. 3—THE ----- — MILL CITY ENTERPRISE and Idanha received another skiff of They played Gates Tuesday night. Albert Fagan, recently of Portland THl'RSDAY, DEIEMEBK 16, 1*54 snow Monday night. No trace Tues Is now making his home with his day. I^egal Notices brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and , The Detroit Church of Christ By Boots (hamoion Gale Fagan. The boys aged mother, of SPECIAL MEETING Christmas program will be held Sun . , Starting Tuesday a representative day evening December 19th at 7:30 who is in poor health was recently re- i u A special school meeting will be of the unemployment department will p. m. in the church parlors. There leased from a Portland hospital. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Johnson of ] held at 8:00 P. M., December 20, 19M, be present at the Fire hall in Idanha. will be a tree and treats for the child Portland were weekend guests at the I the high school recreation room, The Detroit grade school will pre ren. All are welcome. ... .. w. ' for f the purpose of HKCtlSSinir discussing accept sent a Christmas play, “Still Shines Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Jones, who home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Moore. ance of surplus property offered by the Star.” They will sing carols De reside at the Detroit ranger station Mr. Johnson and Mrs. Moore are the federal government, said property cember 21 at 8 p. m. in the school are receiving felicitations on the birth brother and sister. being located in Lark Addition to the gym. The high school will also sing of a son, Steven Lynn, who weighed in City of Mill City. Polls will be closed Quality Job Printing at Christmas cahols. at 8 pounds 6*£ ounces. He was born at 9:00 P. M. 49-50 The Mil) City Enterprise The Deanha PT A challenge basket] December 8 at Salem General. Steven ball game played Friday evening in Lynn was born his 19 month old sist- j NO. 15,391 the Detroit school gym, Mothers vs. er, Linda Lou’s birthday. Grand NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Daughters, and fathers vs. Sons, parents are Mr. and Mrs. Howard I have filed my Final Account in ended with the mothers scoring 26 to Pickier of Redmond City, Calif., and 1 the Estate of A. D. Scott, deceased, daughters 21; fathers took a back] Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Jones of Gold with the County Clerk of Marion i seat to their sons in the three-minute Hill, Calif. County, Oregon and the court has set Phone 5807 Mill City overtime play to break the tie of S3. Mrs. Hilma Dickie, who accompan i the 27th day of December, 1954, at The score ended sons 38, fathers 33. ied Marion Kite to Bend last Friday 9:15 o’clock A. M. and the circuit A large crowd was on hand to watch j remained for a visit at the home of court room as the time and place for the game. About $90 was grossed of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Merg in Bend. Open 6 a. m. to 11 p. m. hearing objections thereto and the which the net will be added to the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rutherford settlement of said estate. PTA project fund. The PTA will hold and family of Portland were weekend I A. GWYN GATES, a no-host dinner at 6 p. m. Thursday, visitors in Detroit. Executor of the Estate ef Dec. 16 in the school cafeteria. Visiting at the Harold Champion I A. D. Scott, deceased. The annual out-door Christmas tree home over the weekend were Miss W. H. BELL, in Idanha was decorated Sunday. This Evalyne Czarnetzski and Fem Nel Atty for Executor project is sponsored by the American son of Salem. Miss Czarnetzski and Stayton, Oregon. 47-8-9-50-5X Legion. Mrs. Champion are cousins. John Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Mary Gordon of Idanha, who Len Davis of Idanha, who attending will graduate from OCE in Monmouth | OCE at Monmouth, will return home in June completed her one-week Saturday evening for the holidays. teaching and observation period as re Saturday evening, from 8 to 12 the quired as part of the college course, I junior and senior classes will hold a at the Detroit school recently. Miss , Water Systems Business and Prefessional Christmas ball in the school gym Gordon attended the Detroit school Entertainment will be provided for from the sixth grade up, and gradu DIRECTORY Fowler Clothes Dryers the evening and refreshments served. ated in 1952. Most of the logging operations in The seasons first basketball league Phone Lyons 1634 this area are still closed down due to games which began Dec. 7 with De JOHN W. REID, M. D. snow in the higher elevations. Detroit troit vs. OSD, Detroit won 57 to 45. I DETROIT Viv's Steak House • • • MILL CITY MEAT MABKET Quality Meats and Groceries Closed Mondays Lyons Plumbing FOOD LOCKERS FROZEN FOODS ^’•bscribe to the Mill City Enterprise Physician and Surgeon MILL CITY, OREGON J. W. GOIN EXPERIENCED VETERINARIAN By HAROLD'S FLORAL GARDENS Phone 6338 Stayton, Oregon Weddle Funeral Home Modern Funeral Service OREGON STAYTON MIKE'S Septic Service Septic Tanks and Sewers Cleaned Phone Salem 39468, COLLECT 1079 Elm St W. Salem No, sir... your ìould not be a pin-up girl Phone 6284, Stayton, Ore. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED A flick of the switch and electricity turns on the sun - no matter what the weather’s like outside! Dries all fabrics quickly and safely with positive electric control of temperature and timing. Stayton-Jefferson AUTO WRECKERS Rebuilt motors and trans missions. Cars bought and sold We buy junk. she should have an automatic Prompt service in the Canyon when you call us Reasonable Rates Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone 6284 Stayton CLOTHES DRYER Se Sette TVitA No other appliance saves so much work and worry - and the electric dryer is easy to install, easy to operate SOR YOUR Winter, summer spring or fall your sunshine's plugged right in the wall! I .4 whole week's washing is dried for just w few pennies in an automatic electric dryer! Electricity is the biggest bargain in your family budget! No, sir— she does not enjoy being a pin-up girl ’ Not the kind that pins up heavy, wet wash on the clothes line, anyway. That’s just plain hard work — her back gets tired and her hands get chapped. So why not make her life a lot easier and happier? You’ll find that an electric clothes dryer is reasonably priced, costs less to operate than any other, and has every feature she wants. Make her happy — buy her a dryer! PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Electricity's cheap in Pacific Powerland TELEVISION OR RADIO 3207 Stiffler’s* Radio & Applinace Co. Mill City, Oregon COMPOUNDED W,,H CARE • Every prescription ru inated to us is compounded as though our reputation rested upon the accuracy and quality of that prescription alore. And it does! That is why we use only fresh, potent drugs; double- check every step for accuracy. If you seek prescriptions com pounded with the utmost care, ws invite your patronage. Capitol Drug Co. Salem BUIAUf ' YOUR ELEClRIC APPLIANCE DEALER WILL HELP YOU BUY HER JUST THE DRYER SHE WANTS. SEE HIM TODAY! MT® M PSI S( BIPTIQWS