Editor's Letter Box V—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRIS’ THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1954 Thaksgiving Wishes We wish at this Thanksgiving time to thank you all for the splendid patronage you have given us. We hope that you will have an enjoyable Thanksgiving holiday. LEO AND ELAYNE RUSSELL Leo's Richfield Service WE PICK UP AND DELIVER Phone 3251 Hiway 22 Mill City When in Need of Printing—('all The Enterprise—2651 MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Quality Meats and Groceries FOOD LOCKERS FROZEN FOODS GATES To the Editor: Mrs. Albert Millsao This letter is addressed to you in At the recent Sadie Hawkins dance the hope that a message will reach some the veterans of the Old Thiid given at the high school, Beverly Oregon Infantry, which became the Taj lor and Bill Tatlor were elected 162nd Infantry, 41st Division, AEF in Daisy Mae and Little Abner. Donalee 1917. Annually the veterans of this Oliver received a priz^ for the best regiment hold a reunion banquet on “Dog Patch” corsage. Wednesday evening, November 17 the Saturday nearest the date on a meeting was held at the G. B. which we sailed for Fiance. This year the banquet will be held Frost home for the purpose of otgan- at the Columbia Athletic club in izing a Brownie Scout troop. Portland at 6:30 Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Frost, Jack and JoAnn, motored to Kelso, Washing­ December 11. This will be the 35th reunion ban­ ton, Friday, where Jack and JoAnn quet and the 37th anniversary of the visited their giandmother, Mrs. Ella embarkation of the regiment for over- Bond, while their parents continued j seas. A wonderful feature of this an­ on to Tacoma. Mr. Frost attended the nual banquet is that there has never board of directors meeting of the I been one held when there failed to be Pacific Northwest Kiwanis District, j some veteian there who had never at­ Saturday and Sunday. tended before. This is why we are Jim Crakes, coach, and G. B. Frost, asking you if you would print the superintendent of the Gates schools, I notice of the meeting In your paper. attended the dinner meeting of the I It may be the means whereby one of Marion county "B” league at Salem your readers may hear of the reunion last Wednesday evening. Discussions for the first time and would join with on the Jamboree at Mill City and us for the evening of renewing old other athletic activities were the acquaintanances and swap stories of order of business, the old World War I. ' Tom Campbell, of Albany, was an We of the attedance committee ( overnight guest Friday at the L. L. thank you for one of our buddies Rynearson home. who may see the notice in your paper. Visiting this week at the Elmer If they cannot be with us we would Klutke residence are his cousins Mr. appreciate a message from them. i and Mrs. Bert Ebaugh, from Berkley, Mayor Fred Peterson, Portland, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Klutke and Mr. Chairman, attendance committee. I and Mrs. Howard Farmen, of Mill I City returned the last of the week I from a successful hunting trip in MILL CITY ' EasternOregon. Farmen got a six DISPOSAL SERVICE | point elk, Klutke had gotten a forked Garbage, ashes, trimmings. etc. | horn the week efore. The party vis- weekly nicknns $1.50 ner month ' ited the Fred Ranes mine while they Also light hauling | were across the mountains. I «w.nsrfl Herman Phone 595*) Mrs. Philip Cann drove to Oregon City Friday to take her small grand­ son Mark, to his home and to get her mother, Mrs. Etta Reed, who had visited her granddaughter and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Peetz, there ' for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mulligan spent Friday in Albany’, where they visited their brother-in-law, Len Young, who I is hospitalized there. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Robb, of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Don Carey I and two boys, of Stayton, were Sun- i day visitors at the Harold Wilson some. The get-to-gether was in ob­ servance of Mrs. Wilson’s birthday anniversary. Mrs. Gilbert Brosig, who had been at the Santiam Memorial hospital | since Monday, was brought home I Saturday-. Gooch Logging Supply "Everything for tae Logger' BASSETT’S WELDING SHOP Phone 1111 Phone 116 ^»eet Home, Philomath Branch Store at Lyons Have a Friend in the Hospital? Remember Them With Flowers From RALEIGH HAROLD A Potted Plant or Cut Flowers Make a Stay in the Hospital More Cheerful Call Us, We Will Do Hie Rest Phone Stay ton 6684 Raleigh Harold I1/? blocks west of Stavton highway OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS Phone 6681 STAYTON, OREGON Benefit Ham Dinner Gates High School Tuesday Evening November 30, 1954 Serving from 6 to 8 p. m. Sponsored by Gates Women’s Club Proceeds for bidding fund The corn is drying in the fields ... the overhead seems shades bluer than it has ever been before and the autumn air is a tonic, brac­ ing anil cool. And on this, the most American of all holidays, thoughts go back to the first Thanksgiving and what it really meant. the church for a ... AU FOR THE CHURCH It was a bare bounty lor which the Pilgrims knelt to thank God. Their harvest was not a rich one, they faced the prospect of a long, bleak winter to be followed by an uncertain Spring. But still, those who had survived the ngorous year just past were deeply thankful for all that they had . . . and did not dwell upon that which they had not. It was their faith and the faith of others like them which has enabled our country to survive and flourish. Today, more than ever, we and our children need faith like that. We need to kneel in thanks for a bounty far richer than that known or dreamed of by the Pilgrims. In the church of our choice let each of us praise and thank Him for our blessings. Th. Church is th. greatest lac- lor on .arth for th. bu.lding of character and good cituen.hip It •• a stor.hous. ot spiritual value,. Without a strong Church neither democracy nor civilization can ar* ,our S*whY *v’ry p'r,on ,hou|!i -sularly and sup- port 'he Church. They are (1) *ak’ <2> r°r hm children . .ok, (3) For ,h> >qU S' com"11‘n"r and nation IS; Xh n”? K 'h* Ch”ch Zr.al ”°'al ond — —— ma­ rión to go to church regularly and road your Bible daily Book Chapter Vernes Sunday Psal ms Monday Joel Tuesday Jonah W edn’sd'y Jonah Thursday Luke Friday Luki Saturday Psalms Thia Series of Ada la Sponsored by the Following Firms in Interest of All Churches uo J mo ‘ á ) ij ||!K ttJVJ MN VU MUIR’S BAKERY Mill City, Oregon Prescription Service PARKER-HUTCHESON FURNITURE Liberal Trade-in Allowances Phone 4561 Gates, Oregon KELLOM’S GROCERY Your Personal Service Store Mill City, Oregon HILLTOP MARKET Klirwer Quality Meats Mill City, Oregon a MILL CITY PHARMACY THE GINGERBREAD HOUSE” It’s Snack Time Mehama, Oregon Hi-Way 22 Il I RTE’S FOOD LOCKERS AND FEED STORE Phone 7243 Mill City, Oregon GATES GENERAL STORE Gates, Oregon WRIGHT TRUCK LINES Ship the Wright Way St ay ton, Oregon STEWARTS GROCERY “Go to Church On Sunday* Mill City. Oregon End all your gate annoyances for life with Dering I.ife- Time Gates made of Aircraft Aluminum. This gate is so light, yet so strong, it can t possibly sag or drag. (Sixtcen- foot gate weighs only 59 lbs.) Rolled edges can’t snare or tear clothing or animals. Can’t rust or corrode. Latch is positive, automatic, strong. Can be padlocked. Hinges of sturdy cast aluminum. Six-inch hinge screws provided. This is the ideal gate for ranch and farm. Try one and you won’t be happy until you are completely equipped with Life-Time Gates. 52 in. high, in lengths from 4 ft. to 16 ft. Priced so low you can’t afford to be without Life-Time Gates. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. SANTIAM FARMERS CO-OP SEEDS FERTILIZER FEEDS Grinding and Mixing MACHINERY CUSTOM CLEANING PETROLEUM PRODUCTS HARDWARE HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES SEED MARKETING Telephone 5024 STAYTON, OREGON FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY Cash for Young Timber Too Small to Cut We will pay up to $50.00 per acre for the cutting rights to young timber in good stands of 10 acres or more. You keep the land, use it as you please—we pay you now to cut up to 25 years from now. No dividing, fencing or disturbing of your place—we measure the acres of your timber, pay you now and cut later. We pay the taxes on the timber and at the end of the agreed time all rights return to you. If you have Fir timber 6 inches or more on the stump, within 15 miles of Lyons, and can use cash now.call or write Mt. Jefferson Lumber Company. Lyons, phone Ulrick 9-2121. or call at the sawmill office.