GROCERY Meats and Groceries WB GIVE NORTHERN PREMIUM STAMPS N.W. Alder St. & 7th Ave. Mill City, Oregon DR. MARK HAMMERICKSEN REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Has moved his Mill City effice to Stayton in the Post Office Building, 2nd Floor, tn the Dr. Victor J. Myers offices Thursdays 1 p. m. to 6 p. m. HOME OFFICE: M3 W. FIRST. ALBANY CLASSIFIED RATES Miscellaneous Ten cents per line each insertion. No advertisement accepted for less ban 50 cents , per week. Church oazaais, suppers, bake sales, sic. will be run under • special An- wuncements” classification with a minimum charge ot 50 cents per in MAGAZINE Subscription agency. Legal Notices See us for both new and renewal sertion. subscriptions. 319 W. Washington Count five words to the lint in Street., Stayton. 49tf NOTICE OF ANNUAL ELECTION ordering your ad. Phone 2651, Mill FOR DIRECTOR City or mail your advertisement to Notice is heieby given that pur The Mill City Enterprise, Mill City, WANT TO BUY TIMBER suant to the provisions of Section Small or large tiacts Oregon. 99-3010, O.C.L.A., an election will be Either cash or stumpage basis held on Tuesday, January 11, 1955, STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. for the purpose of electing a director *>i mile west of Mehama. Oregon 3tf of said district for the term expiring PARRAKEETS FOR SALE.—Ideal December 31, 1954. for Christmas gifts. Continuous LOGS WANTED At a meeting of the Board of Di hatching. All colors. Also breeders, Top prices paid. Six inch to 50 inch rectors of said district held December cages, seeds, supplies.—North San diameters in eight foot, or multi 13, 1954. Mrs. Frank Blazek, Mrs. tiam Avaries, lli miles east of ples of eight feet, "e also buy John Swan, and Mrs. George Stewart Gates. 48tf stumpage. were selected as judges of said elec BURKLAND LUMBER CO. tion; the place of holding said elec- Turner, Oregon tion was city fire hall, selected by the FOR RENT -Furnished apartment in Phone Turner 1125: Evenings phone I Board. 25tf j Dated this 27th day of December, in business district of Mill City.— Turner 2502 or Salem 27826. ~ ~ ~ 11954 and published in The Mill City Nita Hornei, Phone 6142. 49tf FIREWOOD FOR SALE—Wood from Enterprise December 30th, 1954 and M & M plant at Lyons. Core wood January 6, 1955. FOR RENT—1 bedroom log house, or log ends. Two or three cordj JACK D COLBURN, Secy. ’ located betw-e^n Mill City and 1__ J — »1AAA i'nrl___ * J Gates. Inquire at Chuck’s Fine Foods east of Gates. Phone Mill City 5824. 48tf FOR RENT—One bedroom, complete Sawmill LOGS WANTED Top prices for Second Growth ly furnished cabins. Chuck’s __ Fine • Foods, east of Gates on highway ! STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. 22. Oliver Willis. 4°tf *4 west of Mehama. Oregon 51tf FOR RENT—4 bedroom house, lo YOU CAN still cook for $1.50 per cateci on Douglas Street. Cali 5972. month on a modern automatic pro- j Arey Podrabsky, Mill City. 52 pane range; clean, fast, dependable. ’ Call Sam Bridges, Lyons, 295; (also heating, water heaters, refiigerat-1 1 tion, brooders and Norge appli ances. 9tf | The Old Stork hasn’t made a mistake yet. He knows where to go. ' Silver Saddle SERVICE STATION & TRAILER COURT Phone 903, Mill City. GATES TIRES and BATTERIES OFFICE FURN1TLRE and equip ment, typewriters, adding machines, i calculators, cash registers, duplicat- I ors, safes, filing equipment. We sell, , rent, swap and repair. Bargains in • used machines. Roen Typewriter Exchange, 456 Court St., Salem, tf Real Estate FOR SALE—1 bedroom home, pletely furnished. Located on nice lots. Call 3952, Mill City STAYTON, OREGON E. E. ROBERTS Public Accountant Tax Consultant Auditor Bookkeeping. Accounting and Tax Service Corner 3rd and Marion _is>-SS Sr* STAYTON, OREGON Phone 4114 REAL ESTATE Glen Shelton, Broker West side Mi! City Jerry Coffman Gene Teague Chevrolet P. O. Box Ph. 220’ Business Services WE SELL BETTER CARS FOR LESS AUTO SUPPLIES GENE TEAGUE MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE FOR QUALITY JOB PRINTING See The Mill City Enterprise. Top Quality printing, priced right. Fast service too. Phone 2651. Nights call 905. Gaibage. ashes, trimmings. e»e weekly nickuns $1.50 nor month Also light hauling I .eon a rd Herman Phone 395? Guaranteed Television and Radio Service Stiffler's Radio & Appliance Co CHEVROLET STAYTON. OREGON IT PAYS TO BUY AT HOME take tiiis opportunity to thank you for your friendship during the Santiam Fanners Co-op Grinding and Mixing Mee hi wer y ( ontme Cleaning Harrfwarn Heed Marketing Petrolenm Prod »et» HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES PHONE »024 STAYTON. OREGON Hilltop General Store Phone 2724 A. & M. Toman Mill City, Oregon