Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1954)
and 541,000 acres were relogged. Legal Notices Douglas county again lead pro duction figures with a log harvest NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING Oregon cut 8,587,160,000 board feet of 1,495,316,000 board feet, closely A special school meeting will be of logs during 1953 to lead all states followed by lame with 1,314,722,000. held at 8:00 P. M., December 20, 1964, Coos occupied third place with 677,- 1 in the country in timber production, in the high school recreation room, feet and Linn was State Forester George Spaur, an- 000,000 board for the purpose of discussing accept fourth with 543,000,000. Other coun nounced today m Salem. ance of surplus property offered by ties with volume» harvested: Nineteen fity-three was the •ix- 5. Tillamook ........ 483,899,000 b. f. I LYONS—Santiam Valley Grange the federal government, said property Here is a boot that will keep you warm in any kind teenth consecutive year Oregon has 6. Jackson 455,611,000 b. f. was hust to all county granges Sunday being located in Lark Addition to the ci weather. It is an insulated boot. maintained leadership in timber out- 7. Lincoln 434,273,000 b. f. afternoon at the Santiam Valley City of Mill City, Polls will be closed COME IN AND SEE THEM. put. 49-50 389,988,000 b. f. | Grange hall. The meeting was called at 9:00 P. M. 8. Clackamas Priced at only, per pair ....................... The harvesting report compiled by 9. Curry 348.428,000 b. f. at 1 p.m. for the purpose of installing NO. 15,391 the state forestry depai rtment from 10. Josephine 246,703,000 b. f. officers of the granges of the county. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT WE ALSO CARRY figures furnished by the U. S. For In eastern Oregon Grant county led i After sandwiches, cake and coffee I have filed my Final Account in est Service, Indian Service and field with a total harvested figure of 199.- 1 were served, the following officers personnel, indicates a reduction of 049,000 board feet. Klamath was sec ¡were installed. Mildred Norman, state the Estate of A. D. Scott, deceased, with the County Clerk of Marion 1.3 billion boa id feet under the 1952 ond with 153,358,000 and Lake third secretary was installing officer. These are plastic socks for boot wear. Just put a log harvest. In 1952, 9.8 billion board with 14X.248.OOO. County, Oregon and the court has set pair of light socks on, plus the Cold Guard Socks, Masteis—Jake Myers, Santiam Val- the 27th day of December, 1£|64, at feet of logs were cut. 'ley; Gerald Truax Pomona, Will 9:15 o’clock A. M. and the circuit The total volume removed from pri and enjoy real foot comfort this winter. vate, county, and BLM lands was 6,- DETROIT CHURCH OF CHRIST I White, Evening Star; Lincoln Oeder, court room as the time and place for Lacomb; Howard Crokett, Crowfoot; hearing objections thereto and the 940,206,000 board feet. The report al We are selling our Indian Moe’s at special price (Christian) Paul Kraft, Lake Creek; David Mac- settlement of said estate. so shows 1,518,400,000 boaid feet from now until Christmas. Pherson, Western Star; Lyman Miller, were cut from U. S. Forests Service Sunday School 9:45 A. M. A. GWYN GATES, Callamette; John Ater, Morning Star; ownership and 128,554,000 board feet Preaching at 11:00 A. M. by Reg. $2.60 and $2.95 now only and Executor of the Estate of Don Summers, Minister. Ben Cole, Stayton. fiom Indian lands. A. D. Scott, deceased. Loggers were active on approxima Youth Meeting at 5:30 every other Overseers—Frank Basl, Santiam w. H. BELL, tely 980,000 acres of forest land to Sunday Evening Valley; Glenn Eastman, Scio; Lyle Atty for Executor tally this huge crop of trees, Spaur Seymour, Lacomb; Ron Cox, Crow Stayton, Oregon. 47-8-9-50-51 EAST OF THE BANK MILL, CITY Phone 1826 Have Something to Sell? said. Of this total figure, 439,000 foot; Rodney Fruitt, Charity; Otto acres were cut for the first time Fnterorise ( lass Ads Pay Wetgen, Lake Creek; Gene Martin, Callamette; Ardle Edwards, Morning >4 TÀJi - 7 Star; George Sandner, Stayton. Lecturers—Bertha Basl, Santiam Valley; Nellie Vannice, Pomona; Al- ■ vilde Eastman, Scio; Glen Grenshaw, I | Lacomb; Effie Kinxer, Crowfoot; Hat Business and Prefessional tie Peterson, Lake Creek; Irene Mac- DIRECTORY I Pherson, Western Star; Anatta Wood, »ISA) iCallamettte; Ruth Richardson, Morn ing Star; Mury Cold, Stayton. JOHN W. REID, M. D. I Stewards—Albert Stevens, Santiam • mmuhm Valley; Gale Burkhart, Pomona; Physician and Surgeon Frank Peoples, Lacomb; Cecil Chris tensen, Charity; Carl Peterson, Lake MII.L CITY, OREGON Creek; Lester Abraham, Western : Star; Art Chambers, Callamette. Assistant Stewards—Bernard Van Handle, Santiam Valley; Walter Rice, J. W. GOIN T»Â » Scio; Arthur Oeder, Lacomb; Roy EXPERIENCED VETERINARIAN Kinzer, Crowfoot; Fred Turrell, Char By HAROLD'S FLORAL GARDENS ity; Kenneth Vennice, Lake Creek; Phone 6338 31 Stayton, Oregon Loren Campbell, Callamette; Arden Goin, Morning Star. Chaplains—Alta Bodeker, Santiam Valley; Gladys Mason, Pomona; Ma mie Cox, Crowfoot; Jennie Stroda, Weddle Funeral Home Charity; Rosa Cook, Lake Creek; PHONE 1561 GATES, OREGON. Ethel Caldwell, Callamette, Gladys Modern Funeral Service Mason, Morning Star. OREGON Treasurers—Lorena Stevens. Santi STAYTON am Valley; Grace Sickels, Pomona; Nel Donahue, Scio; Annie Long, Crow foot; J. C. Clay, Lake Creek; Ralph Black, Callamette; Clara Kiser, Morning Stai; Jack Richards, Stayton. Secretary—Fern Sletto, Santiam Valley; Winonah Wiley, Pomona; Septic Tanks and Sewers Cleaned Phone Salem 39468, COLLECT Edna White, Scio; Alta White, Even 1079 Elm St. W. Salem ing Star; Edna Oeder, I.aconibr Ruby Miles, Crowfoot; Adeline Waggener, Charity; Lillian Skiles, I,ake Creek; Alvin Carnegie, Callamette, Rebecca Drager. Morning Star. Stayton-Jefferson Gatekeeper—Casper Gerath, San- jtiam Valley; Wilson Stevens, Pomona; AUTO WRECKERS IG. I>. Condon, Scio; Fred Briske, Rebuilt motors and trans- Crowfoot; Nico Nissen, Charity; Dan Vannice, Lake Creek; Joe Goodehouse, • missions. Callamette; Robert White, Morning Cars bought and sold Star; Fiank Galloway, Stayton. Ceres—Celene Taylor; Santiam We buy junk. WiiiiììllìlH Valley; Lorette Nakonsky, Lacomb; Inez Crockett, Crowfoot; Vonda Falk, | Charity; Gladys Clay, Lake Creek; | Phone 6284, Stayton, Ore. Ina Bellows, Western Star; ■ Emma A Goodehouse, Callamette; Alice White, Morning Star; Vema Tiger, Stayton. Pomona—Lois Myers, Santiam Val SEPTIC TANKS ley; Edna Oeder, Pomona; Jane The Bel Air 4-Door Sedan —one of 14 new Fithor Body beavhei in three new geriet Sledge. Scio; Wanda Grav, Lacomb; CLEANED Lucy Sheriff, Crowfoot; Jean Fruitt, Charity; Alice Peterson, Lake Creek; Prompt service in the Virginia Miller, Grand Prairie: Jean | Canyon when you call us Smith, Morning Star; Edith Philippi, I Power Beyond Compare! Maybe once in a car-buying lifetime, you Stayton. Reasonable Rates come across something that breaks all the You also feel the new idea Flora—Margaret Phillips, Santiam quickly . . . quick power like Satisfaction Guaranteed Valley; Ina Bellows, Pomona; Helen old patterns and establishes new ones. This a panther’s paw with the new Weeks, Lacomb; Hazel Briske, Crow I is that kind of car. This is the true story of Stayton “Turbo-Fire V8" (162 h.p.) foot; Lena Warden, Charity; Gladys ( Phone 6284 and two new" Blue-Flame” 6’s. Coldiron. Lake Creek; Lily Martin, how Chevrolet and General Motors shaped And sparking this perform Callamette: Joan Hilliker. Morning a new idea in steel. Star; Anna Stanley, Stayton. ance is a 12-volt electrical Ladf Assistant Steward—-Alma system giving you better igni Van Handle, Santiam Valley; Frances tion, faster starting, greater electrical reserve for any of the Like most good ideas, this one is pretty simple. Ch-vrolet and Johnson, Pomona; Sharon Douglas, power assists you might desire. You have a transmission General Motors set out to build the first low-priced car that PHILIP Lacomb: Mary Lindsay, Crowfoot; choice of economical Overdrive and improved, automatic would: Lila Turrell, Charity; Loretta Olds, Powerglide (optional at extra cost) or standard shift. AN* • bring vou the very freshest and finest styling to be had. ANY Lake Creek; Mildred Campbell, Calla MAU MODEL a hr mette; Frances Goin, Morning Star; Even Air Conditioning! Cynthia Galloway, Stayton. • bring vou the kind of performance and the hind 'ide that have /OR YOUR Executive Committee—Elmer Tay never been available before in a low-priced car. And if you desire the convenience of power assists (optional TELEVISION OR RADIO lor, Lloyd Sletto, Giles Wagner, San- at extra cost) . . . you'll find new power-steering and improved • *>« thr highest fuoliti of manufoctu tiam Valley; Katherine Schmidt, Har power brakes on all models. Power-controlled windows and 3207 All this in Chevrolet’s price field“ l did take some doing! ry Wiley, Giles Wagner, Pomona; powershift seat are available on the Bel Air and "Two-Ten” And isn't it logo .il that only Chevrolet and General Motors Ivan Taylor, Lacomb; Lafayette Hall, Stiffler’s Radio & models, while air conditioning may be added on V8 models. have the jieuple, ’kills, resources and l.inliues, to carry out this Dart Long, Gale, Burkhart, Crow Applinace Co. foot; Randall Grimes, Dennis Strora. exciting new idea’ Here is how Won ’ t You Try It? • Mill City, Oregon Charity; Ed Krebs, Emmett Cook, O. this new Chevrolet changes ail S. Coldiron, Lake Creek; vour ideas alxiut can! Walter Here, tie tan only tell w>a how successfully the .Motoramic Chevrolet Hense, Glen Ohling, Western ____ Star; rifrroej Me ant idea behind it. Hut the car itself can i/uukly rhou you! Pauline Fisher, Charles Ray, Lester Real Show-Car Styling! Come in for a demonstration dint, icon t wu, first chance you get. Liles. Morning Star; Andrew Fery, I ouv eve tells wa the .Motor amie Stayton. Chevrolet n no styling “patch-up" fob I rakish, lots profile . . . sojt su illness from its sleek rear fenders to its wide-eyed Sueep- 'ighl windshield . . . a new outlook fee motoring. MORE THAN A NEW CAR, When you need And that outlook doem'l i Cinge when vow slip inside . . editing fabrics A NEW CONCEPT OF LOW-COST MOTORING and trim aie hmm u-id with the whole car. 4— THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1954 Oregon Ix‘ads All States In Lumber Production Grange Officers Installed at Lyons Sunday Servus Insulated Boots For Winter Comfort S11.70 Cold Guard Sox 2.50 2.75 Chuck's Shoe Shop ^’»bscribe to the Mill City Enterprise Shop at Our Store For LASTING GIFTS For The HOUSE Parker-Hutcheson Furniture MIKE'S Septic Service The exciting new idea behind the motoramic Chevrolet Sc Suie. TVerA A Sensational Ride! You live the nr« idea instantly ; . . vou glide . . . actually glide because spherical joints "roll with the punch” of the road in Chev rolet’s new Glide-Ride front sus pension. And ositricger rear springs mean new balance in turn« . . . turns made so effortless by new ball-race steering. And when vou ’top suddenly, new Anti-lhve braking control chevki that nosing down in front . . vou get "heads up” stop ping Tubeless mes mean much greater protection against blowouts. And mill uc» high-level ventilation there's fresher air. Everyth ¡ng's neic fn the mot ora mie CHEVROLET Z J ’ 1 I 1 1 ‘ * w > Drive with care . . . EVERYWHERE! Make December 1 5 and every day SAFE-DRIVING DAY! GEHE TEAGUE CHEVROLET IW 2311. St avi in. Oregon CHEVROLET SALES & SERVICE P R I N T I N G Telephone 2651 MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Viv's Steak House Phone 5807 • Mill City • What a comfort it is, in time of serious illness, to know that hands—skilled and experienced in the task assigned—serve you with painstaking care. Your prescription it im portant to you— and to us. e Open 6 a. m. to 11 p. m Salem Closed Mondays S( WlPTlOWS