6—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, DECEMEBR 16. 1»54 ™■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Give Lingerie And Blouses from ADA’S for Christmas this year Come and see our selection of Christmas Cards and Gift Wrappings Today! Ada’s Needle Shop Hours 8:45 to 5 : P. M. Phone 2243 Friday Night till 7:00 Mill City, Oregon Entertain Your Friends ' -Mill Ends- S The Firemen's Auxiliary will en- tertain their husbands at their an-' kV nuul pot luck dinner and card party I J Saturday night. | P Little Gloria Marshall, daughter of the Robert Marshalls, celebrated her 6th birthday anniversary with a party at her home Saturday afternoon from 2 until 4 o’clock. Members of the kindergarten, which Gloria attends, and neighborhood children, made up the group of 14. Following party games, and opening of the many gifts, refreshments weie served young guests. Make it a habit to bring your out-of- town friends here for dinner. Here you will find food cooked to your taste, and served in a PLEASANT ATMOSPHERE. We serve your favorite cocktail Join the North Santiam Chamber of Commerce The New Butterball Package ' , | i | | Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Lowery attended funeral services in Portland Satur day for Claude Cawrse, of Hanford- Richland, Wash., former labor fore man here for several years on the dam. He had been superintendent of labor for the Kaiser corporation for some time. Survivors include the widow, Annette, and her son, Francis Hiland. Here 1 Order Now For Good Selection of Sizes V MILL CITY Stew Time , Mon. Dec. 20 | Cabbage | CHUCK S FINE FOODS East of Gates HIGHWAY 22 Parsnips Turnips Carrots Onions I FV 'M Mate this his BIG year! Give him SHOP SMITH*—a complete home workshop in one compact unit (9" sow, 12" sander, I61//' drill press, 34" lathe and horizontal drill). Giving him SHOPSMITH is like giving yourself a room full of furniture, toys for the children or even a new room! Complete with % h.p. motor ond bench $26950 EASY TERMS 10 precent down will deliver this to your home in TIME FOR CHRISTMAS KELLY LUMBER SALES Open Saturdays Authorized Shop Smith Dealer East Mill City Limits, Highw ay 22 Phone 6803 • *T M. r»e Os eorf fowl«* eossMw V I- U.S GOOD 4 BIG MATCHES Mountain Man Dean 380 pounds. Worlds largest Wrestler vs. Cowboy Pete Ritter Dallas, Texas TV Star JOAN BARR Selected as girl wrestler of the year by National Boxing and Wrestling Magazine vs. KATHEE STAR World’s Middleweight Champion MARS MONROE vs. HILLYBILLY KATE TAG TEAM MATCH Reserve $1.25 Children 50c I Genera Admission $1 inc tax Veedol for Faster Starting VEEDOL 10-30 flows more freely even in the cold est weather. It means easier, faster starting with longer life for your battery. And because it flows so readily you get instant lubrication—with less engine wear, less warm-up stalling—quieter hydraulic valve action too! LET VS DO VOI R SERVIC E WORK A Highw ay 22 at 7th Street Phone 542, MILL CITY t 98c SURF = 24c U. S. NO 2s POUNDS HILL TOP MARKET Harold Kliewer Eddie’s Associated Station 4 T (