United Nations, sharing her experiences and impressions with the group. Panel discussions and filmstrips are plan ned for the succeeding sessions. Representing the Lyons MYF at a weekend training conference at Jason Lee Methodist church in Salem, this coming weekend will be Judy Norton, Mehama, and Virgil Trout, Lyons. The conference will deal with the pro gram aieas of Christian Fellowship and Christian Citizenship, and will provide the training necessary for the two young people who are responsible for those areas within the Lyons group. In order to assist the youth group in its future program-plann ing, the WSCS of the Lyons Method ist church recently voted to pay the PROMPT CALL US lA>t us take care of your heating oil needs for the rest of the winter. We’ll keep your tank or barrels full of That Clean-Burning Shell Heating Oil H. L. ASHBY Phone 7907 or 5934 DISTIBUTOR SHELL PRODUCTS MILL CITY , OREGON Business and Professional registrat on fees for the two repre DIRECTORY sentatives. i r i Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Decker, • Clarence Jr., and Sue Ann of Eugene, f- ? T? ' JOHN W. REID, M. I). were New Year’s guests at the George I b e , Ì LS < „ l ILL iu Hubard and George Huffman homes. .Mrs. Decker is a daughter of the Physician and Surgeon Hubbards and sister of Mrs. Huff man. MILL CITY, OREGON Sunday dinner guests at the home of .Vlr. and Mrs. Lyle Burmestei were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Beran and her aunt, Mrs. Fan J. YV. GOIN nie Kalina of Scio. The dinner was EXPERIENCED VETERINARIAN honor the Beran’ o s on their 40th to rioiivr LUC wv.-.. - By HAROLD'S FLORAL GARDENS wedding anniversary, which will w? Phene 6338 Stayton, Oregon January 7. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Berry have i eturned home after spending the holidays in Sacramento, Caiif with re- | latives. Weddle Funeral Home Donald Olmstead, who spent the holiday vacation at the home of his Madern Funeral Service parents, returned to Klamath Falls, where he attends OTI. STAYTON OREGON ► dim HEADIIGHTS WHEN MEETING Nova Ann Gerath returned to Cor vallis where she is a student at ca FOLLOWING VEHICLES .... Oregon State. ond fceep youf cor in safe driving Cecil Bassett returned to Eugene, cord'ficn at all times! where he is a student at the Univers ity of Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kubeck and sons, Jerry and Steven, of Fairbough. Septic Tanks and Sewers Cleaned By Mrs. John Teeters Calif., were Friday night guests at Phone Salem 39468, COLLBCT S Sgt. John Barker and A2c Clif 1079 Elat St. W. Salem the home of her uncle Wood Oliver. Mr. and Mrs. James Wright and ford Ciook left Sunday for Edwards daughter, Mary Ann, returned home AFB in California after spending a after spending, the holidays with week’s leave here at the Charles relatives at Mountain Home, Idaho. Crook home. Stayton-Jefferson Cecil Teagarden has returned after Visiting at the Hailey Johnson visiting with relatives at Nampa, home and with other relatives and AUTO WRECKERS friends for Christmas were Mr. and Idaho. Mrs. Carl McDonald, of Kent. Mrs. Merle Johnson and daughter Rebuilt motors and trans Wash., and son, Grant, of the U. S. from Glendale and Mr. and Mrs. missions. Navy, who is stationed at Alameda, Willard Johnson from Florence. Calif., were Sunday guests at the Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Wagner and Cars bought and sold h' me of her brother, S. T. Roberts chrldren visited here several days We buy junk. during the Christmas holidays from and family. Truman McClellan, who is with the Happy Camp, Calif. USAF spent the holidays with his The Howard Siewerts from Neotsu Phone 6284, Stayton, Ore. wife and children at the home of her were weekend guests at the Ray- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Walk mond Branch home. er. Mrs. McClellan returned to Ala Mr. and Mrs. Glen Berringer from bama with him. They will return late Springfield visited friends here dur- in January for the children, Pat and ing the weekend. SEPTIC TANKS Jimmy, who remained with their Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schultz from CLEANED grandparents. They will then return Fortuna, Calif., visited Monday of to Arizona where he was formerly last week at the Robert Draper home. Prompt service in the stationed. Visiting Tuesday were Mrs. Drap Mr. and Mrs. Duane Downing have er’s sister and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Canyon when you call us moved to The Dalles, where he will Roscoe Smith, also from Fortuna. be employed in the Electrical section Visiting for the Christmas holiday Reasonable Rates of The Dalles dam project. Duane, ' at the home of Mrs. Esther Ohms w’as who as an engineer at the Detroit Eddie Beck from Eugene. Richard Satisfaction Guaranteed dam was the last of the personnel to i McCord from Euphrata, Wash., vis- Stayton leave there. They plan to e at The ited for several days between Christ- Phone 6284 Dalles for aobut six years. mas and New Years. Also visiting at the Ohms home was Henry Chenchek from Denver, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Finkner from SUBSCRIBE TO THE ENTERPRISE Se Scete 'Witá Akron, Colorado, visited several <lays last week at the B. L. Kirsch home. The Finkners, who were <C?a<tory-Supervised neighbors of the Kirsch’s in Colorado AK* ANY also visited at the L. E. Wallen and MAU MODEL Chris McDonald homes. Weekend guests at the Kirsch home were Mr. fOR YOUR and Mrs. Paris Bouche and family TELEVISION OR RADIO! from Canyonville. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McMurdie ¿Udf 3207 and family moved last week to the Apple Tree Court east of Lyons. Stiffler’s Radio & no - MEHAMA MIKE'S Septic Service What’s the new news in the ’55 cars ? Is it V-8 Power? Is it suspended pedals ? Ford has had it since 1932 Is it Ball-Joint Suspension ? Ford had it in 1954 Is it hood-high fenders? Ford introduced them in 1952 THE MILL CITYr ENTERPRISE Ford introduced them in 1952 Is it oil and battery signal lights, curved instrument panel, rotary door latches, push-button door handles, power-lifts for all windows, Overdrive, Hotchkiss Drive? Ford has had all of them, too! Entered as second class matter No vember Iff. 1944 at the post office at Mill City, Oregon. under the Act of March 3. 1879. NATIRNAl EDITORIAL Per Year Marian-Linn Countien Ì2.50 Outside Marian-Linn Cauntlen M.90 •ON W. MOFFATT EditOT Publisher Applinace Co. Mlii City, Oregon LITTLE ILLS MAKE 5\G • True, that •Tittle illm f you’ve been mentioning —3 • n offhand way, may a«.'* seem to amount to much— just a few faint symptom» But, neglected, thest 'Tittle ills” cun lead to big bills for doctors, medicines, etc; not so mention needless suffering and loss of precious time» Consult a Doctor now— you 11 save by it in the ends And, of course, we hope you 11 bring his prescription to ee poundings When you need PRINTING Telephone 2651 MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Special Sale For the Month of January The NEW S is Thunderbird Styling It’s not the l<H»k you saw in any of last year's cars. It’s the new look inspired by the Thunderbird. Anti it set the styling for Ford’s '55 lines. GENVINE BALLERINA CHINA In any five colors or mixed colors Test W The NEWS is Trigger-Torque Power It a trigger-quick GO which C*n obey your Kornm&ncis in 7 KM) of a wcond —four times faster than you can wink. The NEWS is Angle-1 ’oised Ride ^u'y ne n A new, advanced form of Ball-Joint Suspension which not only swallows the big burnt* but also cushions minor ruad flaws to make even smooth ruads ride smoother. PHILIPPI MOTOR CO BLUE GREY GREEN YELLOW ( HARTRUESE BURGUNDY 5 Piece Place Set $1.19 HILL TOP GENERAL STORE STATTON. OREGON A & M Toman Mill City. Oregon