DETROIT Home, and Mrs. Lee Howland and children of Detroit. The Earl Clesters left here the first of the week for Tillamook, wheie Mr. Clester will be employed for the winter. Guests at the Francis Stout home were Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Moses of Detioit. At the Leu Davis home in Idanha were Mr. and Mrs. Lester Beeson of Eugene. Arriving at the Francis Johnson home in Detroit from the Hood River area were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Me- Clenket nnd children, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Blankenship, John Johnson and Camilla Johnson. Observing Christmas at the home of her parents the Chick Masons, were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gabiiel and child­ ren of Sweet Home. Among those going out of town to spend the holidays with relatives were Mr. and Mrs. Evan Firestone and children, who motored to Port­ land. Mrs. Firestone and children re- Heavy Sncw Hits Top Side of the Canyon ! LYONS 8—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30. 1954 Springfield, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Titze How to Clean Furniture and family of Turner, Mr. and Mrs. By Eva Bressler By Boots Cham mon Richard Brown and family from Rid­ Told in New Circular DETROiT—Old man winter wasn’t Simple “touch-up” can keep wood Faith Reuekah lodge held their dle, Mi. and Mrs. Bob Carleton and A white Christmas set the stage fooling one bit when he dumped 19ti melting at the hall Wednesday eve­ family from Bonneville. Mr. and Mrs. furniture in to ^condition. Myrtle ws folks in this area observed the inches of snow on us poor unsuspect­ ning with Roberta Longneckei acting Duane Downing and Paula. Carter, Oregon State college exten­ holiday in tiaditional fashion with ing creatures up here, Nooie Gland due to the absence of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Powell, Ann sion home furnishings specialists, ex­ family gatherings dominating the The storm began early Friday Garnett Bassett, noble grand. The and jsihn spent the day with his par­ plains some of these in a new exten­ -scene. morning and most of us were sur­ regular routine of business was cai- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Powell in sion circular. Arriving here Christmas Eve from prised to find snow all over the place ried out and reports of various com- Silveiton. She tells how to clean furniture for .Mountain Home, Idaho, for Christmas when we arose. Sunday we had a re­ m.ttees heard. At the social hour the Mrs. Cora Corbett of Salem spent longer wear and better looks. Mrs. «iinner with her family, the Pat prieve, then old man winter’s little annual Chistmas paity was held with several days at the home of her i Carter says that after a protective O’Brien’s were Mr. and Mrs. Clifford helper “Jack Frost” kicked the thei - a gift exchange and silent pal names brother, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bressler.' wax coating is put on, it is important White. mometer down to a low 13 degrees. weie reveaied and new ones diawn | Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Berry went to dust with a cloth treated for waxed Others entertaining with dinners One resident along the lake shore for another year. Jean Roberts and to Sacamento, Calif., wheie they surfaces. ■were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Layman. reported a cool 8 degrees. Some water Alta Bodeker were in chaige of the spent the holidays with relatives. She also tells how to revive foggy «Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Thad pipes were frozen. Monday evening Christmas tree and decorations. At the Mrs. Ramie Martell and sons, Tim­ or faded finishes and remove white ■Jayne of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. John more snow fell. (close of the meeting dainty refresh­ my and Tommy and her mother, Mrs. or dark spots. Scratches can be re­ Meals and daughter, Bernice, and Mrs. Mabel Parker stated the ments were served, canying out the Pearl Averill spent Christmas Eve removed or made less noticeable, she Martin McCann of Detroit. greatest depth of snow on the ground holiday motif in the table decorations. with relatives in Lebanon. says. The home furnishings specialist At the Earl Clester home were Mr. at any one time was 16 inches. Gertrude Weidman, Hazel Neal and Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. lists methods for several stains and :and Mrs. Leonard Bullaid of The Hazel Lewis were in charge. Percy Hiatt were Mr. and Mrs. natural woods. Ktallea, Mr and Mrs. Marion Soua and mained in Portland for a week’s Even dents can sometimes be taken Recent guests at the home of Mr. Leonard Thoma of Lebanon, Mr. and ghildren of Roseburg, Mr. and Mrs. visit. They will return home Monday. Mrs. Harry Elmer and son, Gail, of out, she says, if wood fibers have not and Mis. Burl Smith were Mrs. Mau ­ Art