Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1954)
6—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2. 195» M rs George Cree, «ho underwent major surgery in Salem the forepart of November is now home and can have company. She has just recovered from a 10-day siege of pneumonia, but is coming along fine and would be glad to see her friends. ....................................................................... LYONS Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kuhlman and family spent Thanksgiving day in By Esa Bressler Bend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Election of office!» highlighted the Raymond Thompson and Wes Greene. On the way home Lee ran over and meeting of Faith Rebekah lodge held j killed a coyote on the highway be Wednesday evening at the Rebekah hall. A small group was in attendance. tween here and Bend. New officers elected were Roberta, Longnecker, noble grand; Norma; Pennington, vice grand; Alta Bodeker,, secretary, and Helen Johston, treasur FAMOUS CONEY ISLAM) er. Following the regular routine of' business, refreshments w-ere served. I Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Thompson and, sons, Eldon and Ervin, have moved to the Percy Hiatt house between Lyons and Mehama. The Thompsons operate LARGE BOW I. Willeatha’s restaurant. Mrs. Wilson Stevens of Lyons is doing some substitute teaching in the Detroit giade school. Um-m It’s Good—You'll want several The MYF meets each Sunday even ing at 6:30 p. m. at the Methodist par servings once you taste it. sonage. Methodist Sunday school is at 9:45 and Worship service at 11 a m. The November meeting of the of ficers and teachers of the Lyons Methodist Sunday school was held at IN MEHAMA—ON THE SANTIAM I the parsonage with Mrs. Alex Bod eker, superintendent in charge. Plans were discussed and made for the com ing winter months. Plans were also, made for the Christmas program, I with Mr. and Mrs. David Bennett and.l Ivan Smith the program committee. December 19 is the date set when the | MYF group will present a pagaent I Ax’ in the evening, and in the morning following the regular Sunday school | the primary department will present a short program with Mrs. Glen Julian in charge. Other committees appointed were Music, Mrs. John Pri- deaux and Miss Hazel Neal; cos tumes, Mrs. Leonard Cruson, Mrs. Samuel Roberts and Miss Norma Miller; decorations, Mrs. Glen Julian, Mrs. Harley Scott and Mrs. Alex | Bodeker; publicity Mrs. Clyde Bress- | Friday Night till 7:00 Hours 8:45 to 5 : P. M. ler and the MYF group Mill City, Oregon The second meeting of a series of | Phone 2243 five of the Girl Scout leaders train- | ■ ing meeting was held Monday, No- ' vember 29 at the Catholic community I hall, conducted by Mary Lewis of Salem. District« represented were De- I troit. Gates, Mill City, Stayton and Lyons. Mr and Mrs.. William Talbott of Grand Ronde and Mr. and Mrs. Har vey Wright, of Creswell, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Loren Chamberlain. The Wrights w-ere | overnight guests. Mr. and Mrs. Thorton from Kelso, Wash., were recent guests at the home of her sister and family, Mr. ' and Mrs. Frank Durland. unirvi WARM HntL AND H earty FOR COLD WEATHER APPETITES' Clam Chowder Riverside CaSe New Navels Gift Suggestions Bath Mats Towel Tets Scatter Rugs Baby Blankets Ada's Needle Shop 3 Rec-ent callers at the .Geroge Cree home were Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Bur- mester, and Mrs. Josephine Morgan of Scio; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Neal of Bandon, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cree of Bend. Too Late To Classify I J. PARRAKEETS FOR SALE.—Ideal for Christmas gifts. Continuous hatching. All colors. Also breeders, cages, seeds, supplies.—North San- tiam A varies, 1*4 miles east of Gates. 4Htf Make this his BIG year! Give him SHOP SMITH*—a complete home workshop in one compact unit (9" saw, 12" sander, lb1//’ drill press, 34" lathe and horizontal II). Giving him SHOPSMITH is like giving rselt a room full of furniture, toys for children or even a new room! ORANGES 2 39c Tomato Soup3 29c 3rem “■ 3 Ketchup JOIN THF NORTH SANTIAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE i doz Ive him SHOPS Complet« with % h.p. motor and bench $26950 EASY TERMS 10 precent down will deliver this to your home in TIME FOR CHRISTMAS Superior Soda That’s what you get when you let KELLY LUMBER SALES Open Saturdays Authorized Shop Smith Dealer East Mill City Limits, Highway 22 Phone 6803 — «T M. r»« V* •** tor*'«* Guaranteed Cleaning * t's Take Car* of Your Cleaning Problems 1 NUMETHOD Crackers 2 lbs 39c g 48 HOUR SERVICE Mill City, Oregon Superior Graham Hours t to 8 Veedol 10-30 Motor Oil FOR GREATER GASOLINE MILEAGE TRY 11 YES! Veedol 10-30 can step up your gasoline mileage too ... as much as 15 percent! Veedol 10-30 has a lower fluid friction with less oil drag— it pays off in more miles per gallon particularity in stop-and-start driving which make up 85 per cent of average driving. Crackers 2 lbs 49c Mayonaise H 59c Quart HILL TOP MARKET LET US WINTERIZE YOUR CAR TODAY Harold Kliewer Eddie’s Associated Station Highway 22 at 7th Street Phon« 542, MILL CITY 'j e Mill City, Oregon.